435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Wednesday, October 4, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Pledge to the Flag  
Roll Call  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Courtesy of the Floor  
Courtesy and Privilege of the Floor Rules  
Ms. Mary Tomlinson, 373 W Liberty Street, stated that she wanted to speak  
at the Public Safety meeting, but they did not have an opportunity to do that.  
She is one of the co-petitioners for the Crisis Response, Co-Responder  
Program and the Pinebrook Mental Health Liaison Program that is doing  
good work for APD. She thanked the staff. She supports the expansion.  
She talked about the Pinebrook Program started in 2017. This year, is the  
first time it had a written contract. It is difficult to get information about this  
program. They all know however the number of mental ill people in the  
prison is increasing. They appreciate an opportunity further dialogue. She  
stated that 3,800 signed the petition for help, not handcuffs. She stated  
that they need to keep mentally ill people out of jail. The community is  
underserved and look for real engagement, collaboration and innovation for  
the sake of our people. Follow up with the county Crisis Response  
Program. Their services are limited. Let's make Allentown a safer,  
healthier place to live.  
Ms. Dawn Godshall, Community Action Development Corporation, stated  
that she stands her today to advocate for a cause that is not only close to  
her heart, but one that should resonate with all of us. Investing in the future  
of our city through the Allentown Youth Center. Community Action has been  
tirelessly working towards this project and she urged them all to consider  
providing funding for this endeavor, including the demolition of the old  
Cleveland School building. It is an opportunity for the city to have skin in the  
game and demonstrate its commitment to the well-being of the youth in  
Allentown. Our youth is our most valuable asset and hold the key to the  
future of our great city. They need our support, guidance and resources to  
thrive. The youth center is not just a building, it is a symbol of our collective  
commitment to our young people. By investing in this center, they are  
making a statement that Allentown cares about its youth and dedicated in  
providing them with opportunity growth, education and development. She  
asked them to envision a brighter future for the children. It is an opportunity  
to build a state-of-the-art facility that would cater to the diverse needs and  
aspirations of our youth. Supporting a youth center is not just an  
investment, but a necessity. She stated that we need to redo on how we  
teach our youth. The Center will offer educational programs and skill  
development opportunities that will equip our youth with the tools they need  
to succeed in today's competitive world. It will be a hub for learning and  
personal growth. It will bring together youth from different backgrounds. A  
thriving youth center can be a powerful deterrent to negative behaviors. A  
vibrant youth center can attract businesses, organizations, and families to  
our city. Boosting the local economy and revitalizing our community. By  
providing funding to this project, City Council has an opportunity to lead by  
example. It sends a clear message that the city is committed to the  
well-being and success of its young citizens. It shows that they are not only  
talking about investing in a future, but actively taking steps to make that  
happen. She understands that budget considerations are always a  
challenge, but investing in our youth is an investment in the future prosperity  
and vibrancy of Allentown. It is an investment in the well being of our  
community as a whole.  
Mr. Pas Simpson, 25 N. 9th Street, stated since Dawn just went before  
him, he will see if he can make it a little bit more hurtful. It has been almost  
a year since they passed the money for the Credible Messengers. He  
stated that they have seen ARPA money go to many different things. We  
have seen babies die. We have seen us argue. We have seen all kinds of  
things, but what they have not seen is the application of the money that was  
already voted on and passed by City Council. Some of you are up for  
election in a couple of weeks. We won't see the money that they actually  
passed. It is disappointing because we have seen the rise in murder, rise  
in violent crime, unfortunately since Covid. We provided more police to the  
streets, but even our Chief stated that he needs support. He asked what  
can they do and what will you do to make sure that our babies are safe. If  
you are not going to ever give the money to the Credible Messengers, even  
though you voted on it. At least give it to the youth the Dawn is talking  
about. Do something that is proactive. We cannot continue to be reactive.  
We keep the ones that are most vulnerable, 16 to 25 according to our state  
index to violence. They decided during the winter league that they will stop  
at 14 youth so we now left thousands of kids again, unattended, uncared for  
and uninvested in. He stated please, let's do better.  
Ms. Heather Felt-Albert, 832 N. Leh Street, stated that she is here tonight  
to stand before Council. She stated that she does not have any comments,  
she has statements. She asked for some assistance and some help. She  
stated that her daughter passed away of September 15 at 4:00 AM in a  
house her in Allentown. She received a call on September 16 from the  
coroner's office, making her aware that they had her daughter. She was  
not allowed to identify her because they told her that her boyfriend had  
identified her. She did not get to see her daughter until she did her hair for  
the last time at the funeral parlor to prepare her for her service. Second of  
all, when she spoke to the detective that next day as well. He made her  
aware that they did find her daughter in a house that was vacant. There  
was nothing there, but a bed. Her boyfriend was the one who was with her.  
She asked him where was her daughter's phone, her car, and they told her  
they did not know. She did not have any personal belongings. She told the  
detective that her daughter has a car. Not only was she riding around in the  
one car, but there was another car as well. They did nothing about it. After  
hearing about her daughter's death, at 8:44 in the morning, and at 9:10 she  
was searching the streets of Allentown to find and recover her daughter's  
car her self. She recovered her daughter's one car and then spoke to the  
detective and made him aware of the second car. She gave him the title  
number, the VIN number, and everything that is needed and asked him t0  
locate the car. There is no need for her to call PennDOT and have them  
track the car if the detective at the scene was there, saw her daughter  
pronounced dead. There is no question. She asked why would she have  
to got to protocol to have PennDOT then put in for the car to be found. As  
of today, this car is still on the streets. As she made them aware, her  
daughter's boyfriend had to be involved in some illegal stuff. She made the  
detective aware of this. She also made them aware that the second car is  
out here and it is most definitely transporting drugs. She left it up to  
everyone here to please go further. She has the autopsy report. She  
received it yesterday and because of her to try to make sure that justice is  
just not done for her daughter, but there is some kind of closure for her and  
something for other families that this doesn't happen to them. She stated  
that she will not give all the facts here. The gentleman that is involved wit  
everything, the police knows him very well. They are buddies with him. The  
house that her daughter was found in is his mother's property. Now, here  
we are, she does not have any answers in reference to her daughter. Here  
we are, she does not know where the second car is. Here we are, she is  
left with a 15 year old to raise. She just got over having a liver transplant  
herself. Today, the detective did not want to work with her who was there at  
the Detective Bureau. Today, she went there herself. As just as she is  
talking to them, she represented herself there. She did not yell, she did not  
holler, she did not swear. She asked for questions and asked if he can  
show she proof that this car was put in the computer to be located. His  
response to her is that the case is locked. She stated that she can  
understand it, but they cannot tell her that there is nobody higher than the  
detective that worked on the case that could have opened up that  
information. She made him aware of the evidence that her daughter left  
behind, addresses and still, here we are. In leaving because he told her  
that there were two homicides last night and they are busy and repeated  
what was said. They have been busy and had two new homicides last night  
so they are trying to get to everything. Her daughter passed away of  
September 15 as she stated earlier. She is not looking for everybody to  
stop doing what they are doing, but she is asking for the 15 years that she  
has owned her home in the west end of Allentown that the taxes that she  
has put in. She is asking for those taxes that she pays, to help her now in  
getting justice for her daughter. She would love for each and every one of  
them to look up her daughter's name Quanita Harvey. No criminal records,  
worked for Blue Cross Blue Shields, Well Fargo, GTL. She was no  
anybody and even if she was, she still deserves justice. She paid taxes as  
well. She did not live off the system. So, all of them that are here, are  
receiving the benefits of her labor, but she is no longer here and what she  
has paid into she deserves back. Her daughter deserves to continue as a  
10-grade student at Allen High School has been on the honor roll all her life.  
She continues to do that. She deserves to do that in peace, knowing that  
her mother did not die, and no one cared, but her grandmother. She stated  
that is all she is asking. She is hoping and praying to the God that she  
knows that sits high and looks low. That this too will be handled and we will  
get serious with the streets of Allentown and this drug business and we will  
find out what is going on with this buddy - buddy system and these CIs and  
all this stuff that goes on here. She is not privileged to know because she  
is not a criminal. She never had a record to know what the relationship is  
with them, but will tell them something she thanks God for wisdom and  
knowledge because what she is seeing is not fair. These relationships that  
these CIs have what these cops, after she made them aware. Two and two  
equals four. What she is asking Council for is that the money that they put  
into Allentown to make it work. Because, that is why they are here. They  
are here. She moved her family here because she believed it was safe for  
Ms. Barbara Redmond, Secretary of Allentown Branch of NAACP and  
Assistant Secretary of the Pennsylvania State Conference of the NAACP,  
stated that she noticed that the investigation is not on the agenda. She is  
wondering why it is not on the agenda tonight. She is a very important  
investigation and related to the city of Allentown employees. They are  
being harassed, bullied and discriminated against. She stated to Mr.  
Hendricks that his son is involved in an investigation as well that you are  
trying to sweep this under the rug. She stated that they would like to know  
what is going on and why it is not brought to the forefront.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that it is scheduled for October 31. A  
Committee of the Whole.  
Ms. Barbara Redmond stated that she feels that he should be removed  
from the investigation because his son is involved. She stated that it is a  
conflict of interest.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that Ms. Redmond has been ill-informed. His  
son is not involved in an investigation.  
Ms. Barbara Redmond stated that he is involved. She stated that they have  
the complaints and know what is going on. They know who is involved.  
They have all the complaints and Christopher, your son is involved in  
complaints and she thinks that he needs to be removed.  
Contract Approvals: There are no contracts for approval.  
Minutes of Previous Meeting  
15-6269 September 6, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
September 20, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Mr. Mike Hanlon stated Disclosure: Councilperson Zucal noted pursuant to  
the ethics code that he had a discussion with Scott Curtis in regard to Bill  
87, authorizing an investigation.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she would also like to disclosed if that is ok.  
She has a conversation with Dawn Godshall concerning using ARPA funds  
to support the Youth Center and another conversation with Sherri Bender  
concerning using ARPA funds for affordable housing.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk added a disclosure. He had a conversation with Dan  
Bosket related to the Cleveland Youth Center and the use of ARPA funds.  
Old Business: NONE  
Committee of the Whole:  
A Committee of the Whole is scheduled for October 31 at 6 PM to review Bill 87, authorizing an  
Budget and Finance: Chair Napoli, Hendricks, Gerlach  
The Committee met this evening; the next meeting is not yet scheduled.  
Community and Economic Development: Chair Mota, Napoli, Affa  
The committee met this evening; the next meeting is scheduled on October 18th at 5:40 PM.  
Human Resources, Administration and Appointments: Chair Santos, Zucal, Napoli  
The Committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is scheduled for October  
18th at 5:45 PM.  
Parks and Recreation: Chair Gerlach, Affa, Mota  
The Committee met this evening; the next meeting is scheduled on October 18th at 5:30 PM.  
Public Safety: Chair Affa, Hendricks, Zucal  
The committee met this evening; the next meeting is not yet scheduled.  
Public Works: Chair Zucal, Santos, Hendricks  
The Committee met this evening; the next meeting is scheduled on October 18th at 6:15 PM.  
Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations, and Strategy: Chair Hendricks, Mota, Gerlach  
The committee has not met since the last Council meeting; there are no future meetings scheduled at  
this time.  
Controller's Report (3 minutes)  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated he has a P-Card review for the month of June 2023. They reviewed 70  
statements and the number of documents reviewed were 641. The total dollar amount was  
$230,159.98. The first issue is an expense split that they identified an invoice for an emergency pipe  
repair. It was split between two programs. One was maintenance and one was administration. The  
Controller recommended that the expense be solely charged to maintenance because that is typically  
where an expense like that would be charged to. He read the department's response. All the  
Controller's office can do is advise, but this is most assuredly very, very poor spending practice. They  
have a travel experience where a tip was calculated on the tax. The city rules say that a tip should be  
calculated pretax and where a TER was not completed in a timely manner. The department has  
agreed to comply going forward. They had 15 incidents where the incorrect expense accounts were  
used, and the departments were advised and journal entries were completed in those cases.  
Mayor's Report (3 minutes)  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he wanted to do a couple of advisories on upcoming events. On Monday,  
October 9 at 10:00 AM, they will hold an awards ceremony for their Allentown Fire Department at the  
new Fire Training Facility. Upcoming safety forum that is being held by the Allentown School District on  
October 10 at 5:30 PM at the Ninth Grade Center at William Allen High School. The city of Allentown is  
collaborating with the School District on the forum. The ongoing collaboration with the administration  
and the Allentown School District related to Andre Reed Park. The last time City Council had a meeting  
during the committee meeting of Parks and Recreation there was some discussion on the conveyance  
of Andre Reed Park. At that time, he made a statement to media that the city of Allentown  
administration and the department of Parks and Recreation making all efforts to serve the needs of the  
residents of the city of Allentown, particularly the eastside and the needs of the students at Dieruff High  
School at Andre Reed Park. He will have a further update for them related to the Resolution. That is  
consistent with the city's effort to support the Allentown School District in all things. To be an ally to the  
superintendent, to make sure that the worked of the Allentown School District is as easy as possible in  
meeting the needs as Ms. Godshall spoke of earlier of these critically important residents of the city of  
Allentown to our shared future. That work continues in that capacity and many others.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that the Awards Ceremony was originally scheduled for the Charter.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it will be at the Executive. It is still at 10:00 AM.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that one of the contentions at one of the meetings two weeks ago was that there  
was an issue with them leasing that field which belongs to the city of course, to Dieruff. Isn't it a fact  
that the city actually lease properties over off of Lancaster Avenue from the school district for 99 years  
as well. He is not sure what the difference is and the hang up with that property. He stated that they  
are talking about Dieruff here and the school district per se. He is not sure what the issue is to leasing  
the property to the school district, when in fact they are leasing the property to the school district and  
they have not had a problem with the city doing that.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they have lease agreements with a variety of different organizations. He  
asked Mr. Hendricks if it will be more appropriate to speak to that at the Parks and Recreation  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that they can speak to that when it comes up. There are some other people  
that want to speak to that.  
City Controller Reports  
Bill 70  
Amending the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Allentown  
by rezoning certain parcels at 51 N. Front St. and 115 Riverside Dr to B-5  
Urban Commercial District, and by adding adds a text Amendment that  
provides additional requirements for B-5 properties,provides for a repealer  
clause, a severability clause, and an effective date.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments by his  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach apologized if it was covered in CED. She stated that  
just to confirm, are these the parcels that there are not going to be a buffer.  
In skimming, she saw the word buffer. Is it not a buffer. What would the  
anticipated impact be to the current residents of Front Street. That was  
also a conversation. Typically, at least downtown, the develop builds kind  
of these self-isolated developments and the people who live in them kind of  
stays there and don't venture out. How will this be different?  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that in their discussions previously, they expressed  
concern about their residents being able to see and have easy access to  
the Riverfront as well as our emergency vehicles. They had wide enough  
areas to be able to delivery emergency services. All of the issues that the  
city discussed they had concerns regarding these parcels are addressed  
in the text amendment. They have come to an agreement with the  
developer that all of those needs have been met through this rezoning. The  
residents should be able to easily access the water, easily see the water.  
There is the buffer and emergency vehicles will have a wide enough path to  
reach the area of the water to be able to fight fire or an emergency from the  
water side to the building side.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated to confirm current Allentonians will be able to  
see the water and have access to the water from Front Street and from the  
first ward. Not just the new folks coming in.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated yes.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that we had that conversation after the meeting  
where the concern was the Front Street folks and that they will have access  
to all this fancy developments.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that it passed favorably, 2 - 0.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if anybody else and any comments from the  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15944  
Bill 84  
Amending the 2023 General Fund budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Three Hundred Twelve Thousand Dollars ($312,000.00)  
from the Safe Streets and Roads for All grant and Seventy-Eight Thousand  
Dollars ($78,000.00) from the unappropriated balance as a grant match for  
an Action Plan.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Hanlon and stated that this was in your  
committee, Mr. Zucal.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that it passed favorably, 3 - 0.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or from the public.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk thanked Council for approving that expenditure. It is  
critically important for the safety of our community. It is a priority of this  
administration, in particularly Public Works. After a year, in 2022, where  
traffic related accidents claimed the lives of four pedestrians. This is  
critically important. They are eager to launch this particular from the Public  
Works Committee to make Allentown streets safer for all.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15945  
Bill 85  
Amending the 2023 Fire Department budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Thirty-Nine Thousand Seventy-Three Dollars and  
Sixty-Three Cents ($39,073.63) from the Department of Homeland Security  
grant for the purchase of Wellness and Fitness equipment.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that this was in your committee Ms. Affa.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that it passed favorably, 2 - 0.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15946  
Bill 86  
Amending Part I Administrative Legislation, Chapter 12 Authorities,  
Boards and Commissions, Article I Board of Recreation by updating the  
language in Sections 1 – 3.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that this was in your committee, Ms. Gerlach.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated yes. It was forwarded favorably to tonight.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments or questions from  
his colleagues or the public.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that before they vote, he thinks it is appropriate to  
recognize the hard work done by the members of the Recreation Board to  
amend or modernize the language. He has pointed out often that the  
original ordinance was drafted in 1921. It referred to a lot of components to  
the city and the city school district that no longer exists. He is really grateful  
for the chair of the Recreation Board, Becky Kiss for the work that she did  
in leading her team in delivering more modern language that reflects the  
need of our current Allentown. They did a phenomenal job. He apologized  
for having it take for as long as they did. He stated that this is on him for  
not getting it to them all quickly enough. As Councilperson Gerlach saw in  
her committee, it is well written and reflects the need of our city and its  
future and the product of collaboration between city government and city  
residents which is just a fantastic thing. He commended them to approve  
this legislation.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated so noted. Thank you.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15947  
Sewage Planning Module at 827 – 829 West Linden Street  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30713  
Denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness – 327 N. Nagle Street  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30714  
“Judge Memorial Dog Park” at Dixon Street  
Administration, Affa, Gerlach and Mota  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if the Fire Chief would like to speak to this. He  
stated that they wanted to have the dog here this evening. The dog is not in  
good shape and just with the trip here it would have been very difficult. He  
would allow to speak more about the dog and the history of the dog. In its  
services to the citizens of Allentown.  
Fire Chief Efrain Agosto stated that he cannot speak a whole lot to the  
history of Judge. He knows from his dealings with him throughout his  
career as a Fire Marshal, Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention while Judge  
was actually a part of this organization. He knows that if Lee could be here  
and speak to it. Obviously, he was informed that he is in poor health and  
he might not be with us much longer. WFMZ did a great story on him. So  
did Lehigh Valley Live. They did stories on him as recently. He definitely  
was a catalyst for Fire Prevention and fire investigations. He was used  
throughout the entire area for many years throughout his career. There was  
a time where arson cases appeared to be rising in the city and just the  
mere appearance of him being a part of this organization lessoned that  
almost instantaneously. That has been proven in all the records that were  
shown throughout his career. His ability to be around individuals and  
children. He is probably the calmest dog he has ever known. His ability to  
detect those things that are considered to be ignitable substances.  
Anything that dog was taught to be able to detect was an amazing thing to  
watch. Some of the demonstrations that Lee would put him through was  
impressive to see how he and stated that he is not sure if any of them were  
able to witness that, but it was impressive to see him put several cans  
throughout the area and Judge being able to go from one to one to one and  
all of a sudden find that one where an accelerant (just a drop). He wished  
that Lee was here to speak a little bit more to his demeanor, not only as  
arson detection dog, but also as a team member of the Allentown Fire  
department to assist with being able to prevent fires here throughout the  
city and throughout the entire area. There would be times that he would be  
requested outside of our jurisdiction and that is when he became very  
useful. He made a name for himself. He is recognizable throughout the  
city. He had his own Facebook page. You are more than welcome to visit  
it and you will find more about him. He will be missed, no doubt about it.  
He has been missed since he has been gone as part of the Allentown Fire  
Department. Ever so often Lee would bring him around them to be able to  
get to see him again. That was always a big plus for us. As of late, he is in  
poor health and 14 1/2 years for a Lab is a really, really good long life. For  
the type of work that dog was doing is even more so which was very  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Fire Chief Agosto for that. Needless to say  
that he was a great ambassador for the city of Allentown and the whole  
area because of his services that he provided for us and also to other  
departments close by.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that several years ago, he was the number 1 dog  
in the entire country. She stated that she believes it was 63 accelerants  
that he could identify. She didn't know you can start of fire with 63 kind of  
and still there is no other dog that can do that. He was on the Disney  
Channel and they picked seven dogs out of the country for various things  
and she remembers Chief Laubach and seeing Allentown in the  
background and judge coming up with his metal that he had won. He did  
not make Dog of the Year. A dog named Hooch won because that dog  
helped a veteran and Hooch and Judge became really good friends. There  
are so many stories that she would love to hear when Chief Laubach would  
tell her. One of the things that amazes her, before he retired and thinks it  
was the only time it happened. He was in a building and smelling for  
accelerants and he started walking towards the door so the Chief followed  
him, opened the door and the dog went out. He walked a block and a half  
right to the door of the person who started the fire. He was just an amazing  
dog. She was proud to be at his retirement party. She stated what you said  
Chief is just amazing that he is our firefighter. He was number 1 in the  
country. She stated that they will miss Judge.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Ms. Affa and asked if there was anybody else  
or comments from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30715  
Approves three transfers: (1) $35,270.00 in Traffic Planning by transferring  
funds from Account 46 to 68; the Wayfinding Sign installation, originally  
budgeted as a contract will be done in house, 68 is the proper account to  
purchase materials; (2) $14,525 in Parks and Recreation, Golf Course  
Capital Project, from the 54 to the 46 Account, for improvements to the  
agronomics of the soil; (3) $14,355.72 in Parks and Recreation, Jordan  
Skatepark Project, from the 72 to the 46 Account, the cost for lights was  
less than expected, the funds are transferred for Phase 2 of the  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30716  
Approves the ransfer of $30,000.00 in Human Resources from Account 04  
(temporary wages) to Account 46, Other Contract Services, to cover  
additional costs for the HR Consultant that were not budgeted.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked will the addendum that covers the gentleman's  
lodging, travel and food be added to R165. Does Council get a vote on  
that or was it kind of added?  
Mr. Garry Ritter has been reviewed by Finance and by Jeff Glazier's group.  
They are not going to execute that addendum as it is at this time. They  
need to work on that. There are some things that they need to work on and  
clean up.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach thanked Mr. Ritter. She asked if that is what this  
$30,000 is for.  
Mr. Garry Ritter stated that the $30,000 is essentially to get us through the  
end of the year, if needed.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that this invoice is from September 7. He did  
some Planning and Zoning work. She stated that she is guessing that this  
one hasn't been paid.  
Mr. Garry Ritter stated that one will be paid. They processed invoices  
through August 31st. it will be another coming for September.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that perhaps it is great that they have it because  
it looks like and she looked at his resume and he seems to know a lot  
about CED, Development, Zoning.  
Mr. Garry Ritter stated that he is critical to HR and the operation of HR and  
the support that is needed.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if he is a consultant for HR or CED.  
Mr. Garry Ritter stated that he is a consultant for HR. If you are referring to  
the work that is done for rezoning and planning. That was to create tests  
for applicants and HR's function in bringing on new hires is often to assist  
the bureaus in testing. That was the consultants role.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach thanked Mr. Ritter for that clarification. She was under  
the impression that this gentleman was an HR expert, but when she looks  
at his resume she had a hard time finding that certification and HR  
expertise. She asked Mr. Ritter to help guide her as to where. She stated  
that she is just missing it. Obviously, he is an expert when it comes to  
CED items. She is just missing the expertise in HR.  
Mr. Garry Ritter asked Ms. Gerlach does she have a copy of his resume.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she does.  
Mr. Garry Ritter stated quite honestly and maybe the mayor can answer a  
little bit more about this. He was obviously not on board in HR when he  
was employed.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that Mr. Trant has experience in strategic solutions  
and draws on a multitude of experience serving municipal governments. He  
stated that as Ms. Gerlach is familiar he is sure, when you serve in a  
municipal government you wear a lot of different hats. Mr. Trant's legal  
experience is where he draws on HR. He has demonstrated expertise  
working with municipalities across Pennsylvania to resolve labor situations  
to provide HR guidance. He is drawing from a host of experiences. He  
stated that he does not believe that Mr. Trant has his SHRM. That is  
certainly not a qualification for the work that they are asking him to do.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if anybody else.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he has a question and is not sure if Mr. Ritter can  
answer it or not. The addendum is information that this gentleman wrote  
that himself, correct. He came up with that addendum himself.  
Mr. Garry Ritter stated that is correct.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if he wrote his original contract that the city hired him  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that his sole firm is Strategic Solutions LLC. He  
drafted that contract and presented the proposal t the city of Allentown  
which Council saw and voted on and accepted.  
Mr. Garry Ritter stated that it gets vetted through our contracts.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that Mr. Trant wrote his own contract, basically. Is that  
fair enough? He stated that Council agreed to it.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Ritter for stepping up and helping out in HR.  
It is really important. HR touches every corner of this building and make  
sure that we serve all our employees is instrumental. He is happy to see  
Mr. Ritter step up and to continue to work with this gentleman to bring that  
to all our paths.  
Mr. Garry Ritter stated thank you.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if she should be concerned that he has access  
to personnel information. He is handling grievances. She has seen  
various times in a number of ordinances that he submitted and handling  
some type of investigation with APD. She asked should they be concerned  
that an outside person has this information.  
Mr. Garry Ritter stated that personally in his experience working with John,  
he is a consummate professional.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she knows, but they were under the  
impression that was not supposed to happen. In general, outside folks is  
not supposed to.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that when they have through the Law Department  
has hired professionals to conduct personnel investigations. Sometimes  
the city does go outside. They are subject to the terms of the contract that  
signs with the city. As Ms. Gerlach pointed out, Mr. Trent is subject to  
confidentiality as defined in his contract.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated wonderful. So it is possible to have an outside  
entity come in and get access to confidential information as long as they  
sign something. She thanked Mayor Tuerk for clarifying that.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30717  
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (To be referred to Committee with public  
comment prior to referral)  
Bill 88 Request to introduce and vote on this tonight at this council  
Providing for the vacation of Susquehanna Street from the centerline of  
South 7th Street to the centerline of South Virginia Street in the Twelfth  
Ward of the City of Allentown.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that this one was just missed on a previous  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated no. This is a request by the Petitioner to  
introduce and vote on this tonight because he has a closing coming up. He  
stated that maybe Mr. Shahda can speak to it.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that this Street Vacation is an open section of  
West Susquehanna Street that is between S. 7th and Virginia Street.  
Essentially, what this Vacation does is it allows for the development for  
Cumberland Street Apartment Complex Project to go through. What he  
understands, the developers are under a tight timeline to make this  
happen. That is why they are before Council tonight to introduce and ask  
for a vote tonight.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it is fully supported by the administration.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if there were any oppositions from any of the residents  
in that area.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated no. No opposition and utilities also responded  
with no objections.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15949  
Mr. John (last name inaudible), 1125 S. 7th Street, stated that he  
understands that the city vacates a property, it is split between the  
neighbors. He stated that he owns 1125 and the guy behind him owns  
1127. He has paperwork and understands that it should be split if the city  
is vacating the property. It should be split between the neighbors. This is  
his first hearing board about this. He is opposed to give it up for the  
building behind to have access. He is not opposed to split it equally if the  
city is vacating the property.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked Mr. ? if he is in favor if it is split equally.  
Mr. John (last name inaudible) does not want the city to give up rights for an  
entrance for development. When the city vacates, it should be split evenly  
between the adjoining neighbors.  
Mr. Charles Smith stated that your comment as a parcel owner is that you  
essentially what to make sure that you are getting your half.  
Mr. John (last name inaudible) stated that it should be split if the city is  
vacating the property. It should be split equally to the adjoining neighbors.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked Mr. Shahda if he can speak to that.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that typically in these situations, any time a parcel  
of land is being vacated that is when the adjoining property owners are  
polled and at that point any time they will have an opportunity to express  
concerns. When the poll was conducted, there were no objections.  
Mr. Mark Hartney stated that when the city vacates a street, it is a paper  
street and the street gets vacated along the center line and the adjoining  
property owners receive that property. It would split down the center line.  
Anything for the property on the left and anything for the property on the  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if he owns a property adjoining this on the other  
Mr. John (last name inaudible) stated yes. And, the property around where  
the development anticipates going is untaken care of. There are  
overgrown trees, weeds. He had property in the city of Allentown and they  
gave him fines under sweep for little weeds growing up and this property  
has overgrown trees, dilapidated fence that is falling over to his property.  
He stated that he just bought this property on July 21, 2023 and the alley  
that is being vacated has been overgrown with weeds and shrubs. He  
stated that he personally brought weed killer and went in there and cleared  
the alley to make sure it is not overgrown and taken care of. He cleaned  
his property up and the city with the property behind is untaken care of.  
Nobody really maintains that.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated just so you know, it is an un-open street and it  
has been unopened for more than 21 years. You can see the pictures.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that they are expediting the 14 day. You  
need six out of seven in order to proceed.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they have to Suspend the Rules.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated just so you know that is already attached to the  
Ordinance that says upon approval of six of seven votes, it goes into effect  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that Mr. Khan is here to speak to it.  
Mr. Yasin Khan stated, 2324 Woodland Drive, stated that he is the  
developer of Sixth and Cumberland. The goal here is to have the street  
split equally among the neighbors. They are not looking for any kind of  
access from that side. It would be basically part of that project where the  
parking would be. There is no access and not looking for any kind of  
entrance from there. The entrance is already determined. The street will  
be split basically among the neighbors.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that the question is that the gentleman that  
spoke about having it. Would he have that portion?  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that you would hire a civil engineer and  
present them with your deed and ordinance and describe what happened.  
Mr. Mark Hartney stated yes. Technically, since these paper streets were  
never opened in 21 years, they can petition orphans court for adverse  
possession which basically means the property rights go back. This just  
cleans it up so that the lot lines are consolidated and this land is clear.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated what he is asking for would be honored.  
Mr. Mark Hartney stated yes by this vote tonight to do it.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that it would satisfy both parties.  
Mr. John (last name inaudible) stated that it is split between the three  
neighbors, correct.  
Mr. Mark Hartney explained the process.  
Mr. John (last name inaudible) stated that with this being split, do they have  
to get new surveys, new deeds drawn up and who is responsible for all of  
Attorney Jorge Pereira stated that it is a street that was never opened.  
Mr. John (last name inaudible) stated that if he plans to do something there,  
his property line does not show that with the Recorder of Deeds.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that is something you can do. The city is not  
going to do it.  
Mr. John (last name inaudible) stated that once it gets approved being  
vacated then he goes to the city and say that he needs a new deed drawn  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that you would hire a civil engineer and  
present them with your deed, present them with the ordinance and describe  
what happen and have them do a description for you. He stated to Attorney  
Pereira that the city is not going to do a new Legal Description for his lot.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if that is clear.  
Mr. David Roth, 117 S. 7th Street, stated that he is the adjoining property to  
Mr. Khan's property. He represents his mother that has lived in that house  
for 42 years. The street that is being vacated, Susquehanna Street was  
never a street. It was a piece of property. The previous owner made an  
agreement in the late 70s or early 80s where the city gave up the rights to  
the street. At some point, he fenced the property in. There was never any  
vacation done by the city. It was rights given up by the city. The  
dilapidated fence is yours. It is on your property built by the previous  
owner. Welcome to the neighborhood. At 1125, the other adjoining  
property is 1204. Those are the two properties being split. The back alley  
on Virginia Street will all be owned by Mr. Khan with his new development  
plan. The other half comes to his mother's property. He has worked with  
Mr. Khan through he Planning Commission at all those meetings. He has  
their full support. He stated that they are the property that is most affected.  
He stated that Mr. Khan has worked very well with them. They discussed  
fencing and trees, noise levels being built between them and Mr. Khan has  
their full support.  
Bill 87 There is a request to pull this from committee and act on it.  
Authorizing an investigation by an outside agency under Section 210,  
Investigations, of the Home Rule Charter:  
Gerlach and Mr. Zucal  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if this one that was scheduled for October 31. Is  
there a reason Council is moving it out of committee.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he does not have the information about it.  
He learned of it a short while ago.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he will make a second motion once Council is  
done with it and why they need to.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that from her end, the reason she decided to  
make a motion is that it is of the utmost importance when there is any type  
of cloud hanging over a governmental body, let's just squash it. Waiting an  
entire month, she does recall at the previous meeting they had discussed  
having a Committee of the Whole on today, October 4. The public that was  
there has an understanding and here we are. Her understanding and don't  
know if anybody else had the understanding, but you had that  
understanding. Today was supposed to be the Committee of the Whole  
meeting. We cannot continue to push things and push things and push  
things, especially something so important like an investigation. Let's just  
vote. Council has two Executive Sessions, they had conversations  
between each other and members of the public come here. She stated  
that she does not mean to be too frank, but they all know how they are  
going to vote. You already know. To pretend that you don't and think that it  
is more information that you need. Let's just vote. We have Solicitors here,  
the Mayor here, we got questions, let's ask them tonight. Let's get it done.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that the reason that he asked is that unfortunately  
he missed an executive session due to a family members having Covid.  
He thought that Council was good for October 31. He did not realize that it  
was coming up tonight. He stated that he wishes that he did not miss that  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any other comments and questions  
from his colleagues or from the public.  
Mr. Eduardo Aviles, 386 W Gordon Street, stated that the last two sessions  
or so he and Mr. Hendricks have been the agenda. Today, he is going to  
follow the rules. He asked that Mr. Hendricks don't interrupt his three  
minutes. If he does interrupt his three minutes, the three minutes will start  
over. There is an investigation that the public has asked to start. A lot of  
rumors have come up in reference to our mayor. As you uncover with the  
investigation you will see a corrupt organization, corrupt nonprofits, and a  
whole lot of corruption. As the picture starts to unwind, you start to get  
closer into this investigation. Your name keeps popping up, Hendricks.  
The public speaking. He stated that he is speaking for a lot of Allentonians.  
He is willing to sit down with them. He suggested that Mr. Hendricks needs  
to recuse himself from the investigation. He stated that Mr. Hendricks  
should be off the board. He stated that his son is involved in this  
investigation. He stated that he has documentation.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated let's make the matter clear, his son is not on the  
Police Department.  
Mr. Eduardo Aviles, 386 W Gordon Street, stated that he is not saying he  
works for the Police Department. He works for the city. He asked Mr.  
Hendricks to recuse himself. He stated that it is time. He is trying to  
educate himself as much as possible to get him off the board and make  
sure that the mayor gets indicted.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that this is on the motion to pull the Bill from  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that it is a motion to recall it from committee  
and bring it back to Council.  
Mr. Pas Simpson thanked Ms. Gerlach. He stated that we have no more  
time to waste. it is too easy to push things down the line. It is too easy to  
allow things to unravel. It is too easy to allow themselves to act instead of  
actually taking action. He asked this Council to truly take an action. He  
thanked Mr. Zucal for giving that second to Ms. Gerlach so they don't have  
to wait until the end of the month. Three more weeks is a long time. A lot  
can happen in 24 hours. In three weeks, so much can happen. Do  
something bold and make a stand today.  
Ms. Karen Ocasio stated that she wants to address this whole situation and  
tell them how they look to the public when you are skipping this thing. Keep  
sweeping it under the rug and don't want to address the issues. She stated  
that they are really showing them that they don't matter to them. Black and  
Brown people have said these things and a lot of people are coming  
forward and like Eddie said you become closer and closer to all of these  
things that are happening. You keep dismissing us and dismissing us and  
dismissing us. Why, let's address the issue today. Let's address this issue  
and start this process and move it along. Let's uncover it. Let's stop the  
jokes, the games, the behind the door scenes, the meetings and the  
dinners. Please let's stop this and get it moving and let's investigate. She  
stated that they need it to happen like yesterday.  
Ms. Jessica Ortiz stated that the first time they had a meeting her first  
concern was the staff. The staff that comes to her organization to say their  
grievances in a safe space. Right after the meeting, the next day they  
showed up for work, it was the most tense situation for many of them.  
When you go to work, you see a newspaper article. Well, that might have  
been an accusation because the real head was not the head and the letter  
was not authorized. She comes from before she was the person she is  
today. She lived a world in the streets. Some of you guys are police  
officers. What it looks like to the common eye, right now is all the drugs are  
being flushed down the toilet before the warrant gets there. That is what it  
looks like to us. People go to work and they are scared for their jobs.  
These are their livelihoods. People put in a lot of days and hours working  
for the city to say that they are proud and working towards a pension to be  
proud of the city. She was disheartened. She stated that she was on a  
phone call with a city employee, saying please be there to voice for us  
today. It's says now hiring. You can't welcome people in your house if your  
house is dirty. We got to clean up and at least say if nothing is true, then  
why would you stall it. If there is nothing to hide and everything is  
transparent and there are no waves and everything is circumstantial. Why  
not show the people who work for us in this building every day all day we  
care about you. We take your allegations seriously and maybe you are  
going over the top. Some people are dramatic and some are not. But why  
not give them the satisfaction to have their day. Everybody deserves to  
have a voice. Right now, you have them in a chokehold, but they still have  
to come to work because food is expensive. It is a hostile environment. It  
doesn't matter who kid or not kid, if there is another solution, come up with  
one. Like Ms. Ocasio said, a meeting after a meeting, she is sure that how  
it feels. Many of them have been doing it a long time. Think about the  
people that are uncomfortable feel in this building and go home. It is hard  
enough. She stated that she had three murders on her block last week.  
Some of the people that work in your building, live on that block. Imagine  
the tension when you have to go to work with tension, live in tense  
neighborhood and live in a tense community. As an Allentonian, we all  
deserve to live a life in peace in our work, homes and our every day lives.  
A motion was made by Ce-Ce Gerlach, seconded by Ed Zucal, to Suspend the  
Rules and Recall Bill 87 from Committee.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15948  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there are any questions or comments from his  
Attorney Charles Smith asked if he could offer some legal analysis of what  
it is that Mr. Zucal is moving. There is a requirement that agenda items  
have two sponsors and needs to be submitted eight days preceding a  
Council meeting. This is coming on and got added now so they would have  
to Suspend the Rules, but also want to point out because it is happening,  
this is being added to the agenda on short notice that they would have to  
disclose under the Sunshine Act the reason for the changes to the agenda.  
He wants to make sure that they follow the appropriate protocols. They are  
Suspending the Rules to add it to the Agenda and at the time it is added to  
the agenda that should be after the disclosure as the reasons why. He  
agrees that the first and it was seconded. The motion number 2 will be to  
Suspend the Rules.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he has been receiving phone calls that some of the  
victims/witnesses in the investigations are still being contacted by  
members of the administration. That does not mean the mayor's office. It  
could include Department Directors, Supervisors, Deputy Directors,  
anybody. This is the reason that it has to be and again, as Ms. Affa says  
that it has to move forward. Stalling this, is not going to fix the problem.  
What's going to come out, is going to come out. Good or bad. He would  
make a strong suggestion as he did as a police officer with people that he  
was interviewing that had themselves backed into a corner. He stated that  
he used to tell them that they are holding the shovel. Eventually, you are  
going to dig yourself so deep that you are not going to be able to get out of  
the hole. If you are intimidating these people, he would suggest that they  
stop. That information will be related to the investigator or investigating  
agencies or whoever it turns out to be.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked if there was a second for the motion to  
Suspend the Rules.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that there was from Ms. Gerlach.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that now, they will take comment from  
Council and the public.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from this  
colleagues or the public.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it is important to hear the public and they  
certainly heard the public back in September 20th and September 6th.  
They understand the feeling of people and understand Mr. Aviles talk about  
rumors. Much of what you hear is often a rumor. He encourage them to  
vote favorably for the initiation of that investigation. He knows that there are  
certain challenges related to the performance of the investigation. You will  
be able to navigate those challenges and as he said of September 6th and  
will say it again tonight that they in the administration, particularly in the  
mayor's office welcome an investigation. What you are going to find might  
not be what some folks are hoping to find. You are going to find an  
organization that is dedicated to fostering an environment of care and  
respect and inclusion and support in the city of Allentown. You will find an  
organization that is committed to the welfare of the employees of the city of  
Allentown. Particularly and so far as they serve the needs of the residents  
of the city of Allentown. It is important that you hear additional comments  
from the public. If it helps and it helps everyone get home to their families  
tonight, he will offer from the administration's perspective that you just grab  
the vote right now and preferably vote 7 - 0 to initiate your investigation.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mayor Tuerk.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that it is appropriate that the next step would  
be to just make a motion to add it to the agenda. You already have done  
your disclosures, but just to keep in the correct sequence.  
A motion was made by Ed Zucal, seconded by Ce-Ce Gerlach, to take a vote  
tonight to pass the Bill.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15948  
Bill 89  
Providing for the vacation of North Maxwell Street from the centerline of  
East Turner Street to the centerline of East Linden Street in the Fifteenth  
Ward of the City of Allentown.  
Bill 90  
Amending the 2023 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Six Hundred Fifty Thousand ($650,000) Dollars from the  
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)  
to support design and construction of the D&L Trail – Allentown Segment.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments or questions from  
his colleagues or the public.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there are any public comments on Bill 90.  
Bill 91  
Amending the 2023 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a Two Hundred  
Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($275,000.00) from the City’s ARPA funds  
for the repair of the Dixon St. Pedestrian Bridge. These funds will provide  
for the design and construction of the Dixon St Bridge, which will allow  
citizens to use this bridge and connect the neighborhoods from the north of  
Dixon St to South Mountain Middle School and Dodd Elementary school  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she looks forward to the conversation in  
terms of when it will be handled. It will be handled during the Budget  
Session like ARPA items.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that Council did receive three letters from South  
Mountain Middle School, from Dodd Elementary School Principal, and from  
Dieruff High School regarding public safety associated with the bridge  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated yes, he saw that. He asked if there were any  
comments from the public. He stated that they will have an opportunity at  
the time of the committee meeting.  
Bill 92  
This ordinance corrects legislation previously passed placing the funds into  
appropriate accounts. The bill will reverse Ordinance 15886, and  
appropriate the ARPA money allocated for HDC-Mid Atlantic project to the  
correct expense account within the ARPA fund. The original Ordinance  
15886 was passed and allocated One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) to the  
2023 General Fund DCED Director’s budget. This does not allow for  
proper tracking and oversight of ARPA funding. The original intention of the  
Ordinance 15886 was to appropriate One Million $1,000,000 Dollars for  
the 1528 West Hamilton St. Affordable Housing Project being developed  
by HDC-Mid Atlantic. These funds should be placed in the ARPA civic  
expenses account. 100% of the funds will be used to offset construction  
costs of the project.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk thanked the members of Council who attended the  
groundbreaking for the 1528 Project and reiterate his gratitude voiced at  
the event to City Council for understanding the urgency of the housing crisis  
in the city of Allentown and making appropriate investments in housing for  
residents in the city of Allentown. he wants to make sure that is  
appropriately conveyed. He is taking extra opportunities to thank them for  
the investments of housing in the city of Allentown.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mayor Tuerk.  
RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION (Can be voted on or Referred to Committee):  
R166 Refer to Parks and Recreation Committee  
Recommends Mayor Tuerk partner with the Allentown School District on  
the development and upgrades to Andre Reed Park by exploring all  
options related to park and school district interests.  
Gerlach and Mr. Zucal  
Attachments: R166 Lease  
Mr. Barry Robb, 860 N. Jerome Street, stated that he has been playing  
sports down at Irving Park since 1961 and still playing. The reason why he  
is here for the voice of all the kids that are playing in Irving Park right now.  
Rumors are being spread around that Dieruff High does not have a football  
field and they want to buy the field from the city for $1 for 100 years and  
give them $100. He is here to tell all of them, including the mayor that  
Dieruff High has two football fields and he had a city person yesterday  
named Laura Ballek - Cole and they went over and seen the football field  
behind the fire station. He said that he does not know if they are aware of  
it, but they have been playing over there for 30 years. As of 2019, that field  
got condemned. He used to be over there with the football players. There  
are holes in the ground. From what he hears, St. Luke's wants to give  
Deiruff a ton of money. It is political. Because the other hospital gave  
Lincoln Executive money and now Dieruff wants to get this money. He said  
the Athletic Director at Dieruff, if you are getting all this money, it is  
condemned, but it has a track and field, a building with a weight room  
fenced all around. The field is bigger than Irving Park. He stated that Laura  
said to him, she can't believe this field. He said all they have to do is fix it  
up, but the key is that St. Luke's doesn't want to put the money in this field.  
They want to dig up the Irving Park field and make it AstroTurf and they  
want to fly their big flag. This is St. Luke's facility advertisement. He asked  
why they don't fly it over there. Nobody won't see it over there. It is  
secluded in the back. Here is a second field that Dieruff can play at Irving  
Park. The grass field. He stated that he just drove by there and nobody is  
there. Do you want to hear the best? They play there June, July and  
August everyday in the summer because of the shade trees. They don't go  
to Keck Park. Come September, they are told they are not allowed to play  
at the park. They have to take school buses and take these kids back to  
Keck Park. The coaches are against it. They are saying why can't we play  
here. They are not allowed. He doesn't know who is calling the shots at  
Dieruff. They are not allowed. What they doing is bringing a big bill to  
show the school district look at this, this is why we need a field. Look at  
this, look at all the money we are spending on buses. You have seen the  
buses. Last year, when they took the buses, you should have seen the  
buses. You would think that the Philadelphia Eagles were going back to  
Keck Park. They were big casino buses. Do you want to hear the best,  
when these buses don't show up and they don't show up a lot, do you know  
where Dieruff practices, right at Irving Park. If they can do that when the  
buses don't show up, why can't they do it when the buses do show up. Why  
do they need the buses. Why cant they go to Keck Park. They want to play  
there. The coaches want to play there. He talked to coaches today and  
they said they wishes they would fix the field behind the fire station because  
that was great for us. He stated that they did that for 30 years. The  
Recreation Department does such a great job down there fixing the fields  
and everything. He named two people mainly from the Recreation  
Department, Tom Regec, Head of Maintenance and Chris Hendricks do so  
much for our parks. He is just begging this city not to give this park to  
Dieuruff. What they are going to do, they going to put that field in and put a  
big fence around and nobody is going to be able to play at that park no  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated your time is up. He will assure that himself and  
his colleagues will be looking at this thoroughly.  
Mr. Barry Robb stated you better look at it thoroughly. Because somebody  
is pulling a lot of wool over somebody's eyes. They can play at that park.  
They have been playing there for 30 years.  
Ms. Evette D'Amore, 750 N. Irving Street, stated that she is here to talk  
about the proposed long-term lease of Andre Reed Park to make an  
athletic facility for Dieruff High School. She has a real concern that this  
proposal is moving way too fast and no one is interested in the opinions of  
the stakeholders like her who lives in the shadow of the park. She can  
literally throw stones from her yard to the park. In haste to give well  
deserved equity to Dieruff High School athletics, there is a danger in  
creating inequality in the community. Taking about 2/3 of Andre Reed  
away from the community or force children to look elsewhere for  
greenspaces. The nearest parks are Keck and Midway Manor. Both  
requires children to cross dangerous main roads: Hanover Avenue and  
Union Boulevard. How is that fair to them? Do you want your little kids  
running across that street? She stated she does not think so. Why is  
Allentown School District not considering the remediation of the Dieruff  
High School practice field? The field is located at the corner of N. Heart  
and E. Tilghman Streets. Nor far from the high schools. Currently, it lays  
fallow with gophers running the show. Why can't the district remediate that  
track of land and solve two problems at once. A new athletic facility and  
turning a brown space into green. Her thoughts go to all the local youth  
organizations that use Andre Reed Park. She stated that her boys play  
soccer for Midway Manor and Andre Reed is their home field this season.  
Allentown Youth Soccer has played at Andre Reed and in the past ESYC  
had teams play soccer and baseball at Andre Reed. The proposal leaves  
these organizations without fields. Once again, creating an inequality for  
the community. Her boys have lived on the eastside all their lives. They are  
13. They have played at Irving Street playground, watched the park  
change, watched new play equipment be brought in and the old taken out.  
Then it began Andre Reed. They were really excited. They play there every  
day all summer. It keeps them out of trouble. It keeps the community  
neighborhood kids out of trouble. They have some place to go. They go  
there and play sports with their friends. Next year, her boys will be  
freshman at Dieruff High School. Would she love to have them have this  
facility and would she loves to see this for them, she would, but not at the  
expense of the community. That is not fair to everyone else. She is just not  
willing to pay that price. All the children in her neighborhood needs a park  
to be accessible to them and open to them. Please slow this down and  
take the time to present the proposal. Present it to the community. Let us  
have our say. Let us discuss this. They might come up with a better  
solution then just keep that or remediate this. It might be a middle ground  
that we might find together.  
Ms. Thomas Smith, Executive Director of Facilities, stated that he is there  
to represent Allentown School District. The Allentown School District would  
like to propose a partnership between the school district and the city of  
Allentown to address the pressing need for the improvements of Andre  
Reed Park. Andre Reed Park has been a vital resource for ASD students  
and the entire Allentown community for generations, providing valuable  
space for recreations and athletics. ASD is enthusiastic about the  
prospect of collaborating with the city to explore viable options for  
revitalizing Andre Reed Park to better serve the needs of our community  
and its children. We firmly believe that every child deserves access to a fun  
and safe place to play, where they can cultivate a sense of belonging and  
engage in activities that promote their well being and personal  
development. Research consistently demonstrates the countless benefits  
of sports and physical activities for children. When children participate in  
sports they not only increase their chances of growing up healthy, but also  
gain confidence build friendships, acquire a centralized skills such as  
teamwork, and respect and more likely to excel academically in their future  
careers. Therefore, investing in youth sports facilities is an investment in  
future successes and the well being of our community children. Youth  
sports fields have a transformative impact on communities, extending far  
beyond the boundaries of the playing field. They serve as a catalyst for  
children involvement in team sports, helping them establish health habits  
and forge social bonds that can last a lifetime. Moreover, improvements to  
Andre Reed Park have the potential to bring much needed economic  
stimulus to our community by attracting visitors and generating local  
revenue. Furthermore, enhancing the parks infrastructure can open the  
door for a broader range of recreational opportunities for our community  
members. Promoting and more healthier and active life skill. In light of  
these compelling reasons, he urged them to consider the possibilities that  
a partnership between ASD and the city of Allentown could bring to Andre  
Reed Park. He stated that together they can create a vibrant and safe  
inclusive space that not only meets the immediate needs of our community,  
but also lays the groundwork for a brighter future for our children. ASD is  
eager to partner with the city to discuss this proposal further and explore  
potential avenues for collaboration. He thanked Council for their time and  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated thank you.  
Mayor Tuerk stated Mandy has a little bit more on the question that Mr.  
Zucal posed related to the Bill related to lease this park and how that differs  
from some other leases that the city has. He asked Ms. Tolino to briefly  
describe that.  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated that she will give her non-law explanation of it.  
She is sure the Law Department could go in more details as well. It is a  
state law that basically protects parks. State parks and/or any park, it does  
not matter the administration and who is in charge, a park is a park and you  
are not allowed to take an active park and change the use of it to make it  
private. It is protecting parks from privatization. That is the reason that we  
have seen a park for a long time. It is the same as turning over ownership.  
It is changing the hands of the control of that property. You are turning it  
over to a different entity. The issue is not that the Parks Department can't  
issue you a lease with ASD and another property. It is just that things that  
are used as parks, that has been historically used as parks were not legally  
allowed to turn them over to other entities. That is the difference. One  
other note, they received some grant funding from the state for the pool and  
they have some pretty clear policies that she can share that are related to if  
they provide them with grant funding, you can not then change the use of the  
park that they give them money for. Potentially, they would have to return  
funds to DCNR and it would be not a great partnership with DCNR for them  
to do that. That is just about the lease. The partnership is great. That is  
something totally open to discussing, figuring out ways to increase  
investment in the park, speaking with Dieruff High School on what their  
needs are, figuring out if fundraising is something that they are going to do,  
encouraging that and encouraging investment in the park. The sticking  
point right now is the public access as well as not having the ability to enter  
into the long-term lease in a park that is being used as a park.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated thank you.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she would like to echo what she said. She  
wants to people on the eastside know that this was brought to Council two  
weeks ago. They did not have much time. They were just listening. She  
can only speak for herself. She is thinking about the people that live on the  
eastside and this is their park. They are just getting a pool after so many  
years. She stated that what Mandy said over there, she did some  
investigating and what she found is that the city received federal money  
through the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to upgrade  
the park. The stipulation was that the park must remain open to the public  
in perpetuity. If the city decides to lease the park to ASD for use by Dieruff,  
it may not be for exclusive use for just Dieruff students. The entire park  
must remain open and available to the public. If Dieruff and ASD wants to  
exclusive use, the city must notify DCNR who will go to the federal  
government for approval. There is no guarantee that the feds will approve  
it. She stated that she wants the public to know that the city is investigating,  
looking at it. This is not something that they are just going to take lightly.  
They do have in mind the last time there was no one here representing  
because she doesn't think they knew about it. She is so glad they came in  
tonight and gave so much more information. She stated to Mr. Robb, you  
are right about that football field. In her opinion, why won't they fix it up.  
Anyway, this is a different thing. Basically, feels the same thing.  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated on a positive note some of the things listed on the  
proposal like bleachers are things that the city agrees are good. It is not  
even proposed to be turf. It is grass. It is really some improvements that  
would be helpful and beneficial to the park. They are not trying to say they  
should not do. It is just some of those things make a lot of sense.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the point being for the city is that it is a public  
park. We want it to be available for the public. Your resolution  
encourages/recommends that Mayor Tuerk partners with the Allentown  
School District, done. They have been working in close collaboration with  
the district. When Council had the presentation made to them a couple  
weeks ago. That was done without the actual administration of the School  
District who he has been actively working with. He stated that Council is  
free to pass the Resolution to Parks and Recreation and have additional  
conversations, but they will continue to do what they have been doing which  
is working actively with the district to make sure they are meeting the needs  
of their residents and to the students.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mayor Tuerk.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked Mr. Pereira to get an opinion for the next meeting on  
whether or not that is considered an actual park under the park guidelines.  
It is an athletic field. It is now Andre Reed Park because it has been  
renamed. He stated if they could get some case law, he would be fine with  
that. He knows for a fact there are lots of other parks that have fences  
around them that are open as well to the public as well as to the school.  
The issue is not whether or not Andre Reed Park cannot be improved. The  
main issue is whether or not the public would have access to it and that can  
be accomplished.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked Mr. Zucal to provide the question in writing so that  
the administration will make sure you get an appropriate answer at the next  
possible opportunity.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that this is very early and they are not going to  
rush into anything. This will go to Ms. Gerlach's committee and it will be  
further discussions down the road at length. It is not something that will  
happen over night. As the mayor said this is something that they will  
collaborate with for those improvements to benefit both the students, the  
school district, and the city of Allentown and all its people who live on the  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach thanked Mr. Hendricks and stated that as this comes to  
her committee and perhaps they can talk about this. She remembers  
attending Dieruff way back with a meeting about basketball hoops.  
Perhaps they can go to the eastside and have a meeting with the folks over  
there and see folks have on their mind. She knows how it feels to live in a  
neighborhood and feel that someone is going to change it because it  
happened where she lives. She gets it. The fact that this resolution is on  
brought you here. If this Resolution wasn't on, you would not have known  
that this is happening. She signed on to this with Mr. Zucal s they will begin  
to at least have these conversations. Far to often back door meetings  
happen and next thing you know something is happening and you are like  
what. This at least starts the conversation and hopefully we can have  
something on the eastside. Not just one meeting because usually when  
people say let's get the community involvement, it is one meeting and you  
put stickers on posters than you go home. Multiple meetings and multiple  
conversations so they can ensure that they reached some type of  
agreement to serve everyone.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he is looking forward to seeing Mr. Robb on  
the basketball court. He hears that he is an excellent free-throw shooter.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that you may have to challenge him. He  
thanked them for their comments.  
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