435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
Environmental Advisory Council  
Monday, February 12, 2024  
5:15 PM  
Allentown Public Library basement conference room, 1210  
Hamilton Street (free parking in rear of building)  
or Via Zoom:  
Attendees: Tim O’Brien, Kyle Ropski, Felice Cragin, Lacey Pasco, Jess Rosen, Maria Ocasio, Jennifer  
Swann, Jeremy Taylor, Santo Napoli  
Old Business  
1. Approval of January’s Minutes  
2. Approval of 2024 EAC goals  
3. Status updates on goals from leads and interns  
4. Filling Vacancy (Tim O’Brien)  
1. Approval of January’s Minutes  
2. Approval of 2024 EAC goals  
Document sent prior to meeting was approved.  
3. Status updates on goals from leads and interns  
a) Kyle’s communication presentation suffered a severe disruption when the  
newly made Allentown EAC account was suspended by Google and all files  
were deleted :(. He is going to appeal which will take a few days.  
b) Jennifer is working with our interns on additional cleanup in coordination with  
groups at Muhlenberg College such as Greek life.  
c) Intern Jess Rosen indicated that their team is starting to collect data from  
Lehigh County and the municipal GHG inventory.  
d) Maria will be hosting a free webinar based around sustainability coordinator  
on Feb 28th, 2024. What we can look forward to and expect from the  
position. Meet and Greet with other cities coordinators.  
e) Intern Felice noted that the original plan to coordinate/organize/work with the  
Library on Muhlenberg’s Campus may be done by other groups. If this is the  
case, Felice will have more availability for initiatives to meet the requirement  
of the program.  
f) Resident Jeremy Taylor indicated his support for initiatives regarding Kline's  
Island / US Water Alliance side goal.  
g) Tinku Updates (Out of order)  
i) Jeb Bortz from Public Works and I attended the kick-off meeting  
with Wilson Engineering who has been assigned as the shared energy  
manager.The City submitted the preliminary form with my input. On  
Friday Jeb, David Petrik and I spoke further with the Wilson team  
about the scope of work for the City. Focus will be on developing the  
strategy for submission to DOE for the EECBG grant application to  
get the $170,000 allocated to Allentown. Will also lool at the solar  
panels on the Public Works building and the existing cogen facilities at  
Kline’s Island for any improvements and RECs.  
ii) Muhlenberg interns Jessica Rosen and Reanna Schober are doing the  
city-wide inventory and inventory for Allentown operations  
respectively. Inventory is based on 2022 data. We have been given  
access to ICLEI’s ClearPath tool for the inventory. Interns have  
received training on the tool The City has agreed to issue the requests  
to PPL and UGI for city-wide gas and electric data. The City has also  
provided data on its own gas and electric use and will provide data on  
fleet vehicle fuel use. Ann Saurman has already sent data for curbside  
collection of solid waste/recyling and its composting operations. In  
addition, Jessica sent a request to the County commercial and  
industrial data that the City does not collect.  
iii) CDP Disclosure is launched in April.  
4. Filling Vacancy (Tim O’Brien)  
Tim is officially on the team and will be cc’d on further internal communications.  
AEAC Minutes - January 22, 2024  
Allentown EAC 2024 Goals  
New Business  
1. Renewing membership  
2. Filling any upcoming Vacancy  
3. Coordinating Arbor Day. Genesis reached out.  
4. EAC’s Summer intern application  
5. Nominating Kyle for co-chair!  
1. Renewing membership  
2. Filling any upcoming Vacancy  
The EAC is looking for motivated members to fill its additional positions. Maria  
requests that current members whose terms have expired let her know by Friday if  
they wish to renew their membership or not.  
3. Coordinating Arbor Day.  
Genesis (communications director) from the City Allentown reached out regarding  
the City’s Arbor Day proceedings. Felice will help with coordination of this event.  
The event is the 26th of April. Maria is jazzed about it. We need to be in  
communication with Genesis on our interest in both earth and arbor day.  
4. EAC’s Summer intern application  
Tinku responded to Muhlenberg’s application portal for a summer intern position  
for the EAC. We hope they will continue with the work our current interns are doing  
as well as additional tasks. Kyle met with Beth Halpern over at Muhlenberg OCE and  
confirmed that the submission was made.  
5. Nominating Kyle for co-chair!  
Nominated, passed.