435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Wednesday, March 6, 2024  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Pledge to the Flag  
Roll Call  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Courtesy of the Floor  
Courtesy and Privilege of the Floor Rules  
Contract Approvals: There are four contracts for approval – R25, the Clean Team  
was tabled pending getting more information on the contract. The general idea for  
approving contract pursuant to the legislation passed by council is you are  
approving a resolution acknowledging that proper procurement procedures were  
followed pursuant to the city code. Ask the Clerk to read the resolution. The  
Purchasing Agent, Sarrah McNeil, who is on TEAMS, will explain the proposal. After  
staff explains the process, ask for comments from the dais and the public before a  
Authorization for Contract with Allentown Rescue Mission Clean Team,  
LLC for an estimated sum of $349,127.38 to provide maintenance  
services for the City’s Central Business District for year one with a possible  
3% CPI increase yearly. This estimated sum includes costs for Special  
Events Assistance, snow clean up, and special cleanup project on an as  
needed basis. The estimated sum for the 5-year base contract is  
$2,132,098.62. This was competitively bid through the RFP process.  
Attachments: R25 - Clean Team  
Mr. Smith stated that Council should have a packet in front of them. At the  
back end there are Clean Team photos. That is a virtual tour of our facility  
that has to do with benefits that they give to clean team employees. He is  
going to reference all of the benefits and those are the pictures in the room.  
He has seven talking points that he wants to go over. Each one of these  
are actually a response or correction or clarification and points that were  
made at the last meeting that he believes are not true. He wants to set the  
record straight. In advance of this, it was tabled. Just to be clear, people  
talk interchangeably about the Allentown Rescue Mission and the Clean  
Team. They are different legal entities. The Allentown Rescue Mission is  
an INC Legal entity that was founded in 1906. The Clean Team is only 15  
years old and is an LLC. It is a recent addition to the series of programs.  
The purpose of the clean team which is completely separate from the  
Allentown Rescue Mission is to provide transitional employment to return  
formerly homeless men to self-sufficiency. They have an emergency shelter  
and for those 10 percent of people that are willing to go to classes to try to  
improve themselves to end the cycle of homelessness, they have a  
thousand people come into the emergency shelter. That is the Rescue  
Mission. They have hundred that comes from the Transformation Program.  
About 50 graduated. It is am eight week course. That is the Allentown  
Rescue Mission. When they are finished with the Allentown Rescue  
Mission, they have the option of working for the Clean Team. They have  
the option to stay in the Clean Team facility. Many of them do. About 60  
percent of the people that come through, successfully (what they considers  
success, not working for them). They consider success leaving them,  
working in the community and being able to pay for their own apartment.  
About 60 percent of the people have success. He stated that they track it.  
This is the Clean Team. These are the people that work for The Clean  
Team to pick up the litter in the city, cut grass and do whatever is under the  
contract. The second thing and he already made this point, it is post the  
Rescue Mission. There was a comment made in the last meeting that  
people in the Clean Team have to go back into the Transformational  
Program. That is absolutely not true. Once in the Clean Team, always in  
the Clean Team. You can leave the Clean Team. You can get a job. You  
can get laid off two years later and you can come back. He stated that  
they are a safety net. He stated that they want these people to be  
independent and be able to support themselves. That is the purpose of the  
Clean Team. It only been around 15 years. It only been on break even for  
about five or six. It was subsidized like crazy to get this off the ground. It is  
a copy from a program in New York City. That where it came from. There  
is no religious component to the Clean Team. A lot of the donors with the  
Rescue Mission asked him why no and he tells them because they are not  
going to get the city of Allentown to employ the First Baptist Church Youth  
Group. He stated that they are not a church. They are a secular  
organization and a separate legal entity. That is the only way they can  
contract with many other organizations. Compensation - there was a  
conversation about $8 an hour. They get a minimum starting fee in the next  
page he is going to show them more on compensation. That is what they  
guys are left with. The guys saved it because they covered their cost to  
live. If they go to work, they get $20 allowance. As soon as they leave for  
another job outside, it is over. They get all their money and don't force  
savings outside their employment. If their employer is a non Clean Team,  
but they are living in the Clean Team, they typically make $15 to $18 an  
hour. They are still getting a $10 benefit. They are make $25 to $28 an  
hour. That really allows them to accumulate capital to go forward with their  
life. It is a combination of the employer of the Clean Team, they get their  
own apartment, then they are making somewhere between $10 to $15 an  
hour, but now they are only getting $5 in benefits from them because they  
are paying their own way. That is worth $15 to $20 an hour. He thinks  
there are six out of the seven folks that work for the city of Allentown fall in  
that category. They almost all have their own apartment. They are getting  
$15 to $20 an hour. At the last meeting, people were saying you can't live  
off of $8 an hour. Well, they are not. He stated that after him there will be a  
graduate of the program that will talk for several seconds. He stated that  
this is their public restroom locations that they hand out to the men that are  
working in the city. He stated that is the list of it and that is the map. If they  
are confused, they can't follow it, the doors are locked or whatever it is, they  
get a phone number to call and they will get picked up. He wanted to go  
through quickly. He knows Council has a lot of stuff on their plate tonight.  
That is what he wanted to do to correct the record for things that were said  
at the last meeting.  
Mr. Francisco stated that he is a Clean Team Alumni. He stated that his  
wife died of cancer. He lost his job. He lost his house. He lost is cars and  
lost his mind. He became dependent on drugs and alcohol. He became  
homeless. He arrived at the shelter, a broken man. He joined the  
transformation program. He quit smoking along with the drugs and alcohol.  
He stated that is important. The transformation program gave him the tools  
that he needed to readjust to life. It is a good and helpful program. After  
graduating, he went on to the Clean Team. He worked in the kitchen as a  
Clean Team employee and was able to save $4,500 in six and a half  
months. That was a short-term goal he had set for himself. He moved out  
of the Allentown Rescue Mission into the Tribeca. That is a Hyman  
property building. It is really close to the Mission so it is very convenient for  
him. He moved out of the Allentown Rescue Mission into Tribeca like he  
said. He worked for the Clean Team workforce for 18 months. He stated  
that he then was hired as a staff member at the Allentown Rescue Mission.  
He stated now he runs the kitchen. He is the food service manager. The  
Clean Team workforce is just the starting point. It is designed to get a new  
start in life, save money and move on securing a better job. He stated that  
he made it. He was able to sustain a studio apartment, plus pay his bills  
and own a vehicle with the Clean Team workforce pay. The Clean Team  
gave him his start. The Allentown Rescue Mission saw the work that he put  
in and they gave him a job. Not everybody has that opportunity, but they  
can make it on the Clean Team pay. He has done work in the city and has  
done a lot of work for the Clean Team. Honestly, the Clean Team needs  
the city and the city needs the Clean Team. He stated that the Clean Team  
is a very important part of keeping these homeless men employed and also  
on the right track.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mr. Francisco and asked if there were any  
Ms. Candida Affa asked if there is a reason there are no women.  
Mr. Smith stated that he studied it. He used to say there is one man shelter  
and six women shelters. He thinks there are more than six now. They have  
a list of them. They have women come to their front door and they have to  
try to get them a place. If they show up and it is 11:00 at night and it is  
sleeting, they put the women in the lobby downstairs. He is in the process  
thanks to a very generous donation that he received this month for  
$500,000 for capital projects. They are in the process of doing two things:  
expanding their capacity for the Gateway Emergency Shelter because they  
are really out of capacity. Thanks to Covid and the section they have to put  
in quarantine and put in a bathroom, shower facility for women that come in  
the lobby that they can use it. When they put the women in the lobby  
overnight, the city calls and say can you do me a favor, the 15th Street  
shutdown for Covid or whatever it is. They put the women in and it is  
extremely difficult to manage it because they have one big bathroom area  
and they have one employee there all night long. When the have the  
women in the bathroom, they have to tap it off. It is really important for them  
to build the bathroom. His insurance covers men. His capacity is that he is  
out of capacity for men. He stated that he went and studied how do you do  
women. The best class that they found out is in Indianapolis. The  
Indianapolis folks came to Baltimore for a convention. Three of them drove  
down and he spent a lot of time. The guy that runs that is a corporate guy.  
They had a very good talk and he found out how they do it. He stated that  
their models are very different from our models. The city contacted him and  
said could you keep your model and he can go over that if they want him to.  
He stated that they asked if he could complete his model for women. He  
stated that the problem is children. He needs a bunk for an individual.  
When they have kids, he can't turn them loose in a big army barracks  
running around with people off the street. She said no, she doesn't want  
kids. They have already been stripped away. Just women coming out of  
prison. Just like the guys come out of prison. You take them. They need a  
place for women coming out of prison. They would eventually get the kids  
back, but for now they need a place. He started working on that model. To  
do that model, he would have to have more real estate which the guy next  
door doesn't want to sell them anything. It would be very hard to relocate it  
in another place. Principally because to make the economics work, you  
really want to leverage off your existing infrastructure. Meaning, Wendy at  
the front desk. The kitchen, the dining room, the meeting room, the storage  
of food. They have eight freezers. They have pantries that are very large.  
They get their donations heavily in the fall and have to make them last all  
year. They get donations all year. They got all this infrastructure that is way  
bigger than the bedroom area. If he was going to do women, without kids  
because it can't be kids. If you are doing women and children, its got to be  
apartments. He stated God bless the Sixth Street Shelter. That is what  
they do. They have 25 apartments. It is very capital intensive for what they  
do. For every mom with kids, you need another apartment. Not another  
bunk. There is a huge capital investment for what they do. They are in a  
different world from us and God bless them they do something that the  
Rescue Mission doesn't do. For him, he has to buy the block and the  
biggest problem is even if he had the money to buy it, he doesn't have  
parking. They used to have a lot of parking behind them, but they are  
developing that building now and that means parking for his tenants. They  
went from double amount of employees right now and the parking is really  
tight now compared to what it used to be. They don't have parking. All the  
apartments they have next to them have no parking for those apartments. If  
you rent an apartment, you can't have a car. That whole block from them all  
the way down to 4th Street. He is actually meeting with a group of women  
in the next week or so, four of them. They are involved in this industry. They  
work for different agencies and stuff. They want to meet and hear all about  
what could be done. He believed that he had it pretty well planned out.  
What the resources would be and how he can do.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated in other words it will be for the future.  
Mr. Smith stated for the future and he wanted to go right now and try to  
raise the capital. They are coming up on the 125th Anniversary. Their  
direct mail fundraising with people they work with in California said look, a  
125th Anniversary is a great time to raise money for a big event.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that she agrees with them.  
Mr. Smith stated that are like let's go.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that she was wondering.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that what she is looking at here is the work Clean  
Team living and private housing. That would eliminate any problems for a  
Mr. Smith stated that she can rent it. Those people pay their rent  
themselves. That is a private treaty between them and their landlord. They  
don't buy that housing.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated the Rescue Mission can hire them for $15 to $20  
an hour.  
Mr. Smith stated that the Clean Team would be the actual easiest part to  
do with women. As he looks at the three programs: The Emergency  
Shelter, the Transformation Program and Education and the Clean Team.  
Those all fit. They are not hard to do a match. The Emergency Shelter  
would do the same. The Transformation Program will be the same and the  
Clean Team. He stated that the Rescue Mission believes there will be jobs  
for the Clean Team. They would lose a lot of money starting this up. They  
lost a ton of money and the Rescue Mission subsidized the Clean Team for  
many, many years. When he joined the board, the first thing he did was  
consulting work to try to figure out how to get the Clean Team to stop losing  
so much money and how to get them to break even, on cash basis. Forget  
the subsidies. If they were to do women without having the volume of  
women that you need. There are 25 people on the Clean Team. The city is  
about 30 percent of it. It would be a really tough thing to do with a small  
number of women. They would have to figure out how to get 20 to 25  
women available so you actually have a supply of labor to be able to market  
the labor. It could absolutely be done. He doesn't see any reason in the  
world you couldn't have a female Clean Team, but he needs scale.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that since she is the one that raised the  
question. She does feel obligated to make a comment. She stated that  
she met with the two gentlemen last week for three hours. She got a pretty  
extensive breakdown of everything. What she would say is there was some  
concern about the religious component. The Transformation Program used  
to be called Christian Living. If she is wrong on anything she says, she  
asked that she be interrupted and told to stop. Her understanding is if she  
is a man, she is there and go into the Rescue Mission and got 30 days. If  
she can get herself together and get out. Cool. She is out. If she can't or if  
she wants some more like structure, she can go to the Transformation  
Program. She is in that for two months.  
Mr. Smith stated that it is eight weeks.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated during that, what are you doing. There is some  
talk of the Bible and all that. You don't have to convert. There have been  
people of different faiths to have went through that program. The  
equivalency was made of if you are at Sacred Heart Catholic School and  
you might not be Catholic, but you are there learning about Catholicism.  
After you do the Transformation Program, then that is how you get into the  
Clean Team if you need a job still at that point. She stated that is kind of  
the structure that was presented. The reason why she even brought it up it  
is just because when you are in the social service field, you meet people all  
the time. They tell you this and they tell you that. You meet people all the  
time and the system just isn't working for. She thought it was worthy of at  
least questioning. She doesn't think it is wise just to say, we worked with  
them for the last five. She stated no stating ask questions because you  
never know. In this case, the questions were answered and all things seem  
to be ok. She stated now we know.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Ms. Gerlach and asked if there were any other  
comments from the dais or comments from the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30801  
Authorization for Contract with Landmarks SGA, LLC in the amount of  
$49,781.00 to conduct architectural surveys of properties within the existing  
historic districts and update existing property inventories. The firm will also  
review the efficacy of the City’s historic district ordinance and examine  
existing City policies, including the zoning code and building codes, to  
make recommendations for continued improvements to the historic  
preservation program. The scope of work will also include assisting City  
staff with the enforcement of the historic district ordinance and assisting  
City staff with public outreach and methods of increasing public awareness  
of the historic districts. The firm will identify opportunities to increase the  
historic preservation incentives and investment within the City, work with  
staff to develop grant proposals to support the City’s historic preservation  
efforts and provide general assistance in implementing the City’s Historic  
Preservation Plan.  
On November 30, 2023, the City advertised a solicitation for a Historic  
Preservation firm to conduct architectural surveys of properties within the  
existing historic districts and update existing property inventories. The firm  
will also review the efficacy of the City’s historic district ordinance and  
examine existing City policies, including the zoning code and building  
codes, to make recommendations for continued improvements to the  
historic preservation program. The scope of work will also include assisting  
City staff with the enforcement of the historic district ordinance and  
assisting City staff with public outreach and methods of increasing public  
awareness of the historic districts. The firm will identify opportunities to  
increase the historic preservation incentives and investment within the City,  
work with staff to develop grant proposals to support the City’s historic  
preservation efforts and provide general assistance in implementing the  
City’s Historic Preservation Plan. On January 25, 2024, the public opening  
was held for which the City received three (3) proposals, which were  
distributed to all committee members via Teams for evaluations. The  
Technical evaluation was held on February 5, 2024, all committee  
members were present. The proposals were scored based on the  
following: IBE Preference (10 Points), Approach & Methodology (45  
Points), and Ability & Capacity (45 Points). The cost proposals were  
opened on February 5, 2024, and distributed to all committee members via  
Teams for evaluation after the completion of the technical evaluation. The  
Cost evaluation was held on February 14, 2024, all committee members  
were present. The committee members discussed the cost proposals (10  
Points). The committee made the decision not to move forward with oral  
interviews. The committee decided to award based on the firm’s  
qualifications and overall score. The committee is recommending award to  
Landmarks SGA, LLC. The Contract term shall commence upon full  
execution and shall cease one (1) year thereafter.  
Upon, written agreement, this contract may be extended for an additional  
two (2) one (1) year terms beyond the contract expiration period.  
Attachments: R32 - Landsmark  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that Ms. Anthony is here in the absence of Ms.  
McNeil who is not feeling well tonight. Ms. Anthony will be able to explain  
the procurement process and ensure Council that the procurement was  
followed in the case of the contracts that were mentioned tonight.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota welcomed Ms. Anthony and stated go ahead.  
Ms. Margaret Anthony thanked Ms. Mota. She stated that this solicitation  
was done as RFP 2023 - 39 and was advertised on November 30, 2023.  
On January 25, 2024, the public opening was held and the city received  
three proposals. The evaluation committee was comprised of four voting  
members: the Director of the Bureau of Planning and Zoning, a Chief  
Planner, Community Housing Manager, a Financial Analyst and two non  
voting members. A Planner and the Deputy Director of CED. The process  
was overseen by the Purchasing Department's Buyer. The evaluation  
committee held both technical and cost evaluations. The proposals were  
evaluated on the ability to meet the RFP requirements. After all the  
evaluations were conducted, the committee decided not to hold oral  
interviews. The committee made the recommendation to award based on  
the firm's qualifications and overall score. The committee is  
recommending an award to Landmarks SGA, LLC. They are a small  
business and qualifies for the IBE preference.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Ms. Anthony and asked if there were any  
comments from the dais or the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30802  
Authorization for Contract with CDR Maguire. Inc. in the amount of  
$172,365.88 for the Construction Inspection for the Bogert’s Bridge  
Rehabilitation, bid through the state as a result of a PennDOT TASA Grant.  
This contract is the product of a solicitation published and advertised by the  
Ms. Margaret Anthony stated that this solicitation was done through  
PennDot. The City of Allentown with PennDot has awarded the contract to  
CDR Maguire. This is covered by PennDOT's TASA Grant.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30803  
Authorization for Contract price increase of 10% or more for an existing  
Contract over $40,000.00, that was previously Bid and Awarded under City  
Policies, with James Duncan & Associates, Inc. in the estimated amount of  
$63,055.00 that was previously bid for urban planning consultant to support  
the City of Allentown Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision and Land  
Development Ordinance (SALDO) updated, and other City planning and  
zoning initiatives.  
On April 29, 2020, both parties entered into an agreement that the  
contractor would urban planning consulting services for the City of  
Allentown. At this time, the department is looking to extend the contract to  
have more Community Engagement and Meetings due to this starting  
during Covid-19 they were unable to hold as many as they planned to due  
to the restrictions. After that they would also like to have a “Year-One  
Ordinance Tuneup” to review and discuss everything and revise where  
Contract Sum:  
Requested Increase:  
New Contract  
$ 63,055.00 (Estimated)  
The current contract expires March 29, 2024 and a two (2) year extension  
is being requested.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked what's up with that. When are they getting that  
update again and why are we paying them more money? Are they going to  
be around for longer?  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that Mark can explain that. It is probably a  
question more germane to a CED committee. Since he is here now, he  
can walk you through that quickly.  
Mr. Mark Hartney, Deputy Director of Community and Economic  
Development, stated that they are and this is exciting. They are moving  
into Phase II of this so that the draft Ordinance has been completed and  
now it time to roll it out to the public and everyone else. That is the purpose  
of this. He expects that rollout to occur either later this month or early next  
month. It is going to start heating up and the purpose of this is to allow for  
them to be able to hold public meetings and solicit all kinds of public  
involvement and engagement on it.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there was anybody else. She asked if there  
were comments from the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30804  
Communications:Chasers: If you parked in the city lot next to City Hall, please see  
the City Clerk for a voucher.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that last Wednesday he believes it was, the mayor  
delivered a hand memo to Ms. Mota addressed to Ms. Mota and Mr. Santo  
with regards to running a properly conducted Council meeting. In that  
memo which was directed all to Council that if the meetings weren't run  
more properly in the future his department heads who is basically not  
required to be here according to him and that may be true, will not be  
coming here anymore because of the comments directed at Ms. Patel. He  
has been here at every single meeting and Ms. Mota and the one meeting  
that Mr. Napoli ran he thought were run very well. He stated that he can't  
ask anymore from them. He stated to the mayor as far as Ms. Patel goes,  
he doesn't remember him being here to defend her or to protect her. If you  
are going to discredit Ms. Mota and Mr. Napoli ability to run a meeting then  
he stated that the mayor should be man enough to be here to protect your  
department director.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated please.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated wow.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon asked if everybody is ok with the changes that are  
made to that resolution.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that if may, the lease that was provided to  
them originally was for four weeks. There have been no substantive  
changes. It is simply a correction of an omission that is immaterial. It  
doesn't change anything. Just so people know, the lease that you looked at  
and the lease that you approved is identical to what is in front of them.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any other comments from the public  
about the lease.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated no vote. He will make the change.  
Minutes of Previous Meeting: NONE  
Old Business:  
Council President Mota Notes: Resolution Number 30791 was passed on February  
7th – there was an oversight in the first Whereas of the resolution; if there are no  
questions the Clerk can make the adjustment to reflect what was in the lease that  
was attached and discussed at the council meeting as follows:  
WHEREAS, the City of Allentown is desirous of leasing the property, located at 1126  
Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA 18103 to Muhlenberg College for the period of January  
1, 2024, through December 31, 2033, with a one (1) ten (10) year renewal option.  
Change to this:  
WHEREAS, the City of Allentown is desirous of leasing the property, located at 1126  
Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA 18103 to Muhlenberg College for the period of January  
1, 2024, through December 31, 2033, with a one (1) ten (10) year renewal option  
followed by one (1) nine (9) year eleven (11) month renewal term.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that the reason he is bringing this up under Old  
Business is because to him it is a budget related item. Late last week he  
got a phone from a staff member asking him if he knew about the purchase  
of the mayor's new Mustang Mach - EV. He said he had no knowledge of  
that. When he called the individual who is in charge of the vehicle fleet he  
asked was this an item that was in the budget because according to the  
budget, Section 55 - City Registered Vehicles, under Section E, the  
funding of city vehicles - expenditures of city vehicles inclusive of purchase  
and maintenance shall be presented in the annual budget in a separate  
fund. He stated to him that separate fund means Fund 72. He went back  
to the budget book and he is not going to read all the vehicles that were  
included. There was $1,398,900 that Council voted on as a Council to  
purchase vehicles. Now, upon speaking with that individual, he told him  
that there is something consistent with a Cooperative Account. To that  
affect. Here is the problem, under contracts which is the result of the  
investigation with Mr. Pawlowski and this is one of the things that came out  
of that. Section Two, under 5.21A - Contracts per the award of all, not  
particular or individual. All contracts over $40,000 that are required to be  
bid recommendation of the lowest responsible bidder by the department of  
the administration and approval of Resolution by City Council prior to  
contract execution are required. A contract is an offer of goods and  
acceptance of goods. The vehicle in this case was a 2024 Mustang Mach  
-EV. The administration shall make available to the city's Clerk's office a  
list by department of each duly executed Purchase Order which there will  
be a Purchase Order for a vehicle. Identifying the vendor, the product of  
service, purchase order. He asked Mr. Hanlon did he receive any  
purchase orders from the administration regarding this vehicle.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated no.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated Section 8 - All bid contract and engagement contracts  
with the acceptance of legal counsel except under the Home Rule Charter  
shall contain language noting such engagement is subject to Council  
approval by resolution at a public meeting. No contract of any kind was  
ever presented to this Council and supported by any RFP. He stated that if  
there is one, please present it to him. The other problem is all city vehicles  
according to Section 55 should have a city seal on and a number to  
basically identify what part of the fleet they are. To this date, this does not  
exist. The only time that a vehicle can be purchased according to the  
Charter if there is an emergency case. In that case, emergency purchases  
shall be determined by the mayor managing director or designee. Within  
one week after the purchase of any good equipment services describe  
above, the finance director shall submit to the city controller a report  
dealing with the justification of excluding said purchase and any questions  
that the controller might have. The definition of an emergency vehicle - an  
emergency purchase shall mean a purchase necessary for the public safety  
or to avoid a significant loss to the city. He stated that he cannot see one  
reason how this will fit onto an emergency purposes. The bottom line here  
is, there was a contract. There was not a proper RFP. The vehicle costs  
$45,300 which is required to be brought before Council with an RFP and it  
was not. The other problem here is this is the kind of thing that gets people  
in trouble. There is a reason for the Charter and a reason that they follow  
the Charter. If there would have been a proper RFP process, the mayor  
could have went or the Purchasing Department could have went to three  
different dealers, got quotes, and perhaps been under the $40,000 mark.  
He stated that was not done. There was a specific contract with a specific  
car dealer that occurred. He stated that he is not going to mention the car  
dealer because that is not fair to them. He stated that it wasn't brought  
before Council so therefore it wasn't a proper contract and it wasn't an RFP  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there is anything under communications.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if they are legally or are they good with that. She  
asked if legally they are good if something wasn't followed. She asked if  
they are liable in any way.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that she would like to hear from.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked for an opportunity to look into that. This is all  
hitting him for the first time.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that if there is potentially some procedure wasn't  
followed, they need to make sure.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated it is fair enough to give Attorney Smith until the  
next Council meeting and than he will let Council know.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated what the repercussion will be if something  
wasn't by the books.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that he thinks Council should have input from  
the Solicitor's office as well.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that she believes that is fair enough.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated as Councilperson Zucal puts his concerns in  
writing, the administration will address them.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he will be happy to do that.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if they are ok to move forward.  
Bicentennial Park - Muhlenberg Lease - modification to refer for  
specifically to conditions of the lease  
WHEREAS, the City of Allentown is desirous of leasing the property,  
located at 1126 Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA 18103 to Muhlenberg  
College for the period of January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2033,  
with a one (1) ten (10) year renewal option.  
Change to: :  
WHEREAS, the City of Allentown is desirous of leasing the property,  
located at 1126 Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA 18103 to Muhlenberg  
College for the period of January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2033,  
with a one (1) ten (10) year renewal option followed by one (1) nine (9) year  
eleven (11) month renewal term.  
Attachments: BP Res  
Enactment No: 30791  
Budget and Finance: Chair Napoli, Hendricks, Gerlach  
The Committee met on February 28th; the next meeting is scheduled for March 27th,  
time to be determined.  
Community and Economic Development: Chair Hendricks, Mota, Napoli  
The committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for March 13th at 6:00 PM.  
Human Resources, Administration and Appointments: Chair Affa, Napoli, Santos  
The Committee met on February 28th; there are no future meetings scheduled at this  
Parks and Recreation: Chair Santos, Affa, Gerlach  
The Committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for March 13th at 5:30 PM.  
Public Safety: Chair Zucal, Hendricks, Mota  
The committee has not met since the last council meeting; the nest meeting is  
scheduled for March 20th at 5:30 PM.  
Public Works: Chair Gerlach, Affa, Zucal  
The Committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for March 20th at 6 PM.  
Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations, and Strategy: Chair Mota, Napoli,  
The committee has not met since the last Council meeting; there are no future.  
meetings scheduled at this time.  
Controller's Report (3 minutes)  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that he has the P-Card review for November with 96  
P-Cards and 557 documents. The total amount of the statement was a bit over  
$223,000. They started looking at the aging P-Card invoice entry into Eden. There  
nine invoices or 60 days. There were 32 between 31 and 60 days. December was  
better and January is much closer to being on-time. In terms of the findings, they  
identified one. If you are traveling there are two pieces of information that need to  
be submitted. One is a TRA which ask for permission and the second one is a TER  
where you file after and make sure all the expenses that have been accounted for.  
He went over a TER where the TRA was never submitted and the travel was  
completed in November. The TER was not submitted until January. The department  
and Purchasing were advised and told to do better. Gift cards were purchased on a  
P-Card. Gift cards should be purchased through Purchasing. Visa cards have  
processing fees. Amazon gift cards have no processing fees. His office general falls  
into the camp of let's not have processing fees. He went over the Accounts Payable  
Report from the 3rd of February to the 1st of March. He stated that there was one  
check that was written for a civic contribution that his office believed could have  
been an ethics violation. The Controller's office referred it back to the department  
and suggested to have the Solicitor weigh in on this. The check was voided and he  
doesn't know if an opinion was solicited. Another department a check went out with  
an expense to the wrong account. The check was made out to a commercial  
establishment. It was expensed to the 40 account. Contributions to nonprofits.  
Further research determined that check should not have been cut in the first place  
and it was voided. The next gift card audit is finishing up and you may see that at  
the next meeting.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked what was the amount of the gift cards you were able to buy. He  
asked was it$2,200.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that it was $2,450.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked were they $100 cards, $50 cards.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that they may have been $50 cards. Each city volunteer  
gets a card as a show of appreciation.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated while he agrees with the premise on finance charges and  
fees, he does commend the administration for choosing Visa cards. That money  
ends up staying local and helping out restaurants and helping our mom and pops,  
helping local residents versus an Amazon card that supports a billion that lives in  
Seattle. He gets what the Controller is saying about the fees. He is with him from a  
numbers guy, but he does commend them for going that route and it is the hope that  
the majority of those Visa cards end up staying in our area.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that Mr. Napoli's point is well taken.  
Mayor's Report (3 minutes)  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he is so glad to be back after a recess. He is going to  
refrain from making any comments on statements that were made tonight that were  
and he just doesn't believe warrants comment. He do want to mention things that  
happened in the last couple of weeks that he is incredibly proud of here at the city of  
Allentown. One and you know this well because you were one of the folks who  
helped organize it. They held the Dominican Flag Raising on February 25th in  
recognition of our Dominican community here in the city of Allentown in a packed  
room. They were under the 168 occupancy limit for the room, but it was very well  
attended and just a tremendous reflection of the quality of the Dominican community  
here in Allentown. He thanked Ms. Mota for helping organize that event and for  
doing beautiful decorations in Allentown City Hall.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that they were featured in The Morning Call because of the  
beautiful decorations and cultural items. It was really amazing. She thanked  
everyone that showed up from Council.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it was incredibly pleasing to see so many faces from  
City Council. he stated that she did set a high bar and took the opportunity to  
mention that they will be hoisting the Irish Flag on March 15th here at city hall just  
prior to noon. He is hoping that any City Council member will want to join them for  
that. He stated that Ms. Mota did set a high bar for the Hibernians in terms of  
decorations. He was also happy to see members of City Council join them for a visit  
from the Pennsylvania DCED Secretary Rick Siger who came to Allentown to talk  
about the Main Street Program in Governor Shapiro's budget which will be incredibly  
helpful to our downtown as they continue to revitalize. It is always a great occasion  
when you can welcome members of the governor's administration to our city. It  
shows a level of commitment that will help the city in the future. They are also lucky  
to hear that day a buyer for PPL Tower was announced. He was able to meet with  
the developer in question. A little later in the week and he was pleased to have a  
good conversation with them about their future plans for the Tower and for the  
north building. They can count on that iconic landmark of our Center City to  
continue to guide visitors to Ninth and Hamilton for years to come. He made a quick  
note of congratulations to a few of the youth basketball teams. From Lucinda back  
there, the city basketball league recognized a couple of champions here from the city  
of Allentown. Executive won the Minor Girls Division and Minor Boys Division was  
won by We Different which is another local team. He also wants to recognize the  
Executive Education Academy Raptures for their Championship which they see on  
Saturday. Fantastic achievement by a bunch of local kids. Tomorrow is the  
basketball championship for the Cadet Girls and the Cadet Boys at South Mountain  
and he believes the game starts at 6:00. They also have their Police Athletic League  
Championships on March 9th which is Saturday at 9:00 AM that would be on the  
eastside at Dieruff. He stated that there is one other item that he wants to bring to  
Council's attention over the next few weeks. Obviously, the St. Patrick's Day  
parade. He hopes to see them all out there. He stated that they are welcome to join  
them. He hopes to see folks on the side of the road asking them for candy and  
staying involved. He is sure to see Imani out there. He hopes to see everyone come  
out for a truly fantastic celebration of the Joy of Life here in the city of Allentown.  
That is Sunday, March 17th. On March 18th, if you could be there, there is a  
commemoration of the building at Community Services for Children. A recognition of  
Senator Pat Browne for his contributions. That will be at 11:00 AM on Monday,  
March 18th at the corner of Sixth and Linden. He stated that concludes his report  
and will be happy to answer any questions they may have.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mayor Tuerk and asked if there were any comments from  
the dais.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked about the Dominican Republic thing, a big shout out should go  
out to Mr. Guridy as well. He started over 32 years ago.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated yes, 32 years ago and he was also featured. She stated that  
she did make a comment because he did call her stating that he was at work. She  
thanked Mr. Zucal for calling her.  
15-6755 Controller Reports  
Bill 5 Budget and Finance, forwarded favorably.  
Amending Part I Administrative Legislation, Chapter 5 Administration of  
Government, Article IV Financial Procedures, Section 21 Contracts by  
updating the language in Part A; Requiring Council approval of items under  
cooperative purchasing agreements.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked for a Motion to Table this Bill. he thinks it is a  
contradiction under Section Two under Contracts which indicates that all  
contracts before they have to be approved by Council. He thinks this is a  
way to circumvent that. He would like a list of all the Purchasing items that  
they are referring to that they want to buy this Cooperative Agreement.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any other comments from the dais.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she will second that, but also want to see. If  
she seconds it, she would not be able to hear anything. Eventually, she will,  
but for now, she is interested to learn more about this.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he believes this item was thoroughly  
discussed at committee and that is why it is in front of you now. He is  
happy to welcome Ms. Patel to talk about the rationale behind this and if it  
is acceptable to you, Mr. Napoli.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that they had discussed this during the Budget and  
Finance Committee. Currently, all contracts do come to Council, except  
there is a clause that allows the city to purchase through CoStars. CoStars  
is a platform where they have approved all the contracts and follow the  
Purchasing Procedures and Policies. She stated that the city's Code  
currently does allow them to use CoStars and that saves the city the  
bidding process time. It is efficient with time, energy and money. The city  
has been using CoStars for a long time and they have been preparing  
services to go through CoStars for contracts over $40,000. That is the  
current practice. What they are saying in this Ordinance is that from now  
on, they will bring every contract that goes through CoStars to Council so  
they get to see them. She stated that this is actually being more  
transparent. The city has been going through CoStars contracts and  
having to approve over $40,000. Council just has not seen them because  
the platform allows them because it went through the Purchasing process  
and the city's Code allowed that, but now with working with the Solicitor's  
office is that they want to be more transparent. She stated that Council  
does actually want to approve this tonight. They will bring every contract to  
them. That is what this ordinance is saying.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that currently at the moment, Ms. Patel is  
suggesting that there are contracts and there are purchases made over  
$40,000 through CoStars that Council doesn't need to approve. That you  
don't presently see and the administration is offering to bring those to them  
now to basically close the loophole to the administration.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Ms. Patel for that background. He asked if the  
Controller, Mr. Glazier has any input on this.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that he would agree with what the mayor and Ms.  
Patel said. What kinds of things do you buy on CoStars? He gave them an  
idea. The Fire Departments says they want 100 new sets of turnout gear.  
That's the kind of thing that might be a statewide CoStars bid for and what  
the companies will say is that they will give x amount off the list. He stated  
that 100 sets a turnout gear could be $150,000. Under the current  
ordinance, Council will never see that. You would probably see it budgeted  
in the Detail Budget under the Fire Department's 56 account. It will say  
uniforms, x amount of dollars. In terms of spending the money, Council  
would have approved it there, but you would never approve a contract for it  
because it goes through Costars. What the administration is saying is that  
on all these CoStars like things, now if they are purchasing something  
whether it be a service or goods over $40,000 they are not going to bring  
that to Council. You are better informed and get another bite at that apple.  
If you are in favor of more transparency and in favor of a more informed  
Council, this is something that addresses both of those and once again, he  
would agree with the mayor and Ms. Patel. This is not something that you  
want to table. This is something that should be supported. He stated Mr.  
Zucal that the would do his best to answer it and he will turn it over to  
someone else if it is beyond his ability.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Glazier.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any other comments Mr. Zucal.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he still requests to table this until they get a list of  
the items that they are referring to. This is a way to circumvent Section Two  
of the Contract because up to this point, it should have been coming to  
Council if they are over $40,000. It says it right here. It is in the Charter.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated unless it is part of that CoStars.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked Ms. Patel what part of the budget covers that CoStars.  
The amount he is referring to. If you want to buy something for $50,000,  
where is that coming from out of the budget.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that it is budgeted in the Detail Budget.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked under what.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that if they are purchasing uniforms it, will be under  
Account 56. It depends on what you are purchasing.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated to Mr. Zucal you have the Detail Book now. You  
have all the items that it sort of applies to.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated up to the point of passing the budget. He stated that  
he is talking about after the budget has passed stating to the mayor just like  
he was referring to his vehicle. The vehicle was purchased after the budget  
was passed. What items are you referring to that aren't in the budget.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that this will already be in the budget.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that there is nothing being adding here.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked where is the money coming from. What account is it  
coming from?  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he thinks where they are at. Let's just  
hypothetically say in the budget, the Fire Department gets X in their budget.  
Then they decide to buy supplies through CoStars. Council is not seeing  
any of those contracts currently. The administration and Ms. Patel are  
saying that while that money was budgeted until the Fire Department and it  
was rightfully theirs to spend, they are now going to see that contract that  
they would not have seen before. It is just adding a level of transparency.  
As Mr. Glazier said Council gets a bite at the apple.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked Mr. Zucal if he is asking for the items that wouldn't  
then be covered. He stated if Council passes this, they will see everything  
the city purchases through CoStars. He stated that the administration is  
going to bring more contracts to them.  
Mr. Ed Zucal including every other contract in excess of $40,000.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that is not a bad thing.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it is a bad thing in terms the amount of time  
they will be spending talking about contracts. You will see a lot more of Ms.  
Anthony or Ms. McNeil, but you will spend more time on contracts.  
Mr. Ed Zucal withdrew his motion.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that the reason it was exempted when they  
passed the contract process and you carved out CoStars and Cooperative  
Agreements when you passed the Contract Approval process is because  
they were being purchased under CoStars. The idea that Council wanted  
at that particular time that you were approving the process, not the contract.  
Now, they are asking Council to approve the contract. You purchased it  
under CoStars and that was a bid that was a process. You intentionally  
carved that out after the Pawlowski regime because that was purchased  
under a process. You didn't want to look at it. Now, they are asking you to.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated it is a transparency measure on the  
administration's part. They would like for Council and the public to  
understand what the city's purchasing looks like.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that Council was not understanding and she is  
glad that she got some clarification. She asked Mr. Zucal if he is ok with it.  
She asked if there were any comments from the public.  
This Ordinance was tabled.  
The request to Table this Bill was withdrawn by Mr. Zucal.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
The Consent Agenda is for items that are considered ‘no brainers’ – the objective is  
to vote on all the resolutions at one time if there are no issues. The President asks if  
there is any request to remove any item from the Consent Agenda. If not, the clerk  
will read the resolutions. The President will ask for public comments, prior to council  
voting on the bundle.  
Sewage Planning Module at 25 – 27 North 10th Street  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Mayor Matt Tuerk offered his thanks to accommodating and getting this on  
the agenda with such a short time.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mayor Tuerk.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30805  
Authorizes the confirmation of the City to serve as the Local Project  
Sponsor of the Center Square Redesign at 7th St Hamilton St to be eligible  
for discretionary funding from the Pennsylvania Department of  
Transportation up to two million five hundred thousand dollars  
($2,500,000.00) with no match required.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it is tied to R35 as well. This is part of the  
Center Square Redesign Project.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30806  
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (To be referred to Committee with public  
comment prior to referral)  
Bill 13  
Providing for the vacation of Type Street from the centerline of South Eighth  
Street to its West Terminus in the Third Ward of the City of Allentown:  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Bill 14  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for an appropriation in  
the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) from the  
Trexler Fund to the WPA Structures capital projects account. These funds  
will be used to repair the stage and columns at Union Terrace Park. This is  
part of the 2024-25 Trexler Capital Project allocation.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Bill 15  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of Nine  
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($9,500.00) from WPA Capital Project into  
the Franklin Park Capital Project. These funds will be utilized for the  
creation of a concept plan for Franklin Park as part of a grant application.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Bill 16  
Amending the 2024 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Twenty-Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifteen Dollars  
($23,915.00) from the 2023 United States Department of Justice Edward  
Byrne Memorial JAG Grant that will be passed through from the Lehigh  
County to the City of Allentown Police Department. These funds will be  
used to purchase traffic equipment.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Bill 17  
Amending the 2024 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Three Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Dollars  
($385,000.00) from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and  
Delinquency (PCCD) Grant to the City of Allentown Police Department.  
These funds will be utilized for reimbursement of expenses for the purchase  
of integrated fingerprint technology, license plate readers and integrated  
gunshot technology.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Bill 18  
Amending the 2024 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of One Million One Hundred Eighty-Three Thousand  
Fifty-Four Dollars ($1,183,054.00) from the Pennsylvania Commission on  
Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) Grant to the City of Allentown Police  
Department. These funds will be utilized for reimbursement of expenses for  
the purchase of new city cameras, new in-car cameras for the entire police  
fleet and new body-worn cameras.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Bill 19  
Amending the 2024 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Twenty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($25,500.00)  
from the United States Department of Justice Edward Byrne Memorial JAG  
Grant to the City of Allentown Police Department for the purpose of funding  
overtime pay of patrol presence in an effort to suppress violent crimes and  
drug investigations in the Keystone Opportunity Zone in Allentown.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Bill 20  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for an increase of  
Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000.00) to the Capital Project  
Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. These funds have been awarded as an  
MTF-DCED grant and will be reimbursed when the project is completed.  
The project includes the replacement of the existing rusted streetlights with  
24 new LED luminaires and street light poles.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Bill 21  
Amending the 2024 General Fund budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) from the Khan  
Partnership for traffic signal improvements.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Bill 22  
City Council authorizes the City to enter into an Intergovernmental  
Cooperation Agreement with the Redevelopment Authority of Allentown.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the administration does appreciate Council  
taking a look at this and appreciates Council taking its time. It is always  
wise when you have items like this that you spend the appropriate amount  
of time considering the ramifications. He believes that this will pass the Bill  
to committee and you can really consider the agreement in committee and  
vote on it at the following meeting. It is always a wise procedure.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mayor Tuerk.  
Bill 23  
Refer to the Budget and Finance Committee  
Amending Section § 5-21 Contracts, E (2) to read as follows:: The  
selection process shall be based on the objective criteria contained in the  
RFP and shall be conducted by a Selection Committee composed of the  
Director of Finance, Department Head, Bureau Manager, and any other  
staff deemed appropriate except in the case of an investigation authorized  
by ordinance under Section 201 of the Home Rule Charter wherein the  
ordinance shall authorize a selection committee.  
Gerlach, Hendricks and Mr. Zucal  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION (Can be voted on or Referred to Committee):  
R 37  
Establishes a Special Committee to provide a framework for  
Understanding, Implementing and Evaluating Co-responder Public Safety  
Gerlach, Santos, Mota, Napoli and Mr. Zucal  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
R 38  
Denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness – 425 N. 10th Street  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Reference Materials:  
Council Rules  
Procurement Code  
Ethics Code