435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Wednesday, May 15, 2024  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Pledge to the Flag  
Roll Call  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Courtesy of the Floor  
Contract Approvals  
Authorization for Contract with Paramount Security Partners, LLC in the  
amount of $984,000.00 to provide City wide surveillance that includes  
cameras, mounts, mounting hardware, switches, etc. There were two bids;  
one year contract that can be extended for up to an additional three (3)  
months beyond the contract expiration period.  
Attachments: R83 - Paramount  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if they have Ms. O'Neil on the line.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this was done as Bid #2024-09. It was  
advertised on March 8, 2024. The public opening was held on April 8,  
2024. The city received two bids. The department reviewed the proposals  
and they are recommending an award to Paramount Security Partners,  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Ms. McNeil and asked if there were any  
questions from the dais or the public.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30852  
Authorization of Cooperative Contract(s) in an amount greater than  
$40,000 to provide the City with various goods/services.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that there are all purchases through various  
Cooperative Contracts.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Ms. McNeil and asked if there were any  
questions or comments from the dais or any comments from the public.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30853  
Minutes of Previous Meeting  
April 3, 2024 City Council Special Committee on Co-Response Models  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
April 3, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
April 24, 2024 City Council Special Committee Co-Responders Meeting  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
May 1, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Councilperson Zucal: Investigation Update  
Mr. Ed Zucal thanked Mr. Napoli and stated one other thing before he is  
going to read his communication. He gave a shout out to the Streets  
Department for the great job they did on Linden Street. It is awesome. It  
looks really nice. He stated that this is his comments about the outside  
investigation next Thursday, the committee will be doing the interviews for  
the folks that have applied and will be bringing someone forward at the  
June 5th meeting.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated to Mr. Zucal you said Thursday. It is  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he thought Wednesday was Da Vinci.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated no, Wednesday is the interview schedule.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he stands corrected, thank you.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that also for those who are visiting City Council,  
they encourage them to park in the government deck next door. If you do,  
please see our City Clerk for a parking voucher to pay for your parking.  
Old Business: None  
Special Meeting: The next special committee on co-responder models will be on June  
5th at 5 PM.  
Committee of the Whole: A Committee of the Whole has been scheduled for June  
5th, 6 PM - to discuss Bill 40, the increases for parking violations and the report that  
was submitted to City Council.  
Budget and Finance: Chair Napoli, Hendricks, Gerlach  
The Committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for May 28th at 5:30 PM.  
Community and Economic Development: Chair Hendricks, Mota, Napoli  
The committee met this evening; the next meeting is scheduled for May 28th at 6 PM.  
Human Resources, Administration and Appointments: Chair Affa, Napoli, Santos  
The Committee met this evening; the next meeting is not yet scheduled.  
Parks and Recreation: Chair Santos, Affa, Gerlach  
The Committee met this evening and there were multiple items forwarded to tonight's  
agenda; the next meeting is not yet scheduled.  
Public Safety: Chair Zucal, Hendricks, Mota  
The committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is not  
yet scheduled.  
Public Works: Chair Gerlach, Affa, Zucal  
The Committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is not  
yet scheduled.  
Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations, and Strategy: Chair Mota, Napoli,  
The committee has not met since the last council meeting, the next meeting is not  
yet scheduled.  
Controller's Report (3 minutes)  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that he is reporting on the P Card Review for the month of  
February 2024. This Report was released on the 8th of May. The number of P Card  
Statement reviewed for the period was 92. The number of documents reviewed was  
669. the total dollar amount of the transactions was $234,866. In terms of the  
timeliness of invoice entry into Eden. There was 37 invoices that was over 10 days  
late. There were 29 that were entered in the last 30 days being late; eight between  
31 and 60 and none over 60. While they made some progress on timely entry, they  
still have some progress to go. The danger there is of course more towards the end  
of the year. This does hit Eden until everything is in and you press the button. They  
might get an incomplete picture of departmental expenses, unless this is done in a  
timely manner. In terms of the findings, there were two invoices chart, where sales  
taxes were paid on invoices. They know that the city was tax exempt from  
Pennsylvania State Sales Tax. In one instance, the department said they would seek  
a refund and in the other one, the department noted that while the tax was there,  
they were given a discount equal to the tax on the bill. He stated that is pretty much  
a wash. He stated that they don't pay credit card fees. The city doesn't pay  
convenience fees. Occasionally, it does happen. The departments are advised of it  
and are advised to seek reimbursement where possible. There were 18 invoices  
where an incorrect expense account was used. The departments were advised and  
budget adjustments were made. They had two or three invoices that in their opinion  
was paid late. Either the departments were advised and promised not to do it again.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Glazier.  
Mayor's Report (3 minutes)  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that some of it is a little bit of a repeat, but for the ones that  
weren't with us she would like to announce some of the events that are coming up.  
She stated first they would like to congratulate the police department on National  
Public Health Week. It was a beautiful ceremony today honoring those for the  
meritorious service, bravery, and heroism. She stated that they are grateful for APD  
to have them and be fortunate enough to work closely with them. On this next  
coming week is probably one of in her mind most exciting weeks coming up. They  
start with a virtual site visit for the Re Compete Grant on Monday of this week, they  
launch the Parknership on the 22nd in the Arts Park at noon. They have Irving Pool  
opening on Friday from 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM. They encouraged all the citizens to  
come out. Tonight's DCED meeting talked about the results of our Community  
Health Needs Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan. She stated that  
they encourage the citizens and members of Council to look at the interactive site  
that is posted on the website and explore some of the data and some of the findings  
that came as a result of (inaudible). She stated that they are pleased to announce  
that they are on schedule for the community reinvestment funds and all of the forms  
are done and they are working on the Press Release. Hopefully, that money will be  
launched shortly. She stated to stay tuned for more information. They will be having  
a question and answer session for the nonprofits. She stated that she wanted to  
take a brief moment to share with Council some of the success they had with  
Building Standards as a result of the reorganization and the certification plan in our  
Building Standards department. They started before Council approved that reorg  
last year with two fully certified building code officials who are considered combo  
inspectors. They now have six additional staff who have completed over 20  
additional certifications. They have one gentleman that went from an entry level  
position to now being fully certified in all residential inspections. The manager even  
gotten two additional certificates and the Workflow Coordinator one. It is unheard of  
that they passed these exams and taken these tests the way they have, but as a  
result our building inspections have gone from a two to three week to a one to two  
day schedule. It is one to two days to get your building inspection. Recently, they  
had an emergency with a storm and they wanted to be able to do 20 emergency  
electrifying inspections in one day. That would have normally have taken four to six  
days to complete, but because they have them certified in there electrical  
inspections, they could respond much quicker. She stated that they will be coming  
to Council as they promised hopefully in the next few weeks to launch legislation to  
bring Plan Review in-house as promised so that they can have that extra six months  
of increased revenue coming into the city starting this year. She stated that they are  
grateful for Council's support and wanted to give the update that it is working well.  
They just started their second apprentice. Their first apprentice earned eight  
inspections and is a Building Code Official. It is working very well and they had  
positive feedback.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Ms. Kistler and asked if there were any comments from the  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks commended Ms. Kistler and her entire staff in the office. He was  
one of the most vocal critics a couple of years back when the city couldn't even get  
them to use tablets. He stated that he knows it took three years, but he is light  
years ahead now and commended her. He stated that it is incredible. They are all  
cross-certified in the manner that they have. He asked Ms. Kistler to pass on for all  
of Council the sincere gratitude to them for being exemplary employees.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that they work really hard and thanked Mr. Hendricks.  
Ms. Natalie Santos asked how would the Q&A Session for the nonprofits be  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that basically once they put the application out and do the  
Press Release about the application, everyone who applies gets notified however  
they choose on their application. If they put an email, if they put a cell phone, if they  
put and the city will have that data now when they actually fill in the application.  
Controller Reports  
Bill 41  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars from the  
Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development  
(DCED) to support improvements to Bucky Boyle Park including a new  
fence, master plan and updates to the basketball courts.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if they had a report from Ms. Santos.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that it was forwarded favorably to the full Council.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the  
administration and from the dais. He stated that he is happy to see Bucky  
Boyle getting some TLC. IT is well deserved and long overdue for the kids  
in the first and six wards. He is happy to see this. He asked if there were  
any comments from the public.  
Ms. April Riddick, Community Advocate and a Coach at Bucky Boyle Park,  
thanked the city for doing the updates. She is hoping to be able to see the  
Master Plan. She knows they can't answer that, but is hoping there is a  
Master Plan to let everyone knows what is going on there. She has gotten  
phone calls about it from the community down there and the ward people  
that were wondering about the Master Plan and what exactly does it  
entitles. Because of the fact that even though you are doing the upgrades,  
along the dock where Lehigh University put that ramp in years ago, it is  
duck poop everywhere. It stinks and it wrenches. For many years that  
community down there have been trying to make a relationship with Lehigh  
University to fix it and they have not. Mr. Spang is part of that committee  
down there. She stated that she talked to him the other day and thought he  
would be here. She hopes the plans are in place to make that water flow  
and create that dock back up the way it used to be. It could be used for a  
viable thing. She gets it with the kids with safety, but at the same time, it  
smells like a sewer. It is not the city's fault, it is actually Lehigh University's  
fault. She wants to point that out there. That is one of the concerns with the  
development and hoping that will dissolve that issue and hoping that the  
fence will go long enough to protect the kids while they are walk along the  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that they actually have Ms. Tolino here and may be  
she can give an update on the Master Plan process.  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated just a quick update for Ms. Riddick is that it is not  
a Master Plan that is going to be completed by the city. It is going to be  
completed by public input. It is the actual planning of what the community  
wants to see at Bucky. It will be an opportunity for people to have input on  
that plan over the next eight months.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Ms. Tolino for that background. He asked if  
there were any other comments from the public.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 16013  
Bill 42  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of Three  
Hundred Seventy-Eight Thousand ($378,000) Dollars from multiple capital  
projects into the D&L Trail to use for design of the trail, installation of the  
Mini Pitch system, and repairs to WPA Structures for the Union Terrace  
Amphitheater Phase 2.  
Attachments: Bill 42 Transfer  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was in Ms. Santos committee.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that it was forwarded favorably to tonight's  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there are any questions or comments from the  
dais or any questions or comments from the public.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 16014  
Bill 43  
Amending the 2024 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) from Rockefeller  
Philanthropy Advisors to support the creation of the Youth Climate Action  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was in Ms. Santos committee.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that it was also forwarded favorably.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the dais. He  
thanked whoever was able to get this grant for the Youth Climate Action  
Fund. He stated that he thinks it is a great idea. He asked if there were  
any comments from the public.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 16015  
Bill 44  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand ($250,000) Dollars from the  
Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development  
(DCED) to support improvements to Cedar Beach basketball courts and  
Midway Manor, installation of the mini-pitch system, and youth sports  
marketing and outreach.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was in Ms. Santos committee.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that this was also forwarded favorably.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the dais. He  
thanked the elected officials for bringing some of these grants to Allentown  
and to our parks system. He asked if there were any comments from the  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 16016  
Bill 45  
Amending Part II General Legislation, Chapter 270 Fees, Article VIII Parks  
and Recreation Fees by updating the fees for various recreation and pools  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Ms. Santos that this was her committee report.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that this was forwarded favorably. He asked if  
there were any comments from the dais or any comments from the public.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 16017  
Bill 46  
Amending Part II General Legislation, Chapter 270 Fees, Article VIII Parks  
and Recreation Fees by updating the golf fees.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Ms. Santos one last one.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that this was also forwarded favorably to  
tonight's meeting.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the dais. He  
stated that he loves the idea to try to get more kids to play golf so thank you  
for lowering the fee. He asked if there were any comments from the public.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 16018  
Allentown City Council dedicates and names the Allentown Fire Academy  
in memory of Assistant Fire Chief Christopher J, Kiskeravage.  
Mr. Zucal, Affa, Gerlach, Hendricks, Napoli, Mota, Santos and Administration  
Attachments: R85 Fire Academy  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if they had anyone here from the Fire Department  
that would like to speak about it.  
Deputy Fire Chief Christian Williams stated Retired Allentown Assistant  
Chief Christopher J. Kiskeravage succumbed to occupational cancer  
roughly one year ago. He was well known and beloved throughout the  
region and much has been said about his impact on fire and EMS in our  
region and abroad. He served with Cetronia Ambulance, the Easton Fire  
Department, Lehigh County Special Operations team, Bucks County  
Community College, Pennsylvania Urban Search and Rescue, the  
Pennsylvania State Fire Academy, and the South Whitehall Township first  
Fire Commissioner. All these agencies were fortunate to have him. They  
however, in Allentown particular was fortunate to have Chris as part of our  
city both as a resident and employee. He stated that Chris served the city  
on the Fire Department from 1996 until 2019 while raising his family here.  
Tonight, the Fire Department is asking Council to honor and remember  
Chris Kiskeravage for the dedication leading the Fire Academy building.  
Chris was instrumental in the development of the Fire Academy. He  
served as Assistant Chief of Training for 15 years. These were not easy  
years. He worked hard to provide quality training for improved firefighters  
so they can have the knowledge and skills to serve their community and  
keep us all safe. He operating many times with a shoestring budget and  
minimal support. He fought hard for equipment and resources to fulfill his  
mission. He was dealt repeated setbacks. At one point, his offices and  
classrooms were hauled away to scrap pile facilitator real estate deal  
which never came to fruition. Yet, he persevered. He never faltered and  
when was tasked to train up the next batch of recruits, he always  
succeeded. Teaching classes and sleeping quarters are on the edge of  
the floor when necessary and he did it all with a smile. He stated that the  
fire academy is much more than just a building and they are asking Council  
to advocate today. It is made up of people, instructors, and paramedics  
are working and training together as public servants. All the people the  
people that make up the academy were taught by Chris, shown by Chris,  
and inspired by Chris. They would not have the Fire Academy that they  
have today without him. His passion for fire education and training was  
unmatched. His only goal was to make the job safer for all those that follow.  
These are the same values that guide our staff today. Dedicating this  
building in his honor today will inspire all who trains in the future to build up  
the steadfast example he set. He urged Council to vote Yea in support in  
renaming the Fire Academy for Christopher Kiskeravage.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Deputy Fire Chief Christian Williams. He asked  
if there were any comments from the dais.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he sponsored this Resolution as well as his other  
colleagues here on Council. Not only was Chris was just a fireman, but he  
was also a father, a husband and just a good all around guy. He stated that  
he used to say he had a crappy eaten grin about him. He was a really funny  
guy and he knows that his brothers in the Fire Department miss him and all  
those folks that he taught, he has a special place in their lives. He is very  
honored to have sponsored this bill and cannot wait until they actually do  
the dedication.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Zucal and asked if there were any other  
comments. He stated that he did not have the privilege of getting to know  
him, but heard so much about him. He can tell him in real estate in that  
world it is always great when the building has almost a soul to it.  
Dedicating it to Chris gives that building something that is not something is  
just an address, it is something more special. He is very anxious to vote on  
this. He asked if there were any comments from the public.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30854  
A resolution of the Council of the City of Allentown, Lehigh County,  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approving a cooperative memorandum of  
agreement between the municipalities of the City of Allentown, South  
Whitehall Township and Upper Macungie Township for the  
multi-jurisdictional signal system that is a part of the SR 0309 and SR 1002  
(Tilghman street) interchange project.  
Attachments: R86 -MOA  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if they had any comments from the administration,  
Mr. Shahda on this.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that he believes Mr. Petrik is on the line.  
Mr. David Petrik stated that this project is a reconstruction, 309 Tilghman  
Street Interchange which is remarkably a bad interchange. As part of this  
reconstruction, it will be additional signals added in South Whitehall, but as  
part of the overall project, they will be doing upgrades and signals along  
that corridor. Within Allentown, specifically Springhouse Road and 40th  
Street on Tilghman Street and the two intersections that will be affected.  
The only affects to the city will be the addition of new controllers to our  
existing signals. This Cooperative Agreement basically identifies that the  
city, Upper Macungie, and South Whitehall all agree that once the project is  
completed, the managers and the city staff will get together and establish  
any perimeters needed to add additional signal systems if that would ever  
come in the future or a need to remove signals from the system as well as  
identify who is responsible for what parts of maintenance to the system.  
That is the short of what the Cooperative Agreement does. It basically says  
they agree that they will cooperate to come to an agreement after the  
overall processes are complete.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Petrik. He asked if there were any  
comments from the dais.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that Mr. Petrik mentioned Springhouse Road and  
40th Street. Both those intersections have lights. She asked how was that  
going affect those intersections.  
Mr. David Petrik stated that the project itself won't explicitly affect the  
intersections. They are probably going to add to new signals at the  
interchange itself. Part of doing that, PennDOT wants to upgrade all the  
signals in the proximity which includes Springhouse and 40th. To do that,  
they are installing new controllers with the existing traffic signals. That is  
the only real fact. It won't be anything that you would be able to see at those  
Ms. Candida Affa thanked Mr. Petrik.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Petrik and asked if there were any comments  
from the dais or any comments from the public.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30855  
Approves the submission of an application for a grant from the  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic  
Development for the continued development of the Martin Luther King Trail  
– Phase 2 - Cedar Creek to MLK. The City is asking for $200,000 in grant  
funding with a 15% match required – land appraisal or cash.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated that this is a Resolution for a grant application to  
continue the MLK Trail. It would connect Fountain Park over to Cedar Park  
eventually. This is the next Phase of that project design.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to connect Fountain Park to Cedar Parkway. He  
thanked Ms. Tolino and asked if there were any comments from the dais or  
any questions. He asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Candida Affa  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30856  
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (To be referred to Committee with public  
comment prior to referral)  
Bill 48  
Amending Part II General Legislation, Chapter 270 Fees, Article V  
Community and Economic Development Fees by updating the building  
fees and updating the language of the City Code.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Bill 49  
Amending the 2024 Community and Economic Development, Health  
budget to provide for a supplemental appropriation of One Hundred Ten  
Thousand Dollars ($110,000.00) from the Pennsylvania Department of  
Health grant for the expansion and use of ESRI and GIS software.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Bill 50  
Amending the 2024 Community Development Department budget to  
provide for a supplemental appropriation of Thirty Thousand Dollars  
($30,000.00) from a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of  
Health Unintentional Injury Prevention Program (UIPP) grant for fall  
prevention safety equipment and training.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Bill 51  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of One  
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) from Jordan Creek Greenway Trail Capital  
Project to the MLK Trail Capital Project. These funds will be used for  
updating the feasibility study opinion of costs for Lehigh Parkway to Cedar  
Creek Trail for a grant application.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Bill 52  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of Two  
Hundred Thousand ($200,000.00) Dollars from the unappropriated balance  
to the Capital Needs Assessment capital account. These funds were  
awarded as a Strategic Management Planning Program (STMP) grant to  
conduct a Capital Needs Assessment, a Building Condition Assessment,  
and a Traffic Signal Condition Assessment.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION (Can be voted on or Referred to Committee):  
There are no resolutions for introduction.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he has one item that he wanted to share.  
He wanted to thank his colleagues for their support of a Resolution that they  
put forth towards the state on implementing the ban on cell phone use while  
driving. It was voted on last week and has become law in the state of  
Pennsylvania and there will be a one year moratorium before anyone can  
be cited for it. He stated that this is extremely important. People need to  
get off their phones when driving. He has seen it himself too often. Again,  
this has become law and appreciated the support from Council. It is very  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Hendricks and stated that he appreciates it.  
He feels that they missed something, but they didn't.  
Reference Materials:  
Council Rules  
Procurement Code  
Ethics Code  
Attachments: Procurement Code