435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Wednesday, December 6, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Pledge to the Flag  
Roll Call: Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Ce Ce Gerlach, Daryl Hendricks, Santo Napoli,  
Natalie Santos, Ed Zucal  
Courtesy of the Floor  
Courtesy and Privilege of the Floor Rules  
Contract Approvals  
Authorization for Contract with Wyoming Electric & Signal, Inc. in the  
amount of $237,094.40 for improvements to the pedestrian safety along  
Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Lehigh St, and Union St, bid through the State as  
a result of a PennDOT TASA Grant.  
Attachments: R204 - Wyoming  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or any comments from the public.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked Mr. Hendricks to have Ms. McNeil read the  
contents of the Resolution.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that the project was advertised to obtain the  
services of a qualified contractor in PennDOT's ECMS System on the city's  
behalf on September 29, 2023. The Project was advertised to obtain the  
services of a qualified contractor and PennDot's ECMS System n the city's  
behalf on September 29th, 2023. The opening was on November 2, 2023.  
There were five bidders, but the lowest qualified bid being from Wyoming  
Electric & Signal Inc. The city has successfully done business with  
this vendor before.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Ms. McNeil and asked if there were any  
questions or comments from his colleagues or comments from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30752  
Authorization for Contract price increase of 10% or more for an existing  
Contract over $40,000.00, that was previously Bid and Awarded under City  
Policies, with Maher Duessel in the amount of $51,000.00 that was  
previously bid to perform financial and compliance audits covering each of  
three (3) years ending December 31, 2022, 2023 and 2024.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that there is a request for Eddie Aviles to speak.  
There is no subject matter.  
Mr. Eddie Aviles stated that he will make it quick. He stated that today  
Council has an important decision to make. He asked when can he speak  
about the Mayor.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated when that comes up.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that Maher Duessel is a previously awarded  
contract that was requesting additional funds in the amount of $51,000.  
This is due to additional services being requested. Due to the cost of the  
Change Order being over 10 percent of the amount, it is being presented  
here before Council.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues. He asked if there were any comments from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30753  
Minutes of Previous Meeting:  
November 4, 2023 City Council Budget Review and Action Meeting  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Old Business  
Special Meeting: There will be Special Meeting on December 12th at 6"30 PM to  
review and act on the budget.  
Water/Sewer Compliance Meeting: There will be a Water and Sewer Compliance  
meeting on December 20th, time to be determined.  
Budget and Finance: Chair Napoli, Hendricks, Gerlach  
The Committee has not met since the last council meeting; a meeting is scheduled  
for December 20th, time to be determined.  
Community and Economic Development: Chair Mota, Napoli, Affa  
The committee met this evening; the next is scheduled for December 12th 5:45 PM.  
Human Resources, Administration and Appointments: Chair Santos, Zucal, Napoli  
The Committee has not met since the last Council meeting; there are no future  
meetings scheduled at this time.  
Parks and Recreation: Chair Gerlach, Affa, Mota  
The Committee has not met since the last Council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for December 12th at 6 PM.  
Public Safety: Chair Affa, Hendricks, Zucal  
The committee did not meet this evening; there are no future meetings scheduled.  
Public Works: Chair Zucal, Santos, Hendricks  
The Committee has not met since the last Council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for December 12th at 6:15 PM.  
Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations, and Strategy: Chair Hendricks,  
Mota, Gerlach  
The committee has not met since the last Council meeting; there are no future  
meetings scheduled at this time.  
Controller's Report (3 minutes)  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that they will do something different tonight. It might be  
instructive for everyone to take a dive in overtime. He put together a handout and  
for the public, it is up on the scene. He stated if you look at the budget, the overtime  
number is a big number. If you ever wonder what goes into it, he thought that he  
could take a couple of minutes and break that down for Council and the public. He  
used 2022 because they have the full year. He went over the overtime. He stated  
that public safety is the main driver of overtime is really police. He looked at the  
breakdown and took the top 10 categories. He talked about Special Events. There  
are city events like Halloween and events like that, that are city sponsored if they  
need police overtime. There are other Special Events that the city invoices the  
sponsoring group for the time that has been spent. The total amount of invoice this  
year is a little over $60,000 and so far that got $50,000 paid. There is about $15,000  
that is owed to us. Most people pay eventually, but not all groups end up paying. If  
a group does not pay, they will probably will be denied a permit going forward if they  
want to do something because they didn't make good on their commitment. He  
stated that gives us a look at overtime in a nutshell so they have a better  
understanding of the kinds of things to go into it and what we are getting for our  
overtime dollars. He stated that if they have any questions, he will do his best to  
answer them.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if anyone had any questions right now.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated for clarification for school patrols, asking is that the  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated good question, this is outside the school. They will be  
patrolling in the neighborhoods and the perimeters, but not inside the schools and  
not the SRO's.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach sated ok, got you. She stated for the arena, she did not get to get  
her calculator out yet. They only get reimbursed for the police that is inside the  
arena. She asked how did that get setup. How did that get setup that our police  
have to go out and do traffic duty for an entity that is generating revenue.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated inside the arena. That is correct. He stated that he can't  
tell her exactly. It has been a longstanding arrangement. The Chief is here and may  
be able to add to that. If not, he will certainly get her the answer.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that the events are in the evening and she does not know  
if a lot of stuff happens in the neighborhoods and the cops are down there directing  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that is undoubtedly why you are not using regularly  
scheduled officers to do this because they are out in the neighborhoods doing their  
best to keep them safe. It is an overtime expenditure.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he appreciates the work Mr. Glazier put into this. He  
knows himself this is something that he is just getting now and briefly looked at it  
earlier. He stated that with any questions they can direct them.  
Mr. Jeffery Glazier stated to Ms. Gerlach just email to me and he will get something  
more definitive.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach thanked Mr. Glazier.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated you are very welcome.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if anyone had any brief questions. If so, bring them to Mr.  
Hanlon and they will get those answers.  
Mayor's Report (3 minutes)  
Mayor Matt Tuerk deferred the Mayor's Report to the next meeting.  
Controller Reports  
Attachments: overtime present  
Bill 93  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that it was forwarded favorably, 3 - 0.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions, comments from his  
colleagues or comments from the public.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked to clarify procedural as a body, as a Council,  
this is the only time that they will vote on anything concerning this parcel of  
land. She stated that she knows that it goes to the Planning Commission,  
but as a body this is our only time.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated one second. He is going to get an answer from  
the Planning Director.  
Ms. Many Tolino stated that this is the only Council approval on this  
particular development, unless some nuance comes out of it which is  
always possible. This will relay the Zoning framework and the text and the  
map and will get developed in a three stage process. All of that will be  
reviewed by the Allentown and Lehigh Valley Planning Commissions.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she does have questions since this is their  
one opportunity. She stated that when she was reading through the  
ordinance, it does a good job in spelling out what Ms. Gomez has  
described in terms of the process that the city and the developers will go  
through. She did not see within that process another public facing  
opportunity for the community to weigh in. They know that these plans are  
somewhat preliminary. It is an idea, but may not be what might finally  
happens. The fact that it is not mentioned in the ordinance any other further  
opportunities for the community. The push back is that they can come to  
the Planning Commission. She is talking about other events on the  
eastside where once you have the final/final plan for the public to actually  
weigh in on and express their concerns. Not just one, but multiple. She  
asked if anybody wants to speak to why it is not in the ordinance. The  
ordinance is very detailed and very well written. They did a good job writing  
the ordinance. She finds it interesting that was not mentioned and the  
Attorney Dennis McCarthy stated that the main answer to the question that  
Ms. Gerlach already stated because there is a three step process. There  
are three opportunities at least through the Master, Tentative and Final Plan  
for everybody, the administration, the public to go to the Planning  
Commission and be involved. His guess is the phases will involve more  
than one meeting of the Planning Commission. Answer number 2, you are  
correct. It is not in the ordinance. What you saw with the development of  
the ordinance and the development of the concept plan at least for City  
Center is a real effort to reach out to the stakeholders and interface with the  
public and get feedback. He is not sure any element in the Subdivision or  
Land Development Ordinance or the Zoning Code that include that kind of  
requirement in any place else in the city, if there could have been. It is  
disappointing that it wasn't.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she does know that just looking at the  
ordinance it seems as though and stated it at the CED meeting. It is  
definitely written in a way for this. There could have been an opportunity to  
do something different. The Planning Commission meetings are at noon  
during the week when people are working. She mentioned during the CED  
meeting that it would be great and if it is not written and if it is not written,  
then it does not matter. It does not happen. She asked about a  
Community Needs Assessment and has there been any report that was  
generated based on that meeting at the Eastside Youth Center to really list  
some ideas.  
Attorney Dennis McCarthy stated no formal report for publication, but it was  
certainly factored into the thinking and development of the ordinance and  
the concept plan. As far as assessing the needs of the community, the city  
is as Ms. Kistler explained going through a health care assessment,  
housing assessment, and City Center has already reached out to Ms.  
Kistler to offer help to get eastside residents to respond and provide  
feedback to that because they want to know too. As part of the Master  
Plan Development, the city is going to have all this data and information  
and certainly wants to and any developer would want to understand it and  
react to it. City Center is committed to helping the city making those  
assessments as valuable as possible.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk added that and Council has a copy. The city went  
through an exhaustive process of developing a 10 Year Community and  
Economic Development Plan. Allentown Vision 2030 that has a detailed  
assessment on the needs on the eastside. At that point it spoke to the  
needs of the eastside and the city continues to engage the city through the  
Planning Department to get a better sense of what the needs are.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it is great to hear that conversation between  
the Mayor and Ms. Kistler have happened. If there were to have a  
healthcare facility that would be a nonprofit, that would be tax exempt. No  
taxes would be generated.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated not necessarily. Taxable outpatient clinical  
services that could be located on the property.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked about the open space question and the concern  
she has is the flexibility of what counts as open space. She was looking at  
the Riverfront Overlay District which was stated that this was modeled after  
that. For the Riverfront Overlay District parking lots do not count towards  
the open land areas. They had a 10 percent requirement. She is curious  
as to why with this ordinance, rooftop recreational areas count as open  
space. Rooftop recreational areas are only assessable to the residents of  
that building or businesses of that building at the general public. It is not  
necessary greenspace. It is recreational space. That counts towards the  
open space area. Parking lots that are built for the recreational space like  
the Eastside Youth Center's parking lot counts towards the open space  
area. If the School District was to have something there then their  
recreational space would count towards the open space area. She stated  
from her reading and please correct her if she is wrong, the only  
guaranteed publicly assessable greenspace is the trail area.  
Mr. Charlie Schmehl, Urban Research and Development Corporation,  
stated that Ms. Gerlach is correct that a parking lot that is only to serve a  
recreation area would count as an open space requirement. One of the  
projects that is envisioned in this plan is a trail head for the trails along  
River Drive. They want to provide a public parking lot to serve those trail  
users and that is the type of thing that would be integrated in the open  
space. The rooftop recreation would only count as open space if it is a  
deed restriction to guarantee continue use of the recreation area by the  
residents of the building. They are looking at providing for the recreation  
needs of the residents of the project to reduce the burden on the existing  
recreation areas in the city in that regard. The vast majority of the open  
space would be land along the Lehigh River that would remain wooded and  
would be managed in association with the Wildland Conservancy and  
would have trails. There are also proposals for smaller recreation areas  
integrated with residential areas and also proposal for a community special  
events space right along Hanover Avenue where all the big tree are. That  
is envisioned to be a place where it could be different community activities,  
festivals, building upon the adjacent area. They looked at various types of  
recreation needs in this area. They are also proposing a recreation area  
that would be dedicated to the Eastside Youth Center which would  
probably be used for a soccer field. There are various types of recreation  
areas that are proposed and envisioned in the plan. The ordinance does  
require 35 percent of the total land area to be set aside in these areas.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach thanked Mr. Schmehl and stated that when she did the  
math that 35 percent requirement would be met by the wooded area that  
the Wildland's Conversancy is going to give advice on. Technically to meet  
that 35 percent, you would need to any other open space because that  
would be met just by that wooded area. It states in the ordinance that the  
trail could be gated or closed to the public. On Page 7, Number 5A. She  
stated that it says from sunrise to sunset. She can't think of any trails that  
have a gate.  
Mr. Charlie Schmehl stated that the current plan envisions 42 percent open  
space to make the residential areas marketable and make the commercial  
area marketable. They feel there is a need to have recreation areas  
integrated in the project in addition to the nature areas closer to the river.  
He stated he believes it says at night. Is that the case? The idea is that if it  
is going to be a public access trail in an area where they are not  
comfortable with a nighttime security. They would like to be able to close  
the trail at night. In the same way a lot of the city parks are closed at night.  
The trail will be open during daylight hours.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach thanked Mr. Schmehl for that clarification. She stated  
that her next areas of concern, on Page 1 of the Ordinance Number 1 letter  
C of the purpose to widen the housing opportunity. She stated that does  
not see what is happening. She referenced an article in Lehigh Valley Live  
in 2023, data from a national housing coalition shows that it is a deficit of  
housing for extremely low income. She used Lehigh Valley AMI and  
discussed when you get to middle income and above medium income.  
Mr. Charlie Schmehl stated that there is a sever housing shortage in Lehigh  
Valley for all types. The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission says the  
current shortage is 9,000 housing units and they need to add 1,320  
housing units each year to keep up with the demand. It is not possible for a  
private developer to build very low income housing without massive public  
subsidies. There is interest expressed if there are particular partners that  
want to be involved in portions of the property there may be opportunities to  
do different types of housing. The goal is to bring in middle income  
housing and that will loosen up the housing supply.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that they are talking low income that is literally  
most people. That is people making just over $40,000 something a year.  
That is most people. Middle income according to Lehigh Valley Live is  
Mr. Charlie Schmehl stated that most people will have a wider definition of  
middle income than $95,000 per household.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that this is not hers. This is from the National  
Housing Coalition.  
Mr. Charlie Schmehl stated that the popular definition is much broader than  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked about the public access and the open space.  
The reason why she asked the questions and looked downtown and the  
development thus far there is not public access. The dog parks are for the  
residents. The recreational facilities that the buildings have are for  
residents. She stated that is where her concern is. Her concern is they will  
have isolated communities like they do downtown.  
Mr. Charlie Schmehl stated that there is potential for the city to own the  
open space. That is a matter of public discussion. The city has to decide if  
they want it or not. Some of the open space could be dedicated to the city  
as parkland particularly some of the land particularly some of the land along  
the river with pubic trails.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that they had a resident this evening that was  
concerned about extra services needed. He asked if there were any  
studies on the fiscal impact of what this project will bring to help the  
eastside resident know how those costs will be offset.  
Representative from City Center stated upon buildout of the entire site, they  
are estimating there will be annually $9.3 million generated in tax revenue  
between city, county and school district.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there is anyone else on Council.  
Ms. Candida Affa addressed Tino Babayan about public safety. She  
agrees with him and stated this before, the city is growing in leaps and  
bounds. There is the Waterfront and North Ridge. She stated that the city  
needs a larger and bigger police force. The fact that there will be a lot of  
tax revenue coming from there, it is going to help to pay to get more police  
which will be an advantage. According to the Chief, this time around they  
had more applicants then they had in the last several years. It is an uptick  
for the police department that there are men and women out there that want  
to serve. She believes with the projects and the growing city with the tax  
revenue, it's going to shore up the police department.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated to Ms. Affa that if he could respond slightly to that  
is one thing that is attractive to recruiting new police officers is a supportive  
city environment and the support of City Council as well. The actions that  
City Council takes certainly has an impact on their ability to recruit new  
officers. They certainly with additional tax revenue created by the  
development on the site and with the growing attractiveness with the city of  
Allentown, they will be able to meet the public safety needs and address  
the traffic concerns that arises as a result of additional development on the  
eastside. This is part of the development process. The additional  
development prevents them to make investments in our city that allows us  
to be safer, cleaner and healthier for all of our residents.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there was anybody else on the dais or any  
comments from the public.  
Pastor Dan Blount, Co - Pastor of Ripple, stated that he saw the question  
and asked about the low income housing and you can't do anything for  
them which one of the families, the Butz', Jaindl's, and Mr. Riley who is  
going to help the poor. Who is going to help those people? Who is going  
to cry for those people because those people need help? When you look  
around, there are so many people that need help. Look around at the  
homeless. You can build something for them, if it is nothing but those little  
houses that they have out west. He stated to do something for the  
homeless. Do something for the people that are less fortunate for those  
who have. It is time that they just help everybody. If the rich was to look out  
for the poor, it would wipe out poverty. The reality is nobody cares. They  
care about money. That is not fair to the people that keeps feeding you  
their money. look out for some poor folks one time and see how God bless  
you. You are blessed already, but nevertheless.  
Ms. Barbara Redmond, NAACP - Allentown, stated the Hanover Avenue  
Mental Hospital was there to help people. That was to help people so why  
can't you do something to help the people. Use that facility to help people.  
That facility was to help the mentally ill people and was a facility to support  
people in need. Why don't you take that facility and help people in need.  
You taking from the poor again, and giving to the rich and she just doesn't  
understand that.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris, 1817 17th Street and School Board Member, stated  
that she is trying to figure out this, they are saying some of the taxes will go  
towards our school district. ANIZDA said the same thing. They were  
supposed to get $5 million and they devalued the properties there. They  
don't even get a million dollars. She saw the original contract from Mayor  
Pawlowski that they were supposed to get $5 million from ANIZDA Zone.  
To her, this is another bait and switch. How do they know they will get the  
money to the School District? She stated that she does not because that  
was promised before and that is not what they are getting again. They are  
100 percent free lunch deemed by the federal government. How are you  
telling them they are building these houses for those who are rich and not  
even the middle class are getting those homes. She stated that they have  
to do better. She asked them to look at this completely. Look at the  
numbers. The numbers are not adding up. What he said did not add up.  
She asked them to completely research this and do right by the people  
Mr. Pas Simpson, 215 N. Ninth Street, stated that his issue again is that  
they are widening the gap. He stated that 52 percent of the students are  
below the poverty line. He stated that they are not addressing the needs.  
Poverty is violence. If they continue to ignore what is going on, it doesn't  
matter how many police you have. He stated that if he is hungry, homeless  
and have nowhere to go jail is a great place to be. Especially in the winter  
time. It is warm there. They will get three hots and a cot. He stated that  
they are not creating a safer environment if they keep increasing the  
poverty rate. If they keep extending the gap. He stated that they talk about  
these tax increases. He stated that half of them voted for a tax increase  
when they heard that there are things that are not being paid for and they  
have so many people struggling. As they build these new developments,  
as they do what they do. He stated that they can't keep neglecting the  
people that are here. Those people sooner or later can't leave. So what  
are they going to do? he stated that he said it before when he was  
homeless or hungry, he would rob them in front of the police. You could not  
stop him. His babies had needs. His fear would not be what they would  
think it would be. His fear would be looking into his daughter's eyes and  
saying that he can't provide a meal today. Looking in his daughter's eyes  
and saying they are not going to be warm again today. He stated that he  
does not know if they ever were in that position. He knows what it is like  
even as a business owner to see the bills not come in. There has been  
times that he has paid his staff and slept outside because he felt for his  
community that well. He stated that they can't keep extending the gap.  
They can't keep tripping over their own feet. They can't keep increasing the  
violence and going, well we are going to get more police. That is going to  
over burden them and they still haven't gotten the support that they need.  
As we make decision, let's make the decisions for the people that are  
currently living here and the burdens that they face on a daily basis.  
Mr. Eddie Aviles - Eddie Cares, stated that he currently has a camp that he  
calls a Cares Camp. There are 22 people in his camp that he caters to  
everyday, living in tents. He provides blankets, food, you name it. That is  
his camp. There are six others across the city. That is not included with the  
people living in their cars. He has about sixteen families. He is up to 16  
now. Four of them have four kids in each car. The local hotels are getting  
rich off our homeless. The hotels are full off of homeless people. This  
gentleman is saying that he wants to build a building and they don't have  
enough money to give him a small building like this. He stated that he has  
a plan to curb homelessness in the city of Allentown and to end hunger. It is  
$5.5 million for the building and he needs another $10 million to make it  
happen. He stated with $16 million he could do it. Not by himself, but with  
every nonprofit that is doing the work. They been doing this out here. If  
these people can't do for us, why we can't do for them. These people are  
living in cars. He would love to take these gentlemen down to his camp.  
He hopes none of them touch his camp. He stated that he would die for  
that camp. He stated that before they find a solution, don't touch it. These  
gentlemen need to do for us before they do for them. Right now, this  
gentleman is doing for him.  
Mr. Art Armstrong, 1516 W. Turner Street, reminded Council that this  
project was foisted on the people of Allentown when the state sold the  
property to a single developer for a pittance. Council should insist that they  
be able to direct the future of the city, not Harrisburg and not a single  
developer. Council should send a clear message and refuse to rezone this  
property and pursue organic development options instead.  
Ms. Megan Schaeffer, stated that she is speaking again. She stated Ce  
Ce you brought up some great points that she would like to touch upon,  
stating that Ms. Gerlach mentioned about the public meetings of the  
Planning Commission would be the only other time that you are able to  
speak. Is there a certain website or communication that she is not aware  
of that this stuff is posted or a Notice besides The Morning Call newspaper  
that had this meeting in. She asked if there is anything scheduled Public  
Hearing wise.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that the city should answer that, but to her  
knowledge The Planning Commission meetings are on the city's website.  
You would go there. In terms of if Mr. Riley were to graciously have more  
public meetings that would be on him to communicate that with the  
Ms. Megan Schaeffer stated that for instance if you are talking about the  
Eastside Youth Center meeting. She had no knowledge of that and that is  
right down the road from her. She did not know if it was on a Facebook  
Page or some kind of communication or something else out there.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that it was advertised in The Morning Call.  
Ms. Megan Schaeffer stated that she is sorry. She does not get The  
Morning Call.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she gets her.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked if they sent something out at the last meeting.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the Planning Commission meets every  
second Tuesday of every month at 12:15 PM.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that there is a lot of cross talk.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked Mr. Hanlon how many flyers were sent out.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated probably 250.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated 250 were mailed out for meetings here on this  
Ms. Schaeffer stated that she received the first one and the meeting was in  
September. She received no further communication since. She stated  
that she would like to stay in the loop and was wondering if she was  
missing something as far as communications.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there was anybody else from the public.  
4 - Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, and Santo Napoli  
3 - Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Natalie Santos  
Enactment No: 15957  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if his colleagues had any comments or  
questions on any of the items or any comments from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Certificate of Appropriateness for work in the Historic Districts:  
201 N. 10th St.  
531 W. Allen St.  
1143 W. Linden St.  
1529 W. Turner St.  
1539-51 W. Chew St.  
Enactment No: 30754  
Authorizes Disposition of Certain Records  
Enactment No: 30755  
Sewage Planning Module at Parikh Allentown Restaurant  
Enactment No: 30756  
Denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness – 213 N. 11th Street  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that it was denied due to the lack of  
communication between the homeowner and the city. He also did not show  
up for tonight's meeting.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments or questions from  
his colleagues or any comments from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30757  
Police Officer Appointments  
Chief Charles Roca stated that before them tonight, he has four officers  
that he is going to put forth. The first is Erick Reyes, 25 years old of  
Allentown, PA. He graduated from William Allen High School and took  
classes in Criminal Justice at Northampton County Community College and  
East Stroudsburg University. He is fluent in Spanish and will be attending  
the Allentown Police Academy in January 2024. Joshua Cabrera is 21  
years old of Oak Ridge, NJ. He graduated from Jefferson Township High  
School and received his Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice from the  
Community College of Morris. Joshua will be attending the Allentown  
Police Academy in January 2024. Brendan Velez is a 22 year old of Lower  
Macungie Township, PA. He graduated from Emmaus High School and  
obtained his Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice from LCCC and  
currently working towards obtaining his Bachelor's Degree in Criminal  
Justice from Kutztown University. Brendan is fluent in Spanish and will be  
attending the Allentown Police Academy in January 2024 and finally Justin  
Rosso is a 23 year old resident of Orefield, PA. He graduated from the  
Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School in Queens, New York. He is a  
veteran of the United States Marine Corp and he will be attending the  
Academy in January 2024. He stated that this bring them closer to the  
complement. They are going to have at least eight officer retire all  
together. They about five right now. It bring them to the full complement.  
They are working towards that number. He stated that he will take any  
questions if anybody has them.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or comments from the public.  
6 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, and Santo  
1 - Ce-Ce Gerlach  
Enactment No: 30758  
Authorizes the submission of the formal application for funding from the  
Local Share Account (LSA) grant in the amount of up to Three Hundred  
Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-Six dollars ($300,636.00) with no match  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that in the previous two meetings, part of the local  
share account application process needs a Resolution from City Council  
authorizing them to make applications. A couple of years ago, they  
received about $750,000 for the purchase of a fire truck. In this case they  
are going to be asking the state for assistance for the purchase of a fire  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mayor Tuerk. He asked if there were any  
questions or comments from his colleagues. The state LSA would have to  
decide between having a fixture of money that they allocate across all of the  
67 counties in the state.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that if they will indulge her question will also be  
pertinent to R211 and R212. Just in general, how is it decided what the  
money is spent on. In this case, it is a bucket truck and then later.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that these are applications that are made. In case  
of the bucket truck, they are applying for support directly as the city of  
Allentown. In the case of R211, that is the Baum School is making  
application to the state local share account. In the case of R212 with the  
Allentown City School District making application to the same body for  
support of community outreach related to the development of athletic  
facilities Andre Reed Park. Broadly speaking, the decision and what they  
decide to apply for is what the department or nonprofit organization needs  
support with. It ultimately comes down to the state. They end up competing  
with each other. Whatever department is willing to put together a grant  
application for support of their activity, they will do that.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she better understands, not fully but better  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated local legislators or local representatives probably  
can help. There are two different types of LSA money and a local share  
account which is related to gaming funds which is smaller dollars. They  
recently received support from the Pound for Pound Boxing Gym. Under  
that program which is about $50,000. This is the LSA statewide. There is  
a group of legislators on the state level that will support applications. They  
can count on the local legislators supporting these applications to that  
board. They will typically support all of the Allentown applications.  
Statewide, he does not know the total amount of the awarded is, but they  
always fight to get as much as possible awarded to the applications in the  
city of Allentown.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach thanked Mayor Tuerk.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any others on the dais or  
comments from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30759  
Approves the submission of the formal application for the local share  
account grant on behalf of The Baum School of Art to support upgrades  
including modernizing the facility, increasing capacity, integrating  
technology, and adding dedicated spaces for specialized artistic  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or comments from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30760  
Approves the submission of the formal application for the local share  
account grant on behalf of Allentown School District to support the hiring of  
a consultant to lead a public engagement process and develop Master  
Plans for the City and School District owned parcels.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Hanlon and asked if there are any  
comments or questions from his colleagues.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that this is for Andre Reed park then.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated yes, exactly.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked no other parcels, just Andre Reed.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it is for development of athletic facilities  
around Dieruff High School. His preference is that the city talk to the  
community and assess the feasibility of development of not just the Andre  
Reed Park site, but potentially the former football fields site that is presently  
owned by the School District. This is an application that was assisted by  
Senator Nick Miller's office in response to Council's concerns and his  
concerns about addressing the needs of residents around the Andre Reed  
Park area.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated ok. Thank you.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there was anybody else on the dais or  
comments from the public.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris, Allentown School Board, asked what football field is  
the mayor talking about.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated the field on Tilghman Street. The former practice  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated the practice field, you want to develop that. She  
asked if Mayor Tuerk knew that was an old dump. It is not solid. It is  
nothing but problems. You cannot level that out.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the city is going to talk to the community. This  
is funding.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated that she understands that and they will get their  
Report because the School District did a Report on that.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that Report was conducted and prepared without  
really any input from people who live in the area around Andre Reed Park.  
They should go further to discuss community feedback.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated that they will get the Report to know what exactly  
is underneath that field that is not practical to use. She stated that she is  
looking forward to that.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated as are we.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that R213 was removed.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30761  
No Confidence Vote in Mayor’s Leadership  
Mr. Zucal and Gerlach  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Hanlon and asked if there were comments  
from his colleagues.  
Mr. Ed Zucal thanked Mr. Hendricks and stated that obviously he is the only  
person that wants to show some leadership because if you are here to see  
if it is going to be seven votes or five votes ask for your refund because it is  
not going to exist. In the 60s, a group called Peter, Paul and Mary wrote a  
song about blowing in the wind and one of the verses were how many times  
does a person turn their head and pretend that they don't see. Well, that  
has been what has been happening here for the last two years. He stated  
that when Mayor Tuerk took office they had five good Department  
Directors. Since that time, every one of them have left this city. Some you  
have gotten rid of and some who left on their own because they have stated  
that they can't no longer work for you. In addition to that, five Deputy  
Directors and/or supervisors have left this city for the same reasons. It was  
said to him by a gentleman that had almost 30 years of experience here  
that he left before his employment future was ruined because he received  
information from a fellow employee that you were going to use his current  
supervisor or Department Director to have him terminated. A second  
individual told him that he left here. He stated a very good individual by the  
way. He stated that Mayor Tuerk asked him to do some things that he felt  
that were against his integrity and if did not leave, you probably would have  
fired him. He stated that as you know about 10 days ago an article  
appeared on Lehigh Valley News about the mayor firing one of the  
individuals in the HR office. Well, let's be factual because there were three  
fired. This individual was an employee in the HR department and part of  
your job when you are in the HR department is to filter complaints. Part of  
that individuals job was to filter complaints. People came to her with issues  
whether it was workplace harassment, racism, discrimination or whatever.  
She took upon herself to do her job and as a result she ended up with a  
target on her back. As a result she eventually lost her job. As you know  
sometime this past summer the city hired an HR Director and did an  
outside study to get him. The city spent about $30,000. A short time after  
he was here, he was terminated. if you recall on the very first night that he  
spoke to the press, he stated that he was terminated because he refused  
(he is not going to name names because he does not want to play that  
game). He stated that he was terminated because he refused to fire that  
employee which is the same employee that was terminated. That  
employee also filed an EEOC Complaint. If you know anything about  
EEOC Complaints, one of the first things that you cannot do is to harass,  
intimidate, or terminate without just cause. He stated to the Mayor that is  
why I called you out as far as this being retaliatory. When you file an  
EEOC Complaint, they receive the complaint. They look at it and evaluate  
it, they notify you within 10 days whether or not if it is justification about the  
complaint and they also notifies the employer. She was notified the  
Thursday before Thanksgiving and now he had an opportunity of how many  
months to terminate her. She was fired on Monday. If that does not show  
retaliation, he does not know what does. He stated to Mayor Tuerk that is  
why he called him out. He stated that the Mayor sent him a text on  
Thanksgiving thanking him for caring and having compassion for the  
citizens. He thanked the Mayor and stated that he does and will continue.  
The Budget, and stated to the Mayor that last year you sat here and said  
you were a guru. Well, how can you be a guru when you come before  
Council for a 6.9 percent Budget increase and 23 new positions. You  
stated that he cannot personal explain that. He stated that he knows he  
tried and then when that failed you came back at us asking for a two  
percent raise. Council said that they were not going to do that. The  
majority of Council voted against that. He stated then he started with  
threats. Why the treats? He stated that they can work things out if they talk  
they can work things out. There is no communication. He asked his  
colleagues what's the magic number for people to leave, Department  
Directors or whatever. People to leave, people to be terminated, people to  
want to leave on there own. What is the magic number because if it is a  
magic number then they probably should not be here. They should wait until  
they reach that number. He could only say two things about this. Either you  
believe what people will say tonight and what he says and vote yes or you  
can say none of this is true and vote no and they continue to turn their  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there is anybody else at the dais who wishes  
to speak.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he has been here for a year and been doing a  
lot of watching and learning and notice that it is a lot of lack of cooperation  
between Council and the administration. He can't speak for the  
administration, but there is blame on their side and they need to do a better  
job of communicating. There will be disagreements. That is the way it  
goes. They can agree to disagree, but they have to be professional. They  
have to work together because at the end of the day, they are serving  
residents. What is happening here tonight, he is very disappointed  
because it is taking our eyes off the ball when it comes to serving our  
residents. That is really what we are here for. What they spent their time  
here. He stated that he does not spend a lot of time here in the building.  
Maybe three hours a week average, but it is mentally draining what is  
happening. He stated that if that is happening to him three hours a week  
because of what is happening in this situation he can't imagine what it is  
doing to the employees. The folks that spend 40, 45 or 50 hours a week  
serving our residents day in and day out. It is grueling. He stated that he  
does feel for the complaints. Those complaints were heard. Council  
authorized an investigation based on those complaints they heard them. It  
was seven to zero. He is anxious of this investigation to begin and find out  
what happened. Based on the conclusion of that investigation, it is the  
appropriate time to take action. He does not think that time is now  
because they have not heard what really happened. He stated that they  
heard the issues and heard from the parties. Again, they heard, but he is  
going to tell them that he is not a professional in figuring this out. He stated  
that it is not our job duty. Their job duty is to hear the complaints, act on  
them and authorize an investigation and let the professionals handle it and  
let us know what happens right or wrong. Then Council's job is to take  
action and say ok whatever the case will be. He stated that he can't speak  
to that because they don't know what it is. They haven't even gotten to that  
point. He stated that is his big concern. Listen, in the spring time he  
spends a lot of time speaking to residents and knocked on doors in every  
neighborhood in the city and he heard many things: lack of affordable  
housing (obviously), qualify of life (on the tip of everyone's tongue), but one  
of the big ones was don't be like Washington. Residents don't want  
dysfunction. They don't want a situation where people can't work together.  
If they see it in Washington, nothing gets done. He stated we make fun of  
them. He stated that they say how crazy it is. He doesn't want that to  
happen here because if this happens here, residents lose. It is that simple.  
Residents will lose. That is a shame because they are here to serve  
residents and do the best that they can for them. If they gridlock, it will be a  
tough two years because they are not going to get anything done. He just  
doesn't want it to be where and knows the media likes it, but he does not  
want it to turn into a reality show. Reality shows, we watch them and the  
dysfunction, drama. It is not something that nothing good comes out of it.  
Again, he wants to see more cooperation between Council and the  
administration. They are going to butt heads sometimes. Contrary to  
popular belief, he butts heads with the administration from time to time. It  
is one of the things where they are never going to agree on everything.  
They are going to do things on how they feel best. It is tough because they  
all have their ideas. They see it all the time. He stated that he is a football  
fan and a coach comes to his team and he does things a certain way. He  
wants him to do it a different way. He stated that he wants him to run the  
ball. He just keeps passing. What are you going to do? He is a coach.  
That is the thing that they have to take into consideration. He knows Mr.  
Zucal made a point about folks leaving. He stated that he knows for a fact  
that what he read after post Covid, a lot of municipalities had this issue. He  
is not going to say that is the issue for every employee that left, but a lot of  
companies and organizations lost employees post Covid. There was a lot  
of movement. He is really happy on who is in place. He stated that the  
Department Heads and doing a great job. He stated that he is happy with  
who they have right now. He stated that if they listen to him from time to  
time he is always advocating for employees. Again, the employees in  
question, the two that started this, not started, but created the need for the  
investigation, he wants to hear what happened. Because we need to hear  
because they were our employees too. When he talks about the 835  
employees, they are included. He stated that they need to find out what  
happened. Once they do, take the appropriate actions. He stated to him  
that is what is fair. They are putting the cart before the horse and they need  
to learn more. If anyone of them in this room were sitting in that chair, they  
would want the same opportunity. Let things play out and find out what  
happened. He stated that is all he is asking. When that time comes and  
they have to take action, he is on board. He stated that they need to get  
their work done. They have a budget to wrap up. They have a housing  
study that is approaching the finish line that they can help the residents.  
They have a Community Reinvestment Fund that they need to launch and  
implement. If they take their eyes off the ball, these other things don't get  
done or don't get done well. He does not want to see that happen. They  
have a lot to do. This is a matter that should be addressed at an  
appropriate time. Tonight's a little bit too early based on the lack of  
knowledge of what they have. He stated that is just his thoughts and  
thanked Mr. Hendricks for the extra time.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if he can respond to Mr. Napoli.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated no.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked what do you mean no.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he will give everyone an opportunity to  
speak first.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she don't know what they hope to accomplish  
tonight with this. She stated that they can't do anything about it. Council  
can't remove him. They can't remove anybody on Council. They can't fire  
anybody. They don't have that power. What are we going to accomplish  
here? We are going to accomplish more of a wedge with the mayor.  
Things will only get worse. How can we sit up here and vote no confidence  
and try to work with a man that is our mayor who most of you voted in. She  
stated what they need to do and asked if she could please talk. What she  
thinks they need to do as Council and residents is dress him down with all  
of the things you can find about the mayor you can. She asked Mr. Zucal  
what does he think he is going to accomplish tonight by that. Nothing,  
absolutely nothing. Tomorrow, he will still be our mayor. Tomorrow she  
would like to be able to call him, go to his office which she has which most  
of them and all of them can at any time. She stated that the mayor and she  
had a conversation way in the beginning, screaming at each other on the  
phone telling him what she wanted from him as a leader. Telling him what  
are the things that she expected from him. She stated that he has  
disappointed her at times and other times she understood. With this  
budget, she has found one thing during this budget hearing. He was the  
one that was negotiating. Council wasn't negotiating. No taxes. No taxes.  
No taxes. She stated that he cut all the fat as far as he could possibly go.  
She stated that he showed her one thing. She stated that she is not saying  
everything Mr. Zucal is saying. That is his opinion. She stated that she has  
her opinions. She stated that she does not think he did everything right as  
a leader, but a vote of no confidence is certainly and Council did it with one  
mayor who had 42 indictments against him and he was still voted in as  
mayor. She asked what are we going to accomplish here. They are only  
going to put a wedge between Council and the mayor and as long as this  
man is our mayor she is going to trying to work with him and tell him when  
he is wrong and will vote against him when she thinks he is wrong. This is  
the way you are supposed to do it. You are not supposed to say, I don't like  
him. It is a hatchet job, let's get rid of him. You can't. So there is no  
purpose to it this whole thing. Like Mr. Napoli said we have so much to  
work with here. So much to work with and they can't take their eye off the  
ball and have these distractions over, and over, and over again. She  
stated that they have this mayor for two more years. Let's try to work with  
him rather than put a wedge and make things even worse on Council for  
our city and when Mr. Napoli said you citizens, he is not kidding. Ask him  
how much sleep he got last night. Not much. None of them did. This is a  
distraction. This is painful and stated shut up to the audience. She stated  
that is all she has to say. These people. She stated to an audience  
member you are the main one to shut up. She has had it with him.  
Audience talking in the background.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there was anybody else on the dais.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked Mr. Hanlon or Mr. Solicitor, can someone step  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked the police to remove an audience member and  
stated that he does not come back in tonight. He stated that he does not  
agree with this movement either. There is nothing positive in this  
Resolution. He stated that he has negotiated with the mayor and he has  
been more than fair. He started with a seven percent increase in the  
budget. He negotiated with him on behalf of Council, down to two percent.  
He removed every position. New position that he has put forth. He has  
been more than reasonable in this endeavor. He stated that he does not  
agree with everything that the mayor has done and voted against him on  
things and will continue to if he does not agree with him. Again, there is  
nothing positive to come out of this. People look at this and he is going to  
say this to you people. You people who are the citizens of this city. All of  
you residents of this city. You voted for some of us and some of us you  
didn't. This is your city. This is nothing positive that reflects on our city. He  
stated that Council got an email today from a person who is very upset and  
they said they moved here from a distance away and they love this city, but  
when they see our Council meetings now, and this resolution, they are  
thinking about moving. They said this is similar to Washington and some of  
our other major cities that have such disruptions. He encouraged his  
colleagues to vote no on this, let's move forward and work and engage  
with the mayor to do the best they can for the citizens of the city and those  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated two things, maybe Mr. Santo can explain to him why  
none of this occurred under the O'Connell administration. Number 2, we  
talk about his outside investigation, but yet the administration has done  
everything they can to block it or interfere with it. When you say about  
cooperation, he does not know what his definition of cooperation is, but it is  
definitely not his. As far as the citizens go, you are absolutely right. It is  
going to hurt them because you want to know why, there are going to be  
lawsuits filed as a result of wrongful terminations and who knows after the  
investigation how many more there may be. Yes, you are absolutely right.  
It is about the citizens.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Zucal and asked if there was anybody  
else from the dais.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she does not if anyone slept well last night.  
Some of them are on different spectrums on how they are going to vote.  
She stated that she has been stressed. Here is the thing, so it never feels  
good to have such resolution in front of you, but leadership isn't always  
about feeling good. Sometimes there are moments of tension.  
Sometimes there are heated moments. it is possible to work with folks of  
whom you have publicly stated I don't agree with your leadership. She  
stated that she is a testament of that. In 2020, there are folks on this  
Council who attempted to censure her and said that they did not want her  
on Council. That her leadership lacked and she is now working with one,  
pretty extensively. She stated that she can talk to Ms. Affa and they are  
cordial with one another. They still work with one another. Even though they  
publicly stated they don't want her here. It is proof that you can have very  
public and heated disagreements and still work with one another and get  
the job done. She stated that she just wanted to point that out and urged  
each of them to really think back over the last two years and do a little tally  
chart and how many times have there been situations, occurrences that  
raised an eyebrow for you. If that happens and you know of things, things  
that they can't say publicly right now. She stated that they know of things. If  
that is of concern to you. Again, this isn't say Mr. Tuerk you are.... It is  
saying that we got concerns about your leadership. Just like they all said to  
her. You all said that her actions were a detriment to her service on Council  
and yet, she is calling them and texting them and here with them right now.  
Just keep that in mind. they might not get invites to Mayor Tuerk's cookout,  
but that's ok as long as they can work together and the point is saying yes  
to a no confidence vote does not automatically say that we will never work  
together because if that were the case, stating you and I Ms. Affa will never  
would have had a conversation. Her and Mr. Zucal will never be calling  
each other. She stated that she wouldn't even say hi to you, Mr. Hendricks.  
Therefore, we can work together. She stated that they are working together  
right now.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Ms. Gerlach. He asked if there was anybody  
else on the dais that hasn't had an opportunity to speak.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked if he could speak briefly Mr. Hendricks. He took  
some advice from a friend who recommended that when other folks go low,  
he continues to go high. He stated that he is going to stay as high as  
possible here. This is a quote from another friend in politics, Michelle  
Obama. He stated that he wants to quote another politician, Daniel  
Moynihan who said that people are in fact entitled to their owns opinions,  
but they are not entitled to their own facts. He stated that a lot of what Mr.  
Zucal stated and he will take the opportunity to communicate with him. You  
talked about communications and he is glad he knows that you do answer  
text messages from Councilperson Gerlach because you certainly don't  
answer them from him. He stated to Mr. Zucal that you don't take my phone  
calls either. He stated that he will take this opportunity to speak with him  
because it seems like the only opportunity that he does have to speak with  
you. He goes back to and stated that Mr. Zucal obviously read the text  
messages that he sends him because he read the one that he sent on  
Thanksgiving. He stated that he does respect the work that Mr. Zucal does,  
but respectfully speaking the work that you are doing up here is diminishing  
a level of respect for this body and they can see that. You talked about the  
O'Connell administration and stated that he is disappointed in some of the  
behaviors of some of the citizens of the city of Allentown and the residents  
of the city of Allentown who have not permitted elected officials, that  
probably everybody here voted for to have their opportunity to speak.  
These types of activities they lower the integrity of the entire body of City  
Council. What you are doing is and stated that he got thick skin and they  
can say that they have no confidence in him, but it does not bother him at  
all. The half truths that you continue to espouse are disappointing. He  
stated that he thinks people look at them and believe that they speak the  
truth, but he thinks that they have not done all their research sir, respectfully  
speaking. It is a two way street and respect the work that they do and  
continues to respect them as an elected legislator and asked in return you  
do respect him as the mayor. He stated that he believes that Ms. Gerlach  
said that she is the author of the resolution. He believes he read that in the  
morning in one of the newspapers. You are the author. There is no respect  
to the administration. That is disappointing and he is going to continue to  
offer respect to them in hopes of continuing to earn, he believes earn their  
respect so he can earn the respect of many of the other City Council  
people who do engage in productive dialogue with him and the  
administration. He asked them to reconsider their positions and return to  
communication because that is the only way they will get there together.  
That is the only way they are going to serve the residents of this city. He  
asked them to put this aside, return to communication and let's get back to  
business. He wanted to clarify a little bit on what Mr. Napoli spoke to.  
When he says that this is a distraction, this could be damaging to morale  
for our city employees. It is not because this is a mess. You guys right now,  
the City Council people when you engage in this type of stuff, this is not  
legislating. This is not the work of a City Councilperson. The work of a City  
Councilperson is to serve the needs of the residents. That is what they  
elected you to do. That is what he asked them to do. He asked them to  
collaborate with him and his administration to meet the needs of the  
residents. That is the work that we want to get back to. if you can put this  
type of stuff aside and just focus on the work, they all will be in great shape.  
He thanked Council for the opportunity to speak to them. He stated that  
they got his number and is always happy to talk to them. He stated that he  
looks forward to it.  
Ms. Genesis Ortega, Communications Manager, stated Council President  
if you may, the administration would like to provide a prepared statement  
regarding the recent firings. She started by saying that this is not typical,  
but there has been a lot of public discourse and reporting in the media.  
She stated that they would like to share the following statement. In April  
2022, the Solicitor's office retain outside independent Counsel to  
investigate multiple complaints involving employees within the city's Human  
Resources Department. Due to the nature of the complaints involving  
individuals in that office and to ensure an impartial investigation, it was  
essential to involve external Counsel as Human Resources could not  
conduct the investigation internally, obviously. The 18 - month long  
investigation involved interviews with 25 city employees. Following the  
conclusion of this investigation, a Report was generated, recommending  
the termination of three employees in the Human Resources Department.  
Mayor Tuerk met with the outside Counsel from Bingaman and Hess who  
conducted the investigation and MacMain Leinhauser who represents the  
city. After careful consideration, the Mayor decided to follow the  
recommendations put forth by the investigation and terminate the  
employment of the three individuals. As of the case in all Human Resource  
related matters across industries and municipalities and even in the  
corporate world, they cannot provide details of specific findings of the  
investigations. The interviews, findings and conclusions are confidential.  
Employment matters that cannot be disclosed. Thank you.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she has a question. Now that is public, she  
has a couple of questions. She asked when did the investigation conclude.  
Ms. Genesis Ortega stated November 2023.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked what date.  
Ms. Genesis Ortega stated that they can get further information. She has  
no further comment.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that his letter is November 2, 2023 when they  
were presented with findings.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated November 2, the outside investigator presented  
you, Matt Tuerk with the findings. In the memo you referenced, it stated that  
the mayor recently had a conversation with the investigator. When did that  
conversation happen? What is recently? She asked because everything  
else is dated with months and years and everything. That just says recently.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they are not going to answer that question.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked how much was paid to the outside investigator,  
not the McMahon who handles the EEOC, but the outside investigator that  
investigated HRC.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he does not have the information immediately  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked does anyone.  
Ms. Genesis Ortega stated that they don't have that information right now.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that they were led to believe during an Executive  
Session and publicly she said it so she might as well say it here that an  
outside investigator will not be able to access confidential information. She  
asked if this investigator have access to confidential information.  
Ms. Genesis Ortega stated that she cannot answer Ms. Gerlach's question  
right now.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated with everything going on, why is Council just now  
learning that there was an investigation for over a year. When the previous  
HR Director was terminated and that was public and there was an  
Executive Session about that. Why wasn't it told to Council that there was  
an investigation.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated as they detailed they are personnel matters. They  
are not going to comment on them.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that the document states that "a number of other  
changes to the HR office were recommended". If these "other changes are  
not of a personnel matter, can Council have a copy of the recommendation.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he is going to put that in the hands of the  
future HR Director.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated so there are matters that were not personnel  
related. They were maybe procedural or something they can get.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it is for the future HR Director.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if they can see the contract that was given to this  
outside investigator.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he can't answer that right now, but can defer it  
to their Legal Counsel and the Solicitor.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach thanked Mayor Tuerk for his time.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he will now open it up to the public for  
Ms. Phoebe Harris, Allentown School Board, stated on School Board, they  
only have one employee and that is the Superintendent. As City Council  
isn't the Mayor your employee? No, ok. Because you are elected by the  
people, who don't you have access to the things you just asked for. You are  
elected by the people. You are elected to let us know what is going on.  
She stated to Ms. Affa, her telling someone to shut up is wrong. That was  
wrong. That hurt us. That is the comment.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that they would not let her speak.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated don't. Don't engage.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated that she is not coming to degrade or  
dehumanize anyone. She is asking City Council what the rules are. So  
now she knows that he is not their employee however she listened to Mr.  
Santo and you pointed out that you feel that you are here to represent the  
people. All of you are here to represent the people. The people are not  
having confidence in this Mayor. She stated that they know it does not do  
anything, however, it let's the mayor know he needs to do better. That is  
what a vote of no confidence means. It means that you need to do better by  
our people. By what we need in Allentown. Stop being obtuse and  
understand and work towards making this a better city. That is the vote of  
no confidence means. It needs to tell him, do better. That is how she sees  
it as an elected official. She stated that is what she would do to make the  
mayor see we have to do better. Transparency. Transparency is really  
important. The fact that he did not answer those questions she got a  
problem with it. That means he is hiding something to them. That is what  
everybody thinks in here. He is hiding something. She asked Council to  
do a vote of no confidence to let him know he needs to do better.  
Ms. Barbara Redmond, Allentown NAACP, stated that the reason why she  
is here is because Karen was granted the Right to Sue by the EEOC while  
she was out with her father's death and the mayor was aware of it and of  
the decision that the EEOC has made to give her the Right to Sue. When  
she returned to work on that Monday, the mayor had handled the situation  
with no courtesy, he had no compassion or dignity for her when she  
returned. The decision that was made to terminate her was during a fiscal  
year. The city cannot afford to have money paid out because of this issue.  
She stated that they feel as though the mayor was unprofessional. What he  
did to Karen was unfounded and unjust. She stated that they want to know  
why he would do something like this at this time. The lawsuit that Ms.  
Ocasio is a burden on the city of Allentown and she wants to remind  
everyone that the two people that were involved in this are people of color.  
The people of color have the biggest complaints in the city of Allentown.  
She stated that they have people of color with Master's Degrees in the city  
of Allentown who are led by people with a high school diploma. She asked  
why is it so irresponsible on the mayor's part. Why is he acting like a  
kindergarten kid instead of being responsible. The city of Allentown loves  
the people, not him. He works for the people in the city. He is just as bias  
and unfair in his decision. He dismisses people on his personal  
preference and not on how they perform or how they conduct. The city of  
Allentown deserves a better leader.  
No Name Given (Male) stated that the mayor said that they disappointed  
him. Well, the feeling is mutual. In time, he hopes that an investigation will  
bring to light the full truth of what has happened in the last two years. In the  
meantime, what do we know? We know that the mayor's office has  
steadfastly refused to answer even basic questions about why city  
employees, the people's employees were removed from their posts. The  
total lack of transparency is dragging us back to the not so distance past  
and casting appall over the city. City residents and this City Council are  
entitled to basic answers to basic questions about the people who salaries  
are paid by taxpayers and we should no need a no confidence motion to  
get it. He stated one last point, the top priority of this Council is not to avoid  
drama. It is to do oversight. This Council can't do its job so long as city hall  
continues to be a black hole of information. Work with him, talk with him,  
but above all hold him accountable.  
Mr. Douglas Bennett stated that he was born and bread here and he ended  
up going to Massachusetts just after college. He stated that the city of  
Allentown and the City Council here and the mayor act actually like a team  
and work very well compared to a lot of other City Council's and town  
Council's out there. He stated that he can given them some really good  
examples. He was living up in Boston going to Law School and just this  
year, the had a City Councilor named Kendra Lara and she was speeding  
in an unregistered car, unlicensed, and she drove into a house. He stated  
that he got elected up in Massachusetts as a county commissioner. If you  
think it is bad here, arrival on the Council with him got into a  
4 - Cynthia Mota, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Natalie Santos  
3 - Candida Affa, Daryl Hendricks, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30762  
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (To be referred to Committee with public  
comment prior to referral)  
Bill 104  
Providing for the vacation of South Sixth Street from the centerline of  
Mason Street to the centerline of Dixon Street in the Nineteenth Ward of the  
City of Allentown:  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments on Bill 104.  
Enactment No: 15965  
Bill 105  
Amending the 2023 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of Twenty  
Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety-Two Dollars and Twenty-One Cents  
($20,492.21) from Valania Park Capital Project into the Cedar Creek  
Bridges Capital Project for the repairs of the remaining Cedar Creek  
Bridges to be completed. These funds would be placed in the Cedar Creek  
Bridges capital project.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated yes, and she believes that meeting is December  
Enactment No: 15966  
Bill 106  
Amending the 2023 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of  
Forty-Nine ($0.49) Cents from City Wide Park & Playground capital project  
into the WPA Structures Capital to use for repairs of WPA Structures.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Enactment No: 15967  
Bill 107  
Amending the 2023 Capital Fund Budget to provide for an appropriation of  
Four Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($4,250.00) from the Trexler  
operating budget to the D&L Trail capital account to assist in design and  
construction of the D&L Trail Allentown Segment.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Enactment No: 15968  
Bill 108  
Amending the 2023 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Six Hundred Fourteen Thousand Four Hundred and  
Seventeen ($614,417.00) Dollars from the Delaware Lehigh National  
Heritage Corridor (DLHNC) to support design and construction of the D&L  
Trail – Allentown Segment as per the agreed Memorandum of  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Enactment No: 15969  
Bill 109  
Amending the 2023 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars from Keep PA  
Beautiful in their efforts to support a volunteer event by Giant/Martin Food  
Stores for supplies to conduct the volunteer event.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Enactment No: 15970  
Bill 110  
Amending the 2023 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Thirty-Seven Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Three  
Dollars ($ 37,783.00) from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,  
Department of Community and Economic Development Local Share  
Account grant for the purchase of a vehicle for Lehigh Valley P4P Boxing.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Enactment No: 15971  
Bill 111  
Amending the 2023 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Fifty-One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty-Eight Dollars  
and Eighty Cents ($51,688.80) from PPL for the completion of Phase 2, 3,  
and 4 of the LED street light conversion.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Enactment No: 15972  
Bill 112  
Amending the 2023 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of One Million Five Hundred Seventy-Four Thousand Eight  
Hundred and Fifty-Eight Dollars and Fifty-One Cents ($1,574,858.51) from  
UGI for the purpose of constructing ADA handicap ramps and for the  
milling and paving of streets under the City’s Utility Paving Program.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Enactment No: 15973  
Bill 113  
Repealing Ordinance 15938 passed on August 16, 2023 by administering  
the grant through the Bureau of Building Standards and Safety and creating  
proper accounts as required under the grant and The legislation amended  
the 2023 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental appropriation  
of Two-Million-Dollars ($2,000,000.00) grant funding from the U.S.  
Department of Housing and Urban Development to address housing  
related hazards including radon remediation, asbestos abatement, and  
electrical and plumbing repairs.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Enactment No: 15974  
RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION (Can be voted on or Referred to Committee):  
Council Rules  
Procurement Procedures  
Code of Ethics