435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Wednesday, August 16, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Pledge to the Flag  
Roll Call  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Courtesy of the Floor  
Courtesy and Privilege of the Floor Rules  
Mr. Don Ringer, 1801 Liberty Street, stated that Council emphatically  
needs a raise. It is a disgrace what the city pays City Council for most of  
them do. They put in so much time out of their personal lives. He stated  
that the city lost a number of city employees recently. Does anybody know  
why? They are leaving left and right. It has got to be a reason. He thanked  
the city for putting on the wonderful car show at Seventh and Hamilton.  
Mr. Don Holobeny stated that there are problems in Allentown and the  
Parks Department. There are many issues at the dog park with children in  
there. Dogs need to be on the leash. He stated that the mayor asked him  
what departments were not meeting his expectations. He stated that  
Parks, Zoning, the mayor's office, and Sweep.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that if it is any concession he has been trying to help  
someone that they both know this week with the Zoning department. He  
stated that he left four messages and he has not gotten a call back either.  
Mr. Don Holobeny stated that it is ridiculous. It is a health hazard because  
people are not cleaning up their dog.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that when they passed the legislation, Don Ringer  
asked the question about the cleanup and Council was assured that the  
regulations would be taken take care. She asked if there were supplies to  
pick up.  
Mr. Don Holobeny stated no.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that her recollection is the only way to throw  
away the waste is outside of the gates.  
Mr. Don Holobeny stated that there are two containers outside.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that you have been heard loud and clear tonight.  
He will follow up and make certain that something is done and make sure it  
is remedied.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that Section is 425-8 and it is in the  
Allentown Code. There is a specific Section on Rules.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated thank you and asked Mr. Hanlon if there were  
any other comments from the public.  
Contract Approvals  
Authorization for Contract with Jack Rich, Inc., MacMillan Oil Co. of  
Allentown Inc., & PPC Lubricants, LLC in the estimated sum of $39,900 to  
provide motor oils, lubricants and chemicals for City vehicles and  
equipment; 4 bids were received, one bid was rejected; each was  
awarded various parts of the contract, the contract can be extended for four  
additional one year terms beyond the initial year; the estimated $39,900.00  
per renewal term would be an estimated total of $199,500.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this was done as Bid#2023-30. It was  
advertised on June 28, 2023. The public opening was held on July 26,  
2023. The city received four bids and one was rejected for no bid bond.  
After the department reviewed the proposals, they are recommending an  
award from each vendor for various parts of the contract. Jack Rich, Inc  
and MacMillan Oil Co are both small businesses.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30688  
Authorization for Contract with Kost Tire Distributors, Inc. (d/b/a Kost Tire  
and Auto Service, Inc. D/b/a Big E Tire, Inc.) & McCarthy Tire Service  
Company, Inc. in the estimated sum of $30,000 per contract year to  
provide tires for City vehicles and equipment; two bids were received, each  
was awarded various parts of the contract, upon written notification, the  
contract can be extended for up to four additional one year terms beyond  
the contract expiration period.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this was done as bid #2023-31. It was  
advertised on June 28, 2023. The public opening was held on July 26,  
2023. The city received two bids. After the department received the  
proposals, they recommending an award to each vendor.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30689  
Authorization for price increase to the contract with Buell Kratzer Powell,  
Ltd. in the amount of $12,800. The company provided engineering services  
related to design, construction documents, cost estimates, construction  
bidding assistance, construction administration services, and close out  
services at Irving Pool – the cost for the initial service was $103,815.50;  
the additional costs is to keep the design team on for construction  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this is a previously awarded contract. They  
are requesting additional funds in the amount of $12,800.00 for the  
construction and administration. Due to the cost being over the 10 percent  
of the original contracting sum, it is being presented here before Council.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that they just broke ground a month ago and there is  
already one Change Order. As far as he is concerned, if this company  
wants to keep a Design Consultant on there, they should be paying for it  
themselves. Taxpayers should not be paying for something that they poorly  
did not include in their original contract.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if that is something common that we run into of  
a Design Company would ask such a question.  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated that is construction oversight and it is common. It  
protects the city's assets and investment in the project to make that the  
contractor is performing the project properly. It is oversight on the city's  
behalf to make sure that the contractor upholding their side of the deal. The  
reason why it is extra is because the project is taking too long, and it was  
bid out multiple time. This design firm was on for the entirety of this project.  
It is just taking a lot long and multiple times this project went out for bid. It  
costs extra.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions from his colleagues  
or the public.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked Mr. Shahda and stated that this is not an  
uncommon expenditure in project management.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that it is the length of time going on and it is not  
like the city have people on staff that knows what they are doing.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that in the construction industry there are a lot of  
unforeseen circumstances that arise at any specific job site. In those  
instances, Change Orders are required.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this Change Order is not for the construction  
company. This is for the design company, not construction company.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it provides oversight.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30690  
Minutes of Previous Meeting  
15-6125 July 19, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
August 2, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Mark Hartney and Vicky Kistler in an email noted they had discussions with Sherry  
Binder of Ripple on a possible request for city funding of an affordable housing  
Councilperson Mota and City Controller Glazier have disclosed they had  
conversations with representatives of Adams Outdoor advertising on the  
administration’s request to consider extending their lease with the city into  
Mandatory disclosure. Officials and employees who have had communications of any  
kind with individuals or entities seeking to do work for the City, or seeking to receive  
government funds, must disclose those communications to the City Clerk prior to  
the government taking action in designating who will conduct the service, receive  
the contract or receive the funds. Such disclosure will take place on an electronic or  
paper form or process to be prepared jointly by the Administration and Council.  
Old Business: NONE  
Budget and Finance: Chair Napoli, Hendricks, Gerlach  
The Committee met last week; there are no meetings scheduled at this time.  
Community and Economic Development: Chair Mota, Napoli, Affa  
The committee met this evening; the next meeting is scheduled for September 6 at  
5:45 PM.  
Human Resources, Administration and Appointments: Chair Santos, Zucal, Napoli  
The Committee met has not met since the last council meeting; there are no  
meetings schedule at this time.  
Parks and Recreation: Chair Gerlach, Affa, Mota  
The Committee met this evening; there are no future meetings scheduled at this  
Public Safety: Chair Affa, Hendricks, Zucal  
The committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for September 6 at 6 PM.  
Public Works: Chair Zucal, Santos, Hendricks  
The Committee met this evening; the next meeting is scheduled for September 6 at  
6:15 PM.  
Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations, and Strategy: Chair Hendricks,  
Mota, Gerlach  
The committee has not met since the last Council meeting; no future meetings are  
Controller's Report (3 minutes)  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that the interns did three projects and Council has seen  
the Process Flows. This is the first audit report that has to do with fire overtime. He  
stated that it is the Collective Bargaining Agreement that controls how overtime is  
assigned. The Controller's office did a thorough audit and overwhelming found that  
the process is followed to the letter. The process is followed to the letter. He went  
over the findings which he stated were minor. The CBA calls for a minimum of 27  
staffing and the city has been staffing at a minimum of 29. The system is paper  
based and the Fire Management is lean. There were two cards filled out improperly.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions from his colleagues. He  
commended Mr. Glazier, his staff and the interns for oversight and making sure the  
work was done. He met the interns on several occasions, and they have done an  
exception job.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier thanked Mr. Hendricks and stated that he is proud of his staff and  
the interns.  
Mayor's Report (3 minutes)  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the Classics and Cruises event on Sunday was an  
excellent success. He asked for significant credit not just for the Allentown Police  
Department did a fantastic job putting it together and the work of Assistant Chief  
Gress. As they round out summer, they see projects from interns and Fellows. He  
stated that he was proud to receive a Report from the summer Fellow from the  
Harvard/Kennedy School who did an investigation into language access in the city of  
Allentown and presented to department heads and Bureau Managers on how the city  
might do a better job engaging in the limited English proficiency population in the  
city of Allentown. He thanked Alejandra Hernandez from the Harvard/Kennedy  
School for her work this summer. They completed work that they did with the  
innovation team that was supported by John Hopkins University and Bloomberg. He  
talked about Block Party in the Box and how Ryan Griffiths was one of the leads on  
the Innovation team. He was grateful to see Mr. Hendricks and Ms. Gerlach at the  
Back to School Bash. They begun the process of Budget Reviews. They had the  
first draft. It is his hope to get a budget passed prior to Thanksgiving. He  
commended the Department of Community and Economic Development for the work  
they are doing. They heard a couple of concerns about Zoning tonight and  
responsiveness. Overall, the work that has been done under Ms. Kistler is guidance  
in the Department of Community and Economic Development has been absolutely  
fantastic. It may have ruffled some feathers, but they are getting a much cleaner  
process and orderly process. Fundamentally and most importantly a much fairer  
process which should result in consistency and reliability in someone's experience  
when they walk to the counter. He stated that on August 24, they will be officially  
cutting the ribbon on the new Fire Academy on the Southside. IT is a beautiful  
building and finally ready for them to welcome the public. They will be asking  
Council for a dedication for that asset. They are hoping to have something for  
Council on September 6 in recognition to a recently passed member of the Allentown  
Fire Team.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked what time is the dedication.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated 11:00 AM.  
Chief Efrain Agosto stated 10:30 AM.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any other questions from the mayor.  
City Controller Reports  
Attachments: CC - Overtime  
Bill 75  
Amending the 2023 General Fund budget to allow for a position name  
change in the Department of Public Works, Recycling and Solid Waste, by  
changing the SWEEP Officer position to SWEEP Officer Bilingual.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated it was sent favorably to regular Council.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15936  
Bill 76  
Amending the 2023 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) from People’s First  
Federal Credit Union to support the mini-pitch system at Jordan Meadows.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it was forwarded favorably to this meeting.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15937  
Bill 77  
Amending the 2023 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Two-Million-Dollars ($2,000,000.00) grant funding from the  
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to address housing  
related hazards including radon remediation, asbestos abatement, and  
electrical and plumbing repairs.  
The 2023 Federal Healthy Homes Production Grant is a reimbursable  
grant which will be spent over the course of 42 months to fund repairs up to  
$10,000 per home for 135 qualified Allentown homeowners and  
tenants/landlords. Additionally, it is requested to amend the 2023 General  
Fund budget to create two (2) new fully grant funded positions in the  
Department of Community & Economic Development’s (DCED)  
Community Housing program and provide supplemental grant funding to  
two (2) existing positions. The funds for these positions were awarded as a  
grant from the Federal Healthy Homes Production (HHP).  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that it was forwarded favorably, 3 - 0.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15938  
Authorizes the submission of the formal application for funding from the  
Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for  
the Strategic Management Planning Program (STMP) in the amount of up  
to Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000).  
Attachments: R139 STMP Grant  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that part of the Commonwealth's Department of  
Community and Economic Development is that it provides support to our  
local government. They last took advantage of this support from DCED in  
the preparation of Vision 2030, Comprehensive and Economic  
Development Plan. He stated that they are eligible to pursue assistance  
again now in 2023. What they intend to do with these funds, if awarded is  
follow up on the provisions of the Novak Report from 2019. They are  
looking to prepare a Capital Asset Inventory and prepare a Capital  
Improvement Plan with support from the Commonwealth. He stated that the  
administration looks forward to Council's support on that application.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30691  
Approves a transfer of $22,352.00 in Revenue & Audit Bureau for  
Unexpected Fees from Lehigh Tax Collection Committee Service to the  
City of Allentown in Regards to EIT Collection.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if anybody wanted to give insight on that.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it is best that Ms. Patel gives insight.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that currently they have the EIT collection done by  
Berkheimer and Associates. That collection went from DY in 2011 and  
2013 timeframe. At that time, all the cities/townships in Lehigh County  
funded $80,000 for any appeals. It gives the ability to attest tax returns and  
in the attestment she can state that her reason for filing this return and not  
agreeing to what Berkheimer is stating that she was living in one city in  
Lehigh County and moved to another township. The rates may have been  
different at certain months for the residence. They will have to go through  
an appeal process. The have retained an attorney. They had $80,000 and  
that pool carried the city through. They had so many appeals for Covid. In  
the appeal process, they have run out of the $80,000. They bill each tax  
entity their amount owed. For the city of Allentown, it is $22,352.00. It is  
not recurring.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Ms. Patel for that explanation and asked if  
there were any questions or comments from his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30692  
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (To be referred to Committee with public  
comment prior to referral)  
Bill 79  
Amending the 2023 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Twenty-Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-Five  
Dollars ($25,725) from the United States Department of Justice Edward  
Byrne Memorial JAG Grant for the purpose of overtime pay of patrol  
presence in an effort to suppress violent crimes and drug investigations in  
the Keystone Opportunity Zone in Allentown.  
Affa and Hendricks  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that this is for committee and not to vote on  
Chief Charles Roca stated that he will give a rundown on what it is about. It  
is a no match grant that was awarded to the Police department. They can  
look at different areas in Center City and the West End and do violent  
crime reduction along with drug investigations. Different components will  
be involved: bike patrols, patrol car presence, undercover operations and  
different things that they will do to take back the streets of those who  
choose to commit crimes in our city. They will be held accountable. This  
will be a piece to go with. He is hearing multiple complaints about open air  
drug dealing going on in different sections in the city. The Police  
Department has a good Vice Team. It is not going to tax the city.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that this will cover undercover and not just  
driving around.  
Chief Charles Roca stated that it covers the whole gamut of investigations  
with patrol presence and any capacity. Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she  
will wait until the committee to ask her questions.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any other questions or comments  
from the public.  
Bill 80  
Amending Chapter 406, Nuisance Abatement, to consistently refer to the  
Appeals Board as the Nuisance Abatement Board of Appeals. This  
legislation cleans up language relating to the Nuisance Abatement Board  
of Appeals.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it is pretty straight forward. IT is just cleaning  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that it is actually Council's legislation. This was  
proposed just to clean up the Bill.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that this is to make the language consistent.  
There were some ambiguities in the language and ambiguities always  
open up a door for a challenge. This is a necessary cleanup to make the  
language consistent. He would not call this a substantive change. It is  
making things clearer.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
Bill 81 Refer to the Community and Economic Development Committee,  
Allentown Planning Commission and Lehigh Valley Planning Commission  
Affa, Hendricks and Mr. Zucal  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
Mr. Robert DiLorenzo stated that they submitted a Petition to propose a  
Zoning Amendment for a new Mixed Use Overlay District. It would apply to  
the former parcels occupied by the Allentown State Hospital. The new  
amendment would allow for a mix of different uses that would  
accommodate future development opportunities on the site. Today, the  
site is zoned institutional. This would amend that zoning. City Center has  
been working collaboratively with the Community and Economic  
Development department, Planning, Zoning, and Public Works for the last  
six months on conceptual plans for that. This is the first step in the process  
of redeveloping this site.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any further questions or comments  
from his colleagues.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if they have to wait to do this until the Housing  
Study and the Zoning rewrite are done. On other things, they stated that  
they had to wait until everything is done.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that this is going to take a long time.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that this is a little bit different. She stated that they  
are gaining the input from the public as to what the plan is for that site. This  
creates a district that changes the industrial use to a mixed use. Unless  
they want to make an assumption that the State Hospital site will forever be  
institution, this is the first step to allow different development to be  
discussed there. You may want to incorporate some of the Housing Study  
results on what actually ends up there. The first thing that they need to do is  
establish that they don't want this to be an institution on site. She stated that  
the city wants it to be something else and this is the first step. She does  
think that the Housing Study results that they will have by the end of the year  
will be able to be incorporated in the final design.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated in the Zoning rewrite too.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated correct.  
Mr. Robert DiLorenzo stated that they are working collaboratively with the  
city's Planning Director Jennifer Gomez. They discussed that very topic and  
how this new amendment will work with the rewrite that is being proposed  
and will become public. Because it is a mixed-use overlay, it stands alone  
as its own separate amendment. It is something that has been written in a  
way that it has taken into consideration the fact that it is a Zoning rewrite  
and they were able to get some insight on the Zoning rewrite so this will  
marry up with the new proposed rewrite. It is also a mixed-use overlay.  
This has been done once before in the city of Allentown on the Riverfront  
Redevelopment. They are following the same process for developing the  
site with a mixed-use overlay amendment. Just as they did on the  
Riverfront. From a Planning standpoint, they will put together what is called  
a tentative plan and it will be a Master Plan for the entire site that would get  
approved once it is adopted. It would get approved by the Planning  
Commission as sort of a Master Plan. Each Phase of that process, they  
have to go back to the Planning Commission and get a formal Land  
Development approval for each Phase. When they come back for each  
Phase, anything that differs from what was approved on the tentative plan,  
you have to amend the tentative plan which the process in that is to get it  
pre-approved by the Planning Commission. It is a very multi-step process.  
This is just the first step with getting the Zoning amended to allow different  
types of mixed-uses on site.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Robert DiLorenzo for that explanation.  
This in essence be a work in progress.  
Mr. Robert DiLorenzo stated yes, absolutely.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated absolutely. You can't technically discuss or accept  
plans or discussions about a property that is not zoned appropriately for  
those discussions. The first thing is to take it out of the institution and allow  
the open discussion to happen about what should be there.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any other questions or comments  
from his colleagues or the public.  
RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION (Can be voted on or Referred to Committee):  
Mayor Matt Tuerk commended Ms. Mota stating as many of them know he  
and she traveled to Puerto Rico as part of a group to establish  
relationships between the cities that are so much heavily influenced by that  
island and people and culture. Ms. Mota did a phenomenal job  
representing you all as City Council people and meeting the mayors and  
local leaders of Puerto Rico, including the governor and the commissioner  
of residents of the island.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mayor Matt Tuerk and stated that he also did a  
phenomenal job to the point that Governor Shapiro and the Governor of  
Puerto Rico are both planning to come here to our city together. This is  
very positive. Congresswoman Susan Wild represented the Lehigh Valley  
very well.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that is why Ms. Mota is our sister  
Councilwoman. He stated that Council is proud of her and representing  
Allentown in its most admirable way.  
Council Rules  
Procurement Procedures  
Code of Ethics