435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Saturday, November 4, 2023  
9:00 AM  
Council Chambers  
Roll Call  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated good morning everybody. He and his  
colleagues would like to welcome them all to what he believes is the first  
Saturday morning meeting of our Council. Probably in the history of it to  
discuss the budget. He thanked them and stated that he is glad to see they  
have many citizens interested in their government and what they do. He  
asked everyone to raise for the salute to the flag.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Budget Information  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that they handled Bill 96, correct Mr. Hanlon.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that Council amended Bill 96. You have a few  
other motions that you were going to consider to amend various Budget  
Bills. If Council does all that stuff, he is assuming they will need to Suspend  
the Rules and go and Adopt the Budget at the end of the meeting.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated prior to Adoption. He stated as he  
understands it that there was going to be a Motion to adjust the budget  
concerning certain personnel positions.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that is correct.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from his  
Ms. Candida Affa asked if any of the Directors are able to speak. Like the  
Chief of Police or Vicky or anyone will be able to speak on this.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated yes.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they have a counter proposal that they would  
like to talk through when the time is appropriate.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that it will be after Council and that includes the  
public for them to speak.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to be clear, the amendment will bring the tax  
increase to what.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated zero. That will result in a zero increase.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that the Controller can weigh in on this. If it  
passes, they think it will be $400,000 to the good and will not need a tax  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked if the City Council done the math. He stated that  
they saw the one five percent decrease and it show $1.1 million price tag.  
He has not seen the impact from any of the lines you are recommending.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that the Controller has verified those numbers.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that he did a quick and dirty yesterday. He  
discussed it with Mr. Hanlon. He stated that he made some assumptions  
and totaled up the personnel changes and he is pretty accurate there, but  
may be off a bit in terms of how the $190,000 or the $130,000 for the  
Human Resources Director fits in there. Personnel: for overtime, his  
understanding is that Fire made a specific offer and he took that into an  
account and the requested 10 percent deduction was on overtime without  
the Fire Department. You come roughly $400,000 or $350,000 or  
somewhere in there. He made a suggestion if they get to this point. These  
are some very targeted reductions. If these should pass, it would make  
things very challenging for the departments and the administration going  
forward. His advice would be essentially you need a reduction in expenses  
of about $2.9 million. it would be to say that they want the administration  
reduce expenses by $2.9 million. The expenses essentially equals  
revenues without a tax increase and let them find out to put the pieces  
together because that is what they do. As opposed to micromanaging it up  
here and maybe finding out some of the pieces are really not going to fit  
very well. He stated that as they go down this path, please consider that.  
Of course, consider the administration's counter proposal.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Glazier and asked if there were any  
comments from the public.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked if it will be appropriate for them to purpose.  
Ms. Maria Ocasio stated that she is the chairperson of the Allentown EAC  
and is here today and these comments for their reference was submitted  
prior to this meeting. She wanted to talk about the Sustainability  
Coordinator position. Something that was not mention on what you are  
saving. The reason she is doing so is because the Sustainability  
Coordinator will help the city lower its costs through implementing more  
sustainable practices and by bringing more money to the city in federal,  
state, and county grants as well as philanthropic resources. She stated that  
these comments were submitting prior. In May 2020, the Western  
Pennsylvania Energy Consortium led by the city of Pittsburgh signed a new  
contract with direct energy to provide 100 percent renewable energy  
through 2021 and that saved the city and the WPEC members about  
$700,000. She stated why she thinks that the city of Allentown needs that  
here is there are literally millions of dollars currently available that the city  
does not have the capacity to apply for. They have as Allentown EAC  
members made several recommendations and unfortunately, there is very  
little progress that was made because they do not have the capacity to do  
so. In addition to reducing the cost for the city, the Sustainability  
Coordinator would drive progress and multiple environmental justice funds  
which we are in the inner city, we are an environmental justice area. This  
will include things like tree equity, energy equity, water equity, and food  
justice, air quality, etc. which again, if you are in the inner city you know that  
we are disproportionately impacted by poor air quality. You know we tend  
to be on the heat island as opposed to our suburban counterparts and  
need natural methods to cool it down. She stated that she is largely  
imploring them to keep this in the budget. It will again, save them in the  
future and something that is worth their while and will pay for itself. It gives  
them the opportunity to further the partnership and strengthen the  
committee through working with nonprofits like Community Bike Works,  
Promise Neighborhoods, Community Action LV, Monoxin Parkson.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the IT team will make a slight adjustment to  
the podium to reduce the echo picking up.  
Mr. Glenn Hunsicker asked the Controller if he had the numbers that the  
Mayor is calculating on. It would be advantageous for the Controller to  
submit his calculations to the full Council and to the public. He would like to  
see how Mr. Glazier calculated this.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he read the proposal from Council when it  
was released a couple of days ago. Through the ongoing discussions over  
the past few weeks and months, he appreciates where Council is coming  
from and the desire to reduce the financial burden on our residents. That is  
why they are in total agreement with reducing the increase in trash fee from  
$120 to $40. It is what led him and his team to put their heads together and  
sharpen their pencils to come up with something that would reduce a  
potential tax increase. The administration's initial budget of $147 million to  
the General Fund was built on a 6.9 percent tax increase. That would have  
been an average of $53 per household across the city of Allentown and it  
would be more significant in some neighborhoods than in others, but on a  
whole about $53 per residential households. They took it back and look  
where they can make some adjustments consistent of what Council was  
recommending, but preserved the fundamental integrity of the budget which  
was a budget that was designed to improve public safety in the city of  
Allentown and improve the quality of Public Works and the cleanliness of  
our city and lead to healthier outcomes to all of our residents. A budget that  
was designed to ensure there is equal access and equitable access to city  
services. He read through some of the proposed changes the  
administration is making. He then asked if Chief Charles Roca can speak  
briefly, Vicky Kistler from CED to speak briefly, and then Lucinda Wright,  
our Equity and Inclusion Coordinator to speak briefly. He went over what  
the administration is proposing as a response to Council's desire.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that they will be limited to the time limits that is  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that Council has a copy in front of them.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he will read through it quickly for the benefit of  
the people in the room. He went over the initial recommended cuts to what  
is proposed to Council and what was delivered and printed to Council and  
results in a savings of $76,105. He went over elimination of positions and  
vehicle, MWI middle shift, lighting upgrades in the parks, drinking fountains  
in the parks, office equipment for the Parks administration and self  
watering planters, Community and Economic can save $17,900 by  
correcting a previously budgeted erroneous electrical expenses, delaying  
the improvements to a bathroom in Alliance Hall, Police suggested a  
savings of $49,296 by eliminating one of the recommended Telecomm  
Technician Positions. Fire is proposing to reduce its overtime budget by  
$250,000, IT can shift a payment of Munis Software upgrade to 2025 and  
save $55,980, Finance found a correction to the Trexler Trust budget  
Transfer fee of $12,000. Law has offered to reduce its expenditures on  
training and professional development by $9,185 and the administration  
will shift the purchase of two vehicles from the Equipment Fund to the  
Rental Fund. The total impact of those cuts are $752,158 which will allow  
the administration to drop that budget increase to .33 mills which  
represents approximately a 4.57 percent increase. It is a substantial  
reduction from where they initially proposed. He asked Chief Roca to  
speak briefly on the consequences of either cut on public safety.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked for clarification. She asked is it 4.57 percent or  
on the paper, it is 4.35.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he made an adjustment. It is the 4.57 percent.  
Chief Charles Roca stated to Council good morning on this Saturday. He  
thanked them for the opportunity to speak with Council and members of the  
public. He stated that policing is very near and dear to his heart and one of  
the things he wanted to do when he became Chief was to bring their level  
of professionalism, service, and equity throughout the entire city, not just for  
benefits and things like that, but for the most vulnerable. This current  
budget unfortunately in his mind aligns itself with defunding the Police. You  
look at how it impacts them. It impacts them by taking away a valuable  
overtime dollars which they have to respond to incidents. He can't sit here  
before Council and tell them an incident of catastrophic nature not going to  
occur. They have experienced it in the past, multiple times. With him to  
manage is his team. His Captain, his administration. Without them, it  
creates a void of leadership and it also degrades from individuals in the  
current collective bargaining unit from becoming Captains. He stated that  
they have to think about succession planning. One thing he heard very  
strongly throughout the year is the loss of upper management within the city.  
They can think of individuals, directors, others that have left the city and  
went to other townships, boroughs, cities and locations throughout and out  
of state. You have to ask yourself why. One of the things is that the upper  
management has to feel appreciated, as does our workers. Through the  
Collective Bargaining Agreement as he mentioned in his budget, they had  
the increases that are mandated by the Collective Bargaining Agreement.  
That is great, but what about the managers. What about the people that  
work day in and day out to make sure that the Commend Oversight is there  
for the community. He stated that they talk about how that impacts us. He  
read some stats and stated that Mr. Zucal asked the other day what the  
crime rate drop was. He has some clarity on that. For violent  
crime/homicides, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, they are down four  
percent from 2022. For Part I Crime overall, they are down 18.8 percent  
from 2022. Compared to the three year average for violent crime, they are  
down 5.8 percent. For the total Part I Crime compared to the three year  
average, they are down 6.3 percent. That takes Boots on the Ground  
Policing. That takes Command Oversight. That takes what they are trying  
to achieve in the city of Allentown Police Department in which to empower  
the Commanders. He is not a micromanager, but he has oversight of the  
department and the impact that they have so they can police their growing  
city. He stated that the city is not without challenges, but we have a very  
resilient city. For them to be able to move forward, it is important that they  
do that. The Tech Teams, the Police Department has the ability to work  
with the fine staff there and they have a very definite high demand on their  
time. Patrol vehicles install, Fire department vehicle install, EMS, the  
loading of radio equipment. These are all items that are important that they  
have to need to hear. What you are essentially doing is saying, you know  
what to the Captains, you are not valued as much. For him as the Chief of  
Police, let's show them that we value and respect their efforts. Just as we  
do our every day police officers.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that they all can agree that this has been a  
challenging year. It has been a year of divide. Unfortunately, she thinks that  
some of that comes from the fact that they all don't come together for  
common solutions. She has to tell Council that this team in the front row  
and knows they call it the Mayor' budget, but it is really our budget. They  
are not looking at the fact that many of the department are coming to  
Council this year under budget. She stated that they hear Council. They  
know that they are the stewards of tax money and they are the stewards of  
tax money. She stated that they are not on different teams. She stated that  
many of them have come to Council with the budget savings that is going to  
carry into the next year. They have worked diligently to fill vacancies, to  
provide service. Week after week, we have people standing at the podium  
telling us and telling you what they did not get. She stated that they are  
trying to address that and the phone calls that they get and pass on to them  
about service that is missing. They are trying to do that by keeping the  
people that they have. They are a business in this community and every  
business needs people right now. They are trying to retain the really good  
ones they have, while staying under budget, while delivering the services  
that make the constituents happy. They have a lack of communication and  
a lack of partnerships that has been rampant and some of that comes from  
the fact that key positions in this city have not been stable or filled and they  
are working diligently to do that. She is getting closer in DCED than she  
ever been before to full staffing, but it costs money. It cost that money to do  
the things they want to do after hours addressing issues in the middle of the  
night at the nuisance properties. Going to places where they don't just  
provide the service and leave, but they try to provide that quality of service  
to stay and follow up and make sure a person has a place to go after a fire  
and to provide what they are telling them you want. She stated that they are  
working very hard. When they saw the divide, they came back with this  
plan of cuts. They get there is a tax increase into this. They are hoping that  
they can move more and raise more and do more so they don't have to  
continue to do that. She stated that they have to come to the table together  
to resolve the issues. She stated that she does not know if they can give  
anymore than what they just put before them and still meet the needs of the  
people at the podium.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Ms. Kistler.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he would like to ask Lucinda Wright who is the  
Equity and Inclusion Coordinator to talk a little bit about the importance on  
the office of Equity and Inclusion.  
Ms. Lucinda Wright stated good morning City Council and thanked them for  
the opportunity to speak this morning. She stated that she was born and  
raised in the city of Allentown and understand the importance at a higher  
level. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a crucial aspect of modern  
organizational culture and a society at large. While HR departments  
traditional handle certain aspects of DEI initiatives solely regulating these  
responsibilities so HR can have limitations and here is why: broader  
organizational impact. DEI initiatives should not be seen as a mere  
compliance issue. They are about fostering an inclusive culture which  
needs to be integrated across all levels and all departments of an  
organization. Placing this responsibility solely in HR may limit the extent  
and influence as well as the collaboration needed to imbed these values  
throughout the entire organization. Strategic integration is an important  
part of DEI and more than just HR policies and compliance training. It  
requires strategic integration into the organization's core values and all  
operations. To be effective DEI needs to influence hiring practices,  
training, leadership development and the overall company's culture. While  
HR does play a significant role, the scope extends beyond HR. Community  
and stakeholder engagement is a vital piece to this work. DEI efforts often  
extends beyond the internal workings of an organization. She stated that  
the community engagement and partnerships and public perception  
matters in this work. These involve collaborations and outreach efforts that  
would extend beyond the traditional scope of HR functions. You hear a lot  
about tree equity, food insecurity and HR functions are internal specific  
functions. With that, ultimately HR departments do play a critical role in  
implementing and supporting DEI initiatives, true success in this work in  
achieving diversity, equity and inclusion requires a comprehensive  
organization wide approach that involves leadership, various departments  
and a cultural shift that goes beyond HR. Diversity in the city of Allentown  
did not begin when they developed the office of Diversity, Equity and  
Mayor Matt Tuerk thanked Mr. Hendricks and stated that he knows it is up  
to Council, but thought it was invaluable to hear the Controller on the  
proposed amendments by Councilperson Zucal. He stated that he does  
not know if Mr. Glazier has thoughts about what he just heard from the  
Mayor's office.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier thanked Mayor Tuerk and President Hendricks. He is  
not going to weigh in on the merits of either proposal, but asked about their  
values. If you think that the city is here, the employee are here, and you are  
here, he is here and the Mayor is here to provide services to the citizens  
and quality services. He stated that they spend here at Council some time  
hearing from the public when the city falls short. Some people are shy  
about telling them that and other people are definitely not shy about telling  
us when they don't measure up. If you want to be able to provide those  
services. and Fire has not been an issue, but clearly they are making a  
major commitment down the road to better staffing the Fire Department.  
That does not seem to be an issue. But, if we want things like cleaner  
parks, our IT systems to function properly and the city is going into a major  
ERP transition. it is very technical and needs to be done right. If it doesn't,  
everybody here, everybody there, his office and the public are all impacted  
if they can't get this right. They got to weight what it's worth, provide the  
services at the level in which they expect and how much you are willing to  
pay for them. Many years in Chicago, there is a one-term Mayor Jane  
Byrne. Jane could not get the streets plowed of snow. She was a  
one-term Mayor. What that shows how important basic city services are to  
what people feel about their government. He stated that they do a good job  
and no matter what happens with if you take the amendments that Mr. Zucal  
proposed or the Mayor's counter proposal, they will always do the best job  
possible, but he knows that with a little more staff that is competitively  
compensated given the very challenging markets that are out there that the  
employees of the city of Allentown will do an even better job and make us  
all proud.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if anybody from the public that did not have an  
opportunity to speak.  
Ms. Tinku <span class="cf0">Khanwalkar stated that she is a resident of  
the city of Allentown, past Chair of the Allentown EAC. Today, she is here  
to speak as a resident of the city of Allentown. She really supports the  
suggestions that have been made by the Controller that we let the city's  
administration figure out how to achieve the goal without giving them very  
specific positions that need to be cut. Let them figure it out. Because one  
of the positions that she believes would be cut during the current proposal  
from City Council is the Sustainability Coordinator position. That is a  
position that the city cannot afford to do without. It is a position that pays  
for itself over and over again. As the chair of the Allentown EAC  
mentioned, there are billions of federal dollars out there. Some of which  
they were able to access, but a lot of which is still out there. They don't  
have the resources to go out and get that money for ourselves. She stated  
that they have community organizations that they could be working with to  
improve the lives of the city residents and businesses which they do not  
have the resources to do, but a Sustainability Coordinator will be able to  
pull together programs with outside grant money and leverage the  
wonderful community based organizations that we have here in the city and  
really do some good work for the city. It is a position that pays for itself.  
Based on her own knowledge and experience and the experience of the  
other fellow members on the EAC, she can assure them that this position  
will pay for itself. She stated let's be smart about what positions we end up  
with eliminating and what positions you end up keeping in. it will not be  
smart to eliminate this position. Every single person she has spoken to  
and she has spoken to about 30 different people and have wholeheartedly  
supported keeping this position in and this includes leaders in the  
community based organization and residents from all around the city. She  
stated that she can provide contact information of Sustainability  
Coordinators and Managers in cities that are smaller than ours that have  
this position and are very glad they do. People like Joel Hicks who is the  
Councilman at Carlisle Borough said one of the most important things at  
Carlisle Borough did was to appoint a director of Sustainability -  
Community and Economic Development for their Borough. He is bringing  
in so much grant money and tracking progress on goals and making the  
connections to community that the borough needs to have happening and  
to a large extent so do we. She stated that they need to have that  
happening to and they need this position. She thanked Council and stated  
that she really supports what the Controller has said.</span>  
Captain Christopher Diehl, Police Officer, with the city of Allentown for the  
last 20 years. He stated that he is in his 21 year. He wanted to listen to his  
Police Chief Charles Roca speak. He stated that there is something that  
needs to be said here. He stated that Wednesday he sat here in full  
uniform and listened to everything and knew what the proposed budget  
was. In that proposed budget there was an increase of salary and an  
adjustment from Captain from where they are currently from an 18N to a  
20N. The reason is because they are redlined. They are not eligible for  
any type of raise. He stated that last year City Council voted for them not to  
be redlined any further. On December 7, 2022, at approximately 1730  
hours at a Special Session, amendment 15-519 there were proposals of  
budget amendments and Mr. Hanlon read over everything where it said that  
redlined employees would get adjusted. That was specifically Captains. It  
is right here. He has the document. He waited as well as the other four  
Captains with the Allentown Police Department this past year. They  
discussed it in many meetings. He stated that they said they will get the job  
done. The mayor is aware of this as well. That is why he supported them  
by moving them from an 18N to a 20N so that they would be no longer  
redlined. Redlining is simple, they get no increase unless there is an  
increase across the board for managers positions. In collecting  
bargaining, they will get a contractual raise. The Assistant Chiefs have a  
step increase because they are not redlined. The Captains have been  
redlined for the past three years now. They have gotten zeroes. He doesn't  
need to go into what the economy looks like at this point. It is tough for  
everyone. He is only asking for what Council voted on by a vote of 6 - 0 in  
that amendment last year. That is what he is looking for himself and the  
four other Captains. To move forward and to continue to allow to bump  
them to that 20N position on the pay scale.  
Mr. Jose stated that he is here to speak about the DEI position. His basic  
knowledge of it is for a company or organization to reach its full potential,  
DEI has to be free flowing. When you hear the letters HR as a community  
member, they hear culture keepers. They don't mix. When you hear HR,  
you hear this is what it is and what it is always going to be. He stated that  
HR is the keeper of secrets. This is where the most trauma and harm  
happens because they have to hold it all. When you hear DEI, It got to be  
free flowing and be able to interact. No one should be scared of the person  
doing the DEI at work. If you look at the person who is doing the DEI work  
right now in our city, change is coming. Please don't interrupt the change  
before it happens and not be scared of the change. It is going to happen  
one way or another and putting this under HR is going to be harmful. If we  
are going to be leaders in our community and the city is going to lead this,  
do the right thing. Stop limiting the change.  
Mr. Pas Simpson thanked Mr. Zucal for being bold and asking for no kind  
of tax increase. He supports the Controller in asking if it will be something  
that the administration looks over. he stated that they can't afford a tax  
increase as a city. As citizens, we can't afford a tax increase. He sees Mr.  
Hunsicker cry at the podium because with a tax increase we are not getting  
any kind of revenue increase. As a city, your leadership should start with  
being more creative than taking more from the people. Every time the city  
has a tax increase, you increase the people that can become homeless,  
increase the number of people that are going to be victims of violence. He  
stated that poverty is violence. Your tax increase also increases the  
violence that is being committed on our people. When you think about it,  
there are things that you can do together creatively and other ways to get  
grants. Some of you own businesses. He stated that they know that  
businesses have to bring in revenue, but the only revenue that you have is  
increasing the taxpayers burden cannot be. The reason it cannot be is  
because as you see the amount of money leaving, you also going to see  
the amount of violence increasing. He stated that he does not care how  
many police they put on the street, it is not going to stop the violence  
because if he is hungry, he is going to rob them. He stated that is how we  
think. He stated that if he has to feed his babies versus doing anything else  
and he knows because before he had the actual wherewithal knowing how  
to make more money, he would have robbed any one of them in front of the  
Chief because his babies had to eat. He stated don't put anyone in that  
desperate situation because you have not taking the time to be more  
creative and think about how it impacts each and every individual. He  
stated that they can't move this into HR. HR limits on how she would be  
able to move, think and groove. He stated that the city already has an  
investigation going on about our current racial discrimination. He said we  
can't afford that either. He suggested that Council make wise decisions  
and think about who it really affects. The little people.  
A couple came to the podium and stated that they are here to talk about the  
Warming Station. He asked is this the right time.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated no. It is not. It is not a subject on the Agenda.  
That will come up later.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that they do have a line item in the Budget for  
the Warming Station. They are not being affected by this. She asked if Mr.  
Hendricks was saying this because it will be ARPA.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated yes, at that point.  
Mr. Kyle (last name not given), 528 N. Burke Street, spoke in support of  
making sure the city includes Sustainability Manager position in the budget.  
He is overly emphasizing the cost effectiveness to this is through the roof.  
The money the city can bring in is unbelievable. He stated that the city  
does not have the vehicle to facilitate that right now. Sustainability is all  
about meeting the needs of the community. The current generation is  
preserving the future generations to meet their own needs. He stated that  
there is a looming storm cloud of impacts caused by the climate crisis that  
are coming. It is not just physical impacts that they will have to pay for like  
more expensive energy. It is also crushing state and federal regulations  
that are coming. He stated that it is important to get the ball rolling and  
setting up projects that are generally tied to the long term so they have cost  
savings coming in the long term. The future of Allentonians will have to foot  
the bill of all of this.  
Mr. Dieter Scheel stated that he has been in Allentown about four years.  
He stated that he has a company names Solid Waste Solutions and that  
has taken 15 years of efforts and working on college campuses to work on  
solid waste sustainability issues. One of the problems that evolved out of  
all of that was his observation in the schools that the partners don't talk to  
each other. He has a sneaky suspicion that it is not just on college  
campuses, but also in cities. When he wrote the Solid Waste Solutions  
Master Plan for the schools, he would have to go to all the various  
departments to find out what they were doing and how they were handling  
things and how they were washing dishes and how they were serving food,  
etc. When he went in to talk to various departments, the directorships of  
the universities, the facility managers. He stated that they don't talk to those  
people. They only talk to these people. Why don't you talk to those guys.  
They have nothing to do and they don't want them there. He has a sneaky  
suspicion it is true in cities as well. Department A does not talk to  
Department B. A Sustainability Director would then be the person that  
talks to all the departments. On college campuses, the people are helping  
to save their job, not get creative with ideas. He wrote about 30 Master  
Plans and been on 50 college campuses. Everywhere from MIT to Hawaii  
to UCF. He stated that UCF is the largest college campus in the United  
States. He stated that they found millions of dollars in savings, but unless  
everybody voted it did not get done.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from his  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this is his first budget process and it has been  
as advertised and very difficult. He stated weighing the needs of  
everyone, mainly the residents. He stated that is who we focus on. He  
stated that he comes from the retail world. He has been a retailer his whole  
life and in that world there is a term called Shrinkflation. Shrinkflation is  
companies who don't want to raise prices to give you less. Less diapers in  
the box, less razors in the box, less chips in the bag, but they don't raise  
prices. That is how they can make it work. Some companies do that and  
some companies go the other direction. They raise the price of the  
diapers. There is no one out there that has figured out how to neither. It is  
either give less or charge a little more. He stated that he sets up  
employees for success every chance he gets to make them achieve their  
goals and make them feel good about what they are doing and why they  
come to work everyday. He gets why they are talking about a zero percent  
take increase. He would love to do that and go back to what they normally  
would do on Saturday. It is not fair to the employees. He stated that the  
city is basically hamstringing them. Putting in a position where they may  
be set up for failure. He stated that the city is looking at a situation and it  
happens in the real world, outside of municipal government where folks just  
say enough is enough. I'll go somewhere else. At that point, what are we  
really doing here? He asked if they are really putting themselves in that  
position that is going to hurt residents more down the road. He spoke to  
residents with fixed incomes, and older folks.  
A motion was made by Ed Zucal, seconded by Ce-Ce Gerlach to Adjust the  
Budget in the following manner that there will be no upgrades, added positions,  
changed titles Pursuant to Memo 1 which was presented to Council by the Mayor.  
And all funds, except for the following: Inspectors Certification Program, one  
new Telecom Technician position in the Police Department, 12 Firefighters,  
Financial Analyst, Sweep Officer in Solid Waste, and the MW to a Step 11M and  
neutral fiscal changes such as: Arborist are authorized. Other changes: Moving  
the Front Desk Receptionist with a three percent salary increase to the 2023  
position and Equity and Inclusion Coordinator three percent increase in the 2023  
position from the Mayor's office to the Department of Human Resources. Transfer  
$130,000 budgeted to Human Resources Consultant into the 02 Account for the HR  
Director. In the Mayor's office: Continue the 2023 positions into the 2024  
budgeted with an appropriate three percent increase. The Communications  
Manager, the Special Assistant to the Mayor, Executive Assistant to the Mayor  
will remain with no neutral changes. Funding the Managing Director's position  
at the request of the Mayor to $1. A 10 percent decrease in all overtime budgets  
in the General Fund, resulting in a $655,000 savings. Also, a five percent  
decrease in Accounts 20 through 68 in the General Fund with a savings of  
$1,130,402.00, adding up to a savings of with a net profit of over $400,000.00.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Natalie Santos  
2 - Candida Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that none of them considered themselves to be experts  
when it comes to divvying out funds that are provided to both the community  
and organizations. This is kind of what we have come up with and obvious  
you will get your say. This was the best plan that we thought was the most  
benefit for everyone.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she will eventually get to an amendment.  
The concern she has with this is that it essentially sets up once again all of  
their worthy nonprofits to compete for a very minuscule amount of money.  
Money that won't have a great impact. We are talking that they will get  
$100,000, $200,00, $300,000. That is cool that they will get a little  
something. They will keep the lights on. They will do a backpack drive.  
That is great that they will be able to do something small. She is reading  
the ARPA language. ARPA is about doing big things. ARPA is about  
changing systemic issues that have plague our community for decades, for  
centuries. She stated that $300,000 to an organization or $500,000 for an  
organization is not going to do that. It will help them keep functioning. They  
can hire a grants person. It will help them. She is not going to argue that,  
but it will not make that significant change in Allentown. She stated that  
they have heard and was surprised to not see in this configuration that they  
heard from two entities that have came. One has or both have been  
coming for over a year. Ripple is requesting $1.5 million. The Community  
Center for the Youth is requesting another $1.5 million. She stated that she  
does think that they owe those two items individually a vote. They have  
been coming and they had other people. They had baseball stadium come  
and Council entertained them and voted yes or no. She stated that Council  
owed those two entities a vote on them specifically rather than throwing  
them in a group and saying good luck.  
A motion was made by Ed Zucal, seconded by Cynthia Mota to make an  
Amendment to make the ARPA funding in the following allocation: $10 million to  
public safety buildings; $1.3 million from the 2024 positions noted above; $1.3  
million from the 2025 positions noted prior; $2.2 million for Community  
Reinvestment Funds into the appropriate CED account and allow CED to  
distribute funds to organizations working with the city, nonprofits such as Casa  
Guadalupe, the Boys and Girls Club, the Ark Foundation, Promise  
Neighborhoods, SELF, the Warming Station, Feathers, Ripple, CALV, the Caring  
Place, etc. and any other nonprofits serving the residents of Allentown.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if they were voting on just Ms. Gerlach's  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that this is on the Motion to Amendment  
made by Ms. Gerlach. He stated that Mr. Zucal makes a Motion and Ms.  
Gerlach made a Motion to amend that. The issue before you if you want to  
accept the amendments offered by Councilperson Gerlach.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that a simple way to look at it is that Ms. Gerlach  
is replacing what Councilperson Zucal said with $1.5 million to Ripple, $1.5  
to the Community Center, $1.2 million to community groups and $8 million  
to Public Safety. Ms. Gerlach wants that instead of Mr. Zucal's proposal.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that as well as the $1.3 million for the 2024  
and $1.3 million for 2025 positions. He stated that he believes that she  
retained that.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated yes.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that a Motion made by Ms. Gerlach, seconded  
by Ms. Santos. He asked if anybody else is in favor.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that Council needs to take public comment.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked for public comment.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked Ms. Mota if she wanted to comment.  
Mr. Joseph Welsh, Executive Director of Lehigh Valley Justice Institute -  
555 Union Boulevard, stated that there are a couple of things to keep in  
mind with Ms. Gerlach's amendment which he rise in support of. A budget  
is a list of priorities. It establishes what we value as a city and more  
importantly what they don't value. Covid money was meant primarily to  
address urgent needs in our community in as Ms. Gerlach's said in a big  
way. Any true fiscal conservative knows that municipal buildings really  
belong in the capital budget so they are paid for over time by the people  
that are using them over time. To Mr. Napoli's point, here's how you keep  
the chips in the bag and keep the price the same. You put the municipal  
building projects in the Capital Budget. You take the Covid money, and you  
use it to address the needs, the two extraordinary women have brought  
before you. The Ripple Project and the CALV Project on the Youth Center.  
How desperate is that Youth Center needed, he stated that their study last  
year on mental health in the schools revealed that one in nine children in  
middle and high schools of Lehigh County have attempted suicide and that  
comes from the Pennsylvania Youth Survey. An anonymous self reported  
survey. That is a crisis that needs a big step to address it. That is what  
Community Action has brought before you. They are a trusted partner that  
you have worked with many times before. He stated that he knows that  
there are concerns on will she bring the Project to completion. Yes, she will  
because she is a tremendous community leader. She leads an  
organization that she has grown. She has grown that organization. This  
past week, four hundred people showed up for the Annual Dinner. That is  
more than ever in the history of that organization going back to the 1980s  
has shown up for the annual event. You got the talent here. Please use it.  
He mentioned back in committee that there is a biblical imperative here  
and it comes from Mark - Chapter 10 verse 14 when the children was being  
brought to Jesus and the Disciples were pushing them away, Jesus  
responded as we learn in verse 14, but when Jesus saw it, he was very  
much displeased and he said unto them suffer the little children to come  
unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of God. He left  
Council with an interpretation that in a more modern realm. John F.  
Kennedy's closing line from his 1961 inaugural address, Let us go forth  
from this time and place to leave the land we love, asking his blessing and  
his help, but knowing that here on earth, God's work must surely be our  
own. He stated that with Council's vote on this amendment do God's work.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris, Allentown School Board and the NAACP, stated that  
she is coming here for CALV. Like the gentleman said our children in the  
Lehigh Valley and she is going to Allentown because that hit home. She  
said when her son was in high school, he tried to commit suicide his senior  
year, twice. She stated that 18 to 22 year old's is when you have to look  
out for them when the children are doing that. She stated that her son is 22  
and she thought she was good. She was wrong. Last week, he was  
committed again. She stated that they need this Community Center like  
yesterday. It is a game-changer for our school district because we are  
changing and what they are changing with the new Superintendent and  
going forward and changing a lot of things and making sure our children  
are finally going to be the whole child will be educated. The whole child.  
Along with that, we need partners to ensure that the whole child is educated  
and given those resources that are needed that they don't have in their own  
homes. She stated that they are asking Council to give that money for that.  
Also, with the extra money you have with ARPA, the NAACP went to the  
mayor this year for the Convention. She went to the NAACP Convention in  
1983 and one of the things that happened and it was in New Orleans. She  
got to meet at that time the candidate for Vice President George H W Bush  
and he said that open doors are fine, but open minds are important for both  
sides of the dialogue. That was the 80s when they met. Tip O'Neill and  
Ronald Reagan used to talk to each other. She stated that now, we are so  
polarized. She got to meet him as an 18 year old. She stated that they  
asked the mayor for the money, and he said he will give it. She stated that  
all they asked for was $5,000. She stated that they did not get it. He said  
no later on. She is asking with the ARPA funds when they ask for those  
things she does not know who is the one to say yes or no, but it should be  
taken out of the mayor's hands and given to another committee. Because  
at least that way, they have a fair chance for when they ask for money,  
someone will be able to give it to them and they can put a proposal in.  
Mr. Julio Guridy thanked them for enduring a meeting such early on a  
Saturday morning. It is actually better than a Saturday night. Looking for a  
27 percent tax increase. The amendment exceeds the amount of the $2.2  
million that you actually wanting to allocate for Community Services. Ms.  
Gerlach is asking for $1.5 million for Ripple and $1.5 million for the  
Community Center, $1.3 for Community Reinvestment Funds and some  
other. That exceeds the $2.2 million that is being proposed for the original  
amendment for every organization. Although he is with the Housing  
Authority, he is making sure that they mentioned Casa Guadalupe which is  
another organization and wants to make sure Council things about those  
issues and other community organizations that also needs support from the  
Ms. Gracie stated that she has been a long-time resident of 25 years. She  
stated that she is 25 years old. She stated that prior to 2019, there was  
never a housing fund in the budget of Allentown which states the Housing  
Fund was created in 2019 to increase the capacity for community  
development through assistance and financing, technical support, and  
encouragement for the creation and preservation of affordable housing for  
household at or below 80 percent of the area median income in the city of  
Allentown. In 2019 and in further years, it was at $300,000, the Housing  
Fund and only increased by $3,000 in 2021 and the last of the fund is back  
down to $300,000. According the public city of Allentown budget, in 2023  
the funds are being used for the Housing Study which is designed to  
address the city of Allentown needs, assessment and strategic plans for  
housing needs. Now, whether between revenue and expenditures, the Golf  
Course Fund within the city of Allentown budget for years has been well  
over $1.5 million and has only increased over the span of a few years.  
Meanwhile, according to the city of Allentown budgets, there are no  
proposed budget for the Housing Fund for 2024. She stated that she does  
not envy Council's position and the fact that there is a full house here this  
morning reflects the love and concern for Allentown. She stated that she  
has been attending community gatherings. The meetings are resident  
centered because they believe the solutions of the problems that affect our  
neighborhoods may be found among our neighbors. She stated that they  
have been resolving some issues and developing future actions for others.  
The issue of affordable housing has dominated their talks in recent months.  
Families are feeling unheard and desperate for an affordable place to live.  
She stated that everyone in this room can believe in one point. Every child  
deserves a warm place to sleep at night and have their basic needs  
satisfied. That is something the Council has the power to accomplish  
today. There are numerous needs in the community, yet we are in a  
housing crisis with no viable solutions for unsheltered families. Working  
families are being priced out of the market. This one - time investment will  
provide permanent housing for 12 families and will have a long-term  
impact. This investment will be revolutionary and believes that low income  
housing is another way to address public safety which is what Council has  
been speaking about this morning. Now, there are resources that are not  
necessary to keep the city thriving, especially when there is a major  
contrast between 40th Street and Ridge Avenue. In closing, there is a  
quote that says when your values are clear to you, making decisions  
becomes easier. When the community is asking for funds to create  
affordable housing, she expects from her city a change to be made.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated one point for clarification, the Housing Fund is in  
fact fully funded at $300,000. The $300,000 that is there will be used to  
fund the results of that Housing Study. It doesn't pay for the Housing Study.  
The reason it is in the budget this year at zero is because there is no  
additional increase to that Housing Fund. The $300,000 remains there. It  
doesn't detract from Gracie's point. He stated that they do need to invest in  
Housing in the city of Allentown.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mayor Tuerk for that clarification.  
Ms. Dawn Godshall stated that she stands before them today to discuss a  
vital initiative that is close to our heart and critical to the well being of our  
community. She is here to request their support in securing $1.5 million in  
funding from the remaining ARPA dollars to help them build a Youth Center  
in the city of Allentown. She understands that there might be some  
misconceptions about the organization. Yes, they are a large nonprofit, but  
would like to clarify that the need for this funding is as significant as any  
other community project. Telling Council in the previous meeting that they  
have no debt was not an attempt to tell them that they have no need. Telling  
them that they have no debt was to stress the fiscal responsibility. Unlike  
corporations or some other organizations, they don't make widgets that  
generate revenue with each sale. The mission is to serve their neighbors  
and make a positive impact in the lives of the community. This means that  
the fiscal model is different. She stated that they rely on the generosity of  
others to fund the critical projects that they undertake. They have to ask for  
and raise funds in order to complete the projects in our scope. This Youth  
Center is one of those Projects. The Center is more than just a building. It  
is a safe haven for their young residents. A place for learning, growth and  
recreation. By investing in this facility, they are investing in the future of the  
community. It will be a place where children and teenagers can thrive, learn  
and develop a central life skill. A place where families can find resources  
and support. It is an investment in the betterment of our city. She  
emphasized that while Community Action is fiscally responsible and  
efficient in the operations, the cost of this Project goes beyond the current  
resources. She stated that they need Council's support to make it a reality.  
With $1.5 million in ARPA funding, they can make an impact on this $20 -  
$23 million Project and bring this venture to fruition. She urged Council to  
consider the long-term benefits of investing in the city's youth by investing in  
this Youth Center. She stated that the communities future leaders and  
innovators will merge from your support and resources that they will receive  
within these walls. By approving this funding, you will not only be helping us  
construct a physical building, but also building a brighter future for our city.  
The data given by the Lehigh Valley Justice Institute on depression and  
suicide was dark. Please invest in our kids now so they don't end up  
homeless in the Ripple Center later. She thanked Council for their time  
and consideration and looks forward to their support in making this vision a  
reality for the community. She stated that she prays that together they can  
create a better future for all of our children and residents.  
Ms. Sherri Brokopp Bender, Executive Director - Ripple Community Inc.,  
asked everyone who is there on a Saturday morning in support of this  
project, just raise your hands. She thanked Council for their careful  
consideration and the request of support of the project at 1547 Chew  
Street. This project is a remarkable opportunity for our community. It will  
create 12 units of safe, healthy and deeply affordable housing for our  
families that are struggling with homelessness. It will create a community  
space where our residents and neighbors can gather in a place where they  
can feel truly welcome. She stated as a Community Psychologist she can  
tell them the importance of those spaces. They allow our residents to come  
in, trade in their isolation and loneliness which are fatal for connection  
which is healing. Housing a community space and thirdly a medical respite  
space overseeing by our incredible partners at Valley Health Partners that  
will save lives, 12 - 20 lives, if you want to do the math each year of people  
who are homeless, allowing them to access life saving medical care that  
they would otherwise be denied just because of their lack of housing. She  
shared the why of this project and why it is important. She shared what they  
are going to be doing. She stated that she would like to share briefly how.  
How did we get here? First, we got here with the support of our partners  
and our neighbors. She stated that before they ever close on this property,  
they went to the West Park Civic Association to share the hopes and plans  
for this building. She has to say that the conversations were met with  
overwhelming support. It was humbling. Not because of what the project  
would do for the community, but because it will breathe life into a beautiful  
historic building and allow it to continue to serve the community going  
forward. This is a partnership that have been born from partnership  
beginning with the donation of the church and evidence of our incredible  
work our partner organizations that are standing along side them and  
lending their support. She stated that they have been proactive at every  
step including meeting early and often with HARB, Zoning and others that  
have been immensely helpful as they have navigated this process. With the  
help of the construction team, they built a solid plan that provided these  
funds are in place will allow them to move these families into their new  
homes in 18 months. She stated that she wants to be clear on what they  
are asking them today is a one-time capital investment. This is not a need  
that they will have today and have again tomorrow or next year. It is a  
one-time need for capital funding so that we can do this work and reap the  
benefits. They are asking as leaders today to support this effort so when  
they are all asked what did they do when they learned that their families  
were sleeping in cars outside of our schools because they had no better  
options. She stated that when they are asked what did they do when they  
saw a crisis of homelessness ballooning up in every corner of our  
community, can say here is what we did. We invested of ourselves and of  
our resources. We took advantage of the opportunities that we were given.  
We found our courage and put in the work and made the choices that made  
our cities a place where everyone, all of our neighbors can have a  
foundation of safe and stable housing where they can put down roots in the  
community and build good lives for themselves and their families.  
Mr. Seth Campbell, Physician Assistant and Program Director for Valley  
Health Partners Street Medicine, stated that he take care of folks who are  
currently unsheltered, staying on the streets, and suffering. In his role he  
tries to reconcile the patient provider relationship and tip the scales of  
authority into his patients favor. There are many beautiful people here,  
including yourselves that showed up today. He would argue, the most  
beautiful people he has ever met was his patients. They would be here  
today to advocate for Ripple. That is why he is here to advocate here for  
Ripple and that you support them and their housing initiatives. He stated  
that his patients could not make it because they don't have the  
transportation to get here and they are currently attempting to stay warm  
and survive outside. He stated please give them an opportunity to find  
Ms. Kim Schaffer, Executive Director - Community Bike Works, stated that  
they are in the Franklin Park Neighborhood. They share that neighborhood  
with Ripple and she is here to strongly support the neighbors at Ripple.  
RCI has been an incredible resources to the families of the Franklin Park  
Neighborhood and the city of Allentown and at Community Bike Works.  
She stated that the need to know when their families are facing housing  
insecurities or homelessness or have teens who are in trouble, they know  
they can call on RCI and they will help. They have housed their families and  
seen the life changing results from helping a mother and her daughter and  
families with housing. That is safe, decent and affordable. She stated that  
they know that Ripple is at capacity. She stated that they can't help our  
families. They are at capacity and Allentown would be a much stronger city  
with their ability to do more. She stated that they know her as the Executive  
Director of Community Bike Works and she has been for 11 years now.  
Before that, she was a Senior Staff Member at the National Low Income  
Housing Coalition in DC. For 10 years, part of her experience in that role,  
they are so fortunate to have an organization like Ripple in the city. They  
are a model organization with outstanding leadership who has done so  
much good work for the city of Allentown and the Franklin Park  
Neighborhood and cities around the country would fall over themselves to  
have an organization as strong as RCI. They have a once in a generation  
opportunity to invest in the Housing Insecure Families of the City of  
Allentown and hopes that they will put their trust in Ripple to make that  
Mr. Pas Simpson stated that this is an opportunity to make a huge  
difference. He stated that $1.5 million to Ripple is a huge difference. The  
reason is that one out every five students in Allentown School District is  
homeless or hungry. Now, $1.5 million to the actual Youth Center is a huge  
difference because we are not just investing in today, but also investing in  
our future. He said he was blessed and grew up in New York City and his  
mother was a welfare mom. She lived two blocks away from a Community  
Center. That Community Center allowed him and all three of his brothers to  
graduate from a Prep School. That Community Center allowed him to be  
the first Black child to ever go to Moravian Academy and break the color  
barrier. That Community Center saved his life because when he was  
getting in trouble, when New York was too much in the 80s, he was able to  
dribble a basketball and start to read. He was able to dribble a basketball.  
His brother that was not good at basketball was able to get into hockey.  
His youngest brother is a professional juggler and travels the world as a  
professional juggler because a Community Center was put up in the  
neighborhood. Someone decided that it was enough to invest in the youth  
and give the some kind of hope. He stated that the city does not have that.  
He stated that the city does not have a Community Center where the kids  
can go to. The city does not have a Community Center where the parents  
can congregate. Our city does not have a space that does not provide the  
necessary relief from the consistent violence that is around us because  
poverty is violence. He stated that they are not just talking about gun  
violence. Poverty is violence. You have a chance with this ARPA money to  
address poverty right now and put an investment for poverty in the future by  
giving these kids hope. He stated that he knows how great CACLV is or  
CALV is because when he comes up here every week or every two week  
for over five years fighting for the same Credible Messenger money when  
he was stuck, Dawn came to his aid. When he had to fight, he never had  
to call them twice. They are always going to find a way to work with us.  
These are great community partners. He has seen people come through  
Ripple and had two families that he knows, not only land on their feet, but  
were able to lift others up because of what happened at their stay at Ripple.  
When we make these investments, make sure we make these investments  
for not just the short-term, but for long-term investments that allow our  
babies to continue to thrive. This is a one time investment. He stated that  
the city only got this ARPA money one time. What are you going to do with  
this one-time. This is the time you make that real impact. He stated that he  
doesn't know if those numbers were right. He did not calculate or pull his  
calculator out, but $1.3 million needs to go to community organizations. He  
stated that $1.5 million has to go to Ripple, $1.5 million has to go to the  
Community Center and figure out the rest later. You got to invest in the  
people, if you want the people to invest in you.  
Ms. Julie Ambrose, Greater Valley YMCA and Mr. Mike Macharsky -  
Allentown Branch Senior Program Director were at the podium and Ms.  
Ambrose stated that the Greater Valley YMCA - Allentown Branch is  
seeking $75,000 annually whether through the budget or the ARPA funds in  
support of an investment in our 2023 - 2024 Warming Station which opens  
in 12 days on November 15. Prior to 2018, the city of Allentown tried to run  
a Warming Station for our residents. Many of the most residents in need to  
have a warm place to stay during the winter months and that was being  
done at Fountain Park in the pool house. Thar project was very  
problematic for the city and had to close. In 2018, when no other local  
organization was able or willing to fill this crucial need, the Y stepped up,  
mobilizing the station in less than 10 weeks. Since this time, the Y has not  
only operated the station, but made improvements to the program, services  
and facilities investing other $500,000 in the facility while also partnering  
with Valley Health Partners Street Medicine Program on site weekly at the  
Station with Treatment Trends on site weekly at the Station as well as  
serving supper meals to guest seven nights a week. She stated that they  
are the only program in the city to serve free supper meals to adults. All of  
the foundational funding partners from the original five years of operation  
have renewed their commitment to the Station, except the city of Allentown.  
Lehigh County, City Center Allentown and First Presbyterian Church have  
all increased their support. The city is the only partner who has not  
renewed their commitment despite conversations since Spring. She  
stated that their increase ask for support emanates from an exponential  
increase in mental health issues with our guests which can sometimes lead  
to violence. She stated that they seek additional support to add more  
security and a case worker, specializing in mental health to our staffing. In  
order to address these needs and best help the guests, the residents the  
Station has become a safe place for adult men and women in need of  
support and help and these are the tools they feel they need to make this  
possible. They maintain continuous collaborative work with Ripple  
Community Center, with the Lehigh Conference of Churches and the  
Branch Executive Director had collaborative conversations with Bethlehem  
Emergency Sheltering as well. She state that they know several of the  
board members have discussed this essential need with many  
Councilmembers and appreciative of their consideration and shift action  
given their eminent opening timeline. She stated that they are very grateful  
for the willingness to support this ask.  
Ms. Andrene Brown Nuwell stated that she is here to speak on behalf of her  
neighborhood. She stated 18102 and live on 16th and Turner Streets. She  
stated that she wants to talk about the impact on collaboration and what  
that is done to her community. Because of the collaboration of Community  
Action, Ripple, Allentown School District and the city of Allentown, they  
were able to impact over 140 students this summer. That is what  
collaboration did to that neighborhood. If it was not for the direct support of  
Community Action, and the direct support of Ripple allowing them to have a  
space to be able to conduct that summer camp, those would not have  
housed, they would have been on the streets, they would have not been  
safe and God know what would have happened. The impact that the  
Community Center and the affordable housing having in her neighborhood  
would be major. It would keep the kids off the streets, help with the  
homeless issue. She stated again, she lives on 16th and Turner. Right  
across from West Park and Allen High School. She walks her dog in the  
park and see the homeless people in the park and do the best that they can  
as a community and come together and collaborate on how they can  
support those families. Again, the students that are there, she stated that  
they know some of the things that are spoken about that is happening at  
Allen High School. It is a good school and they are great students there.  
They just need support and if they have this Community Center and where it  
is going to be based in that neighborhood, it would have major impact not  
only on the quality of life for students, for their safety and also their  
education. If they build this affordable housing, it is helping the same  
students. Forty students that were in the summer camps were housed at  
the Sixth Street Shelter. They brought them back and forth and she cannot  
tell them what those kids were going through on a day to day and they  
made sure that they treated them just as everyone else, protected them and  
gave them a safe space and made sure they were fed and they really  
realized that they belong. If Council makes this additional collaborative  
investment, as they have done before she knows that it will do a great work  
for the city. It will. She thanked Ms. Gerlach for making the Motion  
because as you can see if community partners are standing here and not  
asking for money for themselves. They are asking for money for these  
initiatives , you know it will have an impact. She thanked them for the  
Motion and stated she prays that they make the decision in their favor.  
Mr. Christopher Gaffro (sp) stated that he is in support of Ripple's  
Community Center. He was not intended to be here today, but he thought  
about the things that he had to deal with today and realized that none of that  
will cause him to experience homelessness. Hearing them speak on  
Wednesday's meeting that this is our money and we should be here on  
Saturday to help impact the decision. He thought it was important to be  
here. He stated that Sherri does a great job talking about what it does.  
The other component to that is that it supports 12 families that most of  
which will have children. Those children will not be sleeping in cars. They  
will not be couch surfing. They will not be changing school district over and  
over again as they go through their daily lives in unstable places to live.  
The respite center will eventually save lives as people will be able to  
experience medical treatments that they could have otherwise been not  
treated. He appreciated the amendment and stated that he does not envy  
Council's decision on this difficult job.  
Ms. Jessica Ortiz stated that she is a resident for 45 years. She stated that  
is how old she is. Born and raised here and went to school here and was  
part of the prisoner pipeline. The first to be arrest at Central Elementary  
School for acting out. She asked does she come as a resident or speak  
as a Director. She can be two people, but is only one person. Ripple will  
build 12 houses and Community Action is going to build a Youth Center.  
Those are the columns, but this is her right here, right now. She stated that  
she supports housing and supports the Community Center. She has been  
there and came to meetings. It is going to take five years. What happens  
to the organization that takes care of the problems now. Who helps build  
housing now. She stated that they are solving the problems now. It is unfair  
and stated to Ms. Gerlach that she was really surprised out of all people to  
hear her say because they are a trusted partner they should get more  
because they have the resources to get more. She stated that she felt so  
colonize and oppressed by that sentence because she could do more, if  
she had more. She can only take care of what her finances can take care  
of at the Ark. She stated that when that man was going to cry, she almost  
lost it. Seniors are dying. Seniors make up 12 percent and their suicide  
rate is 18 percent because they can't afford to live. The Ark serves 350  
people minimum a week with no rent money, no CDBG funding, with no  
partnerships. That is what they fund. Not to say they don't have partners  
and sometimes they don't get other donations. She stated that they, the  
Ortiz Ark Foundation team services 300 seniors, youth, and homeless.  
They have 38 homeless individuals who use our office as their residents.  
On occasion, they sleep in the Ark. She stated that her husband sleeps  
over with them because they can't have homeless people sleeping there.  
Imagine when a mother and four kids come to you and she is sleeping  
outside. How do you live with yourself when you don't have a budget. She  
stated that the Ark Foundation has to be considered. She respected  
Andrene. The organizations that are everyday boots on the ground. The  
other day she called Chief Roca and had the police pick up 40 pounds of  
marijuana from her house. The Jessica people say she is should have put  
that back on the street and flip that and made some housing, but they  
turned the money over. Those are the things that they do regularly. She  
asked do you know what 40 pounds of marijuana. She stated that she has  
pictures just in case they don't. It is a lot on the street and could have  
helped a lot of lives. They are helping spot crime, keeping the community  
safe, helping people understand financial stability, and picking up the  
pieces while people figure it out. She stated that they deserve to be  
acknowledged. Not only as an organization, but as residents. It was a  
comment made at a Real Estate event the other day that the people in the  
residents are winning the battle. The audacity to think that was a bad thing.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she wants to clarify just in case anyone is  
hesitant. The numbers add up. They have $8 million for the public safety  
building, $1.3 million for the 2024 positions, $1.3 million for the 2025  
positions, $1.5 million to Ripple. The decrease is in the Community  
Reinvestment Fund. That would go down to $1.2 million and $1.5 million to  
the Community Center. The numbers add up.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he has a couple of comments. When he reads  
about what they are going to hear about, the Community Recovery Funds,  
he is not against it. He is against taking something that they can't figure out  
and just offloading it to CED. He could not imagine doing that to a  
department that he just told an hour ago that they are not going to support  
with any extra support. It is just too much for them to handle. If the city is  
going to handle it, they should handle it, i  
A motion was made by Ce-Ce Gerlach, seconded by Natalie Santos to Amend the  
Amendment to allocate $1.5 million to Ripple so they can continue to house  
people since housing is a human right; $1.5 million to the Community Center  
since the organization that will be running it is a trusted partner with the city and  
they have a proven record of working with the city and making their initiatives  
come to fruition. She stated that we have no reason not to trust that they will do  
right by the money because they have done right by the money in the past with  
CDBG funds; $1.3 million and positions from 2025 and 2024 and keep the  
Community Reinvestment Fund for organization that might pop up such as  
Alliance for Building Communities. They need about $700,00 so they can fill the  
gap to build affordable housing. She wants to decrease it to $1.2 million for the  
Community Reinvestment. A couple million decrease for Public Safety buildings  
to go from $10 million just down to $8 million for the Public Safety building.  
They still would be able to offset some of the loan that we would have to take  
2 - Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Natalie Santos  
5 - Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, and Santo Napoli  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that they served the best part of the community.  
They are both very deserving organizations.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that they are back out at the original Motion.  
This is a Motion to Amend. They are going back to make an amendment  
and he believes it was a second.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated yes.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that now you have to do the process.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that there is a Motion on the table to take that  
$2.2 million and split it into $1.1 million each for Ripple and the Community  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she wants to make sure of the numbers  
because everyone made sure that her numbers added up. So let's make  
sure that these numbers are adding up. $1.1 million to Ripple, $1.1 million  
to Community Action's Community Center, $10 million towards public  
safety, $1.3 million towards 2024 positions (noted above), $1.3 million  
towards 2025 positions (noted above). She asked what does that bring  
them up to?  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that is it.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that it will bring them to $14.8 million.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it should together bring it to $14.8 million.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that you are taking what is $2.2 million. The  
initial Motion had $2.2 million going into a Community Reinvestment Fund,  
essentially to be applied to  
the determinations to be made by CED and this takes it and allocates it. It  
goes $1.1 million here and $1.1 million there and no Community  
Reinvestment Fund. That is being proposed in the amendment.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked about public comment.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he thought everyone spoke.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated not on this one.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked they did.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated not on this one.  
Mr. Pas Simpson stated that this is crap. He stated that Council is not  
giving them what they wanted and then you are saying that you are giving  
us what you wanted. He stated that the city had $56 million, $56 million. He  
stated to Ms. Mota if she votes for this she loses them. You cannot do that.  
He stated $56 million and you gave nothing to us. Nothing, nothing. They  
got absolutely nothing. He stated $56 million and you said that you are  
going to give $1.1 million here and $1.1 million there. Piecemeal this. He  
stated that $56 million for over a year. He stated that they came in every  
two weeks and did everything she asked and brought people from other  
counties. They did everything you asked and you gave us nothing and then  
you act like you are given us something because you are giving them less  
than what they asked for. You didn't even give what they asked for. You did  
not give no one what they wanted. The only thing you did was possibly  
piecemeal the police again, but if you are talking about public safety, public  
safety is bigger than police. Even the chief has told you that. Even the  
Chief has said that he needs help. It is more than just police and you just  
said screw you to the community if you vote this way. He stated that they  
are going to tell them that they have no value. He stated that he is going to  
show that he has no value by stop doing his work. He does it for free. Out  
of his own pocket. Most of the things he pays for are out of his own pocket.  
He is currently in debt for paying for things out of his own pocket to make  
sure things are safe here. He stated that Council still has not met them and  
still try to shut him up. He stated that they don't do anything that matters and  
act like this is cool. It's not. It's not. It is not ok. You are not giving them  
what they wanted and heard them all come up here. Not one of them said  
they want Council to give $10 million to the police. Not one of them. Not  
one of them. Not one of them said that they will give to the police. They say  
find some of that money somewhere else, but stop screwing them over and  
act like your helping them. Stop acting like you are doing us a favor. He  
stated that they voted them in and Council continues to ignore what they are  
saying. You ignore their passion. And, more important at most times you  
shut them up because you don't want to hear them. He stated that they cut  
them off because it is ok, you bully them because you have power, but you  
have yet, not once addressed what we are talking about. He stated that if  
they vote for this, half of them will come out next week. He stated that he  
will put out a post and campaign against every one of them who votes that  
you don't care about them.  
Ms. Jessica Ortiz stated that this is not a Q&amp;A. She is asking on  
behalf of the Ortiz Ark Foundation itself, Fine Feathers, Onedos, and all the  
nonprofits that make up the community. She asked if they are telling them  
not to show up, what they do does not matter. She stated that is what they  
are saying. Council is saying that she is not going to take off guns from the  
kids. That is what she did this morning. This morning she went to a house  
where a man is abusing drugs and beats his wife. She stated that she is  
not doing that next week. She gives out food that would normally gets  
wasted and they save. She did not know the impact that it had on climate.  
She stated that she is a worker bee. She is not going to have her food  
bank on Monday. She is going to say that Daryl Hendricks made a Motion  
to cancel the food bank because she funds it. Not because you decided  
the budget or take safety. She is not asking them. She is stating that they  
said and did not even think that she did not even factor them into the  
budget. At least she can say that Zucal and Ce Ce said well we will give  
them a crumb or a half of the pie. She stated that you said we don't even  
belong on the budget. Why should she continue and the rest of the folks  
she likes and don't like because it is a known fact that her and Promise  
Neighborhoods are not BFFs because she feels that they deserve  
because whether they do a little bit or a lot a bit. You do a bit and it helps  
each one of them sleep at night. She promised if they knew the hits that  
people want to do and show up at y'all houses and they have to say, listen  
that is their job. Let's not do it. Let's not pass out the staff that lives in the  
city address that they had to block this morning. Where do they live and  
where do they go. She stated that they do those things. It is not things that  
they address on a daily basis because they are doing their job. You just  
said and she does not have to share their address with the guys that live on  
the street who thinks that you don't care about their mom, who can't afford  
her social security check this week and sated that she gives her food  
because she did not make ends meet and provide their medical insurance  
through Aetna and do their paperwork through partnerships. She stated  
that Council just said to her and her team that she had to go outside and  
they said don't go, stay there, you don't know what is going to happen next  
and if you are not part of the conversation, you are not part of the  
conversation. She stated that Council keeps having conversations about  
them, for them and about them. That is what you said. She stated that she  
wants to be clear on Monday, when his numbers go up in crime, make sure  
that $10,000 was spent and next year is going to be a lot more because  
they are saying gloves off. Let the city do what they want to do and let the  
kids run a muck. Let them disrespect and let these gangs fight. She stated  
that she will not pass out Narcan. not stopping domestic abuse, not giving  
out food banks, not showing up at fires, not showing up at parks because  
these are the conversations that you just had that they don't matter. Even if  
they would have said a crumb, she would have respected that, but you just  
said F y'all. You are going to give it to this one and that one. It is going to  
take five years. Who is going to take care of the Youth Center kids until  
then. She stated five years. Guess what, Daryl Hendricks and his address  
that is who is going to take care of them.  
Ms. Andrene Brown asked if there is $10 million that the city is putting  
towards public safety, correct. She stated that she does not think they are  
thinking about it the right way because public safety has to do with  
everything that these nonprofit organizations do. When the suggestion was  
made to allocate $2 million from that, it was still going towards public  
safety. She stated that Council was not looking at that. If the suggestion  
was made to say ok, let's not do $8 million, let's do $9 million and put $1  
million there and allocate it to the nonprofits that are engaging in public  
safety. Why wasn't that suggestion even made? Why two nonprofits are  
able to negotiate and come up and take a cut, but in public safety and the  
work that they do can't take a cut of $1 million. That funding supposed to  
come from somewhere else. She stated that they are allocating it to public  
safety. She stated to take a look at the budget right now. The  
organizations have made a sacrifice. She stated that they are asking for  
Council to reimagine what public safety looks like and reimagine the work  
that they do that is actually public safety and allocate at least the minimum  
of million dollars from there and put it into the community so they can  
continue our work in public safety because that is what we do.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks requested for his amendment to be pulled and  
continue this meeting for a later date regarding the ARPA funding.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she is not going to pull the amendment. She  
believes they need to fix it today and do it today. None of them are going to  
change. She stated that Ms. Brown made a good point. She stated that  
she is listening to that point. She stated that they have been doing this for  
almost three years now. Three more days or three weeks is not going to  
make a difference. She stated that she was steadfast on these buildings  
because she knows it is needed. Now, she made a statement for $1  
million. She stated that she may consider that. This is why we can't hold it  
up and seven of us continue talking about the same thing. She stated that  
Council is listening to the public and what she has to say and it is not going  
to do us any good to table it and go talk about it. She stated that they have  
to make the decision today. She is willing to knock off the $1 million from  
public safety and put it into public safety. If we are giving $1.1 million, $1.1  
million and then the Ortiz Organizations and whatever and they can come to  
Council in the next couple of weeks and do it. Rather than giving it to the  
Public Work department.  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks, seconded by Candida Affa to make it  
$1.1 million and $1.1 million to Ripple and to CACLV, $5 million to Police and $5  
million to Fire.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that there was an initial operation feedback application  
in the very beginning and nobody followed it. Is there a way since you are  
our Counsel for an application to be created that folks can use to apply.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that exactly what Ripple did. They gave the city  
everything that they are going to do.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated yes, but they had their own application. He stated that  
he does not believe that the city has an application.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked would it be something similar to the CDBG.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon suggested what Ms. Mota said and should be run  
through a process in DCED. He has never seen Council sit here and  
distribute funds.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that they should not be responsible.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that they don't have the expertise to do that.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he is ok with that.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that they are the experts at it with CDBG funds  
and knows who is most vital at it.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she is trying to work with Ms. Affa. She  
wants to make sure she got this math right. If they were to reduce the  
public safety building down to $9 million and stated she hates to do this, but  
wants it to work. If Council were to play around with this configuration and  
say hypothetically do $1 million to Ripple, $1 million to the Community  
Center, Council would have the $1.3 million and $1.3 million for the back  
positions. That would bring them to $13.6 million which they still will have  
money left to then be put into a Community Reinvestment Fund like $1.2  
Ms. Candida Affa stated just dropping the $1.1 million to $1 million for both  
of them. She stated $1 million to Ripple, $1 million to the Community  
Center and knock $1 million off for public safety.  
Attorney Charles Smith suggested that Council reassess and figure out  
where they are right now. He asked if they are suggesting the $1.2 million  
go into the Community Reinvestment Fund.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated yes, $9 million for the public safety buildings, $1  
million for Ripple, $1 million for the Community Center, $1.3 million for back  
positions, $1.3 million for back positions and $1.2 million for the  
Community Reinvestment Fund.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that can be done, but they have to  
procedurally get there.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon suggested that Council pull their seconds and start  
Attorney Charles Smith stated for Council to go back to the original Motion  
and then do a Motion to Amend.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated and change the Motion then.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that the last Motion he has in front of him  
was the $1.1 million and the $1.1 million. That was a Motion to Amend. He  
asked who made that one. Pull those and now you are back to the $10  
million for public safety buildings, $1.3 million 2024 ARPA positions, $1.3  
million 2025 positions and $2.2 million for Community Reinvestment  
Funds. He stated that someone would need to make a Motion to Amend  
that to be $9 million for public safety buildings, $1.3 million 2024 ARPA  
positions, $1.3 million 2025 ARPA positions, $1 million Ripple, $ 1 million  
Community Center, and $1.2 million to remain in a Community  
Reinvestment Fund to be administrated by DCED.  
A motion was made by Candida Affa, seconded by Ed Zucal for an amendment  
for $1 million. Willing to knock off the $1 million from public safety and put it into  
public safety. Give $1.1 million, $1.1 million and then the Ortiz Organizations  
and whatever and they can come to Council in the next couple of weeks and do  
it. Rather than giving it to the Public Work department.  
Ms. Jessica Ortiz stated that she wants to be clear because it is hard to  
hear in the back. She stated $9 million to public safety, $1 million to  
Ripple, $1 million to the CACLV, $1.2 million to community, $1.3 million for  
2024, $1.3 million to 2025 to the ARPA positions. The only other whisper  
in the back of the room was the CDBG process has never been done and  
they come to Council and do a pitch, but it has. DaVinci came, the  
baseball field came and there was no application. The CDBG has very  
strict guidelines, she knows that and Vicky works really hard and will say  
she does not need to add that. She stated that is one and two, that is not  
an easy process so if they go by those guidelines, that is not the same  
guidelines as ARPA. DaVinci got their funding and everyone did. She  
stated that would be a little unfair to them. She stated that they will take the  
$1.2 million because something is better than nothing, but if they are going  
to say fair, they should not be doing calculus when everybody else was  
putting in shapes and circles. She stated that is a little unfair. She stated  
that she does have presentations and all of that and Council is the experts.  
You guys live in Allentown, you are elected officials, and hear the public  
regularly. You know who shows up and who doesn't. Whether you feel that  
you should make the decision or not, that might be ok if you want to or not,  
but the process should not be as difficult as the CDBG funding because  
that is not easy. If you are going to go with that it means the ones who  
already gets it will have a higher stake because they already know the  
process. When those that are out here that never got it like Ark and Fine  
Feathers and many others, it is going to make the process. You just went  
like this to the scale and balance it. It is just something to consider where  
you are fine, but think about the process because it should be fair to all  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated to speak to Vicky and her office and see what  
they can do to make it most equitable for the application process. What is  
most important here is the city will have the money to give out to other  
Ms. Jessica Ortiz stated that is very important. Whether it is a crumb or  
something, they spend equity and she knows that they have to hear some  
of that.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if she could make a friendly amendment to take  
out the specific language if CDBG is part of that Motion language, take out  
that specific language just to say that Council will work with the CED  
department to determine an equitable and inclusive process.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated application process. He stated absolutely.  
It does not have to mirror the CDBG application. He stated that Council  
can borrow pieces of it. That works.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated definitely standard. The point has been made  
that it has not been standard.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he trusts Ms. Kistler knows best on how to  
do this and help with her expertise.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked has that Motion been made.  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks, seconded by Ce Ce Gerlach to Amend  
for $9 million for public safety buildings, $1.3 million 2024 ARPA positions, $1.3  
million 2025 ARPA positions, $1 million Ripple, $ 1 million Community Center,  
and $1.2 million to remain in a Community Reinvestment Fund to be  
administrated by DCED.  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks, seconded by Ce-Ce Gerlach, for an  
Amendment to take out the specific language if CDBG is part of that Motion  
language, take out that specific language just to say that Council will work with  
the CED department to determine an equitable and inclusive process.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he believes that is all they have on business  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that Attorney Smith can explain it. He stated that  
Council can make a request to Suspend the Rules and vote on the Bill.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated to bring it back to where they are in this  
meeting under Rule 23 of the Rules of City Council, Budget Amendments  
should be acted on prior to the meeting at which the Budget is adopted,  
unless four Councilpersons waive this rule. If you intend to adopt the  
Budget as amended today, then you have to pass a Suspension of the  
Rules by a four person vote. Then you can vote on it today. Just to clear a  
path of adoption, if that is where you want to go.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that is where Council is going.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there are any comments from his colleagues  
or the public.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon suggested that he reads the first Bill.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that Council is back on the Agenda.  
A motion was made by Ed Zucal, seconded by Cynthia Mota, to Suspend The  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Budget Memos  
Bill 95 2024 BUDGET AND TAX RATE  
An Ordinance of the City of Allentown, County of Lehigh, and  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing the General Fund,  
Administrative Order Fund, Risk Management Fund, Debt Service Fund,  
Equipment Fund, and Golf Fund Budgets for 2024.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that will be as amended.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there was any public comment.  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks that this Ordinance be approved as  
amended. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Bill 96 2024 SOLID WASTE  
An Ordinance of the City of Allentown, County of Lehigh and  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing and adopting the Solid  
Waste Enterprise Fund Budget for 2024 and amending Article 1131,  
Municipal Waste Storage, Collection and Disposal by increasing the Solid  
Waste Fee at Four Hundred and Ninety-Five ($495) Dollars.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated good morning and stated that the first item of concern  
is the trash fee.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that they believe residents should not pay more than  
what serves this cost in anticipation of an increase.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked if they could just restate what the amount of  
the reduction.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that the difference in the anticipated cost would have  
been $80. This is like a savings account for the city for the future.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that as he understands it, it is to change the  
fee increase from $120 to $40.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that is correct.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from his colleagues  
or the public.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the administration appreciates Council's work  
to come up with a number that makes sense. They initially proposed $120  
increase to prepare themselves for what will certainly be an increase in the  
trash collection fee in 2025. They understand Council and glad to work with  
them and come up with this number that would keep the Recycling and  
Solid Waste Fund solvent through 2024 and minimize the impact on our  
residents. He stated that he appreciates Council and the administration is  
in full support on this proposal.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mayor Tuerk.  
Mr. Glenn Hunsicker stated that he is getting a little emotional. You know  
seven years ago the city borrowed $4 million. This kind of advertisement of  
raising it $120 is ridiculous. Nobody does that. He has to respect the  
Mayor, but who are the people that do this. Come out without doing their  
numbers and say they want to raise this kind of money. Where are these  
numbers coming from? Let the Solid Waste people do a dog and pony  
show. If they need the money, let them prove that they really need it. The  
Yard Waste Center has a tower. Is Verizon? Is it a positive or negative?  
When you look in the budget is it income coming in or outgoing. The Waste  
Management Contract is down from last year. Go out for an RFP.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Hunsicker and asked is there anybody  
else that wishes to comment.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
A motion was made by Ed Zucal, seconded by Cynthia Mota, that this Ordinance  
be approved. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks that this Ordinance be approved as  
amended. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Bill 97 2024 LIQUID FUELS  
An Ordinance of the City of Allentown, County of Lehigh, and  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, adopting the Liquid Fuels Fund Budget  
for 2024.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks that this Ordinance be approved. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Bill 98 2024 RENTAL UNIT FUND  
An Ordinance of the City of Allentown, County of Lehigh, and  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing and adopting the Rental Unit  
Licensing Fund Budget for 2024 and amending Article 1759 – Landlord  
and Rental Fee by maintaining the Residential Rental Fees.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks that this Ordinance be approved. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Mr. Jeremy, 1552 W. Turner Street, asked for clarification if Council can  
just repeat what the actual ARPA decision is and his understanding at the  
end of today, is that done. It is not going back or have to be voted on  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that it could be vetoed.  
Mr. Ed Zucal suggested Mr. Jeremy come up afterwards.  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks that this Ordinance be approved. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Bill 100 2024 TREXLER FUND  
An Ordinance of the City of Allentown, County of Lehigh and  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, adopting the Trexler Fund Budget for  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
Ms. Phoebe Harris, Allentown School Board, stated that she is coming to  
them about the Trexler Fund because they are going back to the Dieruff  
field. The Trexler Fund, that Trust is part of all that park. She heard a lot of  
people say that the Andre Reed Park, that they should be using the old  
park they use for football practice and things of that nature. She heard  
someone also say that they had buses that were coach buses that they use  
to transport the children. That was during 2020 and 2021, when they could  
not get First Student Transportation during Covid. They had no choice, but  
to use coaches. They had to pay for that. The field that they use, the other  
field that they use is on a dump. It is on a dump. They could not use that  
field. It is a dump. That ground is constantly shifting. She stated that is  
why she came before them with other School Board Members to ask to  
help with them getting the Andre Reed Park as a stadium and all the things  
that she presented to them and stated yes, Mr. Mayor, the Allentown School  
District administration knew she was coming. They has two busloads of  
football players, soccer players, and come to speak to them all because  
the administration knew she was coming and supported that decision to  
come speak to you and let you know what was going on. With the Trexler  
Fund money, they are asking them to look at that for being able to do  
something with Andre Reed Park to give the eastside, finally equity. It is  
not fair that those children have to play at J Birney Crum, when they don't  
have a field of their own. She stated that is wrong. She stated that they are  
competing and you have to remember that. They are competing with  
Charter Schools that just got $20 million from LVHN, $10 million for  
facilities and $10 million for scholarships. She stated that they did not give  
it to them. They gave it to them. She stated that they are asking Council to  
please, please consider that. She stated to City Council and the Mayor.  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks that this Ordinance be approved. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Bill 101 2024 ARPA FUNDS  
An Ordinance of the City of Allentown, County of Lehigh, and  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, adopting the American Rescue Plan Fund  
Budget for 2024.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the dais or the  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks that this Ordinance be approved as  
amended. The motion carried by the following vote:  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli