435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Wednesday, June 5, 2024  
5:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Roll Call: Gerlach, Hendricks, Zucal  
1. Michael Trail (program overview, lessons learned, rationale, planning, evaluation,  
costs) 15min  
2. Christopher T. Dohey (program overview, lessons learned, rationale, planning,  
evaluation, costs) 15 min  
3. Pinebrook (comments on two presentations, case worker experiences similar to  
co-response, areas for growth, evaluation tools) 15min  
4. Discussion/Q&A  
1. Michael Trail (program overview, lessons learned, rationale,  
planning, evaluation, costs)  
Chief of Police, Lansdale Borough, 21,000; noted his community is a  
dense, urban like area. Saw spike in opioid overdoses and mental  
health calls during Covid, intent was to focus on issues like this in 2020  
- police couldn’t deal with mental health issues and connect folks with  
appropriate services. They have a HUB program - multi-disciplined  
team look at cases in a monthly meeting, review ‘cases’ to make  
referrals. Main goals - wanted to reduce use of force and to  
de-escalate situations; and reduce amount of police time on calls and  
repeat calls relating to mental health issues. Got a grant to develop a  
program - contractual program with Meraky- billed at per hour rate.  
Have a set of policies relating to the program. Coming up on one year  
anniversary with program. Program won support and buy in of officers;  
once a relationship is established with a ‘client’ - start with co-response  
initiate; responder then may take calls herself to deal with needs. Noted  
Salt Lake City has a good model; but the Philadelphia program was the  
basis of their model. Programs need to grow organically from  
stakeholders; don’t script heavily because there will be setbacks and  
failures - suggested incremental development. Looking at hiring two  
employees in 2026 rather than having a contract with an agency  
because the program has been successful - will get coverage on  
weekends. Sees this as a model for police departments going forward.  
Alexis Moyer, co-responder in Lansdale, was on the call, works for  
Behavioral Health Agency - had 20 years’ experience, had  
relationships with folks before this operation - noted relationships and  
gaining trust is important. Police do email referrals. Requires multiple  
visits to establish relationships with clients to gain trust; have had  
success stories getting folks into drug rehab and linked to social case  
workers for follow-ups. Focus on safety, said she has a sense of her  
situation and safety, wears bullet proof vest.  
Q and A: 30 sworn officers; all officers have basic CIT training, some  
have advanced CIT training, program needs to develop organically with  
stakeholders to develop trust. Noted a lot of the calls they get have a  
mental health and substance abuse nexis, police recognize need for  
follow-up. County dispatches, county doesn’t allow CR to have a police  
radio, addressing this issue. Montgomery County also has a CIS - they  
have one ambulance and a few workers - long response time because  
of limited resources, overwhelmed.  
2. Christopher T. Dohey, Co-responder Bucks County Program  
(program overview, lessons learned, rationale, planning, evaluation,  
Bucks County has a co-responder program, 911 call can be directed  
to a co-responder. Focus on crisis intervention, mental health, and  
substance abuse referrals. Program developed in early 2020 to deal  
with needs in the community; coresponders are county employees -  
county pays salary for two years, after which the police depts pick up  
the salaries based on their approval, multiple police depts have bought  
in. Reduce the call volume and repeat calls of departments. CR have  
radios and cars; go out on own calls but do not ride with police. Most  
responses are referrals - police note mental health/substance  
abuse/children/youth issues. Officers bought in to program over-time.  
Chris works with 9 police departments that all support the program.  
Police Chiefs are part of entire process from hiring, interview and  
deployment. Dr. Griffith (?) - Kutztown U., has been evaluating  
program from the data that is collected - results have been successful  
based on program data and police surveys, have won awards based  
on program. Note 24% of calls were frequent flyers - reduced to 2%  
with cr responses.  
3. Pinebrook (comments on two presentations, case worker  
experiences similar to  
co-response, areas for growth, evaluation  
Pinebrook Reps: Program was piloted through Allentown PD as a result  
of a grant to the county; don’t have an official HUB program but they  
work with providers of services and stakeholders. Noted takes time to  
get clients referred to services. Have Familiar Faces (repeated callers)  
that become a focus. Can bring folks into Lehigh County Mental Health  
Court. Working within the corrections system. Have 2 specialist  
working within Allentown, 800 referrals since last July; limited contact  
with 2 case workers. Referred to a recent Conference noting the  
consensus was social workers should not go out on their own, need  
police presence. Police not entirely CI trained. Based on participation  
in a conference, suggested we are ahead of the game but have limited  
resources. Trust is the major factor in getting referrals into the system.  
Recommended 5-7 more people needed. Get referrals through police  
officers. Act as advocate for person in many cases - services, court  
system, etc. Officers support program and intervention of caseworker,  
creating trusts can result in client calling cr directly rather than Police  
or 911.  
Q and A: Suggested city is doing it, just underfunded and not codified  
or in place in a systematic way. Point of educating ourselves with this,  
is to help us grow it organically within our context. Program needs to  
be tailored to the city and have backing of all the stakeholders and  
interests. Noted the County also has three CISs.  
Last note by Trail was even though there is a costs to the program  
and governments lack resources; this is an investment that will help  
the community, free up police time and get folks services they need.