435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Wednesday, September 6, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Pledge to the Flag  
Roll Call  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach is present via Teams.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Courtesy of the Floor  
Courtesy and Privilege of the Floor Rules  
Mr. Donald Holobeny, 113 W. Wabash Street, gave an update on the  
Doggy Park and the accomplishments made was nothing. He sent 16  
addresses to Zoning and Sweep Departments for violations. Nothing has  
been accomplished and he still has not heard back from the Mayor's office.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks suggested that he report it to the Public Works  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the Public Works Director is indicating that it  
is the Stormwater Department.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that he did receive Mr. Holobeny's email and the  
Sweep Manager was supposed to follow up. Unfortunately, some are in  
litigation so he can't get into it too much.  
Courtesy of the Floor and Privilege of the Floor - September 6, 2023  
Contract Approvals  
Authorization for Contract with NewGen Strategies and Solutions, LLC in  
the amount of $112,560.00 to research, advise, make recommendations,  
and assist in writing the next Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Collection and  
Disposal Services and Recycling Collection and Delivery Services  
Bid/RFP documents and evaluate the submitted Bids/Proposals in the  
City’s best interest.  
Attachments: R141 - NewGen  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this was done as RFP 2023 - 29 and was  
done on June 22, 2023. On July 24, 2023, the public opening was held  
and the city received the two proposals. The evaluation committee held  
both Technical and Cost Evaluations. The proposals were evaluated on  
the ability to meet the RFP requirements and after all evaluations were  
conducted, the committee felt that oral interviews were necessary. The  
committee held oral interviews on August 17 and the committee made the  
recommendation and award based on the firm's qualifications and overall  
score. The committee is recommending an award to NewGen Strategies  
and Solutions LLC.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30693  
Authorizes lease agreement with Christopher Reverie for residential  
property located at 250 Springhouse Road, Allentown, PA 18104.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he does not know if Sarrah is going to go  
through these. This and R143 are in reference to the Leases the city has  
with private entities to use city owned property. Typically, the  
administration is required to get Council's approval for any lease in excess  
for five years. This is not in excess of five years, but he thought it would be  
best to bring both before Council for approval. This is a lease with Mr.  
Reverie with a residential property that the city owns on Springhouse Road.  
The lease is three years, with multiple years extension and the same is true  
for R143. This is simply for your information.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mayor Tuerk and asked if anybody had any  
questions from Council.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated about a year or so ago they had something  
similar to R142. It was Roger MacLean and the question was asked how  
does the city determine who gets an opportunity to live in a city home. She  
googled and knows that Roger was a city employee and Chris is. There  
was someone that was an Executive Director of a larger nonprofit.  
Optically, it does not look to good.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked Bina Patel to come up and describe that.  
Ms. Bina Patel thanked Ms. Gerlach for the question. The city does have a  
process in place. Three or four years ago when she was managing the city  
owned property and this includes residential as well as commercial  
properties. She created a process, a form. When a property became  
vacant and circulated, an email with the Communications Manager that a  
property is vacant and attached the form. Any interested city resident or  
employee can complete the form and send it over to her. They reviewed  
the interested parties and based on the criteria, they selected the tenants.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that in this particular instance, Mr. Reverie  
requested to renew the lease. He is an employee of the Golf Course.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it would be helpful to see what the  
qualifications are.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated right now, they don't have any vacant city owned  
properties for lease and don't anticipate any lease expiring in the short  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions from his colleagues.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked if a house is open, is the priority for workers first  
before residents. Is it a perk of some sort?  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that they did offer to employees before the residents.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that it is a good idea.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they have not had this situation arise.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that it has been three or four years since they had a  
vacant property. They offered to the city employees before the residents.  
The rents are compatible to the market rates.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that if they see an additional vacancy, they want to  
make sure that they are compliant with all fair housing regulations prior to  
signing any future lease.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Pastor Daniel Blount asked how many properties the city owns.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that some of the properties are not habitable, but can  
get the list.  
Pastor Blount asked if they have a list.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that there are a number of vacant properties, but  
as Ms. Patel indicated that are not habitable.  
Pastor Blount asked how many are Black.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she can get the count to him. It is less than five.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that those properties were leased under previous  
administrations. They renewed a couple of properties, but have not gone  
out in the market.  
Ms. Inid Santiago stated that she never heard of this before. They city has  
properties that Black and Brown folks could actually live in. Isn't this lease  
trying to be renewed. This is almost like a vacant property because it has  
not been renewed.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it is a continuation of a lease.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that the contract has an option to renew. The city is  
being transparent by saying that the option to renew is taking place now.  
Ms. Inid Santiago asked where would this be made public. How can  
someone apply for this?  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that it is communicated by the Communication  
Manager. For the last four years, the city has not had a vacant property.  
They do have properties where none employees are residing.  
Ms. Inid Santiago asked do they know how many and how many are Black  
and/or Brown.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she can get the information for them.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated that she was listening to what Ms. Patel said, but  
it is like double speak. You said it would go through the Communications  
Manager, but yet you did not answer the question. How does the public  
know about these properties?  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they have not faced that situation. They have  
vacant properties that are not in a habitable condition. The provision of  
each lease differs. Council can present a future lease that exceeds five  
years and reject the lease and ask for it to go on the market.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated as a courtesy of the city of Allentown and our  
residents who live here, she would ask that you present these properties  
when they come up again to let it be known and be put out to the public.  
Mr. Justin Fields asked about the properties that are vacant, are there any  
plans in place to possibly to be rehabbed and provided as funding for a  
homeless shelter or nonprofits for housing.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that most of the properties that the city owns in this  
condition are in the parks. It would be up to Council to authorize a plan to  
make an investment in those properties for an alternative use for  
nonresidential use.  
Mr. Eduardo Aviles, 386 W Gordon Street, asked how many buildings you  
have vacant.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked Mr. Aviles to address him as president.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that they don't have any currently any vacant  
properties. The city does not have any vacant properties that are available  
for rent.  
Mr. Eduardo Aviles stated that the reason the city does not have money is  
because of paying hush money with all these severance packages going  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated to address this him. He stated that he is out of  
out and to sit down. He asked if anybody else with a legitimate question.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30694  
Authorizes lease agreement with Lehigh Valley Health Network for 0.35  
acres, more or less located at 1902 Lehigh Street, currently identified by  
the parties as the parking lot situated at the Mack South Fire House  
(hereinafter the “Parking Lot”).  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Hanlon and asked if there were any  
questions from my colleagues. He stated that this is just a lease of a small  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated yes, for parking.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated for parking purposes. He asked if there were  
any questions from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30695  
Minutes of Previous Meeting  
15-6174 August 16, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Executive Session Announcement: An executive session, requested by the  
Administration and City Council, was held on Thursday, August 24th, at 2 PM to  
review a legal settlement and personnel matters.  
Executive Session Announcement: An executive session, requested by the  
Administration and City Council, was held on Thursday, August 24th, at 2  
PM to review a legal settlement and personnel matters.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he has two announcements. First, the visitors  
of City Council are encouraged to use the Government Deck next door. Mr.  
Hanlon has chasers that will pay for your parking and cover until midnight.  
He stated to please use the government deck and see Mr. Hanlon for a  
parking chaser. He did have two conversations with Ms. Sherri Bender  
from RCI in regards to affordable housing and a project that they are  
working on.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he also had a conversation with members of  
the Ripple Community (RCI) board related to the project that they  
demonstrated at 16th and Chew.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that Ms. Conover wanted to speak as a point of  
Ms. Lisa Conover stated that there is no R in it. It says contact.  
Old Business  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated about two and a half months ago there was a big issue  
with the Parking Authority and the mayor said that he was going to conduct  
a Study whether they should take it over. He asked if there has been an  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they issued two RFPs and got zero  
responses. They also begun conversations with the Financial Advisors to  
perhaps conduct the Parking Study as requested. That is an ongoing  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that it doesn't appear to him anyway and he knows that  
Mr. Napoli was very instrumental in creating changes as a board of  
member of the Parking Authority. The public really appreciates that. Since  
he doesn't see this going anywhere else, he is going to ask that the  
$10,000 that Council has given to the Mayor's budget, be returned to  
Council's. budget.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that Council just contributed to an RFP proposal.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked if they can look at that together and return to the  
topic at the next Council meeting.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were anything else for Old Business.  
Budget and Finance: Chair Napoli, Hendricks, Gerlach  
The Committee met this evening; there are no future meetings scheduled at this  
Community and Economic Development: Chair Mota, Napoli, Affa  
The committee met this evening; there are no future meetings scheduled at this time.  
Human Resources, Administration and Appointments: Chair Santos, Zucal, Napoli  
The Committee met has not met since the last council meeting; there are no  
meetings schedule at this time.  
Parks and Recreation: Chair Gerlach, Affa, Mota  
The Committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for September 20th at 6:15 PM.  
Public Safety: Chair Affa, Hendricks, Zucal  
The committee met this evening; there are no future meetings scheduled.  
Public Works: Chair Zucal, Santos, Hendricks  
The Committee met this evening; there are not future meetings scheduled at this  
Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations, and Strategy: Chair Hendricks,  
Mota, Gerlach  
The committee has not met since the last Council meeting; a meeting will be  
scheduled in the near future to deal with a resolution introduced this evening.  
Controller Report  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that he would like to Report on the Family and Medical  
Leave Audit. He explained FMLA. The procedures that the city followed the audit  
was conducted in accordance with the Generally Accepted Governmental Auditing  
Standards and utilized an approach that included staff interviews, reviews of  
documents and reports and examinations of individual FMLA documentation. The  
period of testing was January 1, 2022 until June 30, 2023. The developed Process  
Flow and Narrative which was reported on at a prior Budget and Finance Committee  
They identified any potential risks and developing the appropriate risk  
area and reviewed the controls for the process and identified potential weaknesses.  
The number of active city employees on June 30, 2023 was 808 and the FMLA  
population for the month of June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 there were 19 employees  
that used FMLA. Two of those employees were on parental leave. For the period of  
January 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023, 47 employees that used FMLA. For the year 2022,  
there were 58 employees who used FMLA. Some of the problem areas were poor  
record keeping and process, the number of regular employees take more than 480  
hours. Some of that excess leave results in staffing issues. There is a lack of  
timekeeper procedures, insurance coverage and medical flex. There are  
communication issues.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk provided a note of gratitude to the Controller's office for  
performing this audit. It is incredibly helpful as our team works to address the  
ongoing issues. The team was well aware of coming in and has worked if he  
remembers correctly there is one single instance of somebody that is beyond and in  
a negative position with FMLA.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that it sounds about accurate at this point.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they look forward to implementing software to get  
better reporting.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanks Mayor Tuerk and Mr. Glazier.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that normally under FMLA, individuals have to use their sick or  
vacation time before that kicks in. He understands that has not been happening. He  
heard that they are accumulating sick time while they are on FMLA which is not legal  
as far as he is concerned.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that people when they go out on FMLA, they are going to  
use their sick time. Occasionally, people run out of it and get to a zero time issue.  
That is not a whole lot of people. Accumulation, he has to double check that.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they are lucky enough that Karen Ocasio from the HR  
department is here with them tonight and perhaps can answer some of those  
Ms. Karen Ocasio stated that people accumulate their time when they are due and  
out on FMLA. They can use their vacation time, personal time, or sick time. They are  
still worked hours. That is the reason why they still accumulate time during that  
time. If they are on zero time, they don't.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated to go on FMLA first, you need to use your sick, vacation. While  
they are using that, they are still allegedly accumulating.  
Ms. Karen Ocasio stated correct. She stated that because those are worked hours.  
The sick time that they are currently using is sick time that they accrued while they  
were working. Mr. Ed Zucal stated that they are not getting it once their time runs  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that is Karen Ocasio and she is one of our HR Generalists.  
She provides support to the Mayor's office, the IT office, the Law office and the  
Finance Team.  
Mayor Report  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that since he last saw them, he accepted the resignation of  
Nadeem Shahzad from his position as Director of Human Resources effective August  
18, 2023. Garry Ritter who is a 38-year veteran of city service is presently serving as  
Interim Director of HR with significant support from John Trant of Strategic  
Solutions LLC. He has the utmost confidence in Mr. Ritter's ability to manage the HR  
team as they continue to improve upon the service provided by our city employees.  
Mr. Ritter will serve an Interim HR Director until November 19, which is the 90 mark.  
The job has been posted on the city's website and he plans to seek assistance from  
their private sector partners in filling this critically important position. He begun the  
work to form a search committee to assist us in bringing a high-quality candidate to  
the city of Allentown. He invited Mr. Hendricks to appoint a member of City Council  
to ensure that Council plays a role in selecting that candidate before he makes an  
appointment. During his last Report, he mentioned the work of Alexandria  
Fernandez, our Language Access Fellow from the Harvard Graduate School of  
Design. In front of Council, they will find a full report on the Language Access  
Recommendations for the city of Allentown, the I-Speak cards, as well as badges that  
will indicate the non-English languages that our front facing staff will speak. There  
will be something that you have that will be at the front desk that will have additional  
languages beyond what is posted on a placard. Part of the mission of the office of  
Equity and Inclusion to ensure the equitable delivery of city services for limited  
English proficiencies in stakeholders. (accessible, dignified and timely delivery of  
services) In addition to the Language Access Work, the office of Equity and  
Inclusion has scheduled training for city employees for the next three months.  
Topics of training include: Standard DEI Language, Diversity Equity and Inclusion,  
Trauma Informed Care, Cultivating Accessible and Inclusive Spaces for Stakeholders  
Neuro Divergent Stakeholders among other topics. Next week, as part of the  
collaboration between the Office of Equity and Inclusion and the Office of Civic  
Innovation, will host the first Refugee Welcome Day with the Refugee Community  
Center at the Church of the Mediator outside of West Park. At an extension of their  
existing course work, they will provide a key introduction of key city services  
including information on trash and recycling the Health Bureau, community police  
and LANTA, the library and a host of other services the refugees expect to find here  
in the city of Allentown. That would include translators. He stated that they are still  
looking for a Creole/French translator for our Haitian refugees. The office of Civic  
Innovation took a break at City Hall at the Table for the month of August and will turn  
to action on September 26. They moved the dates from Thursdays to Tuesdays to  
accommodate Allentown School Board meetings and make those meetings available  
to School Board members and School District officials. They will continue to work  
with neighborhood groups to develop ways that the city can collaborate with  
neighbors to address the complex challenges the city face. He talked about traffic  
around Sheridan Elementary. The priorities for the next few months will be on  
delivering a budget that furthers our work in making Allentown a safer, cleaner and  
healthier city.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if anyone had any questions.  
Controller Reports  
Language Access Recommendations for the City of Allentown - Mayor's  
Bill 78  
Providing for the vacation of Dodge Street from the centerline of South  
Muhlenberg Street to the centerline of Vacated South Brighton Street in the  
Eighteenth Ward of the City of Allentown.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that it was forwarded favorably, 3 - 0.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments or questions from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15939  
Bill 79  
Amending the 2023 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Twenty-Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-Five  
Dollars ($25,725) from the United States Department of Justice Edward  
Byrne Memorial JAG Grant for the purpose of overtime pay of patrol  
presence in an effort to suppress violent crimes and drug investigations in  
the Keystone Opportunity Zone in Allentown.  
Affa and Hendricks  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that this was in your committee, Ms. Affa.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that it was with a 3 - 0 vote to move favorably to  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments or questions from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15940  
Bill 80  
Amending Chapter 406, Nuisance Abatement, to consistently refer to the  
Appeals Board as the Nuisance Abatement Board of Appeals. This  
legislation cleans up language relating to the Nuisance Abatement Board  
of Appeals.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that this was in your committee, Ms. Mota.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mr. Hendricks and stated that it was a simple  
cleanup of a Bill that previously was adopted and it passed favorably in  
front of full Council.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments or questions from  
his colleagues or the public.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the intent will bring a full board. Presently he  
has a handful of vacancies on that board of appeals and the intent is to  
bring a full slate of candidates to the next City Council meeting.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15941  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if anybody had any issues with the Consent  
Agenda and want to remove the legislation. He asked his colleagues if  
there were any questions or comments or from the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Sewage Planning Module at Allentown Flex Center  
Enactment No: 30696  
Sewage Planning Module at North Bradford Commercial Development  
Enactment No: 30697  
Sewage Planning Module at WIP South 12th Street Redevelopment  
Enactment No: 30698  
Authorizes the submission of the formal application for funding from the  
DCED Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) Grant Services in the  
amount of One Million Four Hundred and Three Thousand Dollars  
($1,403,000) for three intersections on 17th Street.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that this is a do over. Council has previously  
passed this and it was a mistake on it. This was another submission.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
any of his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30699  
Approves three transfers: (1) $620,000.00 in Public Works – Traffic &  
Planning for the electric power was centralized in 2023 to have all electric  
come out of Building Maintenance’s Budget, In Traffic and Street Lighting,  
there were two accounts that were not switched over; (2) $176,475.00 in  
Recycling & Solid Waste for the costs for single stream recycling  
processing exceeded the budgeted amount due to unforeseen commodity  
market increases (3) $32,600.00 in Public Safety/Police – Funding for  
ESRI web-based software implementation (one-time fee).  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30700  
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (To be referred to Committee with public  
comment prior to referral)  
Bill 82  
Amending the 2023 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of One  
Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($115,000.00) from the Trexler Fund to  
the WPA Structures capital fund to complete the repair work to the Lehigh  
Parkway Phase 4. This is part of the 2023-24 Trexler Capital Project  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions from his colleagues  
or the public.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked if this is the last Phase. Is this the construction of  
the walls.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he wants to say it was the last Phase.  
Ms. Many Tolino stated that every year the city plans on using some Trexler  
money to repair some of the WPA structures in the parks. This year, it is  
the wall in the Lehigh Parkway and next year, there are various ones on  
Union Terrace and we to put funding towards so that each year there will be  
additional projects to repair those stone structures in the Parkways. This  
should be the end of the Parkway wall for that one section.  
Ma. Candida Affa thanked Ms. Tolino.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were anybody else from the dais or any  
comments from the public.  
Mr. Michael Molovinsky stated that he has been watching the WPA for  
several decades and he would like to say that he is glad and grateful for the  
Trexler Fund and the grants they provided. He is hoping that the city will  
evolve to the point where the WPA will be an ongoing part of the regular  
budget. It should be a line item in the Parks budget. Now, they are in  
Phase IV and hopes that it will include the landing and the stairwell. He is  
glad the work is being done and it continues at an accelerated pace.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated that she is piggybacking on what Mike said.  
She stated that they were thinking the same thing. She stated that she lives  
right near there. She asked Ms. Tolino if it is Phase IV of the wall that is  
there and asked does it include the steps as well.  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated that she is not 100 percent sure the scope of the  
project, but it is the last Phase of the wall portion. They will finish that area.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated that she does not know when they started doing  
anything. It does not look like they did anything.  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated that it is structural deficit. A lot of times you have  
to take it apart and re-grout. it is a Mason and have historic preservation.  
Architects are the ones that are doing the work. It is a little more time  
consuming than a regular construction project.  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated that she is glad that the city is doing it because it  
is a health hazard. It is a beautiful wall, but it is crumbling.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk encouraged Ms. Harris to take a walk with Mr.  
Molovinsky in the Parkway and he can give a detail explanation of every  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated that she can show Ms. Harris an abbreviated  
version of exactly what is going into Phase IV.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated for the past few years she has asked to hire a  
Mason that could do masonry work because there is a lot of structure that  
needs to be fixed, but she does not know what has happened. She is glad  
that this is happening, but keep in mind that there is more work that needs  
to be done.  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated that she thinks to balance that cost and keep  
somebody busy with that task was hard to manage. It is a lot of work right  
now, it might not be a good 10 year work. They were looking at it if it  
makes sense for somebody to have such a specific trade. They would be  
a more expensive employee with a highly specific trade that could only do  
one thing.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that she does comprehend that. The reality is that  
trade is dying, and the city needs to bring it back one way or another.  
Enactment No: 15942  
Bill 83  
Amending the 2023 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of Forty  
Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) from the unappropriated balance in the  
Golf Funds to the Golf Capital Projects fund. These funds will be used for  
the purchase of a new pump station controller.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any questions or comments from  
his colleagues or the public.  
Enactment No: 15943  
RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION (Can be voted on or Referred to Committee):  
R149 Refer to Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations and  
Strategy: Chair Hendricks, Mota, Gerlach pending legal review by the  
Council and City solicitors in regard to issues relating to confidentiality,  
disclosures and power questions.  
Approves the expenditure of such funds necessary for a review and  
investigation of actions related to procedures related to hiring, terminations  
and discipline of employees as a result of allegations made by NAACP  
and the terminated HR Director letter in terms of their compliance with the  
personnel code, and all applicable state and federal laws - using Council’s  
investigative powers if need be.  
Gerlach and Mr. Zucal  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Hanlon and asked if there were any  
comments from his colleagues.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that this came to light when Mr. Shahzad was  
terminated. On July 15, the NAACP sent a letter to the city which at first  
was denied and later accepted saying there were allegations of EEOC  
complaints against the city for discrimination based on harassment and  
racism. He stated that for a while it was quiet. He stated that they learned  
since that Ms. Mota asked for an investigation. He Shahzad made several  
allegations. He stated that one thing was true that he got reprimanded by  
the mayor for providing information to the Clerk and members of City  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that is not true.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he was the member of City Council that asked for  
that information. He talked about Ms. Weber writing an article in  
September 2022 after two individuals of color who were department  
directors left the city asking what is going on. The mayor eluded that the  
problems existed before he got here. He then quoted Mayor Tuerk about  
the culture in city hall. He stated that the letter from the NAACP came out  
on July 15. He stated to Mayor Tuerk that he got a text this morning from  
someone that you sent to the NAACP asking them to assist fixing this  
problem. If there is no problem, why do you need them to assist you. He  
stated that he is an elected official and has a responsibility to the  
taxpayers. If some of this goes to a lawsuit, you know who is going to pay,  
he is going to pay, and they all are going to pay. He has an obligation to  
the city employees. He is hoping that all six other colleagues see the need  
for this. He stated that they need to put an end to this. His hope is that  
whatever has alleged towards the mayor and other department heads they  
can reach something that they can resolve to make sure it does not go any  
further. Part of his goal is to get a proper Personnel Code that they follow.  
He thanked those that came to support him tonight. The ultimate end to  
this, comes from here.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Zucal and asked if there were any other  
comments from the dais.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that since she signed on as a co-sponsor. This  
is not about going after the administration. This is the fact that there have  
been serious allegations that has been raised. It is up to them to ensure  
that all of the employees of who they love, how they identify, how much  
melanin they have in their skin are valued, and heard in the city. An  
investigation does not mean that one is guilty or not guilty. It is just an  
investigation to find out what is going on. What they do know that the city of  
Allentown is an institution, and it is a structure. They can take opportunities  
to identify the potential challenges that may exist and the potential  
opportunities. If phobias exist in the world, they may exist in city hall and  
they have to look into that. She fully supports having a third-party  
investigator ideally from outside the region and help us find out what is  
going on. She thanked Dr. Mota for her leadership. She called for an  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that most people are looking at it as a low level  
situation. This is not. The Press Release that he sent to WFMZ that  
appeared on Thursday night included a lot more than was told on the TV.  
Since that aired, he got one tonight three of the people want to discuss the  
situation and provide to him things he does not know about.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks made a statement stating that he does not feel that the  
taxpayer citizens of our city should pay for an investigation into alleged  
incidents uncorroborated allegations and innuendos which was brought  
forth in an unauthorized letter from members of a group. He stated that  
such an investigation is unreasonable and would not prudent.  
Mr. Eduardo Aviles stated that you are part of the corruption.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she thinks that man should be removed.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks urged his colleagues to vote no on this request. He  
urged his colleagues to vote no and send it to a committee of Council as it  
involves personnel issues, some of which may have been adjudicated  
previously. These are not things that you will make public, but they can  
certainly investigate them. He asked that Council's Solicitor along with the  
City Solicitor join and work to provide them with information on those  
specific individuals that some of his colleagues wish to investigate. He  
stated that this should go to a committee of Council.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated to Mr. Hendricks just as a point of  
procedure, Rule VIII - D states that a Resolution when it first appears on the  
agenda will be acted upon by Council unless the presiding officer or  
Council by majority vote commits such matters to the appropriate  
committee. He stated that Mr. Hendricks as president or Council by  
majority vote have the authority to commit this to the appropriate committee  
or else, it must be acted upon this evening if that commitment is not made.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked for a vote to be taken on sending this to a  
committee of Council.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated to Attorney Smith that Mr. Hendricks does not  
need a vote, he can just send to committee.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that you as a presiding officer have the  
authority to send to a committee.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that they still have to hear from the public before  
it gets referred to committee.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that he has cards for public comment.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that he is not suggesting that they won't take  
public comment.  
Mr. Candida Affa stated that they don't need a vote, they can just send to  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that he can just send it to committee. He  
stated that Council wants to take public comment at this time.  
Ms. Barbara Redmond, Secretary of the NAACP - Allentown Branch,  
stated that she is the one that sent the letter. The letter was not a bogus  
letter. It was a misunderstanding with some of the members of the  
NAACP, but the letter was approved to go out. No one actually saw the  
letter, but the letter was approved. She has a problem because they have  
over 10 employees in the city of Allentown that came to them in disguise,  
hiding and afraid to let them know and they did not want anyone to know  
that they were going through these changes. They have been bullied,  
harassed and it has been a hostile environment. These people are afraid.  
She stated that the NAACP went to the mayor and talked to the mayor and  
asked the mayor to address these issues. He sent a letter yesterday and  
now he wants to address the issues. First of all, he said it was bogus. It  
did not have to get this far. She stated that her name was on the letter to  
contact Barbara Redmond if there are any questions. She has not heard  
anything from City Council to call her or contact her in reference to the  
letter. She asked Council to consider an outside investigator to come in.  
The employees, Black and Brown people should not be able to come to  
work scared and in fear and retaliated against. They are citizens like  
everyone else. They want to come to work and go home with their family  
and be peaceful. It is a hostile environment and the people are being  
bullied and something needs to be done.  
Ms. Lisa Conover stated that initially when she came she filled out a card to  
pretty much give a point of reference in terms of who she is with the  
NAACP. She wants to stand her as a resident. She is a taxpaying  
resident, and what she wants to say to them she wants them to hear her.  
This is not an attack, this is a plea. She stated that they said that they  
would rather not use taxpayers money to actually address this issue that is  
systemic and killing our city. We talk about culture and climate in our  
schools. She is also an elected official in the city of Allentown. She is  
wearing a thousand hats and is a parent. She feels like when they make  
the statement that we need to push this to another space and place tonight  
is that you are minimizing it and making the situation worse. It is bad  
enough that the persons who allegedly filed those complaints with the  
NAACP have to sit in this room and hear the word allege. She stated that  
Mr. Zucal is getting calls saying me too. That is minimizing it. It is a  
problem and it is hard for many of us to hear. The officer had a trigger. He  
is going through it right now. She stated that they are going to pray for him.  
This is not what he is used to. This is systemic. This is a hard thing, and  
she has been saying it at the School Board meetings. She took this all the  
way to National with the NAACP. She said that we have problems, but we  
are here crying out for a solution. We can't do it by ourselves. She stated  
that she has been Black all her life and you have been the color you have all  
your life. Until we can have these hard conversations and deal with them  
and grab the bull by its horn, they are going to keep coming back here and  
our kids are going to be dying on the streets and keep having the same  
problems over and over. She stated that if it is her taxpaying dollars, spend  
it all because we have to get it right. She stated that as the NAACP  
(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) new  
president read the NAACP's mission and vision statement. Let's be the  
model and let's set the example.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he is not minimizing anything. He thinks  
that Council can get more done by putting it in a committee. Many of these  
may have already been adjudicated. Council can get those answers far  
easier this way than wasting taxpayers' dollars to getting an outside  
investigatory agency coming in here.  
Ms. Conover stated that the problems still lie. You may not feel like you are  
minimizing it, but it may very well be that it is because you can't see, and  
you live in a different space and place. She stated that she is saying it in  
love, not in haste.  
Ms. Jessica Ortiz, 523 Tilghman Street, stated that a few of the people that  
called Mr. Zucal, they got letters at the Ark. They received about 16  
anonymous letters and employees that came into the Ark as a safe place.  
Amongst popular belief it is a place where they came to do the complaint.  
Several they sent to Ms. Phoebe Harris and the NAACP. She can say she  
knows. Several of the city employees are here. Her question is that she  
does not care how they decide whether it is a committee, whether it is a  
kumbaya, something needs to be done. What is going to be done to  
protect the people that currently works here, there employment, because  
she got a letter on her mailbox on Monday that a community leader was  
pushed out another position and was told that he would no longer get city  
money if he held that position. She stated that she takes things like that  
very seriously. Pushing people around. That is, like Lisa said part of the  
systemic problem and the push away. Not everybody understands the  
world that different individuals live in. She stated that we have LGBTQ, we  
have Black, Indian, Latino, Asian saying that we fear for our jobs and we  
are going to speak up, but who is going to protect us.  
Mr. Walter Felton stated good evening, everyone. He is a prior police  
supervisor and is here tonight to add further about the letter. He was not  
aware that the letter was going out. He does not have the key to the  
mailbox which the prior president had it for 15 years. He does not have the  
email from the NAACP with the president on it. He replaced two other  
presidents prior to this. He is not saying or taking anything from anyone  
because he himself when he worked at the city was a victim. He had a  
Captain downstairs with a KKK outfit and was walking around. He was the  
only person of color and officer at that time. They had a big thing about it  
and it cost the city $150,000. He is still the president and it is going to be  
in litigation. He called saying that he was in the hospital and have Mr.  
Bosket step up.  
Ana (Danny) Negron, 1533 Hausman Avenue, said finally will have a  
chance to speak. Identified as a transgender Puerto Rican and has been  
working for the city since 2007. Has been bullied, harassed, discriminated,  
given awful jobs and reported being put in dangerous situations by  
coworkers and the negligence with their cell phone that caused a lot of grief  
in life and health has gone to crap. Recalled speaking with Candida at the  
old business about the abuse in the Streets Department. Did everything  
and anything to help the community and help the people in the city and  
visitors as well. Since one experienced things that should not have been  
done. They removed the lug bolts, greased handles, and at that time had to  
use extra extra large gloves that cause carpal tunnel and having to buy  
gloves at the Model's that were not cheap. Every pair, ending up disposing  
of because of lube that was highly toxic and trying to do the best for this city  
and has wear and tear on the body. The injuries from the negligent  
coworkers, supervision, management, Solicitor, and Council. No one has  
been here and thank Barbara. The help is appreciated as a NAACP  
member. In making the proper steps, going to supervisors for help. They  
did not do anything. They were all in cahoots. They are all friends, hunting  
buddies, drinking buddies, and things that they should not have done on  
city time. Bullied, being in the middle of the street, sweating and dizzy,  
dipping and about to have some kind of heat stroke and looking around,  
the team was not there. The pavers were not there. They left without a  
truck and anything that could have been used to accommodate or be of  
comfort. For many years, fighting for the people of Allentown. Reporting  
their living situations and also and landlord that are like this with city  
workers. That is why there are a lot of residents here suffering stating  
being fed up and done. Recalled one day it was snowing and seeing a guy  
with a hoody (which was the officer/Chief at the time) down off of Lehigh  
Street throwing snow and people are not supposed to throw snow on the  
street. Approached and said excuse me sir, and said you are not  
supposed to be throwing snow onto the street because it would freeze. He  
took off his hoodie and asked do you know who I am. Stating no, he said  
he was calling the supervisors Messinger and Shahda and asked if he  
wanted to the walkie talkie. Trying to help this person not knowing it was  
the Chief of Police at the time and was so worried about the seatbelt and  
turned around and said that he is still calling the supervisors about the  
seatbelt. The seatbelt was way on the ground full of dirt, black top, urine,  
and who knows what else.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated to please finish up.  
Ms. April Riddick stated good evening and hopes everybody is blessed.  
Reiterated on not using taxpayers dollars. They were just talking about the  
city of Allentown outsourcing an HR department to handle HR. That would  
be taxpayers' dollars. It is kind of like contradictory to it. What is going on  
is that they need a bias person. To have a committee in-house do that.  
You are still going to run in that biasness. IT is better to have outside  
people handle this investigation because they are seeing it with a naked  
eye and not making a bias decision because they know this person or that  
person. Choosing a committee in-house to do the investigation will be  
wrong. Is it concerning about the accusations, yes. Has she had  
conversations with people, yes. It saddens her because Allentown is a  
growing town. It is the third largest city that makes a difference when  
people vote. She stated that we are the deciding factor, not just for the  
state of PA, but the United States. That is powerful. To her, that is problem  
if they have people who are saying they are scared or worried or being  
degraded whether it is Black, Brown or Polka Dot. Being Black and Brown  
growing up she can honestly say she applied for a city job and the Chief of  
Police recommended her to be a security guard at the prison. All the girls  
failed the test, but her. She did not get hired. Why, because of what her  
last name was. Systemic racism has been here for a very long time. It is  
not going to go anywhere, unless we handle it. It is hurtful and sad to hear  
the stories. It needs to happen and not be pushed under the rug. The  
majority of this town is Brown, but the officials don't represent the Brown  
and Black people in positions. The officials don't fit the ratio of the  
residents. That is a problem right there. When you are not walking in  
someone else's shoes, you don't know. She urged to take the outside  
source and let them come in with blinders on and let them do the proper  
investigation. When a mayor takes position, does he have any training or a  
timeframe that he allows to make changes.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he is not here to answer questions. You are  
here to make a statement, you may make a statement.  
Ms. April Riddick suggested that going forward to avoid this anybody going  
into an official position of leadership should have some sort of training.  
Ms. Karen Ocasio stated that she is one of the HR Generalists in HR here  
in the city. She is one of the people who complained to the EEOC and to  
the PHRC regarding the things that were occurring to her and the racism  
that was going on in this city. She spoke to everyone and went up the chain  
of command. Her Interim Director at the time would not listen to her. She  
went to the mayor himself and he told her that it seemed like she is the only  
one who was having that problem. At the time, she was because she was  
the only person of color in that office. Yes, she was the only one having that  
problem. Due to this problem, she did everything that the mayor asked of  
her last year during open enrollment. She woke up at four o'clock in the  
morning and left her baby with her mom. She went to police and to fire and  
went above and beyond for the mayor and everyone here for the city. She  
stated that she lives here, her kid goes to school here. She does  
everything here stating that she is very passionate about her job. She had  
to teach herself when she became the Benefits Manager, the job of  
Benefits Manager because no one would help her with anything. The only  
one that actually helped her during open enrollment was Genesis Ortega  
which today, she is still grateful to her for helping. She stated that all of her  
complaints were ignored. She went to the Solicitor. She went to  
everybody, and no one listened to her. When she tells them from personal  
experience, she can say yes, this is going on. Even when she started in  
HR, their joke was where the Manager sits is the United States and where  
the administrative staff where she was Mexico. That is how she started  
working in HR. That is what she came in HR with. She asked to be put on  
record that she, Karen Ocasio is still facing discrimination. The moment  
she came back from her medical leave after having a nervous breakdown  
because of the things that happened in this place. They moved her out of  
her office without telling her. Nothing was told to her. Even though the  
Friday that she came back on that Monday they sent her a long email letting  
her know all of her duties and all of that, but never was it communicated to  
her that she lost her office. For what purpose, she does not know because  
she has seniority. She was moved into a desk. A broken-down desk  
where one of them who was harassing her laughed in her face and told her  
that it is a desk they got from Wayfair for $116 from the Mayor's office. He  
had it for an intern and laughed in her face. She laughed and said this is  
where you sit now. Til this day, she still faces this. She stated that the city  
needs an external investigator. We don't need a committee. None of that.  
We need external people who do not have any political agendas and do not  
have relationships. That is what we need. We are truly going through these  
things today.  
Mr. Patrick Palmer, 617 Allen Street, thanked Mr. Zucal and said it is a little  
late, but he agrees with him on this. When you have Black people leaving  
in droves as soon as someone gets elected, there is an issue. There  
needs to be an investigation. He was sitting back there, and they have had  
this conversation before. Mr. Hendricks you need to understand what a  
micro aggression is. When you start attacking people and saying things  
which you might not consider attacking. When you say something like a  
better spending or a waste of taxpayer money to an individual who has  
been raised to be considered a waste for most of their lives is considered  
a micro aggression. To continue to treat people the way that they are  
being treated when they come up here and speak is just more and more  
aggression. There comes a time as a leader you have to understand that  
not everything needs a response. You can sit there in silence and actually  
listen. Not here someone and wait for a response, but to sit there in  
silence. We did not march to then be told that we need to wait our turn  
which is what we are being told. Do this instead. Stop telling us what to do  
and start listening to us.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he made a suggestion. He didn't tell them  
what to do.  
Mr. Palmer stated that he thought Mr. Hendricks was not here to answer.  
You said you were not here to answer questions and you were not here to  
answer. You are hearing stories from individuals who work here who are  
risking their jobs to come up here and tell them what they are going through  
should be substantial enough. To use the letter as a reason for maybe the  
city should not do this throws out any credibility of anyone who actually  
wrote it and took the time to say there is an issue. Once someone and  
enough people who Zucal can mention comes and say that there is an  
issue that creates an issue. There was an entire Me Too Movement. At  
what point do you need to understand that people are scared to come  
forward unless there is a group. That is what they are doing now. They are  
coming forward and speaking up for themselves. We as Black and Brown  
are tired of speaking up for ourselves and yelling into a void and being told  
what we should be doing. At this point, this investigation needs to happen.  
We don't need to hear from and excuse him from someone who has not  
been discriminated against in the way that we have. We do not need to  
hear what we need to do or what is better from us. We understand what we  
need to do. We are educated individuals and we can speak for ourselves  
and stand for ourselves.  
Mr. Nagon Godfrey, Ridge Avenue, stated good evening good people. He  
stated that a lot of them know him. Knows him in his before life to the life  
that he has evolved and live to now. He does not know if they noticed, but  
have you ever went to work for felt that you were walking on eggshells.  
Have you ever went to work and was scared to say something because  
they may say something wrong or have you ever went to work and reported  
racism and you get the backlash from it. He gets the backlash every day.  
He asked do they know why he won't quit the city's job because he will not  
let them win and then he will let him son see that he is a failure and he just  
let people win. He stated excuse him for his eager or harsh talk, but he is  
passionate because he took care of the kids in the community. Everybody  
knows him. Do you know what it feels like to do work better than people  
that has been there for four years than you and you still get the bone. Do  
you know how it feels when he ran for Shop Steward and you know what  
they told him they don't do it no more. Now, they just elect who they want  
there. He asked why is it because he was running. Because he reported  
racism. Another thing that he has a problem with the city is confidentiality.  
No one takes their accountability. How do you expect the workers to take  
their accountability if they are not going to take yours. He asked Council to  
have a great day.  
Ms. Inid Santiago stated wow. She stated that she hopes everybody is  
listening. She has not been in a meeting here for a very long time. She is  
dealing with her own personal life. She walked into this nightmare today.  
She has PTSD from what she dealt with. She should be sending the city a  
bill like every Black and Brown member. She witnessed an officer charge  
at a man that she does not speak to and she had to defend him. Does  
anybody notice that? Elder Blount asked him to sit next to him to calm him  
down. That is what the elders do. He saw him out of line because he was  
and the elder stood up to calm him down and restrain him. She saw an  
officer come at him. He almost tackled him. She saw a Black woman  
being dismissed after she said she was the president of the NAACP. She  
could have been anything and she was dismissed. She saw another  
woman of color being dismissed by the president. She seen a woman of  
color come in here and says she was discriminated to all of you all. She  
still doesn't know if they are hearing except the ones that have dealt with  
this. She is talking Mota, Santos, Gerlach and Zucal who knows this. She  
stated that she is hurt. They are talking about taxpayers money. Her bank  
account is killed every time, and you all do whatever you want with these  
taxes. From Lights in the Parkway, to FMLA outsourcing. With everybody  
voting yay. That is a great way to spend the money. We talk about bringing  
an independent person to oversee the allegations. She clarified that she  
has nothing against Mayor Tuerk. Personally, she has zero issues, but will  
not dismiss with every person of color in this room is saying and what she  
heard from way back when. Not just recently. From the Tatiana Tooley's,  
from the Leonard Lightner's and all the way to the back end all the from the  
beginning. She stated that we just hope that everything is going to change  
and it is going to get better because they are going to do committee and  
spend money ordering food, and everything is going to get better. They are  
re talking about bringing in an independent person here to see if there is  
something wrong. The biases that they just saw the officer and not like we  
deal with Roca regularly. The Chief knows de-escalation because he is a  
man of color. The White Man that almost attacked Eddie Aviles did not  
understand that. Not saying Eddie was right. She stated that she does not  
even speak to him.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that is right. Thank you. It is something about  
respect in these halls.  
Ms. Inid Santiago stated it is another thing to about to tackle him when  
there is an elder that is about to handle the situation. It is de-escalation.  
She stated that all us need to understand de-escalation. She stated  
respect. She does not get respect when she walks into Council Chambers.  
Hendricks is going to dismiss her in three minutes. That is what he does. If  
there is nothing going on, then authorize this.  
Mr. Justin Fields stated that he is glad that they are having this  
conversation. He is glad institutionalize racism now is being brought as a  
conversation. He stated that they have been talking about this since 2019  
since the Black Lives Matter protest. He stated that Matt is a friend of his  
and with that being said it needs to be transparency. There needs to be an  
investigation because an investigation is just that. You investigate to see  
what happened, the facts of the case, and go from there. What if can't  
stand here in do is ask permission as a Black person for his people to look  
into this. If it is a matter of taxpayer dollars, they already heard testimony  
tonight that FMLA and other financial items were paid. He gave  
permission for his taxpayer dollars to be used for this. He does not know if  
that is what is needed. He thinks a lot of these closed doors hush hush  
meetings is not what is needed here. He stated that we have people here  
that are actually stating that they are being discriminated against. It needs  
to be looked into. The third largest city in Pennsylvania. This isn't just a  
small thing. This isn't just a small issue. Maybe it is because you don't  
have a lense of being a Black person to understand what we go through on  
a daily basis. Allyship is great, but it is second to being Black for Black  
issues. He asked if there is an investigation then it should be one. Let it  
be fair, let it be external and that all the items be looked into. He stated that  
this does not happen overnight. This isn't just a Matt Tuerk issue or a Matt  
Tuerk administration issue. It is Pawlowski and mayors before him. The  
first time he went upstairs, every mayor that he saw on the wall was White.  
Ms. Dawn Godshall, Executive Director of Community Action, 523 N. 7th  
Street, stated that she has a lot of friends in this room on both sides of the  
aisle and as the Executive Director of one of the largest nonprofits in the  
Valley whose mission says that it gives a voice to people who don't have a  
voice in the decisions that affect their lives. She would be remised in not  
saying anything tonight. Allegations are allegations. As a former producer  
at ABC News, she knows what the word allegation means. An  
investigation should always happen when there are accusations against  
anyone. There should be a fair, reasonable way of finding out the truth.  
When there are a lot of opinions and friendships that are involved with  
people in the administration the truth sometimes needs to come from the  
outside. Her recommendation, take or it leave would be that there is an  
investigation. That it is not closed doors. It is open from those on the  
outside who can take an unbiased look at what is happening and if it is  
baseless than that would be discovered. It is important that anytime there  
are allegations that are unfair or realistic and are true those things need to  
be investigated. It is important whether we use taxpayers' dollars, city  
dollars, or private dollars it is important that we investigate these  
allegations and get down to the basis of what is happening because it is  
important to clear mayor's name or the administration's name. That is  
important. It is so these allegations can come to light and there needs to  
be more training within the city, that is important. It has to happen and has  
to be done on a level that is from the outside looking in so there are no bias  
opinions happening and it an unbiased and fair investigation of the  
allegations that have been made.  
Mr. Pas Simpson, 215 N. Ninth Street, stated that this is so important to  
have this investigation not because he has anything against Matt, but  
because it was brought to the attention. For us to throw something into  
committee, we know that does not go anywhere. They have been waiting  
for Credible Messengers to be moved out of committee since November.  
They cannot continue to throw Black and Brown issues into committee. Into  
committees that no one ever sees. Into committee that never solve  
anything. Into committees that never go anywhere. It was brought to your  
attention. This is a city that is hurting. This is a city that is easily being  
bullied and we even seen it happen here tonight. It we throw something  
again into committee, it is going to prove once again what's been said  
here. The discrimination. He stated that our voice is not considered  
enough for Council to take it into consideration. He stated that our voice  
doesn't mean enough with people coming in here telling their pain. That  
you don't move forward. Our taxpayer dollars that we all contribute aren't  
being considered, if it is being put into committee. Committees don't help  
us right now. What needs to happen is some kind of investigation, some  
kind of solution, so we either clear the man's name or we don't, but if we  
brush under the rug, they are not doing anything but continuing to  
exacerbate the discrimination that has been going on in our city for years.  
Enactment No: 30701  
Continuation of Public Comments on R149  
Approves the expenditure of such funds necessary for a review and investigation of actions related to  
procedures related to hiring, terminations and discipline of employees as a result of allegations made  
by NAACP and the terminated HR Director letter in terms of their compliance with the personnel code,  
and all applicable state and federal laws - using Council’s investigative powers if need be.  
Ms. Milagros Canales, 532 N. Law Street, stated that she come here with  
good intentions. She is very disheartened right now to the residents of the  
city, the third largest city in the state of Pennsylvania is not getting what they  
are asking for. She stated that this is not of disrespect to Mayor Tuerk.  
This is out of concern for what has been going on for a long time. Almost  
like a culture. She stated to Ms. Affa that she said something tonight about  
respect. How it wasn't any respect, but are you giving respect to the  
residents that are asking for this request. Unfortunately, an investigation  
with an outside source will make you look good. This is how it would be.  
When the Allentown School District has allegations going on in their  
schools, they did an investigation and an outside source came in, did an  
investigation told the school district what they needed, gave them all the  
resources they needed to clean it up. The city of Allentown should take this  
suggestion that are strongly being made by the residents and put it to good  
use. She stated that Council said something about taxpayers and asked  
don't we have some ARPA money left. We should use some of that.  
Ms. Kari Holmes, 1451 W. Chew Street, thanked everyone for their  
attention to these concerns and to the matters. If you just feel within your  
heart the tension in the room and the palpable feelings coming up just to  
discuss it, she thinks it helps to lend credibility to the idea of an outside  
investigation. She echoed what the other residents have shared about the  
importance of an outside investigation for all the reasons that they noted.  
As many of them know, she is a Reverend and an Ordained Mister so she  
has to speak from that prospective. In Genesis 41, there is a phase, called  
answer of Peace and Pharaoh, the ruler of that time was doing well by most  
of the people, but he had a dream that caused some concern and could not  
remember what it was. Joseph, who could reveal dreams says to him  
Pharaoh, it is not within me. God will give the answer of peace. It is  
beyond my power to do this. She stated that is a notion of strategic and  
important leadership. Because as they very well know, probably maybe  
better than anyone in this room, Mr. Hendricks there are so many levels of  
address that we of citizens can make. We have an new office of Equity  
Diversity and Inclusion. We have the Equal Opportunity offices that if we  
feel that we have been discriminated against as people of color that we  
could go to. She stated that we have had offices of Commissions in the  
city to address those things. It is important to share this on the basis when  
we recognize these issues come to our attention and we have so many  
solutions in place that an outside solution is necessary because the  
solutions that are in place have been there while the concerns were  
growing, happening, and not being addressed. It is nothing wrong to say a  
committee can be sought, but in this instance it is greater than committee  
and the concern has risen to a level that a committee will not address the  
concerns and the issues that the taxpaying citizens brought to the attention  
and the way it was brought to the attention. If we look at history, it is  
generally not a quiet storm that bring civil rights issues to the right place. It  
generally takes agitation. Something like Rosa Parks sitting on the bus.  
She was not allowed to do that. She did it as a protest. She did it out of  
the regular means because business as usual was discriminatory. It is a  
concern that they as a city of Allentown should take very seriously because  
they do have the opportunity to be on the right side and give an answer of  
peace. This is something that they have ask before and has been  
presented to the city. Let everyone in the city take it upon themselves to  
agree to a mandatory diversity training program because we don't know  
what we don't know. She stated that she doesn't know the shoes the  
Council walked in, and they don't know the shoes that she walked in. This  
is an opportunity to get it very right and to lead well. As a president,  
regardless of what is decided today, a lot of people in this room Mr.  
Hendricks just need to hear you say, I am trying to understand and want to  
hear them. That is very important regardless of what is decided here  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated that she just saw her nine-year-old self see the  
Klu Klux Klan in front of her face again. She stated that is what she just  
saw. She was nine years old when she moved from Abingdon, Maryland  
to Upton, Maryland in Cecil County where the Klan ran wild and free going  
down the main street of Upton, Maryland. They looked at her and her father  
with hatred in their eyes. She stated that she saw that in the officer. She is  
traumatized. She saw that same look when she was nine years old. She  
came here to speak to Council about a letter and the fact that there are  
employees being traumatized. She came to speak to them about that she  
listened herself and Jessica Ortiz Nagon Godfrey, Senior gets  
dehumanized, talked to condescendingly, and she heard the whole thing.  
She is being traumatized again because an officer jumped for no good  
reason because he heard that Pastor say, Eddie come sit here. She saw  
the officer look at her, then look at Eddie and that is why she grabbed  
Eddie because she saw the hatred again. She stated that she is 57 and is  
back to being nine years old. If Council tells her that they don't capitulate in  
city hall for somebody that is who he is, then it is retaliation. She stated that  
they will do better than this. If not, we are going to find out. She stated that  
she is not going to allow this to happen again. She stated that she is nine  
and grown, but she feels it all through her. If you feel nothing else, feel that  
nine-year-old girl coming before them.  
Pastor Daniel Blount stated that it is heart wrenching tonight to hear  
everything he heard. He knew what was happening in City Hall and talked  
to the mayor about some of the things. He assured him that he would take  
care some of those things. Nevertheless, the Bible says the heart is  
deceitful and desperately wicked. Who could know it. When he looks  
around this room, what these people are saying matters. If you don't want  
to listen, then you have to check your hearts out to if your heart is really for  
these people who is crying out to you right now. He stated that he thinks  
that they don't want any havoc going on in our city. We had a great city  
those far. What we need is some help and we need help from City Council.  
When they ask for a private investigator, if we need to pass a hat, we will  
do it. Nevertheless, help us out. He stated that we need you and we need  
you now. He said, Mr. Tuerk, God bless you. Love you, but we need you to  
do a little better job.  
Mr. Chris Blount stated that it has already been reiterated over and over  
again. He figured that he would come up and give Council something to  
think about. He has been put in the crossfire of some racial situations.  
Knowing most of them, he would have them look at it from a different point  
of view. We are raised in a time where times were different. You do have  
an unconscious racial bias as individuals. We all do. He asked them to  
step outside of that for one minute just to consider the people who are  
going through it. You cannot walk in their shoes. He asked them to  
consider not being said about the individuals, but get outside of the  
unconscious racial bias and really look at it from their point of view.  
Ms. Candida Affa thanked Mr. Hendricks and stated that she will be  
speaking for a while. She stated that she has to tell them something. She  
is a White woman. She is gay and owned a gay bar. She stated that  
Barbara Redmond is her friend. For 40 years, she along with the Mason's  
and so many African Americans taught me so much. She stated and how  
she loves them. We had vacations together and cried at Ms. Redmond's  
mother funeral and was at her graduation. When Justin Parker accused  
her of being a racist, and a Monique whatever that is. Who stuck up for her  
and had her back was the NAACP. They had special meetings. She  
stated that he made her life miserable on Facebook. She stated that he  
called her every name there is and asked you know why because she  
happened to go to a rally to back the blue. She stated that she believes  
that Black Lives Matter, but also believes in the police department. She  
stated that she was persecuted for that. If it weren't for the NAACP. She  
stated that she has been a member for over 13 years and the education  
she got from Barbara, and the Mason's and Tawanna Whitehead as we  
speak today. She stated that she knows what it is like, but does not want to  
be called a racist. She stated that she is tired of it. She could understand  
this problem. She apologized to Mr. Zucal and stated that he did not cause  
a problem. She stated when you come it our Chambers, it is like coming  
into...it is respect. So many came in and spoke eloquently and  
passionately. She stated that they get it and listens to them all the time.  
She stated that man was way out of control. When he is telling us that our  
mayor is a crook, greases palms and attacking him is wrong in these halls.  
She stated that she won't stand for it and backs the president in throwing  
him out. He is not the first one to get throw out of here. The other there  
were White as long as she has been here on Council. She stated that they  
as Council has questioned the mayor many times among themselves.  
They lost a Parks and Recreation Director, Public Works Director, Finance  
Director, the Deputy Parks Director, two HR Directors, and out of all of  
them, most were White, two were Black, and one Pakistanian. She  
understands what Mr. Zucal wants to do and have all questioned this many  
times. What is going on? You have to remember something, they don't  
have all that power. These people work at the pleasure of the mayor. If the  
mayor fires someone, they can't go up and say what did you do. Why did  
you do this? But, they did. They had a meeting, and they did ask him  
about this HR Director. She stated that she has to tell them, after they  
heard him, she understands why he did. He cannot, every time he wants to  
get rid of somebody to come to Council and explain to them everything that  
is going on. She came here, thinking that she was not going to vote for this  
because muddy the waters, they can, but after listening to everyone here,  
she is going to vote for it. She will tell them why, one of the things you don't  
do, you don't come in and attack our mayor. You came in and you attacked  
him and Mr. Zucal, you did the same thing. If they can come in and talk  
sensibly and listen to all of them. That is a whole different thing. Don't come  
in here and attack us. Don't come in here and attack the mayor. When you  
don't really have the proof. This is why she is voting yes. Because we may  
find out that not all of this is true and remember how many people that are  
White were let go by the mayor or quit. Mostly, everybody, except for two  
Black people and the HR Director. So there were three people. The rest  
were White. She stated that maybe it is going on. She does not know.  
She is a Councilperson. She is not in there all the time. She has to tell  
them to stop attacking them. They are doing the job. She is going to vote  
because she thinks it is not only and this came up as why are so many  
people leaving city hall. This started with Mr. Zucal and they have to  
investigate and let's find out. But then it turned into a big race thing. Does  
it always, always have to be racial. Look at how many White folks lost their  
jobs or quit. She stated that all she is saying is they are not racists up here.  
She stated that they are really and she is not. She can tell them right now  
and stated Barbara, you know this. Saying you are my friend for 40 years.  
She stated that she knows. She is going to vote for this. She thanked the  
NAACP for having her back when she needed them really, really  
desperately. She stated that they had her back when Justin Parker called  
her a big racist. She stated that her point is that they were fair to her. They  
were fair and looked at the situation and God bless them, they knew she  
was not a racist. She thanked the NAACP for having her back.  
Ms. Barbara Redmond stated that they are asking Ms. Affa to be fair to  
them. You stated that you will vote yes, and we appreciate your vote.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she just had to say her peace, as far as a lot  
of them say walk in someone shoes. Sometimes in today's world, you  
need to walk in a White person's shoes too. Sometimes it is not easy.  
She stated that sometimes they are accused of things that they are so  
innocent of. She asked the audience when they come in, don't attack them.  
Don't accuse our mayor until we have proof. This man accused the mayor  
of being a thief and so many things.  
Mr. Ed Zucal responded to Ms. Affa's comments stating that he did not  
attack the mayor. He is asking for an investigation. He asked Ms. Affa to  
tell him one thing that he said that was not a fact that he stated. Just one.  
You don't have to give me five.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated with all due respect.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated no, not with all due respect. He stated that Ms. Affa  
accused him of attacking Mayor Tuerk. He stated that he did not attack  
Ms. Candida Affa stated to Mr. Zucal that she did apologize to him.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he accepts her apology.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks made it clear that he hears them all and see them  
many times in the community. What he was looking to do and offered it to  
Mr. Zucal of doing this investigation among all of us on Council. He was not  
sweeping it under the rug. It is not going into committee to get lost. That  
was not the purpose whatsoever. He stated that they have to remember  
that many of these are personnel issues that cannot be made public.  
Should not be made public. They have the authority with the agreement  
with the City Solicitor and Council's Solicitor that many of these cases they  
can investigate. He was going to ask for a list from Mr. Zucal to do just that  
and get back to them with answers on these.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated with all due respect, it is time for them to take a  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he will let the mayor speak.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he was not going to say anything. He has  
also been listening to the people that has spoken tonight. He takes the  
pain and hurt very seriously. When he received the letter from the NAACP,  
he prepared a response to the city employees who have seen the letter  
because it made its way to the media almost immediately at the same time  
it hit his desk. The clearest point of the email that he sent to our employees  
that was shared that was shared with the friends in the media is that we do  
not tolerate racism in city hall. From day one of his administration, they  
investigated claims of harassment and discrimination. That happened  
from day one. When he ran for mayor, he ran on the principles of  
transparency. The earliest conversations that he had with many members  
of Council and with many members of the public and certainly a lot of  
people in the room here today, was that there was a lot of improvement that  
needed to be made in city hall. Particularly, around issues like this. They  
are working every day to ensure that city hall and the city of Allentown as a  
workplace is as inclusive and welcoming as possible. He is committed to  
the same and all the components of the NAACP mission statement.  
Eliminating racism, ensuring that people can work in a dignified job without  
the pain of discrimination for the color of their skin or who they love or how  
they practice. They are working towards those goals. He appreciates  
Pastor Blount, stating the city does have to work faster. He thinks that  
everyone that works in Allentown city hall knows that he is aggressively  
pursuing change and change does not come as fast as they want it to  
come. This work is going to be ongoing. It preceded all of our arrival here.  
Justin talked about looking at the previous City Council's and the previous  
mayors. They are going to have work to do. He stated us pointing to  
Council, himself and the public. He stated that they cannot do this work  
alone. This is government collaborating with our community to make this  
workplace a better place. To make the city of Allentown a better place for  
everybody. He stated that they have to do this work together. He invited  
City Council to perform an investigation of what is happening at city hall.  
He thinks they are going to find as Candida mentioned that there have  
been people terminated from their employment, there are people that have  
chosen to resign from their employment. They are African American  
people, they are women, they are people who are members of the  
LGBTQIA + community, they are White people, they are young people, they  
are older people, they are a variety of people who were terminated by him  
or people that report to him because of their performance. They are at will  
employees. Those employees and the investigations and the results of  
those investigations because of the personnel matters may or may not be  
available to the public. Anything that they are doing in city hall is something  
that he is happy to share because they have made tremendous progress in  
city hall. He takes issue with the idea that it is an exodus. Has it ever been  
an exodus from city hall? If you look at the employment and the turnover at  
the city of Allentown, it is totally normal. It is an 800 plus workforce. People  
leave all the time. There remains work to be done though. He is  
committed to doing that work through the remainder of the time he serves  
as mayor of the city of Allentown. He is counting on the assistance of the  
members of City Council. All of the members of City Council. He is  
counting on the assistance of people who live in the city and the people  
who works for the city of Allentown. He stated that they have to do better in  
the city. That is always going to be true. He stated that they cannot be  
satisfied with the status quo. It preceded them and will outlast them. They  
are going to make progress towards making this a city that truly does  
respect each other for the work that they do and truly supports employees  
as they develop as professionals that is completely inclusive. Welcoming  
employees for who they are no matter who they are and cares about those  
employees as human beings first and foremost. That is the work that they  
have to do. He is committed to the work and grateful for their support in  
completing that work. He is grateful for the people that showed up tonight  
who definitely count him as their friends, but just want to see him do better  
and want to see you do better. They expect better of each other and expect  
better from everybody as well. Initially, his hope was that Council would  
refer it to committee for deeper consideration. He stated that they don't  
have nothing to hide.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that if they go forward with that the information  
Council can get through Council's Solicitor and the city Solicitor be made  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the city's administration has worked to  
investigate all claims from day one. The administration will do everything  
they can to stomp out discrimination in this workplace. He stated that has  
been his commitment from day one. He stated that he has not tolerated it  
ever. He would never tolerate that type of behavior in a workplace that he  
leads. He can't have it. We can't progress in the city with it. He wants to  
let Council know that an investigation of the magnitude they really should  
not undertake. Will create waves in the workforce. He stated that he is  
stating a fact. It will have an impact on the delivery of city services. He  
stated that Council should be prepared for it.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were anybody else from the dais.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated please, let's vote.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon asked what are we taking a vote on.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that Council is taking a vote on R149. It has  
not been referred to committee by the president. It has not been referred to  
committee by Council and when it hasn't been referred, it supposed to be  
voted on. They are suggesting is what Council is voting on right now. You  
are voting on Resolution 149.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that the vote at this time is to approve the funds to  
create the investigation. He will make a motion after that. On this particular  
vote, it is to create the funds for the Resolution.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated on this motion or agenda item, it is crucial that if  
an outside investigation is done, that it is done by a completely third-party  
source. Preferably not someone in the Lehigh Valley. If possible if Council  
and the public before the bids go out if they are able to see the specs so  
they can see how the company is being determined that will come in here  
and do this investigation.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that this is a vote on R149 and a yes vote would  
simply mean that Council has agreed to expend the funds that weren't  
specifically budgeted for this purpose in the budget.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
R149 Refer to Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations and  
Strategy: Chair Hendricks, Mota, Gerlach pending legal review by the  
Council and City solicitors in regard to issues relating to confidentiality,  
disclosures and power questions.  
Approves the expenditure of such funds necessary for a review and  
investigation of actions related to procedures related to hiring, terminations  
and discipline of employees as a result of allegations made by NAACP  
and the terminated HR Director letter in terms of their compliance with the  
personnel code, and all applicable state and federal laws - using Council’s  
investigative powers if need be.  
Gerlach and Mr. Zucal  
Pastor Daniel Blount asked if it is any way to get someone on the board  
with you three (Mr. Zucal, Ms. Gerlach, and Mr. Hendricks) from the  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated yes.  
A motion was made by Ed Zucal, seconded by Ce-Ce Gerlach, to form a  
committee and select three people from Council after a draft is presented by the  
City Clerk and members of Council that those three people will be in charge of  
coming up with how the investigation will proceed. (i.e. an RFP and/or a Law  
Review), Mr. Zucal, Ms. Gerlach and Mr. Hendricks are the three people on the  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30701  
Ms. Lisa Conover asked City Council if they can look into Irving Park. She  
stated that she took off the NAACP hat and now the School Board Director.  
Irving Park, the park that is across the street from Dieruff, when they have  
their meetings publicly there are people in the public standing up and  
saying what are they doing with this. Obviously, there is something  
between the city and Council. She stated that they need to get that park  
done. IF they can't talk about it tonight, they can put it on the agenda so it  
will give Mayor Tuerk time to actually talk to Council. At the end of the day,  
they want the parks for their kids.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he knows vaguely what Ms. Conover is  
speaking and will have the conversation with the mayor.  
Ms. Lisa Conover stated the community as well as the kids need the park.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it will be on the next meeting.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that Ms. Gerlach is the Chair of Parks and  
Ms. Phoebe Harris stated as the Chair of the Stadium Committee, she and  
Ms. Gerlach are going on the 20th at 6:15 PM. She stated with the big  
book they have for City Council, Mayor Tuerk and Parks and Recreation a  
proposal for you.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated on behalf of Council he thanked everyone for  
their input tonight. It was a lot of heated moments on both sides. He stated  
that he certainly understands and feel their pain. He stated that he worked  
a number of years with Mr. Felton and never heard the story of him being  
confronted with someone with a KKK uniform. He stated that he despises  
the KKK.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that you are very aware of that situation.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked what did you do about it.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he is sorry to hear that. He stated that  
Walter has been a good partner of his for many years and an honorable  
police officer who served this city with diligence and commitment. He  
stated that he is sorry to Mr. Felton that happened to him. He stated that he  
did not know.  
Council Rules  
Procurement Procedures  
Code of Ethics