435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Wednesday, March 20, 2024  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Pledge to the Flag  
Roll Call  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Courtesy and Privilege of the Floor Rules  
Please observe the Rules of Council when addressing the body. A full copy of  
Council Rules can be found on the city website at the bottom of the council agenda.  
The city website also includes all the meetings and material for the agenda; videos of  
previous meetings and livestreams the council meetings in real time.  
If you would like to speak this evening, we are asking that you fill out a card – they  
are on the back table - and provide them to the clerk before speaking. Include your  
Please address the Council President. You are given privilege of the floor to provide  
public comment, it is not a question-and-answer session. If you are speaking on  
behalf of yourself, you have three minutes and if you are speaking on behalf of a  
group that has several members present, you will be given five minutes.  
Council will not entertain personal insults or attacks, name calling or other behavior  
that is inconsistent with the purpose of conducting official business. Please address  
the Council President not individual councilpersons or city staff. Refrain from  
insulting or defaming staff, officials and everyone present; refrain from using  
offensive language, cursing, and making noises while other people are speaking.  
Remove your hat and turn cell phones off.  
Please be aware that comments and/or behavior in violation of these rules will result  
in a forfeiture of all remaining time and you will be asked to return to your seat.  
Chief James Spang, 435 Ridge Avenue, stated Mr. President, members of  
Council and the administrative staff that are here. He is representing the  
Riverfront Civic Association which is the area between the Jordan and the  
Lehigh River and the downtown section of Allentown known as the wards.  
They are seeing a lack of transparency in news releases coming from city  
hall in regards to law enforcement issues. He asked may he ask a  
question and the simple one is does the city have a Police product that the  
press has access to.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated to Mr. Spang that this is an opportunity for  
you to state your concerns. It is not a question and answer session.  
Chief James Spang stated that he did not know if they could ask a question  
or not. He stated that is basically where he is heading. He stated that  
approximately two weeks ago in the 400 Block of Railroad Street, they had  
a firearm incident involving some kind of automatic weapon where  
neighbors down on the scene reported over 12 rounds were fired of a rifle  
type weapon. Numerous people were scared down there. The police did  
respond, evidence was taken and it was no public report of this. Because  
of the lack of having a real news media in the Lehigh Valley, they are  
getting spooned fed news, not real news. The reason why he brought the  
blotter up is in days gone by the press from The Morning Call will walk into  
the police desk, read the blotter and ask questions about specific  
complaints. They would report on it. Now, it seems that it is spoon fed.  
Under Mike Moore, they used to get bulletins all the time. There was an  
armed robbery, there was a shooting, shots fired. That stuff was reported  
and the neighbors knew. He stated now here is triple concern. He stated  
that they don't want people shooting up the neighborhood. They want to be  
notified if something is happening in the neighborhood. By the time the 12  
plus rounds story made it around the neighborhood, it was over 30 rounds.  
That is what happens when you don't report the news. The incident  
becomes word of mouth or becomes internet chatter. That is not only  
dangerous for the citizens, it is dangerous for the police and dangerous for  
the reputation of our community. Two weeks, no public bulletin and no  
news release. He stated that they want to know why. He holds here a copy  
of the Catasauqua Police Department Media Report which is about a week  
up to date. They publish that they show every incident in Catasauqua.  
Child custody issue happened on Second Street in Catasauqua on the 6th  
of March at 17:20 in the evening. It identifies the incident. This should be  
real time. He stated that we database all this stuff in a city-owned  
computer paid by him and everybody in this room and paid by all of you.  
That is a computerized record. It is automatically redactable. That you  
don't give people's names out, unless they have been arrested and they are  
on a public docket. That should be released to the community. The city of  
Reading typed his address in and if he lived in Reading, he can find out  
what happened within 24 hours. He encouraged City Council to look into it  
under the Public Safety Committee and come up with guidelines to replace  
the nonactive press in the Lehigh Valley with just community notifications  
that would be given out in real time. People want to read it, they read it. If  
they don't want to read it, they don't read it. He stated that he needs to  
know what happens in his neighborhood. He stated that he appreciates  
their time and good luck. It is a big project, but his thoughts go with them.  
Ms. Diane Cheer, 141 E. Cumberland Street, stated that the garbage and  
illegal dumping in parts of Allentown is sickening. Every day she takes a  
walk in her neighborhood and there is now one more residential road  
bordering a nature space that has become a dumping ground for garbage  
and furniture that only two years ago was beautiful and clean. She lives on  
the southside which boarders Salisbury Township. Our garbage and  
dumping becomes their problem and vice versa. Trying to connect to the  
Allentown EAC has been elusive. Salisbury EAC is more accessible. She  
went to one of their meetings and discussed with them what might be  
solutions to this problem. One member suggested a joint meeting between  
Salisbury and Allentown to talk about it. Another suggested that  
Allentown's cost for illegal dumping is too pricey for most residents.  
Another felt that the answer lies in police crackdown which is impractical.  
She thinks a long-term solution, possibly lies in an ongoing education  
program on this topic in all school grades and continuing for adults in our  
community. She is not speaking here about one of those education  
programs funded by powerful people where the program serves as a front  
to censor people's right to speak, act and think for themselves. These of  
course have been popping up all over since 2020. She speaks as an  
integral education program starting with the premise that most people  
actually want to be considered a vital part of the community. show and  
teach people everything they should be doing and why. The right images  
and words are powerful. Instead of billboards saying don't trash Allentown.  
Depict people from all walks of life properly disposing of trash and say  
thanks for a beautiful Allentown. Advertising spaces, billboards, and entire  
sides of buses are bought by those with the most money, but certainly  
Allentown has some funds set aside for these spaces. Instead of seeing  
so many spaces pushing a pharmaceutical product for children that is now  
being called to be taken off the market due to its harm. Some of this space  
could be used to send a message that is unquestionably good. The trash  
problem only get worse. Cleanup programs are noble, but the source of the  
problem remains. She stated that she hears people say people know  
better than to dump their trash. Clearly, people do not know better.  
Perhaps an education and an initiative could be a positive beginning.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked that Ms. Cheer please leave her email address  
with Mr. Hanlon and stated that he will put her in touch with the Allentown  
Contract Approvals: The general idea for approving contracts is acknowledging that  
proper procurement procedures were followed pursuant to the city code.  
Authorization for Contract with Landmarks SGA, LLC in the estimated sum  
of $65,000.00 per contract year to conduct architectural surveys of  
properties within the existing historic districts and update existing property  
inventories. The firm will also review the efficacy of the City’s historic  
district ordinance and examine existing City policies, including the zoning  
code and building codes, to make recommendations for continued  
improvements to the historic preservation program. The scope of work will  
also include assisting City staff with the enforcement of the historic district  
ordinance and assisting City staff with public outreach and methods of  
increasing public awareness of the historic districts. The firm will identify  
opportunities to increase the historic preservation incentives and  
investment within the City, work with staff to develop grant proposals to  
support the City’s historic preservation efforts and provide general  
assistance in implementing the City’s Historic Preservation Plan.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the dais.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated to Mr. Hanlon that he might remember this. Either last  
year or the year before that Council passed something for $50,000 where  
they hired someone to do exactly just this.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that he hates to tell him this, Council passed  
something at the last Council meeting and there was a minor mistake on it.  
He stated that this corrects the mistake.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he is referring to the Council passed something  
either last year or the year before and forgot the name of the company.  
They would survey and determine which houses need improvement within  
the historic district. He stated that they definitely did something like that.  
He thinks it was like $50,000. His question is why are they doing this  
again. What was the result of the first thing they passed.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated let's get some clarification from the administration.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked which agenda was it on.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that it was on the last agenda and there was a  
mistake on the bid tabulations and they thought it was such a mistake, it  
could not squeeze by as a squiggle's error so they were doing a redo. It  
was just at the last meeting.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that she is here almost two years and does not  
recall, but Mr. Zucal may be correct. She does not recall something exactly  
like this. She stated that they have always had a HARB Consultant on  
contract with them that have offered recommendations. This is the first  
time that she is aware of. She stated that she could be wrong. They are  
doing the property by property assessments, but they are also looking at all  
the regulations and all the ordinances that they have for realignment. She  
can look back, but unfortunately, they lost their HARB Planner. She can try  
to look back to previous Council meetings or through one of the existing  
staff that is still here to see if she can find that.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated to Ms. Kistler you may be right. It might have been for  
a consultant.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that she believes it probably was.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that this may be a little different. He stated that he  
knows that they spent some money on somebody to determine  
improvements or what should or shouldn't be in the historic district. He  
stated to Ms. Kistler what she is saying is probably true.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that he thinks Mr. Zucal is right. There was a  
consultant hired. He remembers their being from New York City.  
Attorney Charles Smith offered some clarification. He stated that he has  
the agenda from a meeting in March 6th and it looks like this is essentially  
a redo on what was then Resolution #32 which passed 7 - 0, but the  
estimated sum has increased from $65,000 from $49,781 so perhaps that  
is why it has come back.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated correct.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked what is the increase for. What is the difference for?  
You said it was 49 something and now it is 65. What is the mistake?  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated it was just a mistake.  
Mr. Sarrah McNeil stated that the cost proposal was read incorrectly when  
revealing it and when the contract and they wrote the Resolution they  
incorrectly wrote the dollar amount.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated fair enough. Thank you, Sarrah.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any other comments from the dais.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked would this include within this what items they  
may be looking at. His understanding is and he knows that he has spoken  
to him about it is one of the things that is not included in it is color. He has  
been receiving complaints about some of the homes and the painting that  
has been done where they totally painted their homes which stands out like  
a sore thumb in the neighborhoods.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that is something that they can send to committee  
to discuss on a committee level. They are just addressing the procurement  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he was wondering was this going to be part  
of this.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that she does not know. They can look into the  
actually terms within the contracts and get back to them on that.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that will be fine.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that they can discuss it at committee. He just  
thinks now it is tough to get those answers. It is worth a conversation.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he is fine with that.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there was anything else from the dais or  
comments from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 30807  
Authorization for Contract with Michael Baker International, Inc. in the  
amount of $233,336.00 to provide consulting and engineering design  
services related to the D&L Trail: Allentown East Segment Design. This  
was competitively bid, six (6) bids were received, however, one (1) bid was  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the dais or any  
comments from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 30808  
Authorization for Contract with Construction Masters Services, LLC in the  
amount of $1,988,377.50 to construct/reconstruct ADA Ramps in  
accordance with the Americans with Disability Act and remove and  
dispose of sidewalk and/or concrete curb, located within the City limits,  
along with incidental work as may be authorized and required by the  
Contract Administrator. This was competitively bid, five (5) bids where  
received, however, one (1) bid was rejected.  
Attachments: R41- CMS  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Hanlon and asked if there were any  
comments from the dais.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked Mr. Shahda how many ramps are we talking about.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated 386 ramps.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Hanlon and asked if there were any  
comments from the dais.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked Mr. Shahda how many ramps are we talking about.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated 386 ramps.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that is a lot. Thank you.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked who pays at the end of this. If a property owner  
is ordered that he has to replace sidewalks as a result of UGI working  
there. He asked who actually pays the final bill for this?  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that if it is work being done under their Street City  
Pavement Program, it will be the homeowners responsibility. For all  
pavement costs that are done under the Utility Cost Share Agreement,  
there is no curb and sidewalk requirement. This is money that is coming in  
from both UGI and LCA to fund strictly the handicapped ramps. There will  
be no enforcement of curb and sidewalk replacements under the Utility  
Pavement part.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated only for the City of Allentown Streets Pavement  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Shahda.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there was any comments from the dais or any  
comments from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 30809  
Minutes of Previous Meeting  
March 6, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes  
A motion was made by Santo Napoli that this Minutes be approved. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
An Executive Session was held on March 6, 2024 for the purpose of considering the  
purchase of real estate and matters related to the initiation and conduct of an  
Council’s office received a petition requesting an intermunicipal liquor license  
transfer for City Center Hospitality Ten, LLC located at 950 Hamilton Street. The  
Public Hearing on the transfer will take place on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at 6:15  
Chasers: If you parked in the city lot next to City Hall, please see the City Clerk for a  
Old Business: NONE  
Budget and Finance: Chair Napoli, Hendricks, Gerlach  
The Committee has not met since the last Council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for March 27th at 6 PM.  
Community and Economic Development: Chair Hendricks, Mota, Napoli  
The committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for April 10th, time to be determined.  
Human Resources, Administration and Appointments: Chair Affa, Napoli, Santos  
The Committee has not met since the last council meeting; there are no future  
meetings scheduled at this time.  
Parks and Recreation: Chair Santos, Affa, Gerlach  
The Committee met on March 13th and forward items on this evening's agenda; the  
next meeting is scheduled for April 3rd at 5:45 PM to review legislation being  
introduced this evening.  
Public Safety: Chair Zucal, Hendricks, Mota  
The committee met this evening; the next meeting is scheduled for April 3rd at 6 PM  
to review legislation being introduced this evening.  
Public Works: Chair Gerlach, Affa, Zucal  
The Committee met this evening, the next meeting is scheduled for April 3rd at 6:15  
PM to consider Bill 13, the vacation of Type Street.  
Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations, and Strategy: Chair Mota, Napoli,  
The committee has not met since the last Council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for March 27th at 5:30 PM.  
Controller's Report (3 minutes)  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that there are three Reports and are on your agenda this  
evening. Two are bank reconciliations and the three one is a petty cash account for  
the Fire Department. He suggested that Council read them at their own  
convenience. He would note that the petty cash account for the Fire Department  
showed that everything was A OK.  
Mayor's Report (3 minutes)  
Ms. Genesis Ortega stated that there in no Mayor's Report, but if she can take a brief  
moment to address Mr. Spang's comments during Courtesy of the Floor. She stated  
that she wants the record to reflect that the Allentown Police Department and the  
city's IT Department are working on a Crime Dashboard. That would address the  
concerns that he brought up during his remarks during courtesy of the floor. It is a  
public facing dashboard for neighborhood level crime statistics in the city. They are  
currently working on that now. They have been working on that for a few months  
now. They are hoping to release that shortly.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he appreciates that update. Thank you.  
Controller Reports  
Attachments: Fire Petty Cash  
Bill 7  
Amending Article III, Retail Pet Shops, by prohibiting the sale of guinea  
pigs by pet shops.  
Gerlach and Mr. Zucal  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Mr. Zucal, this is your committee. He asked if  
there are any Report or comments.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that it was presented, there were some speakers and  
sent favorably to Council.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Zucal and asked if there were any comments  
from the dais.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that during that conversation, the idea of adding  
a Betta Fish came up. Some folks had expressed maybe they should do  
that, but there are more of them here now. She stated that she will make  
the amendment to add Betta Fish to this Ordinance.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that they will have discussion on that Motion.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated just that amendment right now, correct.  
Attorney Charles Smith just what's in front of you.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the dais  
regarding the amendment proposed by Ms. Gerlach.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she will just explain. She stated that she  
does not proclaim to be an expert on animal abuse, but they had some  
experts here so she is going to trust their opinion. They trust expert  
opinions all the time on things that they are not experts on. She stated that  
so what they testified which she is sure they need to come back up, they  
would share and it just seems like a good move.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any other comments from the dais  
and asked if there were any public comment.  
Ms. Liz Cabrera Holtz, Senior Campaigns Manager - World Animal  
Protection and also an attorney who specializes in retail pet sales in the pet  
industry. Many people are familiar with puppy mills and these dogs are  
coming from these cruel mills. What people don't realize virtually all  
animals sold in pet stores comes from mills. Also, that includes Betta  
fishes. These fishes have no legal protections. There are no laws or rules.  
The minimum conditions are for how these animals are bred, how they are  
shipped to pet stores, and even how our states and counties regulate  
stating that your dog has to be and you can't leave your dog out in the cold  
all night when it snows. With betta fishes they don't have these types of  
rules. That leaves them vulnerable to sever neglect and abuse. Pet stores  
are also giving bad information to customers about betta fishes. As she  
said to the committee that these fishes are sold in these tiny Tupperware  
containers. To be clear, the pet stores are not saying you can go home  
and keep a fish in a Tupperware container, but they are giving them bad  
information and say they could keep them in a one gallon tank. In reality,  
they need a 10 gallon tank. At minimum five gallons. They need filtration.  
They need heating. They need live plants. They need caves and rocks to  
swim around in. They are essentially treated and what she heard people  
call betta fishes are living ornaments. Like an ornament that you hang on a  
tree. They are not. They are living beings. They are fishes. They need  
everything she just mentioned. Because they have the pet store industry  
selling them in these small containers, people don't realize it. She has  
small children and they see an animal, they natural want them. Parents  
think that betta fishes are a good idea because they think they are really  
easy to care with and that is not similar to the guinea pig problem. Again,  
they are not. They are very difficult to care for. Because they are kept in  
poor conditions where they are bred. They are kept in poor conditions in  
pet stores and they are seeing these problems also happening at home.  
They urged Council to banning the retail sales.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any other comments from the public  
on the amendment.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked if they are gold fish.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that it is different from a gold fish.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that it is a fish that they consider a fighting fish.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated a fighting fish. She stated that she agrees with  
Mr. Zucal. She needs more information. Watching fish in fish tanks is very  
pretty thing and she doesn't know what betta fish is. If they go into fish  
tanks, are they eaten? She doesn't know enough about it.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated regarding the guinea pigs, any comments from the  
dais on the original Bill, Bill #7. He asked if there were any comments from  
the public.  
Ms. Cheryl Petrillo, Hellertown, PA, took a moment just to thank Ms.  
Gerlach and Mr. Zucal for sponsoring this and also going back almost a  
couple years ago being the first city in the Lehigh Valley to initiate the three  
tail pet sale ban. She commended them all on their humane leadership.  
She thanked Mr. Hanlon for his patience with her and all her emails. She  
stated that he has been very responsive and she appreciates it.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Ms. Petrillo and asked if there were anymore  
comments or questions from the public.  
A motion was made by Ce-Ce Gerlach, seconded by Natalie Santos, to add Betta  
Fish to Section § 163-33 Prohibition on sale of dogs, cats and rabbits or guinea  
pigs by pet shops under A.  
3 - Daryl Hendricks, Natalie Santos, and Ce-Ce Gerlach  
3 - Ed Zucal, Candida Affa, and Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15982  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15982  
Bill 8  
Amending the 2024 Trexler Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-Four Dollars and  
Seventy-One Cents ($8,634.71) from the 2023 Springwood Trust, Trexler  
operating budget of the Parks Department to the 2024 Springwood Trust,  
Trexler operating budget for the purpose of purchasing benches and the  
installation of concrete pads at Trexler Memorial Park.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Hanlon and stated Ms. Santos, this is your  
committee. He asked if there are any comments or reports.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated no comments. It was forwarded favorably.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any other comments from the dais or  
from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15983  
Bill 9  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of One Million, Three Hundred Thousand ($1,300,000.00)  
Dollars from the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) grant for the  
purpose of rehabilitating the historic Bogert’s Bridge, located in the Lehigh  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was also in Ms. Santos' committee. He  
asked Ms. Santos does she have anything to report.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that the committee also forwarded this favorably  
to tonight's Council.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated great and asked if there were any comments from  
the dais or from the public.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Mr. Zucal that he chairs this committee and  
asked if he had any comments.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated no, except it was sent favorably. He stated that it was  
a good report by the Chief on why we need it.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Zucal and asked if there were any other  
comments or questions from the dais or from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15984  
Bill 10  
Amending the 2024 Fire Department budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) from The Hartford  
grant for the purchase of a fire extinguisher simulator.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15985  
Bill 11  
Amending the 2024 Fire Department budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($16,000.00) from Norfolk  
Southern Rail, Safety-First grant. This grant is to purchase hazardous  
materials related equipment for incidents that may occur as a result of a  
railway incident along the Norfolk Southern railway that runs through the  
City of Allentown.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that this is his department as well.  
Mr. Ed Zucal echoed his same comments as the previous Bill.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there any other comments or questions from the  
dais or any comments from the public.  
Ms. Valerie Chambers stated that it was just that spill. That train derailment  
in Lehigh County. She stated that she was wondering if this was a part of  
that or for the future that they are on the lookout for. It is a break switch that  
the government won't put in.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that is a separate jurisdiction there. This is what he  
would prefer to as preventive. It would allow the firefighters to train and be  
able to have safety equipment available to them in an event something like  
that happens.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any other comments from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15986  
Bill 12  
Amending the 2024 Grant Fund budget to accept Five Hundred Thousand  
Dollars ($500,000) from the FY 2023 Distressed Area Recompete Pilot  
Program Phase 1 strategy development grant.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was in your committee, Mr. Hendricks.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that it was and forwarded by the committee, 3 -  
0 for a favorable recommendation to the full Council.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any other comments from the dais or  
from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15987  
Bill 14  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for an appropriation in  
the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) from the  
Trexler Fund to the WPA Structures capital projects account. These funds  
will be used to repair the stage and columns at Union Terrace Park. This is  
part of the 2024-25 Trexler Capital Project allocation.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was in Ms. Santos committee.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that this bill was forwarded favorably to today's  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments or questions from the  
dais or from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15988  
Bill 15  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of Nine  
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($9,500.00) from WPA Capital Project into  
the Franklin Park Capital Project. These funds will be utilized for the  
creation of a concept plan for Franklin Park as part of a grant application.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked Ms. Santos if there were any comments from the  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that the committee forwarded it favorably to  
tonight's meeting.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments or questions from the  
dais or from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15989  
Bill 16  
Amending the 2024 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Twenty-Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifteen Dollars  
($23,915.00) from the 2023 United States Department of Justice Edward  
Byrne Memorial JAG Grant that will be passed through from the Lehigh  
County to the City of Allentown Police Department. These funds will be  
used to purchase traffic equipment.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Mr. Zucal this was in your committee.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated yes. It was sent favorably and just so everyone knows  
that the money is planning on to be spent on one of those digital boards  
that says accident ahead, police activity. It doesn't really say what it is for,  
but that's what they want to use it for.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated thanks for the clarification. Any other comments  
from the dais or questions or comments from the public?  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15990  
Bill 17  
Amending the 2024 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Three Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Dollars  
($385,000.00) from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and  
Delinquency (PCCD) Grant to the City of Allentown Police Department.  
These funds will be utilized for reimbursement of expenses for the purchase  
of integrated fingerprint technology, license plate readers and integrated  
gunshot technology.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was also in Mr. Zucal's committee. He  
asked if there were any comments.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that it was sent favorably.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any other comments or questions  
from the dais or comments from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15991  
Bill 18  
Amending the 2024 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of One Million One Hundred Eighty-Three Thousand  
Fifty-Four Dollars ($1,183,054.00) from the Pennsylvania Commission on  
Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) Grant to the City of Allentown Police  
Department. These funds will be utilized for reimbursement of expenses for  
the purchase of new city cameras, new in-car cameras for the entire police  
fleet and new body-worn cameras.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Mr. Zucal that this was in your comment. He  
asked if there were any comments.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that it was sent favorably.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments or questions from the  
dais or from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15992  
Bill 19  
Amending the 2024 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Twenty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($25,500.00)  
from the United States Department of Justice Edward Byrne Memorial JAG  
Grant to the City of Allentown Police Department for the purpose of funding  
overtime pay of patrol presence in an effort to suppress violent crimes and  
drug investigations in the Keystone Opportunity Zone in Allentown.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Mr. Zucal he is working overtime and asked if  
there were any comments from his committee.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Mr. Zucal he is working overtime and asked if  
there were any comments from his committee.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Mr. Zucal he is working overtime and asked if  
there were any comments from his committee.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Mr. Zucal he is working overtime and asked if  
there were any comments from his committee.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated yes, it was sent favorably.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Zucal and asked if there were any other  
comments or questions from the dais or from the public.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Mr. Zucal he is working overtime and asked if  
there were any comments from his committee.  
Enactment No: 15993  
Bill 20  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for an increase of  
Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000.00) to the Capital Project  
Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. These funds have been awarded as an  
MTF-DCED grant and will be reimbursed when the project is completed.  
The project includes the replacement of the existing rusted streetlights with  
24 new LED luminaires and street light poles.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was in Ms. Gerlach's committee.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it was forwarded favorably to tonight.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there are any other questions or comments from  
the dais or from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15994  
Bill 21  
Amending the 2024 General Fund budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) from the Khan  
Partnership for traffic signal improvements.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was also in Ms. Gerlach's committee this  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated yes, it was and was forwarded favorably to  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any questions or comments from the  
dais or from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15995  
Bill 22  
City Council authorizes the City to enter into an Intergovernmental  
Cooperation Agreement with the Redevelopment Authority of Allentown.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was in Mr. Hendricks committee and  
asked if there were any comments.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that this was forwarded favorably by all  
members of the committee.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any questions or comments from the  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that initially she was hesitant, but it does say if  
there are any issues as long as the committee gives the city 60 days or so  
they can pull out and not have this intertwined relationship with the city. She  
stated that she will be supporting it.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Ms. Gerlach and asked if there were any other  
questions or comments from the dais or from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 15996  
CONSENT AGENDA: There are no items.  
Establishes a Special Committee to provide a framework for  
Understanding, Implementing and Evaluating Co-responder Public Safety  
Gerlach, Santos, Mota, Napoli and Mr. Zucal  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this was in Mr. Zucal's committee and asked if  
there were any comments.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that it was sent favorably and as the chief reported, it  
will be a PILOT Program.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Zucal and asked if there were any other  
questions or comments from the dais or from the public.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that the whole idea here is to collaborate with everyone  
so that it ends up being an effective program.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any other questions or comments  
regarding the amendment on the floor. He asked if there were any  
comments or questions from the public regarding the amendment.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that they are back to the Resolution. He asked if  
there were any other comments or questions from the dais on the  
Resolution. He asked if there was anything from the public.  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks, seconded by Ed Zucal, to have the  
District Attorney's Office involved in providing testimony in all phases of this study  
adding another Whereas.  
WHEREAS, the Committee will take testimony from organizations inclusive of the  
Lehigh County District Attorney’s Office.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 30810  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 30810  
R 38  
Denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness – 425 N. 10th Street  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this is Mr. Hendricks committee. He asked if  
there were any comments.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that this was approved favorably by the entire  
committee. His understanding was there was no contact made or no  
response from the owner of this property.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Hendricks for the background and asked if  
there were any questions or comments from the dais or any comments  
from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 30811  
R 42  
Approves the submission of an application for a grant from the  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural  
Resources for the design of Franklin Park. The City is asking for  
$200,000.00 in grant funding with a match required – in-kind or cash.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there was any background from the  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated that this is a grant application for a DCNR Grant.  
It is the C2P2 grant and what they are trying to do is a design for Franklin  
Park. This is just the first Phase in that process. They will attend different  
community meetings, getting input and then starting the design. If they get  
the grant, that is.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated fingers crossed. He thanked Ms. Tolino for the  
background. He asked if there were any comments or questions from the  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he knows that they always get into this and it ends  
up being more money and more money as they go along. He asked Ms.  
Tolino if she had any rough idea. Obviously, if she thought about this, she  
would have thought about a plan and what she wants to do with the park.  
He asked her if she had any idea about what it might cost.  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated that she can't really say because they have  
committed to the community that they are not going to make any decisions  
about their input. It really varies depending on what the community wants to  
see there. They want to see more water features or a pavilion and that can  
make the price more expensive. This grant is to find that answer out. So it  
will be taken through the process and asking people what they want to see  
and then giving the city a really solid number for what it will cost to do the  
renovations. For most parks to redo them is a few million dollars. The city  
can apply for another grant to help support that project once they get  
through the design phase.  
Mr. Ed Zucal thanked Ms. Tolino and Mr. Napoli.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he is just curious, what is the timeframe for the  
community portion of it. Is it 60 days or 90 days to get that feedback?  
Ms. Mandy Tolino stated that it is a really lengthy timeline to be honest.  
Right now, it is submitting the grant to see if they get it. They won't know  
until November and they will not be able to start work on any of it until next  
year. Right now, they are soliciting feedback for a Concept Plan which they  
will use to submit the grant. They have done that and she is attending the  
meeting this week as well to get a little feedback to make sure that it is  
included in the application, but none of the design won't happen until next  
year, if they get the grant.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any other questions or comments  
from the dais or any from the public.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 30812  
Request to suspend the rules to introduce and vote on resolution 43.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that the Rules are Suspended and the  
Resolution is before Council.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this is actually in Ms. Gerlach's committee. He  
asked if there are any comments regarding this issue.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that the only comments that she will have is in  
conversation with Mr. Shahda. Once the garage was brought in-house, it  
went from a couple hundred to thousands of invoices. She stated that they  
definitely need this to function.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Ms. Gerlach for the background. He asked if  
there were any more comments or questions from the dais.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she agreed with Ms. Gerlach. When they  
brought it in-house, they knew it would save and they also knew that they  
would have more employees and more work. She stated that it is certainly  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that it sounds based on the workload that it is  
needed. He commended the team in the Public Works Department for all  
of the work they are putting in and bringing this garage in-house and  
increasing efficiencies for the city. There are some growing pains, but  
they will get through the growing pains. This is one of them. He asked if  
there are any more questions and asked Mr. Glazier if he had any  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier thanked Mr. Napoli and stated just briefly he thinks that  
they were all shocked with the increase in the workload. His office feels it  
as well. he really thinks that Public Works need to do an accommodation  
and decided that they can do this with a part-time employee and use that  
money as smartly as possible. He stated kudos to them.  
Mr. Santo Napoli agreed with Mr. Glazier. He asked if there were any other  
comments or questions from the dais. He asked if there were any other  
questions or comments from the public.  
A motion was made by Santo Napoli, seconded by Ed Zucal, to Suspend The  
Rules to introduce and vote on Resolution 43.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Request to suspend the rules to introduce and vote on resolution 43.  
A motion was made by Santo Napoli that this be approved. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
R 43  
Approves a transfer of $32,000 in Garage for a part-time Clerk 3 to assist  
with entering invoices and ordering vehicle parts; due to high number of  
invoices entry in the Garage.  
6 -  
Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida Affa, and  
Santo Napoli  
1 - Cynthia Mota  
Enactment No: 30813  
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (To be referred to Committee with public  
comment prior to referral)  
Bill 24  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) from the National  
Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. (NSPCB). These  
funds are a contribution to go towards the construction of Bogert’s Bridge  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Bill 25  
Amending the 2024 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) from the National  
Society for the Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society of Pennsylvania,  
Inc. (TBCBSP). These funds are a contribution to go towards the  
construction of Bogert’s Bridge rehabilitation.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Bill 26 Refer to Community and Economic Development Committee  
Amending §455-139B(6) of the Property Rehabilitation and Maintenance  
Code, Article XVIII, Licensing Residential Rental Units, Owner and  
Occupant duties, to remove the requirement that multiple disruptive conduct  
reports filed within a twenty-four (24) time period count as a single  
disruptive conduct report.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if the police can be called to an address eight times in  
one day and it only points as one. That defeats the whole entire purpose of  
having the ordinance.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she agrees with Mr. Zucal. At 7:00 in the  
evening they can be called and the folks there decides that they are going  
to keep partying. Now, it is 11:00 and now half the neighborhood has been  
disturbed and the police has to come again. It is using our police officers  
two to three times.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that they will definitely flush that out in the  
committee. This will go to Mr. Hendricks committee and they can continue  
that conversation and have public comments as well.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that if they look at the language, it says it is  
to remove the requirement that multiple disruptive conduct reports count as  
a single disruptive conduct report. He stated that he would just take a real  
hard look at the language. It may be actually tightening it up.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that they will study that more closely.  
Bill 27  
Amending the 2024 Fire Department budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Seven Hundred Seventy-Nine Thousand Two Hundred and  
Twenty-Eight Dollars ($779,228.00) from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,  
Department of Community and Economic Development Local Share  
Account grant for the purchase of a new fire truck.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
Bill 28  
Amending various sections of the city code by removing penalties  
providing for imprisonment as a means of enforcement.  
Gerlach and Mr. Zucal  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from the public.  
RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION (Can be voted on or Referred to Committee):  
Reference Materials:  
Council Rules  
Procurement Code  
Ethics Code  
Attachments: Procurement Code  
Proclamation for Order of DeMolay  
Mr. Ed White thanked Mr. Napoli and members of Council and the  
administration. It is his pleasure to be here. He is a senior DeMolay from  
Allentown Chapter which meets in the Masonic Temple at 1524 Linden  
Street in Allentown. The Chapter is sponsored by Allen Commandery  
which is the Christian Masons that meet in that building and they meet in  
the room. With him this evening he has two of the young men. A member  
who is about to turn 17 who has been in DeMolay for four years and his  
younger brother who has been in DeMolay for a few months. He introduced  
Tony Martinez and his brother Aaron Martinez and with them this evening is  
another member of the Advisory Council mom Ingrid Green will be taking  
pictures. He stated that Aaron and Tony are representatives of Allentown  
Chapter of DeMolay.  
Mr. Santo Napoli welcomed Aaron and Tony.  
Mr. Ed White asked Tony Martinez to tell the members of Council and the  
public how you became a member of DeMolay.  
Tony Martinez stated the way he became a member is his father is a Free  
Mason for the Bethlehem Lodge and they had a talk about it. His father told  
him about the fun activities that they will do and stated that he had nothing  
else to do at that point. He joined just to have a great time.  
Mr. Ed White asked why are you still involved and what have your learned.  
What are a couple of things you have learned. He asked Tony where are  
we going on Saturday.  
Tony Martinez stated that it is fun. He stated he learned respect and  
speaking. They are going to Reading.  
Mr. Ed White stated that DeMolay has two degrees. The initial degree is  
where they teach the seven cardinal virtues of the organization: filling of  
love which is the love of parents, reverence for sacred things, courtesy and  
comradeship, fidelity, cleanliness and patriotism. They do that in one  
degree in which it is called the initiatory degree and then teach another  
important lesson which is fidelity which is our fifth precept through a  
DeMolay Degree which is basically a play which recounts the trial and  
execution of Jacques de Molay who was the last Grand Master of Knights  
Templar in France during the time of the crusades. He is a heroic knightly  
figure and their name comes from Jacques de Molay. DeMolay is the  
Americanized version of de Molay which means Jacques of de Molay  
which is a place in France. They have been here since 1926. DeMolay  
was founded in Kansas City, Missouri in 1919, came to Pennsylvania in  
1923. Last year, Council was able to help them celebrate the 100th  
Anniversary DeMolay in Pennsylvania. In two years, Council will help them  
celebrate their 100th Anniversary in Allentown. He stated that it is really his  
pleasure to be able to help, mentor and teach these young men the values  
of the organization and help them grow. He stated that he joined when he  
was 14 so next year when he comes back he will have been in DeMolay for  
50 years. He asked Tony and Aaron to pass out to Council flyers about  
them which has contact information. He invited members of the public if  
they have young men between the ages of nine and 21 to come up and  
speak to a Councilmember afterwards and ask for a copy of this. The  
phone numbers of two of the advisors are on this and they can reach out to  
them and they will tell them about it and invite them to a fun activity. No  
pressure. If you are interested and knowns someone that is interested then  
they can come and join them and have fun and learn what these young men  
have learned. He thanked Council for the opportunity and recognition. He  
asked for a photo opportunity.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that before the Invocation, he wants to take a  
moment to speak about Glenn Hunsicker who is a longtime Allentown  
resident and stakeholder. Who has been very involved in our community  
over the years, comes to many of the meetings, and has been involved,  
especially his family at Bicentennial Park. Mr. Glenn Hunsicker is  
experiencing health issues out of the area, but the hope is that he is  
listening this evening. He stated he just wants Mr. Hunsicker to know that  
his friends and colleagues from Allentown are thinking about him and  
hoping for a speedy recovery.