435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Wednesday, February 21, 2024  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Pledge to the Flag  
Roll Call  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that can he say this before they were going to  
start the official meeting, Council is going to give a Proclamation to Mary  
Ms. Mary Griffin thanked everyone for this award. It is absolutely wonderful  
after 28 years plus in doing this business. She thanked everyone so much  
and stated that she is really honored.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated to Ms. Griffith that some folks Council will make  
comments about your Proclamation. She stated to Ms. Griffith you are still  
in the spotlight.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated to Ms. Griffith that she is certainly the angel in  
Allentown. She remembers at least 15 years ago, walking into her place  
and was so impressed. She stated that she showed her everything. The  
food bank, the instruments that kids can learn there that were donated.  
She volunteered to help teach, but said nothing over fifth grade stating that  
is as far as she can tutor. She stated that she was so impressed and Ms.  
Griffith hung in there so many times needing food, needing money and  
basically doing it yourself. She stated that her hard work and truly being an  
angel for these children. She stated that she has so much respect for her  
and stated that she loves her.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that she would like to tell her that she was a single  
mom 17 years ago and she helped her tremendously with her daughter.  
She stated for that she will always thank her. She stated that her daughter  
is now 20 something years or age. She would go to the Caring Place after  
school and will bring her daughter to her. She is grown and doing well and  
thanked her for all that she does and all that she did for her and all the great  
things you do for the community.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that they go way back and he knows that she comes  
from good stock. He is not surprised. He stated that she is the example of  
what everyone should be stating that she is a true human being. He  
thanked Ms. Griffith for what she does. He stated that she deserves every  
bit of that Proclamation.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated well deserved.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that this is awesome because when she first  
moved to Allentown in 2008 or so, Ms. Griffith was one of the first  
organizations that she found. She was right beside the Obama office. She  
stated that she wondered in. The last line of that Proclamation is one of the  
most important things that as cities continue to grow and develop and  
blocks change that they hold true and the people who made Allentown. The  
people who have been committed to the community long before tall  
buildings have came to Allentown. She stated to Ms. Griffith, you are that  
person. Similar to Dr. Mota, she stated that a couple of years ago, if it  
wasn't for Ms. Griffith's food bank outside her mom went because they  
needed to go. With inflation, they might be back. She stated thank you for  
that food bank and thank you for having it assessible. It is right there on the  
street at least in warm weather. It is right there on the street for people to  
take what they need. She looks forward to continuing for 100 or 500 more  
years walking by. She stated maybe not you, but who ever you pass it  
down to knowing that is an asset to the community as they develop that  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Ms. Griffith for all that she does.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated to Ms. Griffith that she doesn't know if she  
remembers back she used to intern at the Caring Place for a very short  
time because she started right before Covid and she was interning as  
helping the children after school homework and during the very short time  
she was there, she learned so much as had such a great connection with  
those kids and it is such an amazing thing that you are doing at the Caring  
Place. Please continue doing God's given work. Thank you.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Courtesy of the Floor  
Courtesy and Privilege of the Floor Rules  
Mr. Gregory Shamp, 335 N. 8th Street, stated that he came here a year  
ago asking for help from Council. He was handed over to Ms. Kistler from  
Code. They met in city hall with her assistant and they accused him of all  
these things, he had to hire an attorney and go to the Magistrate Santiago.  
There was abuse by Mr. Keppel who he met last week to get these things  
resolved. They said that he received citations on his building on Chew  
Street. He never received them. He called the FBI, the Department of  
Justice, he is going to call the Police Chief and if he has to take a lie  
detector test, he will. He never received the notices.  
Mr. Aaron Gorodzinsky, Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, stated that  
the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is the umbrella organization that  
represents over 8,000 Jewish community members and support agencies  
and synagogues, including the Jewish Community Center and Jewish  
Family Services. Since October 7th, the Jewish Community has been  
feeling concerned, nervous, isolated, and hurt particularly in the light of the  
surge of Anti-Semitism and hate speech that has been directed towards  
the Jewish community and anybody who has show-cased support for Israel.  
Even in the Lehigh Valley, the rise of Anti-Semitism in targeting of the  
Jewish community is at an all-time high. The Jewish community has been  
targeted by multiple bomb threats in the city of Allentown. Two of the  
synagogues were targeted during funeral and religious services and at  
least one, the Jewish Community Center during the Jewish New Year which  
is the holiest of celebrations for the Jewish community. He stated that  
being a practicing Jew in the city of Allentown and attending religious  
services in our city has now become an issue where security is to be  
considered. As a result, their community has invested hundreds of  
thousands of dollars to ensure that our facilities in the city of Allentown are  
safe. They have applied for a security grant at the state and federal level.  
They have hired a full-time security advisor to engage every single  
organization and conduct threat, liability and risk assessments to  
strengthen the physical security of our buildings and help our community  
have an integrated security plan in case of an emergency. There is no one  
community prayer service that occurs in the Jewish community that doesn't  
require having armed security to ensure the safety of their community. This  
is not normal and it should not be normal. He thanked Chief Roca who has  
literally been a rock for the community and the Allentown Police  
Department and the Fire Department who have responded to multiple  
incidents in their Jewish facilities. He thanked the local FBI team and the  
city police for all the work they are doing to keep the community safe. It  
would be incredibly hurtful to the community that the one Resolution that  
gets passed is against the Jewish community who is very much active in  
this community. They ask on behalf of the community, the city does not give  
to the pressure and open the door to pass any resolutions that have very  
little to do with the functioning of the city, but it will very much damage the  
citizens of the city of Allentown.  
Ms. Kathryn Hoffman, 1649 W. Linden Street, stated that she lived there  
1987 and decries all murders of civilians no matter what nationality they  
are. She decried the October 7th murders and the almost 30,000 women,  
children, and old people that are being killed in Gaza right now as they  
speak. She always comes down on the side of peace and negotiations.  
That is what she wants to happen now in Gaza between Israel and Hamas.  
She understands the gentleman's concerns, but it is also anti-Muslim and  
violence that is happening in the country. The point he left out which is very  
essential is that in all those world conflicts none of them except for Israel's  
attack on Gaza is funded and enabled by our tax dollars.  
Mr. Drew Swedberg, Film Manager of the Civic Theatre of Allentown, 527  
N. 19th Street, representative of Lehigh Valley Artist Alliance and as a  
Signatory of Lehigh Valley Artists for a free Palestine, stated a letter signed  
by over 100 artists and local community members who are joining global  
calls for a cease fire as well as a local cause for this Council to  
immediately put the Cease Fire Resolution on the agenda. While the  
mayor and this body governance remains silent, a US backed genocide  
funded by an estimated $1,653,519.00 of federal taxes of Allentown takes  
place in Palestine. As the city sends their police in riot gear to intimidate  
constituents who are mourning and organizing for Palestinians. He stated  
that they see clearly that this is a local issue and that their own struggle for  
liberation from militarized police force and surveillance in Allentown is  
deeply interconnected with Palestine as the horrific bombardment of five  
million Palestinians intensifies as they speak are resolve to ensure the city  
puts a cease fire on the agenda sharpens and as the Pennsylvania Reps  
recklessly push through a $95.3 billion bill for war with $14 billion to arm  
Israel. Their commitment to see a free Palestine in their lifetime remains  
steadfast. He read from their letter.  
Ms. Jacque Irizarny, Saint Elmo Street, stated she is an artist in the Lehigh  
Valley known as Happenstance. She stated that her art is an extension of  
herself and it reflects peace, community, activism and truth. She often  
hears that she is so brave on what she does. They thank her for everything  
she does or don't even bother trying. It is a waste of your time, but she  
hardly ever hear how can they help her change the world. Much like her art,  
they are an extension of them and now you should represent or should  
represent peace, strength, courage, empathy, solidarity, and truth. She  
stated here is how you can help your people. You can be a symbol of  
change and do what's right for humanity and call for a cease fire. Every day  
they sit idol, indiscriminate bombs are being dropped on Gaza and more  
innocent people are dying. As of today, nearly 30,000 people have been  
killed. Many of whom are women and children. She stated that their hearts  
are shattered by this. Your hearts should be shattered by this. She stated  
that we must advocate for life, safety and basic rights for all people. It is  
unjust to think that the people of Gaza deserves anything less than all of us  
or we deserve more than they do. She stated that their grief does not only  
apply to Gaza, it extends to our every day citizens in the city that is also  
struggling with grief and the ability to survive here in our city. She asked  
Council to work together for change. She asked to call for a cease fire and  
end this.  
Ms. Josy Irizarny, Saint Elmo Street, asked Council to be on the right side  
of history and draft a resolution for a cease fire. The genocide funded by  
the US is being live-streamed and now elected officials are complicit in  
their silence. They cannot and will not turn our backs on the people of Gaza  
as they are being obliterating by the US bombs. Everyone should be doing  
everything they can to stop this massacre. As quoted from the Times of  
Israel yesterday Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich as he said that the  
return of hostages was not the most important thing for Israel further  
promoting the destruction and continuation of this massacre. Time is  
running out for Gaza and the hostages as Israel prepares their ground  
invasion and continued assault of Rafah where 1.4 million people are  
currently trapped.  
Ms. An-Nisa Amatul, stated that in the last few months they have seen a  
genocide unfold in Gaza. They have reached over 28,000 deaths and over  
12,000 being children. They are seeing no clean drinking water, no food  
besides animal fee and grass with a blockage of aid to come in.  
Individually have had surgeries performed without anesthesia. Has Gazans  
have been pushed to Rafah. They were told they would be safe and now  
being bombed. The Prime Minister has recently stated that the war would  
extend for another six to eight weeks. He also approved the access to  
Palestinians to Al - Masjid al - Aqsa which is a holy ground for the Muslims.  
She stated that they have seen the Israel state stating that they will not  
agree to another cease fire even as other nations have pulled their  
diplomats out and some severing ties entirely. President Biden promised  
aid to Israel in outrageous numbers while claiming to send humanitarian  
aid to Gaza, but does nothing to allow it to be let in. The deaths have  
doubled, if not tripled. The ones that are under the rubble. They are  
looking at over 28,000 deaths over 12,000 being children and if they are  
including the ones under the rubble, it is more than 30,000 to 35,000  
Palestinians who died during the genocide. Those who are still living have  
no clean water. There are reports of people having to shave their heads so  
that they can be more sanitary because there is a risk of infection. They  
ask that a Cease Fire Resolution be introduced and passed and while it  
doesn't seem like local politics issue, this is where it starts. If anyone  
remembers history with the South African Apartheid gained its freedom by  
starting with local government. She stated as they elected them, they  
elected them to be their voices and that goes all of their voices, everyone  
sitting here. Allentown is known and she has been in the Lehigh Valley  
since was five years old. It is 20 years. Allentown is known for being very  
diverse and having Muslims, and Christians and Jews and everyone  
around it. It is a large Palestinian population, a large Syrian population and  
a large African American population that all need to be represented. She  
stated that they ask for the city represent their people. It helps to listen to  
the voices. They are asking for a cease fire resolution that would help with  
humanitarian aid to Gaza and the release of hostages and political  
prisoners and reuniting families.  
Mr. Logan Michael stated that he is from a smaller town outside the Lehigh  
Valley. He has lived in the Lehigh Valley his entire life. He is now an adult  
and he was not planning on coming tonight. He was not planning on  
speaking when he was on his way here. He was thinking to himself of what  
he experienced last night in the city of Bethlehem. It was his first time  
attending a public City Council meeting and listened to the stories of over  
40 community members. His Palestinian, his Jewish, his Muslim  
community members, college students and others who spoke up to  
demand what they were feeling. He is here today to echo the call that the  
Allentown City Council draft and pass a cease fire resolution. In a town he  
comes from he remembers not too long ago. It was just a couple of years  
ago. The last time it was a social justice event in his town, where he is from  
for Black Lives Matter, specifically. There was a small group of students  
who came to his town to protest and give their voices and say what they felt  
needed to be said. They were met with violent hate. They were met with  
people waving confederate flags, showing hate symbols, screaming slurs.  
A child was spit on. That is what he has known, but ever since being active  
in Allentown for the last couple of weeks and in Bethlehem and Easton and  
this wonderful area. He stated that he is sure that they are aware. This is a  
wonderful city with some really great people in it. This city has shown him a  
new love in which that he did not know it existed and it has given him a new  
passion and that is the passion that has given him the ability to come up  
here tonight in front of all of you and all the amazing people speak. He  
echoed what his brothers and sisters tonight have said. Allentown and the  
region have shown him an incredible amount of love that he did not  
recognize existed.  
Mr. Robert Wags, 202 N. 22nd Street, stated that the brutal atrocities on  
October 7th awakened many of the depravity of Hamas. The roofless  
terrorist organization controlling Gaza. More than 1,200 Israeli's were  
savagely murdered, babies were burned and decapitated, women were  
raped and 220 Israeli's and others were taken hostage. He does not recall  
many of this group coming and asking for a resolution at that point and  
condemning Hamas. This was the most brutal attack on Jews since the  
Holocaust. Many are unfamiliar with the problems in Gaza and this was  
intended to provide simple answers to a very complex issue. First, has  
Israel offered land in exchange for peace, yes. Many times. Each peace  
plan offered has been rejected. The Palestinian Authority urgently known  
as the PLO and neighboring Arab countries rejected nine attempts for a  
peace process. Each time instead, turning to terrorism. The Palestinian  
Authority which governs the West Bank, the more moderate of the two  
areas that they are talking about and Hamas pay families of terrorists to  
murder innocent Israeli's. Palestinian Authorities president Mahmoud  
Abbas pays a success bonus and a monthly stipend in perpetuity to  
families of these terrorists. In 2018, Congress passed the Taylor Force Act  
which reduces economic aid to the Palestinian Authority until it ends this  
policy. A policy that continues today. How did the Israeli Defense Force  
respond. The IDF is more cautious about mitigating civilian casualties then  
any other military in modern times. Where was the call from this body to  
issue a resolution during all those events. What should a City Council be  
focused on? A City Council should be focused on a shooting of four  
people in the city of Allentown yesterday. The City Council should be  
focused on the items in this lengthy agenda. Foreign affairs issues should  
be taken up with our federal legislators. If they are not happy, there are  
elections coming up and they can voice with their vote.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated Carlos Marreno, 239 N. 4th Street. He stated no  
Ms. Naomi Fossa, 38 W. Union Boulevard - Bethlehem, thanked Council  
for the opportunity to speak. She stated that she lived in the Lehigh Valley  
for 11 years and worked in the city of Allentown for four. Those who are  
close to her know that her life is full of relationships with children. She is an  
older sister to five siblings, age six months to 17 years and works as a  
childcare provider. She spends a large amount of her time playing with  
children, making sure they are fed, that they can rest and ensuring that they  
both feel and are safe. She stated that she loves her work, but since  
October 7th, when spending time with her family or the families that she  
works with she is reminded what the IDF has been doing to the children of  
Gaza. Enabled by US tax dollars, the IDF has murdered over 12,000  
children, injured 18,000, and orphaned 19,000. In addition to this, Israel  
has arrested and detained 880 minors just this year. Minors detained by  
the IDF are held without trial and in captivity. There are reports of sexual  
and physical abuse. Some children have passed away from cardiac arrest  
due to the extreme food insecurity, stress and trauma they are  
experiencing. Children passing away from cardiac arrest is not nature.  
When she interacts with the children in her life, she thinks of the children of  
Gaza and how each and every one of them is just as precious, curious,  
creative, playful and deserving of life as the children who live in the Lehigh  
Valley. As she works with children, she is disgusted to know her tax dollars  
from this work go towards destroying children's family, dreams and bodies  
overseas. Children do not have power in this world stating it is our  
responsibility to ensure that all children everywhere are not hungry, cold, or  
in danger when it is within our power. It is in the power of the US to ensure  
this for the children of Gaza as we are funding the terror that they are  
experiencing. She stated that they might say that this is not a local issue,  
but she says because children in Allentown go to sleep hungry, cold, and  
afraid as well it is. She stated that if their compassion can't reach  
overseas, will it at least reach outside this hall, the city that you serve. All of  
the taxpayer money that goes to Israel's genocidal sadistic and purely evil  
actions should rather be invested into our communities. She asked  
Council to draft a cease fire resolution and tell the state of Pennsylvania to  
stop sending aid to Israel.  
Ms. Gabriella Delgado, 121 S. Saint Cloud Street, stated that she has lived  
in Allentown for her entire life. Today, she is here to implore the members  
of the Allentown City Council to demand an immediate and permanent  
cease fire in Palestine. Over the past five months, the world has watched  
as atrocities have unfolded in Palestine at the hands of Israel. She stated  
that we have seen Israel to use bombs to turn, homes, schools, places of  
worship, and hospitals all to rubble. They have seen children, infants,  
mothers and fathers get their lives taken away from them and seen the sick  
and injured go without proper medical care due to the blockage of  
humanitarian aid getting into Palestine and because hospitals become a  
target for bombings has resulted in 30,000 Palestinians losing their lives  
and many more injured in only the past five months. She reminded  
everyone here today that despite Israel's attempts to highlight the events of  
October 7th and use it as a scapegoat for the crimes that they are  
committing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people has been  
going on for over 70 years. The Israeli aggression is being funded by  
America's tax dollars and today she demands that their tax dollars stop  
being used to fund a genocide and instead go back to our cities where it  
can be used to benefit the members of the community rather than to cause  
suffering. The suffering of the Palestinian people is inhumane and we as  
citizens of the United States have a moral obligation not to backdown into it  
is an immediate cease fire in place.  
Mr. Jose A. Jimenez, 231 N. Railroad Street, stated he has lived in  
Allentown for over 30 years. He is also part of the immigrant community  
and proud that the City Council also reflects the immigrant community in  
Allentown. He is here in solidarity in calling for a cease fire for the  
genocide that is happening in Palestine. He stated that he is here because  
it is important for Council to listen to the immigrant community here in  
Allentown. A lot of immigrants like himself have been displaced from their  
home countries and this is a clear example of war, genocide happening  
across the world. He understands how they are saying that it is a local  
issue, look around. Allentown is made up of immigrants and of  
Palestinians. A lot of them did not want to come here in the first place.  
They were brought as children and he should not have to stand here and  
explain his humanity of why he is here. He stated that he knows that they  
are also talking about federal tax dollars and what does that have to do with  
Allentown. He stated that they know that federal tax dollars make their way  
to the city for home repairs, education. He stated that they are talking  
about billions of dollars and a lot of people here think that it is going to a  
genocide. There are homeless people here. There are people that need  
repairs to the houses. Our schools are underfunded. How is it possible  
that we are spending money on something that is so immoral. They are  
against the deaths of everybody and hate crimes against the Jewish  
community, against immigrants, against everybody. He stated that he  
doesn't think that they are saying that anybody hates Jewish people. They  
are just saying that the state of Israel is committing a genocide in Palestine  
using our tax dollars. Invest it here, in Allentown.  
Ms. Raya Abduael (sp), 44 N. 15th Street, MYLV, stated that her family has  
a business here in the city of Allentown on 15th Street. She stated that she  
is a Palestinian American and is here today to make three requests from  
City Council. The first is for City Council to propose a resolution to call on a  
cease fire in Gaza. The second request is that they create a Sister City  
with Palestine as we have a Sister City in Israel. She stated the third is ask  
the Police Department stop sending 20 squad cars every they hold a  
protest. They are scaring our youth. She stated that she wanted to share  
her story. Her family is Palestinian and have been displaced by three wars  
before she was even born and spoke about her grandfather and the  
massacre due to militias. They were pushed out into Syria and her mom's  
family was pushed out to Kuwait. In Syria, a war broke out and the war still  
continues on today. Israel bombed Syria today and bombing the  
surrounding countries. She stated that she fears for her families life every  
day. She received death threats and had people call them Hamas, oppose  
them and come to their protests calling them disgusting names and  
intimidating our teenagers, devaluating their lives right in front of them.  
They had to get the FBI involved. She had someone release her name to a  
white supremacy group. She was terrified and thought that someone was  
going to happen to her family. There were five Palestinian people who  
have been attacked because what has happened overseas. They are  
consistently called terrorists groups because they are Arab. She stated as  
they know they have a large Arab population here in Allentown. They are  
business people and they have family overseas as well and they are  
terrified. America should not be funding this genocide and she does not  
approve of her federal tax dollars going to fund a genocide to displace  
more people.  
Mr. Mohammed Khaku (sp), 294 Hopewell Drive, stated that he lived in  
Allentown since 1980 and has worked with many mayors and elected  
officials in Allentown. he goes back to Roy Afflerbach. He used to do  
campaigns for all political campaigns. He worked for many years with all  
elected officials. He stated that he is a freelance writer and a member of  
Lopoca and a board member of Lehigh Valley Justice Institute. He was the  
vice chair of SEIU. He still works and attend the meetings to End Mass  
Incarceration and he has a blog called Speak Up - Silent No More. He  
stated that he is going to speak up today and this comes his heart. He was  
watching the news. His wife doesn't watch TV. When she watches this  
thing on Gaza, she cries. Last night she was crying and he could not  
speak. The pictures coming from Gaza are disturbing and distressing for  
us. He asked could you imagine what is happening to the children of Gaza.  
He worked all his life at Peace and Justice Institute. He was following the  
Jewish Federation and every Saturday there was an ad in The Morning Call  
and billboards. He can give a lecture of 75 years of occupation by Zionist  
Israel. That is an occupied regime by the United Nations. They don't have  
any right of defense. The Palestinians have the right of defense. Zionist  
Israel occupying regime is an occupying regime by the United Nations. He  
stated that he doesn't have to give a lecture. He can give a lecture too.  
There are 22 UN Resolutions that have been vetoed by US. Yesterday,  
Biden had an exit ramp to not to veto the resolution and he vetoed the  
resolution. There is a difference between Zionism and Judaism. Jewish  
Historians have written books after books on the difference between  
Zionism and Judaism. He stated we are not against any Jewish people. It  
is against Zionism. After seeing the pictures, he hopes that they work for  
the resolution because silence and abstaining is a crime to humanity. You  
that are not going to work towards this resolution has to look into your souls  
and reconsider if you have a weak heart. He stated 30,000 people killed  
with half of them children.  
Ms. Aishwarya V. thanked Council for letting her speak. As a part of the  
medical field, she believes that life has immeasurable value. It can be  
taken away in seconds, but with care and kindness it can be preserved for  
years. When people face such earth-shattering violent attacks and losses,  
they are left with PTSD and may not have a cure. Imagine crumbling at the  
sounds of weaponry. It is possible that any similar sound even if they are  
safe will take them back to that instances that broke their lives apart. She  
hopes that they can live in a world that they leave behind weapons of mass  
destruction and shower each other with beautiful flowers and all basic  
needs are met. This means making sure money and funds go towards  
things that can promote community growth. She condemned any acts of  
violence and ask today that they work together to create a resolution for  
peace and cease fire in Gaza. This revolutionary act will allow us to make  
change and shape a better future for the young children in our world. She  
thanked Council for their grace and time. She stated that she speaks for  
peace for everyone and can work towards making that happen.  
Democracy starts at the local level. A leader that uses violence to resolve  
conflict isn't a leader at all and should have never had power.  
Ms. Atira stated that if they are silent or neutral in the face of a clear  
injustice of genocide. You are on the side of an oppressor. Silence helps  
oppressor, not the oppressed. She stated that she is outraged that the tax  
dollars are used in the supplies and ammunition for Israel for killing  
innocent civilian for Palestine. She stated that it is not a political issue. It is  
a humanitarian issue. It is one of the worst humanitarian crisis ever seen  
which is happening in Gaza and Rafah. She stated that she is a  
pediatrician and being a pediatrician, the safety and well being of children  
is her utmost concern. She is seeing almost 12,000 children have been  
brutality killed and thousands have been orphaned and disabled. They  
have lost their limbs. Many have been blinded because because of the  
shrapnel injuries due to bomb and they are being starved now because  
Israel is not allowing food or humanitarian food trucks and fuel. They  
vandalize and resorted to using animal food and making bread out of it  
which is very sad to hear. With babies, there is a shortage of milk. They  
are giving rice water, if they are lucky to get rice. The mothers aren't able  
to breast feed because they themselves are starved and dehydrated. They  
are not producing enough to feed their babies stating that this is a very  
disheartening thing. The hospitals have been bombed and the last  
standing hospital has also been bombed. Doctors were abducted,  
stripped and then tortured. New born babies were left in hospitals. Later  
on the decomposed bodies were found. She stated that this barbarism  
has to stop. She request that Council pass the resolution for an immediate  
cease fire and reinstate humanitarian aid to Palestine.  
Mr. Omar A. stated this is absolutely a local issue that the US government  
made it a local issue when they chose to fund and support the government  
of Israel unconditionally. The Pennsylvania Treasury Department has  
invested over $50 million in Israeli Government Bonds. He stated $50  
million of our hard earned money that could be used here for a billion  
different things. They are funding a genocidal government. In 2022, the US  
State Department canceled $130 million in military assistance to Egypt. A  
country where he is from. He grew up where 60 percent of the people live  
in poverty. This aid is absolutely necessary, but they canceled it. They  
sited a US State Government Report saying human rights abuses. That  
very same year, the US Governmental Agency issued a report regarding  
the government of Israel saying that Israel has significant human rights  
issues including credible reports of unlawful killings and unjust attention  
including the Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories. Again, this  
is a US government report. He asked that the city support Palestinians.  
Ms. Amel Elsheakh stated that she just wants to make it clear that  
genocide, not war, not conflict. Genocide is the only word that could  
accurately describe what is taking place in Gaza right now.  
Ms. Amel Elsheakh stated that she just wants to make it clear that  
genocide, not war, not conflict. Genocide is the only word that could  
accurately describe what is taking place in Gaza right now. She stated that  
Israel's relentless siege on Palestine has devastated that region. Never is  
their history have they seen the horrific images and footage coming out of  
Gaza and yet it is not enough for all for you to call a cease fire.  
Palestinians have lost their homes, their limbs, their freedom, their families  
and it is still not enough. Even Israel's own admissions on their intentions  
to ethnically cleanse Palestine is not enough. She stated that they must  
create a cease fire resolution to show the nation that we are better than  
Mr. William Mine, 1404 N. 39th Street, stated that everyone wants a cease  
fire, but the one thing you have not heard repeatedly all night and you heard  
horrible stories and he will not fight those. He will not fight their emotions.  
Instead he wants to tell them what they are missing out. None of them have  
mentioned the hostages currently in Gaza. He named the people that Israel  
is trying to free. He stated that there are about 100 names.  
Ms. Vicki Wax, 702 N. 22nd Street, stated that you for letting me speak.  
Israel left Gaza in 2005. Gaza has been run by elected government of  
Hamas. Israel has been gone from Gaza. Gaza has a border with Egypt.  
All the international money that has come to help build a strong beautiful  
and thriving society in Gaza went to building 450 miles of underground  
tunnels. These tunnels have the capability of having weapons  
manufactured. They have had terror tunnels where they are hiding all of the  
money and using all of it for hate and destruction of Israel. On October 7 at  
7:00 in the morning, let's pretend we are all asleep and all of a sudden  
while you are asleep you are then barbarically attacked in your home in  
Israel where they murdered children, murdered families, took all of these  
hostages. Israel has wanted one thing since its inception to be left alone  
and have peace with Israel's neighbors.  
Contract Approvals: There are a few contracts for approval; the general idea is  
council is approving a resolution acknowledging that proper procurement  
procedures were followed pursuant to the city code. The Clerk will read the  
resolution. The Purchasing Agent, Sarrah McNeil will explain the proposal. After she  
explains the process, ask for comments from the dais and the public before a vote.  
Authorization for Contract with Aspen Outdoors, Fisher & Son Company,  
Inc., Genesis Turfgrass, Inc., Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc., and SiteOne  
Landscape Supply, LLC at the unit prices identified on the bid tabulation,  
for a total estimated sum of $220,800 for agricultural chemicals for the City,  
competitively bid.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this was done as Bid #2023-47. It was  
advertised on November 21, 2023. The public opening was held on  
December 19, 2023. The city received five bids and after the department  
reviewed the proposals each vendor are awarded varies parts of the  
contract as indicated in the bid tabulation.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30793  
Authorization for Contract with Asphalt Maintenance Solutions, LLC,  
Chemung Supply Corp., Naceville Materials JV, Crafco, Inc., H & K Group,  
Inc., New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc., And PMG SM PA LLC (d/b/a  
SealMaster PA) at the unit prices identified on the bid tabulation, for an  
estimated sum of $2,400,000.00 to furnish and/or deliver and/or apply road  
materials, including but not limited to geotextiles, competitively bid.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this was done as Bid #2024-01. It was  
advertised on January 2, 2024. The public opening was held on January  
31, 2024. The city received seven bids. After the department reviewed the  
proposals, each vendor is being awarded various parts of the contract as  
indicated in the bid tabulation.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Ms. McNeil and asked if there were any  
comments from the dais or the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30794  
Authorization for Contract with Allentown Rescue Mission Clean Team,  
LLC for an estimated sum of $349,127.38 to provide maintenance  
services for the City’s Central Business District for year one with a possible  
3% CPI increase yearly. This estimated sum includes costs for Special  
Events Assistance, snow clean up, and special cleanup project on an as  
needed basis. The estimated sum for the 5-year base contract is  
$2,132,098.62. This was competitively bid through the RFP process.  
Attachments: R25 - Clean Team  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this was done as RFP2023-46 and was  
advertised on December 19, 2023. On January 22, 2024, the public  
opening was held and the city received one proposal. The evaluation  
committee held both technical and cost evaluations. The proposals were  
evaluated on the ability to meet the RFP requirements and after all the  
evaluations were conducted, the committee decided not to hold oral  
interviews. The committee recommendations to award based on the firms  
qualifications and overall score. The committee is recommending an  
award to Allentown Rescue Mission Clean Team LLC which is also a small  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Ms. McNeil and asked if there were any  
comments from the dais.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that the city got one bid and she is looking about  
the amount of payment per hour per person. She asked for some  
clarification. It states during winter storm events $21.60 per hour per  
person for weekdays and then it goes on to specify different types of  
scenarios and how the payment would be. She asked is that $21.60 going  
to the worker. The actual person doing the work or is that $21.60 given to  
the organization and how much of that does the worker get.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that she believes that is going directly to the  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that the last time she spoke to members of the  
Clean Team they said they made minimum wage which is $7.25.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that all they provide the city with is the hourly  
wage and what the yearly cost would be for the whole entire contract.  
Ms. Ann Saurman stated that would be paid to the contractor for the per  
hour services.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked how much are the workers getting paid.  
Ms. Ann Saurman stated that is not part of the contract negotiation. She  
stated that she does not know the answer to that.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it might not be a livable wage for them to get  
out of homelessness.  
Ms. Ann Saurman stated as far as speaking to the programs and what they  
do, she doesn't want to provide Council with incorrect information. She  
doesn't know what the room and board they pay. They supply the room and  
board and food as well as them having them work under the Clean Team to  
get them into a situation where they have a steady job car of uniform and  
equipment, had success, then graduated from the program and coming  
into residency and future employment. She believes she heard them say it  
is about 60 percent graduation rate. They left homelessness and now  
rejoined and were able to sustain themselves with a permanent job.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach thanked Ms. Saurman for that answer and asked do  
they have any information as to how affective contracting with them has  
been. They were the only bidder so they got the highest score. She asked  
do we know if it is working. At one time, Dr. Mota a couple of budgets ago  
they talked about having youth help with some of the clean up issues and  
other folks came up here and talked about having delinquent youth help  
with some of that stuff. She was wondering why the city is still going with  
the Clean Team.  
Ms. Ann Saurman stated just to clarify, the Clean Team work that they do  
under this contract and the one that they are proposing is not just for litter  
clean up in the downtown area. They are doing surrounding  
neighborhoods. They are doing the gateway coming in on Seventh Street.  
This year, they have extended it all the way to the bridge to the northside of  
the city. The city has expanded services with the special events as well.  
There are 12 now that have been listed. With the opportunity for paying per  
hour per person if the city wants to hold more special events, they can do  
that in additionally with the snow on Hamilton Street and next to the Arts  
Park where the city owns the property next to the Sovereign Building. They  
are responsible for that as well. Having all of those components as part of  
this contract it speaks to why it is a very specialized area. That being said,  
what they do is not alleviate property owners from their responsibility to  
clean in front of their homes which under the city's ordinances people are  
responsible for their sidewalk area and in front of their property to clean  
litter. She encouraged more still and stated that she would love to work  
with more groups to do clean ups and organizations. Unfortunately, there is  
a lot of litter out there that they want to address and the Clean Team is a  
component of it. She encourage volunteerism and to work with that. She  
cited the number from 2023 because they asked how they track it. The  
Clean Team has picked up a total of 85,060 pounds of litter off the streets  
in 2023 alone. Of that, they are required to separate recyclables from that.  
That was just over 34 percent recyclables of that. The multi-purpose work  
scope under that addresses all of this. She encouraged anybody that  
wants to volunteer and clean up or even work with the messaging of Keep  
Allentown Beautiful. Ideally in her world, if nobody litters that would be the  
ultimate win and they all learn to not litter and to keep our city clean.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she appreciates Ms. Saurman.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that she really liked to see the youth getting more  
involved when it comes to the community. Especially, the youth on  
probation who are in need of providing time when they are on probation.  
They have to do certain amount of work. She stated that she understands  
that they spoke a couple of years ago about this. They said since they are  
dealing with youth, if something happens who will be responsible.  
Ms. Ann Saurman stated that the city does work with the Lehigh County  
Juvenile Probation and has had a longstanding relationship with them.  
They work off of community service hours at the drop off center. There is a  
probation officer present with them to monitor them. Sign them in and sign  
them out with all of the hours. The city has since 1988 when they started  
the center had a long relationship with Lehigh County Juvenile Probation.  
She stated that the city used to take them off site.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated you said used to. Not anymore.  
Ms. Ann Saurman stated no. They used to go up on Seventh Street and  
presented other challenges with monitoring the progress and being there.  
As they probably remember, the city tried the broom distribution where the  
city gave out corn brooms for free to residents just to encourage people to  
clean up in front of their own homes. The city gave over at least 10,000  
over the years. They keep trying different methods. She is open to any  
suggestions Council has. She would love to get more people involved for  
the cleanliness and beautification of the city.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she just has to say and they have voted on  
this before. She always voted yes and always done so because they are  
providing jobs and people need work and helping a segment of the  
population. She stated today, she attended the Commission on  
Homelessness meeting and afterwards she spoke to a couple of folks and  
thinks it is important in all avenues and in all aspects that they all working  
with and investing in. Organizations that have low barriers to entry and that  
they do not have potentially any discriminatory practices when it comes to  
sexuality or religion. Although she has in the past voted yes, she will be  
voting no and knows everybody else will be voting yes. She can't say, hey,  
let's give them more money when she has some concerns about their  
Ms. Candida Affa asked Ms. Gerlach if her concerns are the fact that the  
workers and this is a pretty large chunk of money. She stated that they are  
talking about $20 an hour. She asked Ms. Gerlach if her concern is that the  
workers are only getting minimum wage. She asked if they get housing.  
Ms. Ann Saurman stated that she believes so and food.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked Ms. Gerlach if her concern is the amount of money  
they are getting.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it is two-fold. Thank you for asking the  
clarifying question. Number one, the amount of money that the employees  
are making as Council as a body and them as a city has made public  
statements and they strive towards paying even the lifeguards $15 an hour.  
To know that the city is contracting with an organization that doesn't do that,  
it is troublesome. Her last comment was more so referenced on the fact  
that apparently if they are paying them $21.60 and the employees are only  
getting $7.25, that means the vast majority of the money is going toward  
the organization that doesn't necessarily have the low barrier of entry in  
order for people to get in. Once you been in there for a certain number of  
days, you must enter the Christian Living Program. If you do not enter into  
the Christian Living Program, she guesses that they don't stay there  
anymore. Because she believes it is a Christian based organization, there  
are issues with individuals who identify as trans entering.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she knows a few homosexuals that they  
cannot go in there. She asked Ms. Saurman if the rest of the money going  
towards their housing and the expense of the housing.  
Ms. Ann Saurman stated that they are not required to present the budget of  
how they run their facility. She stated that the city put out a competitive bid  
for a contractor to do a job. The contract language requires no  
discrimination. That is the standard language in all of their contracts. The  
city is engaging with a contractor who has staff to perform the work. It was  
an open RFP, competitively bid. Other contractors that the city work with,  
does the city question who they are hiring. Do you we go that road other  
than prevailing wage, if that is the case.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she thinks what Ms. Gerlach is pointing out is  
not that complicated. There is $21.00 an hour and they are getting $7.00.  
That is uncomplicating to her.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that she thinks Council needs more information.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he thinks they are having discussions about  
assumptions. They really don't know the breakdown on how they are doing  
things. They do provide room and board. They do provide meals, three  
meals a day. They provide services to help them get out of homelessness.  
How they break that down, Council doesn't know. Council is having a  
conversation right now on kind of an unknown.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated it should not be an unknown for them.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated based on this contract approval, that is not what  
this contract approval is about. It is about a service they are providing to  
the city. A service that does very well. He is a downtown merchant. He  
sees them everyday and he has gotten to know these gentleman. They are  
great people and doing a great job. They are building a resume and  
gaining, and out of homelessness. He has worked with them at events  
throughout the city whether at Cedar Beach or downtown and they are there  
doing a lot of the work and they do a great job. This is really what this  
discussion is and with the other stuff, he is not minimizing. He is saying  
right now, they are trying to figure out a contract. To answer the question  
from earlier, they do a great job and he sees them in action.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that they do a good job. That is not the question  
on the job they do. It is how are they getting paid is the question. She  
asked why don't Council has the breakdown.  
Ms. Santo Napoli stated that the Rescue Mission has to provide insurance.  
These folks are insured when they go out there. They have to provide  
Workers Comp. This is a business.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked do they discriminate because they are a Christian  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that is fair, but he is more on the numbers right  
now. He is just doing the numbers.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated she is just asking.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated it is a fair question, absolutely.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any other comments from the dais or  
any comments from the public.  
Ana Danny Negron, city employee, stated that Council is talking about the  
Clean Team. Throughout the years that Ana Danny has been here with the  
city building a relationship with the Clean Team guys. There were many  
times approaching them slumped over, sitting down, just not healthy looking  
and offered many of the times either a beverage or something to eat. One  
commented that he could not take any of the beverages he had nowhere to  
use the bathroom. Ana Danny suggested that they go to city hall and use  
the restroom. He stated no, he would get in trouble and will be kicked out  
because there was a certain perimeter that they supposed to stay in and if  
they are caught elsewhere or using a bathroom in an alley or an opening,  
they will get in trouble. Ana Danny stated that they are out in the cold  
without proper gloves, without proper rain gear, without proper insulated  
jackets. These men work hard. They are in that place to get some sort of  
help. Ana Danny stated that seeing throughout the years now, you tend to  
see them and they are just like disappear, feeling a lot for them and that  
program should get more into getting their medical, getting their health  
back, getting their apartment, getting a hooptie so they can go get a job.  
Ana Danny stated they are not treated fairly in the place that they are at.  
There are some that are a little bit on the heavy side and some got some  
health issues. Some are old and still struggling trying to clean these streets  
and the tons of trash, litter and debris in this city that the employees can  
attend to. Ana Danny named cleaning cash basins, sidewalks, between  
vehicles, stuff in the streets and everything and anything in this city. Ana  
Danny being at the Street Department for 16 years doing everything and  
anything, getting paid below $17 bucks or $15 bucks. They should be  
helped and they should be guided into getting out of that place down there.  
That is no place for them. They are old and been there and done it. Ana  
Danny suggested that they might be grandparents or somebody's parents  
and should be treated a little bit more fairly. The guys that are now in  
pickup trucks due to all the money they are receiving from the program  
instead of just driving around and looking at these people in the swamp air  
just cold, hot, hungry and sick. The Mission should concentrate more on the  
people that are making them more a name and giving them a position then  
these people in the office and look at them as though they are just a  
number. Ana Danny stating like in their job.  
Female audience members (no name given) stated while she appreciates  
the mission of the Clean Team, she has seen them out doing work as well.  
This is not a question of the ethics of the people that are cleaning the  
streets, but is troubled by the idea of paying them low wages. These are  
the people at their absolute lowest who are depending on the Rescue  
Mission to help them out of poverty and putting them in a position where  
they are kind of being exploited to clean the city and being forced into slave  
wages and continuing the cycle of poverty. The minimum of $7.00  
something is never going to get them out of poverty. She stated that we  
are only exploiting them and keeping them in that cycle. If they would agree  
to assist them or a contract that would only pay them that. That would be a  
really big part of the question. What are they going to be paying the people  
cleaning the streets? She stated $7.50 is not going to help them. Even  
$20.00 an hour is not helping people stay out of poverty and helping them  
these days. That is something that would seriously needs to be considered  
if renewing a contract with them. The Rescue Mission is supposed to be  
helping people, not keeping them there long term to benefit their business  
because as one of you said, it is a business. They are going to run it like a  
business because they need people to stay there so they can stay open.  
She asked for that to be taken into consideration.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked Ms. Mota if he might since they are making a lot  
of assumptions on things they don't know and asked if it is critical that they  
vote on this tonight or maybe postpone it and get some of the answers you  
want. He stated that he is reluctant to vote on something with so many  
Ms. Cynthia Mota agreed with Mr. Hendricks. She asked is it possible that  
Council can postpone.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if that will be a problem.  
Ms. Ann Saurman stated that the current contract will expire on March 5th.  
She asked what is the date of Council's first meeting in March.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that Council has to realize that this is extended for  
five years. They can look five years from now and they still be making  
$7.00 or $8.00 an hour.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that Council already tabled it. Hopefully, they will  
get more information before they bring it to Council.  
A motion was made by Ed Zucal, seconded by Ce-Ce Gerlach, that this Resolution  
be Tabled.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30801  
Authorizes lease agreement with Ami Martin and family for residential  
property located at 200 Springhouse Road, Allentown, PA 18104. The  
agreement is for $19,103.52 for year one ($1,591.96 a month) with a CPI  
increase for the second year of the original term, with a five (5) one (1)  
renewal options. This will be a two (2) year lease with five (5) one (1) year  
renewal options. For year new year, the lease will be increased based on  
the CPI percentage indicated on the official US Bureau of Labor Statistics.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this lease could exceed five years and  
therefore is required to bring before Council for approval. It is just a  
renewal lease. They have leased this property since 2019 and they would  
like to continue to lease the property from the city.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked who is Ami Martin. She knows typically these  
houses go to the former Police Chief who lives in one, CEOs of  
organizations tend to get these homes. Who is Ami Martin and what does  
she do or did she do?  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she was selected from as Ms. McNeil was  
stating in 2019, the city had put out a form to complete for all interested  
parties who was interested in renting city owned rental property and she  
was one of the successful persons who bid and they selected and went  
through background check and ended up selecting her as a tenant for the  
city property.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked what was or is her profession.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she does not recall, but can provide that  
information. She stated that Ms. Martin has been paying rent and was  
on-time since 2019, but she does not recall her profession at this time.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated she definitely would appreciate that. This has  
come up before during the housing shortage and housing crisis and people  
who are paying $1,500 for a studio. They see this and say who is this Ami  
Martin and why does she get this. It would be great to know. She stated  
that she hopes Ms. Martin is some random resident that happened to fill out  
a form and got a house, but the other folks are not random residents. They  
are people of power within the city. Hopefully, she is just a random one.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she is absolutely is and she will provide Ms.  
Gerlach the information she is seeking.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any other comments from the dais.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked if they are required to keep up maintenance with  
painting or a broken window or whatever. She asked if that is their  
responsibility as opposed to another landlord like where she lives, it is up  
to them for them to keep the maintenance up on the property. She  
understands that people she knows that live there, they actually put money  
into it and refurbished it at their own cost. She asked if they have to keep  
up with the maintenance. That is quite a nice price for a home. What kind  
of maintenance they have to keep up with.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that is an excellent question. The contract does state  
that they have to maintain the property. It is a routine maintenance.  
(painting, replacing of bulbs) not broken windows. That is the city's  
responsibility. Any type of capital maintenance. Roof repair, door broken,  
windows are the city's responsibility. Other maintenance and repair of the  
sink broken. That is different. That is their responsibility. She stated that  
is detailed and spelled out in the lease agreement.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked about the credit reports.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she was part of the selection committee when  
Ami and her family moved in. It was back in 2019 when she was managing  
the property. She had an email sent out citywide and many interested  
parties filled out a form. She was selected and a background check was  
done at that time and then the city selected her.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any other comments from the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30795  
Minutes of Previous Meeting  
January 10, 2024 Special Council Meeting Minutes (Organizational  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
February 7, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
February 15, 2024 Special Investigation Committee Meeting Minutes  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Chasers: If you parked in the city lot next to City Hall, please see the City Clerk for a  
City Council and the Mayor have received the Auditor General's report on the  
pension funds; the reports are part of the agenda and will be reviewed at the Budget  
and Finance Committee Meeting next Wednesday.  
Auditor General Reports  
Old Business  
Mr. Julio Moreno stated that he is going to talk about two cases. The first  
case, inspectors from Allentown interfered with an owner of a home that did  
a contract with him. He went to the Lehigh County Courthouse and he had  
a child that was sick in the hospital. He stated that there is corruption in the  
city because the inspector spoke to the owner and he interfered and that is  
why he was taken to court. The judge did not really listen to him. They only  
listened to his wife and also his son. The judge told his family to leave the  
courthouse. He was then out of the country to take care of his mother.  
There is corruption. They took him out of the house because the heating  
system was bad. He stated that he was the one that helped the owner with  
the heating system. The other case is about a van that he had. His vehicle  
and the issue is the Parking Authority. They will give people tickets. His  
van was full of cleaning products and things that he has bought. He did not  
have a place to put his clothes, items and things that he has bought before.  
He will put everything in the van. The van had insurance and was ok. He  
was given a ticket of $800. He had to borrow money. The second time, he  
got his car towed.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked Mr. Moreno what would he like Council to do.  
Mr. Julio Moreno stated that The Parking Authority has to be for his van and  
all the items that he had inside the van. He spoke to the Mayor and told  
him that he did not have enough funds to pay for the van when it was towed.  
He wants someone to take care of it. He went to get a repair man and saw  
his van inside the towing place. He stated that he was pushed when he  
went to get his van in the towing place and threatened. He called the  
police. He got harassed and pushed.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he has his information and will give him a  
Budget and Finance: Chair Napoli, Hendricks, Gerlach  
The Committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for February 28th, at 6:15 PM.  
Community and Economic Development: Chair Hendricks, Mota, Napoli  
The committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is not  
yet scheduled.  
Human Resources, Administration and Appointments: Chair Affa, Napoli, Santos  
The Committee has not met since the last Council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled at 5:30 PM on February 28th.  
Parks and Recreation: Chair Santos, Affa, Gerlach  
The Committee met this evening; the next meeting is not yet scheduled.  
Public Safety: Chair Zucal, Hendricks, Mota  
The committee has not met since the last council meeting; there are no future  
meetings scheduled at this time.  
Public Works: Chair Gerlach, Affa, Zucal  
The Committee met this evening; the next meeting is not yet scheduled.  
Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations, and Strategy: Chair Mota, Napoli,  
The committee has not met since the last Council meeting; there are no future  
meetings scheduled at this time.  
Controller's Report (3 minutes)  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that a couple of meetings ago, Mr. Zucal had asked about  
gift cards. He wanted to point out to Council that they released a gift card audit of  
CED on the 11th of January and everyone got a copy of it. They released a gift card  
audit of the mayor's office on the 22nd of January. Everyone got a copy of it. The  
findings were gift cards supposed to be purchased through Purchasing. In either  
instances, they were not. He attributed that to turnover or new people in the  
department. Both departments said they would absolutely comply going forward.  
They have one or two of the audits in process. When they are completed, they will  
be forwarded to Council in the normal fashion.  
Mayor's Report (3 minutes)  
Controller Reports  
ORDINANCES FOR FINAL PASSAGE (To be Voted On): The Clerk reads the bill.  
The Chair gives the committee recommendation on the bill, comments are taken  
from the administration, the dais and the public before a vote is taken.  
Bill 2  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of One Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($1,600) from the  
Hispanic American Organization, Inc. to support the mini-pitch system at  
Jordan Meadows.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15978  
Bill 3  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to correct a previous ordinance  
number 15951. This will appropriate the funds of Six Hundred Fifty  
Thousand ($650,000) Dollars from the Department of Conservation and  
Natural Resources (DCNR) to support design and construction of the D&L  
Trail – Allentown Segment to the proper accounts.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15979  
Bill 4  
Amending the 2024 Trexler Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars from the Trexler Trust  
to support the Romper Day Program.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15980  
Bill 6  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Sixteen Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Six Dollars and  
Thirty-Six Cents ($16,896.36). This was the result of payment in lieu of tree  
plantings from Tilghman Street Dental LLC, City Center Development  
Corporation, Housing Development Corporation, Devon Self Storage  
Holdings, Lehigh River Development Corp 3, 1134 Hanover Ave LLC, and  
Stratagem Allentown LLC. Funds will be used for the purchase of new  
street trees.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15981  
CONSENT AGENDA: The Consent Agenda is for items that are considered ‘no  
brainers’ – the objective is to vote on all the resolutions at one time if there are no  
issues. The President asks if there is any request to remove any item from the  
Consent Agenda. If not, the clerk will read the resolutions. The President will ask for  
public comments, prior to council voting on the bundle.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there are any comments from the dais or the  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
R 27  
Carlos Rodriguez, Allentown Housing Authority, 2-22-2029  
Enactment No: 30796  
Certificate of Appropriateness for work in the Historic Districts: 503 W.  
Allen St: 23 N. 12th St.; 433 N. 8th St.  
Enactment No: 30797  
RESOLUTIONS FOR FINAL PASSAGE (To be Voted On): The Clerk reads the  
resolution. The Chair gives a committee report if applicable, comments are taken  
from the administration, the dais, and the public before a vote is taken.  
Authorizes the City of Allentown to adopt a Vision Zero Policy to eliminate  
all traffic fatalities and severe, traffic-related injuries.  
Attachments: R12 Vision  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the  
administration, the dais or the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30798  
Authorizes the Administration to enter into a cooperation agreement with  
the Allentown Parknership, to utilize the organization’s fundraising and  
planning capabilities to raise money to finance and manage capital  
improvement projects, manage construction, provide enhanced  
maintenance, provide programs and special events, coordinate volunteer  
activity, and to pursue such other authorized opportunities and address  
recognized needs, for the betterment of the city’s parks.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that she wants to add the amendment that was  
introduced by the administration.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked what is the amendment.  
A motion was made by Natalie Santos, seconded by Ce-Ce Gerlach, that this  
Resolution be amended in the fourth Whereas after the Cooperation Agreement  
you would add the words in the form and at the end of that sentence and  
incorporated herein (the “Cooperation Agreement”) and in the first Now  
Therefore Be It Resolved, change the a to the.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30799  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
A motion was made by Cynthia Mota that this Resolution be approved as  
amended. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30799  
City Council hereby determines and concludes that outside the Purchasing  
Agent neither the Director of Finance nor anyone from the Administration  
should participate in scoring or be present during the process to select a  
response to the RFP selecting investigatory services since it is an  
investigation of the Administration.  
Gerlach, Hendricks and Mr. Zucal  
Attachments: R29 RFP  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that some of them may or may not know that back in  
early Fall, there were some issues that arose and complaints that were  
made about the administration on the way that handled hirings, firings and  
some other internal stuff. Shortly thereafter, he asked for an outside  
investigation and quickly and briefly read what the powers of Council are  
under Section 210, entitled Investigations of the Home Rule Charter. In  
addition to the authority power of the City Controller to conduct audits under  
Section 403D of this Home Rule Charter, Council shall have the power, by  
ordinance, to make or cause to be made, investigations, audits or studies  
of the City and the conduct of any City department, office or agency, and,  
for this purpose may retain professional and technical assistance,  
subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, require the  
production of evidence, and provide funds for such investigation, audit, or  
study. He stated that on October 4th, Council had a meeting here and that  
meeting was to determine whether or not Council was going to approve the  
investigation. At 57 minutes and 07 seconds of that meeting, Mayor Tuerk  
said that the administration welcomes this investigation. In addition, he  
said that the mayor's office welcomes this investigation. He stated that they  
needed at least four members of Council. At 57 minutes and 45 seconds  
of that meeting, the mayor urged Council to grab the seven votes and let's  
proceed with this investigation. Since that time, Council has been met with  
nothing but resistance with regards to this investigation. The most recent  
thing is obviously RFPs are required for contracts. It is not an issue. He  
stated that he doesn't have an issue with that. The issue that he has is the  
inherent conflict of the Finance Director being a part of that group of  
people. Meaning the committee to choose the evaluation. He is surprise  
that they wouldn't even think it is a conflict. He stated that if he is before the  
Lehigh County Court on a murder charge, he highly doubt that the District  
Attorney's office would allow him to pick the jury that is going to set him  
free. He stated that is where they are at here. He stated that the Finance  
Director is Ms. Patel. Obviously, the Code states that she supposed to be  
a part of it. He understands that and don't have an issue with that. The  
issue that he has is the integrity of the investigation. He wants this  
investigation and doesn't care how long it takes, when it starts to be the  
most integrity thing that has ever happened in this city. If it is going to be  
tainted then they probably should not do an investigation. He had  
department heads come and tell him that they have been told not to  
cooperate. That's up to them. That's on them. That's not on him. About a  
month ago, Ms. Patel sent out a letter which he was contacted by the  
unions about. To her staff that nothing negative should be said about the  
Finance office or anything without the permission. He stated that yesterday  
he received a text and this is what the text said and by the way it was sent  
out on February 15th at 8:58 in the morning. By the way, last Thursday was  
February 15th and there was a meeting here to pick a committee for this  
investigation as well as to talk about the Resolution #29 for tonight. He  
stated that this is what was sent to him yesterday. Good Morning, Council  
has scheduled a Special Meeting tonight regarding the Investigation RFP.  
No one from the Finance Department should attend today's Council  
meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  
Thank you, Bina. He asked how are you going to sit here and tell him she  
can be independent on this investigation. If you vote against this  
Resolution, that tells him you want a tainted investigation. He stated that  
quite frankly he doesn't know what the answer is. He asked Attorney Smith  
that they should look into this further because as it states they may retain  
individuals to pursue. He is not even sure if they have to go through the  
RFP process. In the past, Council has hired outside firms to do an  
investigation without the RFP process. Is that something we need to look  
at? He stated to Attorney Smith that he does not have to answer that  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she shares the same concerns that her  
fellow Councilperson stated. She is to aware of a meeting that occurred  
she believes in October that department heads were told by the City  
Solicitor on behalf of the mayor to not cooperate with the investigation. She  
stated that it will be denied, but they are aware of that. That is concerning.  
That is concerning that they were told that. Here were are already before  
the investigator even got here that there is already this resistance. It is a  
clear conflict of interest. It is a conflict of interest that we don't need to go  
down that path because as the Council's Solicitor had stated during the  
Special Meeting, when you look at the language of the Code that governs  
who should be in those meetings, it's talking about bureau heads. She  
stated that they don't have bureau heads as a Council. You can't pick and  
choose aspects of a Code to apply unless you are going to apply the whole  
Code. She stated that she will wait. She stated keep going.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated to Ms. Gerlach, no. Continue. She wants to know.  
Go ahead.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated furthermore she would ask the city to provide  
how many RFP processes the Scoring Committee has the current Director  
of Finance participated in. If this is like a common practice then she would  
think all of them, right. She would like to know. It seems to be pushed  
really hard right now that a member of the administration is part of selecting  
who is investigating them. She stated that something doesn't sit right with  
her. She asked her colleagues does it sit right with them. Does it? Does  
it sit right with you that an administration would send a memo out to Council  
threatening with Sunshine violations if Council doesn't allow the Director of  
Finance to choose who is investigating them. She asked does that sit right  
with them. Why are they going so hard on this? She stated that if it sits  
right with you then ok. Something is up. Something is up. She urged them  
to support this Resolution. She urged Council to do so and if the mayor  
wants to threaten to not sign the contract unless they listen to him and the  
Solicitor. Then let him not sign the contract and they have to deal with that  
when that comes.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if it is possible to hear from either the  
administration or Council's Counsel just to get a better background here.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated as of the conflict of interest issue, the  
Director of Finance has reviewed the city's Code of Ethics and Conflict of  
Interest. He stated that is Chapter 36 in the Administrative Code. She  
confirmed that she does not have a conflict of interest per that chapter and  
can perform her job as dictated by the Code in a fair and impartial manner.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if someone from the administration confirm  
because her understanding is the RFP processes is usually the Purchasing  
Agent, Sarrah McNeil who is there doing a lot of the guiding and  
department heads, bureau heads, what have you even though it is written is  
having the department head for Finance typical and specifically right now,  
the current department head. She asked how many RFPs have and stated  
that she has to understand why is it being pushed so hard. If this is just run  
of the mill and always happening, ok cool. She asked if she could get an  
answer on that.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated that there is always the director or the  
designee on the RFP. The individua you are describing, the Purchasing  
Agent is someone there to assist with the technical aspects of it and on the  
grading. He stated that is what we always have.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if specifically there is always the Finance  
Director there.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated that is what the Code requires.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she is asking is there though. The Code  
requires one thing. How many RFP processes has this particular Finance  
Director participated in since she has taken this position since it seems to  
be very important to the administration that this particular person is there.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated that it is either Director Patel or the  
Deputy Director Baraket. One of those two.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated Jessica Baraket. The same person who right  
now if we were to do this RFP process would be in the room with us  
guiding us so that same person.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal asked what is your question.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked Attorney Rosenthal if he is saying Jessica  
Baraket who is the one who has been going to the meetings on behalf of.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she has been attending some of the RFPs  
stating that she also has done some of them. Ms. Baraket has done some  
of them. The Finance Department is always involved. There is always a  
Finance presence at RFP vendor selection. Each and every RFP, the city  
has done, there is always Finance presence.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked is it for items the administration and are not  
things like this where Council initiated this investigation based on the City  
Charter. They are different types of RFPs. For like the Rescue Mission  
and things like that.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated that this a Professional Services RFP.  
So for every Professional Service, it is the same procedure. It requires the  
Director of Finance, the Bureau Chief and the Director of the Department.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that they need some help here because how do  
they get over the fact that it says that Council needs a bureau chief.  
Council doesn't have one. She asked how do they get over the fact that  
they don't have as a body doesn't have a department head. She stated that  
if they are going to have to comply with the Finance Director, they should  
have to comply with the entire Code, right.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated yes.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked so how do we do that since Council doesn't  
have a bureau chief.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated that Council's authorizing ordinance said  
that they were going to work with the Procurement office to implement  
proper procurement matters. He stated that is a question for you. He  
stated that they have established that the Finance Director is required by  
Section 521.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked why did the administration support this in the  
first place. If it is impossible for them to comply with that Code by not  
having a bureau chief and not having a department head since Council  
doesn't have one. Why would the administration say hey, I support this and  
why would you.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated that he does not have a position on this.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she knows that the Finance Director in one  
either the Deputy and she is aware of that way back in the Pawlowski era.  
She asked Ms. Patel if she has a vote on it or she is just there to guide.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated there is a vote stating she would have a vote on it. If  
there are four members, her vote has a value of 25 percent.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she understands what Ms. Gerlach is going  
with this here. This is unprecedented. They never had an investigation of  
the administration which you are part of to be part of the voting process.  
She stated that she trusts Ms. Patel and know that she would do, but that is  
not the point. The point is how it looks to the public and everyone else that  
they are doing an investigation of the administration. She stated if Ms.  
Patel was there like the Purchasing Agent, but you do have a vote. In that  
case she would have to agree that it doesn't seem like it can pass the sniff  
test with somebody. She stated no offence to Ms. Patel. She stated that  
she knows that this has been the process. The thing is that they never done  
this before. This is not like your ordinary RFPs. She stated that this is  
where she is concerned and has to agree with Ms. Gerlach or yu. She  
stated that if she is the one that is being persecuted or investigated, she  
doesn't think she should have a vote which the administration does.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated she is glad because she was going to go into a  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that it is not like a vote. You are scoring into  
already preselected criterions that exists in the RFP. You are scoring  
according to an existing metrics. That is different than a vote.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he wanted to bring it up and he wants to make  
sure they are all clear on that. He stated that he wants to be clear. Not just  
him, but the public.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she wants to walk everyone through the process.  
What the Finance Department, the Finance Director or designee does in  
this process is that they help select a vendor. There is a scope of work that  
is designed and all they are doing is does this vendor meet what we are  
looking for. The city is looking for this services. Does this vendor meet  
that? And, that is what the vote is. It is not technically selecting. It is  
making sure what the city is seeking is what they are providing. The  
second part of that RFP process is the cost factor and does that meet the  
cost factor. That is already outlined already in the RFP. It is just making  
sure that this vendor meets that work scope. That is what the scoring is. It  
is not selecting the Finance Department or designee or herself as Director  
is never part of the investigation. It is part of the selection of a vendor.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if they know who the other three folks are. He  
stated that he is just curious. He stated that you mentioned four people.  
He stated that if Ms. Patel would be 25 percent, who would be the other  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated Mr. Zucal, Ms. Gerlach, and Mr. Hendricks.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated as it stands now, the Resolution that is being  
recommended has three people. That is what the Resolution says. That is  
what is in front of you. That is what came out of the Investigation  
Committee meetings. It excludes the Director of Finance. That is what is  
in front of you. If there is any consideration for alternatives that might be  
more palatable to the mayor on whether he is going to sign this. When they  
are done with this, they would have to amend it, but if not what's in front of  
you is a recommendation that you adopt the resolution. The Investigation  
Committee recommended to you a resolution that says that it will be scored  
by three members of Council. Councilperson Zucal, Councilperson  
Hendricks, and Councilperson Gerlach. He stated that is what is in front of  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that at this point, Ms. Patel's vote is irrelevant. She  
has 25 percent and the Committee has 75 percent. He doesn't see the  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that here is what he thought the issue in the  
committee was. If he is not saying this properly then tell him. He thought  
the issue was if they get through the Technical Proposal, go to the Cost  
Proposal and you do interviews. Having someone from the administration  
could have a chilling affect in that conversation.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated not only that, she is right. She does the Cost Analysis  
and all that stuff. The other issue is any questions that they would have for  
the individuals they have selected, she will also have an opportunity to be a  
part of that question and answer session.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated with the people that are going to be  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated the administration.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that his last question is that the RFP is written. Any  
discussion would have nothing to do with the RFP itself. He stated that he  
is just trying to understand this. The RFP has already been written and  
worded in a way that this committee has no jurisdiction in changing that in  
how the investigation is being conducted. This committee is solely in the  
fact that who are they picking to actually run the investigation. He stated his  
understanding they have a couple of vendors and already in the bidding  
and it is a matter of who is going to get this business. Nothing in the  
document can be changed at this point. It is a done deal.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that is correct. You cannot alter the RFP.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he wants to make sure that he is clear.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated no because of the Rules. If someone else wants  
to speak. She stated that she already spoke. She will wait until someone  
else speak. To the point where it would be like three against one. They  
are not a monolith They got Mr. Zucal, Mr. Hendricks and herself. She  
stated aren't we different. They definitely do not necessarily look at things  
in the same way and score things the same way. She doesn't necessarily  
see it as a 75 percent versus 25 percent deal. She stated that it is not  
about Ms. Patel as a human. This is about a member of the administration  
being a part of an investigation. It is that simple. It is not about  
questioning or integrity. It is not anything about that. It is just about this very  
clear having someone in the administration choosing who was  
investigating them is just wrong. It is not right.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked what is going to happen if they only go and say ok,  
we just want three people and not anyone in the administration. What's  
going to happen? Will the mayor sign or will he not sign? She stated that  
she just wants to know the options.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated unfortunately he is going to have to refer  
to the memo that Law provided last week.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked what was the memo. Can you read the memo?  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal asked the whole memo, no.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that most important thing of the memo.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that the most important thing is that he is not going to  
sign it.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated that Council can refer to the memo. He is  
not going to read it here.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that this is the problem. This is what she is  
saying to them. This is the problem.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated if Council has legal questions, please  
provide them to your Solicitor and he can relay it to them.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked Attorney Charles Smith if he can read the  
portion of the memo that states what the mayor will and won't do.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked for a moment while he pulls it up.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that they are going by the law pretty much  
because they mentioned when you have an RFP, there is always someone  
in the administration.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that is correct.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that again, Council has never had an investigation.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she just wants to make sure that it is clear that  
someone from the Finance Department, Finance Director, Deputy Finance  
Director, is part of the RFP vendor selection.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked Attorney Smith.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that he has so many emails for Allentown.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated to Attorney Smith that he could use his.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that essentially the Solicitor's office would  
advise the mayor not to sign the contract because it does not comply with  
the city's procurement process. He stated that is what would happen and  
then it will be up to the mayor whether or not he would follow that advice or  
whether he would act over that advice. He stated that is where we are.  
They are really in an area of first impression for the city. The Code  
provisions as set forth in the Resolution don't neatly apply into the situation  
that they find themselves in. The question becomes do you want to plow  
forward and vote on the resolution, if it was to be passed as it stands now.  
There is a possibility that the mayor would not sign the agreement or do  
you want to consider an alternative that would be acceptable to the  
administration and they would agree to sign this thing. He understands the  
very principled position and he doesn't disagree on what they are saying.  
He is talking in terms of practicality. Whether Council wants to consider  
something that they would agree to move forward with, but if not, what they  
can do is vote on the resolution that came out of the committee,  
recommending 3 - 0. If that were to pass by Council as a whole, then that is  
how they would go. Then they would find out whether or not the mayor  
would sign it. He stated that he supposes that they will cross that bridge  
when they come to it. He stated that is procedurally where they are right  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he beat him to it because he feels that it  
happens during his day job. They reach a stalemate and things never  
happen. They want this investigation to happen. They all agree on that.  
How they move forward could stall that. That is what is aggravating. He is  
trying to think of a compromise or a solution that makes everything works to  
move this thing forward. That is just him again and his day job and his  
experiences. How do they get this thing forward because if not, they are  
going in circles and that wasn't the intention. The intention was to run an  
investigation. He is speaking out loud here and obviously with his  
colleagues, is there something that works for everyone so they could just  
move this thing forward.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked how could we compromise. That's the question.  
She asked how are we compromising.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that at this point that you can do if someone  
felt that there was an alternative. They could do a Motion to Amend. The  
Resolution has been recommended. It hasn't been passed. It is in front of  
them now in that recommended status. Someone could say, well, I offer  
this amendment and then you could vote on that. It could be shot down and  
then boom, you are right back to where it is right now. He stated he guess  
that would be the point where they are at. If someone felt that there was an  
appropriate alternative. They can propose that in a form of a Motion to  
Amend. He stated that then you can vote on it. It goes up or down and he  
thinks at that point they have to vote of the resolution in its current form or  
as amended.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that before Council amend, they should have public  
comment. He stated that Ms. Affa has a comment.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she is going way off the grid here. Since the  
Solicitor advised the Mayor not to sign it, she is wondering since they have  
a room full of attorneys here. If Council should go with just three and  
breaking the city's Code or how everyone is saying and not have the  
Finance Director in on it. Hypothetically, if someone is convicted or not  
convicted. Could that person then lose their job and then sue the city  
because it did not conduct the investigation on the RPFs the way they  
suppose to. The way the Code says. She asked if they could answer that.  
Hypothetically, it is her and she was found guilty. She is going to lose her  
job and now she is going to sue the city and one of the things she is going  
to sue on is the fact that they did not do the process with the RFP. They did  
not allow the Finance Director in on it. She asked if that is a possibility.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated that he doesn't want to give legal advice in  
a public setting and in this scenario. He stated if Council wants to have an  
executive session to discuss it. He is more than happy to.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated if they did something different in the Code what  
they normally don't do. This person can say, they didn't conduct it the right  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated that if the proper procurement procedures  
aren't followed, Council opens themselves to all of the penalties and  
anything that could happen instances where individuals didn't follow the  
procedures and did what the wanted with the RFPs and gave significant  
amount of city funds to those individuals they determined without going  
through the proper procurement procedures.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that was her question, Attorney Rosenthal  
answered. If Council doesn't do it the proper way, it is a possibility they will  
sue and say that the city did not investigate it the way they normally do.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated more than that. You are open to anything  
that could happen.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated yes, she knows and understands. She stated that  
was just running through her head.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he wants to be very clear, they not at all not  
interested in following the proper procedures. They are interested in not  
having a conflict of interests.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that if she could again add that to say that  
Council is not following the proper procurement procedures is a false  
statement. The current procurement procedures as stated by the Council's  
Solicitor don't neatly apply to this situation. It is a false statement to say  
that they are not following the procedures that don't exist for them.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal stated that he would like to follow up on  
Councilperson Zucal's comment. The city Code, Chapter 36 specifically  
delineates all the conflict of interests reasons why a person should be  
eliminating. As he stated, the Director reviewed it and did not find anything  
in there that applied to her. If Council has things that meet elements in 36,  
provide them to your Solicitor and he can bring them to the Law department  
and they can evaluate if they are valid. The Code specifically identifies  
what is a conflict of interests and what would eliminate a specific person  
from an RFP Committee. That still wouldn't act to eliminate the Director of  
Finance. It would just eliminate Director Patel. It would be next man up.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated let's do public comment.  
Ms. Karen Ocasio stated that it is no secret that she used to work here up  
until November 20th when she was fired for speaking up and she wasn't  
given a reason why she was fired. She wants to say in her three years of  
being in HR and doing RFPs, she can recall Jessica Baraket being there,  
but she doesn't recall the current Director being in the RFPs stating even  
right before she was fired. She stated that she is not sure if Ms. Patel was  
ever part of them at all. She asked if they can focus on the fact that her  
email violates the Sunshine Act. These type of settings are open for the  
public. She stated anybody can show up, correct. She asked if she is  
wrong about that. She stated that Ms. Patel already shows that she is bias  
and trying to keep people from coming and people to support and things  
like that. She stated that Ms. Patel is already showing this and showing  
that she wouldn't give an unbias score based off of whatever her beliefs  
may be. She asked Council if they can focus on the fact that the  
administration is the one who is being investigated. They should not have  
someone from the administration scoring on anything. She stated that they  
all think differently. What if they vote on a company or a person that may be  
affiliated and they don't know about. There is a lot of opposition from the  
administration and that is clearly showing that they are hiding something. If  
they weren't hiding something, they would be completely open. Yes, let's  
do it however you want it because they have nothing to hide. With so much  
opposition, it is clearly showing something. She stated that they violated  
her rights. They violates her and other employees. They do not need to  
have anybody from the administration scoring on anything. Because they  
will do especially if they are scared for their jobs. She stated hello, she was  
fired for no cause stating we know that he will fire them, if they don't do what  
he says. She stated stick to your guns and don't allow Bina on this.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal asked Mr. Hanlon what is the email that is being  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that the email Ms. Patel sent to her  
employees about the investigation Committee meeting.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated on the 15th. Usually there are people from the  
city. Y'all are here tonight. At that meeting, there was absolutely nobody.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated on the 15th.  
Attorney Adam Rosenthal asked at the committee meeting last week.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated that she is going back to the email. She stated  
to her, Ms. Patel violated the Sunshine Act, she is impeding on an  
investigation, she is trying to influence unduly. She stated that she is  
listening to Ma. Patel speak and stated that she is taking it personal. She  
stated that she is listening to Ms. Patel speak and answer questions and  
she still doesn't answer questions. Every meeting that she has gone to that  
Ms. Patel has been in, she never answers questions. Why does she still  
have a job? She is putting you all and stated have it been her with school  
board and the Finance Director has put her in the hot seat because of what  
she just did and violated the Sunshine Act. She would not be here  
anymore. She stated that she would figure it out. She would have to go to  
her employer and figure that out because it's coming down on y'all. What  
she did came down on y'all. She stated to Council you are elected by the  
city. She isn't. She is an employee and gets paid by the city. Y'all are  
elected by the city. You are the governing board. She is asking them to  
please take that letter seriously. That email very seriously because it was  
wrong. She feels that Ms. Patel should not be and why would the Finance  
Department be part of. That is like the fox guarding the hen house. Why  
are they a part of the RFP stating that makes no sense to her. All of them  
ask and thanked Ms. Affa for her question too. She stated all of them  
asked great questions so she doesn't know if they are going to be figuring  
it out during executive sessions or table it for now. The Finance  
Department should not be part of it when they are the ones being  
Ms. Barbara Redmond, NAACP, stated that the investigation involves the  
administration and there is going to be an administrator in there hearing  
things that the employees are talking about and it is going to go back to the  
different sources and people are going to be fired or harassed. She stated  
that they are hearing about people being harassed, unions are telling the  
employees not to be involved in investigations. The administration is telling  
people not to be involved in the investigation. She asked what is that telling  
them. There is something wrong and something to hide. Why do you need  
another administrator to sit in on an investigation when the investigation is  
about them. She stated that she guarantees them that anybody or anyone  
that is involved and any administrator is going to be scoring is involved in  
the investigation. There are so many people involved in this investigation  
and it is really sad that the city of Allentown is treating the Black and Brown  
employees. It is pitiful. They need to be investigated and the  
administration don't need to be involved. She hopes that they all vote  
tonight to move it forward and if they mayor decides he doesn't want to sign  
it, that says a lot about him. That shows that he has something to hide.  
Ana Danny Negron, Employee of the city of Allentown for 18 years, stated  
that being glad that eventually and finally getting into this since being with  
the city since 2007. Did everything and anything. Went above and beyond  
the job description for this city and put wear and tear on the body for so  
many years. Doing as much as they could to clean the streets and have  
safe streets so the people can start enjoying the outdoors and the crimes  
will lesson. Ana Danny stated coming here months ago, year 2023 and  
since then the retaliation has been off the woe and been getting written up  
every three weeks. There have been false accusations because the city is  
building a case. Everything and anything that looks horrible on the books.  
All of the stuff they are saying Ana Danny would not hire and would think of  
as the worse scum. Being called egregious and did not know what the  
word meant. Googling the word and asking the person upstairs what the  
word egregious is and didn't even know what it was and asking the person  
who wrote such complaints and write ups. When Mayor Matt Tuerk came  
to office, Ana Danny stated being the first person to whistle blow. Sending  
emails and calls and s  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30800  
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (To be referred to Committee with public  
comment prior to referral): The Clerk reads the bill; comments are taken from the  
public noting the bill will be discussed in detail at a committee meeting – the  
legislation is referred to the proper council committee.  
Bill 8  
Amending the 2024 Trexler Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-Four Dollars and  
Seventy-One Cents ($8,634.71) from the 2023 Springwood Trust, Trexler  
operating budget of the Parks Department to the 2024 Springwood Trust,  
Trexler operating budget for the purpose of purchasing benches and the  
installation of concrete pads at Trexler Memorial Park.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Enactment No: 15983  
Bill 9  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of One Million, Three Hundred Thousand ($1,300,000.00)  
Dollars from the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) grant for the  
purpose of rehabilitating the historic Bogert’s Bridge, located in the Lehigh  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Enactment No: 15984  
Bill 10  
Amending the 2024 Fire Department budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) from The Hartford  
grant for the purchase of a fire extinguisher simulator.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Enactment No: 15985  
Bill 11  
Amending the 2024 Fire Department budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($16,000.00) from Norfolk  
Southern Rail, Safety-First grant. This grant is to purchase hazardous  
materials related equipment for incidents that may occur as a result of a  
railway incident along the Norfolk Southern railway that runs through the  
City of Allentown.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Enactment No: 15986  
Bill 12  
Amending the 2024 Grant Fund budget to accept Five Hundred Thousand  
Dollars ($500,000) from the FY 2023 Distressed Area Recompete Pilot  
Program Phase 1 strategy development grant.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Enactment No: 15987  
RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION (Can be voted on or Referred to Committee):  
The Clerks reads the resolution. Comments are taken from the administration, the  
dais, the public before a referral is made to a council committee where a detailed  
discussion will take place.  
Amending Council Rules by prohibiting Council Members from engaging in  
discussion and voting at Council Meetings by remote participation to  
ensure compliance with the Sunshine Act and having an adverse impact on  
council business conducted during that meeting.  
Affa, Hendricks and Mota  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she introduced this because she believes  
from the day she became a Councilperson, especially when it comes to  
voting. She would like to have the Councilperson here and she does not  
know where this Councilperson is, who is sitting next to this Councilperson,  
if someone is influencing this Councilperson, and she believes it is their  
duty as an elected official to come to the meetings especially for the  
conversations and especially voting. She doesn't on the phone who you  
are sitting with and who is influencing you. She stated that they are the only  
city that does this. Bethlehem does not. You must attend our meetings to  
vote. She thinks it is very crucial. She could be sitting in her Livingroom  
and being influenced by the mayor sitting next to her. She stated that you  
don't know that and this is the reason why she proposed this. It is not a  
reflection on anyone. She just believes that as Council, they should attend  
their meetings and if we can't, if we are sick or on vacation stay away. We  
have a quorum. You don't have to vote. She doesn't want anyone voting  
that she can't see them sitting here voting.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any other comments from the dais.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she will get into this at the committee level.  
There have been people who have been sick, have been in various parts of  
the world, and they have voted. That means no whatsoever regardless of  
family emergencies or whatever. She stated that she knows years have  
went by where people were not here.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she knows, but Allentown is the only city that  
does that.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she thinks Lehigh County allows their folks  
to vote.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated she knows that Bethlehem doesn't. If you are  
somewhere out of the country where you are on vacation or you are sick. It  
was different when there was Covid because they were all at home voting.  
She doesn't believe that there is no reason that you are sick or on vacation  
and there is a quorum here and doesn't believe through the telephone and  
sitting wherever you are sitting, you should be voting on especially things  
that are very important that they are voting on. She doesn't want anyone to  
be influenced and she doesn't know that. She stated that Ms. Gerlach  
doesn't know. No one knows who is being influenced by voting. People try  
to influence all the time. If they are sitting right next to her and say I can vote  
this way. It is not impossible, but it can happen. She thinks that Council  
should attend all the meetings. She stated to Ms. Gerlach that she herself  
said that they have many times have to sit here for hours and things they  
have to do because they are elected officials. One of those things is to be  
present. She stated that they get their vacation and get their sick time like  
everyone else, but when they miss meetings after meetings. She is not just  
talking about them. What about the future? What about somebody else  
that is going to be sitting here on the dais that may not be as trustworthy as  
they are. She is talking about the future. She doesn't think that it is a good  
thing for somebody to be voting when they are not present in the Council  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any other comments from the dais.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked when will this meeting be that they will be  
discussing this.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that it hasn't been setup yet.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that it is going to happen.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that this will be an important conversation  
because this will affect all of them. She can't think of one person who hasn't  
had to call in. Mr. Zucal seems to be here all the time, but everyone else.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that one day he came late and they were about to  
call 911.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that they have all been on vacation and have all  
been sick, but that doesn't mean they can vote. If she is on vacation, she  
may look at the agenda and say well I should stay here. Suppose she is  
gone for three votes. Three times. Three times she is voting in a row.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that has happened before.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated with other Councilmembers.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated before this current year. Before she even got on  
Ms. Candida Affa states yes and he quit.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if that was Dr. McGuire.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that he doesn't think he participated by phone.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that if you are on vacation you should not be voting  
on things. She stated that she doesn't know where they are at or what they  
are doing. She thinks the public thinks the same way.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that the positive thing is that this will be introduced  
to her committee.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated before it is introduced can Council get from the  
county since they do allow their Commissioners to vote. She stated Ms.  
Affa referenced Bethlehem.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated and Easton and Stroudsburg and so many.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it would be great to see what the county is  
doing. The county that we are in.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that they have information that might even be in  
the file. A lot of people do a lot of different things.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Mr. Drew Swedberg, Civic Theatre of Allentown - Film Manager, stated that  
he wants to attest of Mr. Zucal being on-time at Jefferson Elementary  
School when he was working there. He was also reliably there every day. It  
is really really important when you consider this to really be thinking about  
ableism and accessibility. He understands what Ms. Affa is saying about  
vacation time, but as she said about the future they have to think about a  
future in which immunocompromised folks, folks that have chronic illness,  
folks that have different abilities, and can be beyond Council. With people  
that he loves dearly that are immunocompromised that have different  
abilities, it is not always possible for them to be in these spaces and urged  
them to not set a precedent that discouraged folks. Those folks that are  
here are privileged to be abled bodied. It is a framework that is really  
important for them to be thinking about as they are thinking about this  
Resolution. He understands what they are saying about all the different  
things that they just said. For instances, people were talking about  
microphones today. That is an accessibility issue. He doesn't know that  
the agenda items are on the screen supposed to be updated every time  
something is put out. That is an accessibility issue. He urged them as this  
moves forward to just bring that framework in and really be thinking about  
the future. Folks that aspire to be in this position who are differently abled  
and chronic illness compromised. Covid has taught them a lot about  
accessibility and ableism and it is really really significant for that framework  
to be discussed with whoever it comes to and make sure that is really  
being incorporated of of you are thinking about and whether it is exceptions  
or thinking about what that looks like. He has a very dear friend who is  
missing four weeks and have to teach online for four weeks. Would that  
mean she would have to be fired? Those conversations have come up for  
her and had to hide her status for fear of being fired for being  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that nobody gets fired here.  
Mr. Drew Swedberg stated that he did not hear her talk about the  
framework and really thinks if they move this forward to really incorporate  
that into how you are thinking about this.  
Ms. Karen Ocasio stated that Ms. Affa made a great point about people  
having to be here and they don't know if someone is sitting next to her. She  
stated that they all know that people have relationships and have  
discussions before they come to Council and get swayed that way. Does it  
matter that you are on the computer and it says in 2020, they all have gone  
remote. Everything is remote. It is a time for them to move forward with  
everything that is going on in life and being able to go remote. It is normal.  
When she had a job, before she got fired she was working remote to and  
was able to complete her duties just as much. People can get swayed one  
way or another when they go to dinner before Council. That is not really a  
preoccupation. She stated let it be and let people go remote if they choose  
to. If they are sick and need a babysitter. Let them go remote.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated to keep in mind they are going to have the  
conversation at the committee meeting. They are going to talk more about  
Female audience member stated that she was home schooled through  
high school. She knows what that looks like. Lockdown browsers and  
making sure your cameras are on so that no one is around you. There are  
many ways as they were saying about being accessible. If you are  
concerned about people being here in the present and you forget that in the  
fall, she is a preschool teacher and a social worker so RSV, strep throat,  
Covid, the flu and a lot of things come along and when you are  
immunocompromised like herself and many others in this room, you have  
to take a lot of time off. You can also look into instead of saying everyone  
should be here. Why don't you look into your budget and say let me get  
everyone laptops and lockdown browsers and make sure if they have to be  
home they have access to that instead of coming in and saying no, you  
should be here and I don't trust you. You could be influenced. Make the  
proper accommodations because if you are talking about the future, the  
future is tech savvy. And, we are not going back.  
Council recommends ARPA funds not appropriated be directed to towards  
offsetting any potential tax increase and used for critical infrastructure  
Proposed Amendment: Amend the resolution to take the 1.2M from  
community reinvestment and place it into the general fund to be used for  
recommendations from the housing study.  
Affa, Hendricks and Mr. Zucal  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Reference Materials:  
Council Rules  
Procurement Code  
Ethics Code  
Attachments: Procurement Code