435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Wednesday, January 17, 2024  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Proclamation for James B. "Jim" Martin, Former Lehigh County District  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated good evening all and started the meeting having  
a distinguished member of the law enforcement community with them  
tonight that they will be presenting a proclamation in his honor. It is from  
Mayor Matt Tuerk and the Council of the city of Allentown. He read the  
Proclamation to James B "Jim" Martin. He also recognized another  
distinguished member of the law enforcement community with them tonight,  
that would be the county Sheriff Joseph Hanna, former Allentown Police  
Officer. He thanked them for their service and their accomplishments. It is  
much appreciated. He asked if anybody else had any comments that they  
would like to make.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he would say this that he always admired Jim. His  
integrity and his class are above the top that you can possibly get. There  
was a time that he was not against prosecuting some of our own which is a  
hard thing to do when they consider themselves as family. He stated that  
he has a little bit of a different story and Jim probably going to remember  
this. As a result of Jim, he actually has an "Oscar" at home. Back in 2007,  
Jim was running for his term in 2008 and himself and Christie Correa (sp)  
were chosen to do a commercial down at Canal Park and it was for his  
2008 Campaign and when it was all said and done, he got the top male  
actor in a starring role. He stated thanks Jim.  
Former District Attorney Jim Martin stated all it showed was your back.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that Jim Martin is someone that she truly respects.  
He is everything that a DA should be. She stated that when she thinks of a  
District Attorney she thinks of Jim Martin: tough, fair, knows the law, and  
has been such an asset to our community. He is also a decent golfer and  
she is hoping in his retirement that they can hook up on links. She stated  
congratulations and good luck in your retirement, Jim. You are going to be  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mr. Martin for his service to Lehigh County and  
wished him well in his retirement. She stated please, when you go golfing  
in the Dominican Republic, let them know. They would like to come along.  
Former District Attorney Jim Martin stated February 15.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated very tempting. Thank you.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated lastly he wants to thank him for his service. He  
stated that they did not run into each other much and he guesses that is a  
good thing. He thanked him for his service of 25 years. It is much  
Former District Attorney Jim Martin stated three weeks short of 26.  
Ms. Candida Affa asked Former District Attorney Jim Martin if he would  
like to say anything.  
Former District Attorney Jim Martin stated no. Thanks. Thank you all.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks said to Former District Attorney Jim Martin to enjoy  
your retirement. It is much deserved. Thank you for your lengthy term of  
service to the citizens of the Lehigh County.  
Pledge to the Flag  
Roll Call: Cynthia Mota, Santo Napoli, Candida Affa, Ce Ce Gerlach, Daryl Hendricks,  
Natalie Santos, Ed Zucal  
Courtesy of the Floor  
Courtesy and Privilege of the Floor Rules  
Ms. Sharon Finnegan, Shantz Road, stated when President Biden visited  
the other day, there were two peaceful protests calling for a Cease Fire in  
Gaza and there were two very different responses. In Emmaus, the group  
protested and there was no issue and no incidents. In Allentown, Police  
equipped with riot gear cordon them off on Lehigh Street for hours. The  
group was My Lehigh Valley (MYLV). A youth led group that encourages  
prayer, advocacy and pushing politicians for change. These are our  
community members, our neighbors, our family, our friends, and people we  
work with. She is just giving voice to their concerns. She hopes that they  
are all permitted to do. She stated that her question is and she knows that  
it will not be answered tonight is what is the written policy on the police  
response on peaceful protest. What is that written protocol that officers are  
instructed to follow. Although there is nothing that can be done about the  
$11 million in ARPA funds that were designated to build Allentown's and  
she does not know what it would be called the Cop City equivalent for  
tactical training and mock situations and practice, but her fear is that this  
type of response would become the norm. The more militarize that it would  
become. It is the old saying is that if that is all you have in your toolbox is a  
hammer, everything looks like a nail. Again, it is too late to change any  
funding, but it is a shame that they don't allocate more money to alleviate  
poverty. When every child in the Allentown School District qualifies for a  
free lunch. Someone mentioned that at a December 6th meeting. They  
know that child homelessness and childhood poverty rates are a disgrace.  
She stated again, she hopes that this kind of Swat Team Response is not  
the protocol going forward.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Ms. Finnegan for her comments. She stated  
since you have questions, do you mind if you put your phone number and  
email on there.  
Ms. Finnegan stated that she did put them on there.  
Contract Approvals  
Council approves a resolution acknowledging that proper procurement procedures  
were followed pursuant to the city code. The clerk reads the resolution, Sarah McNeil,  
the Purchasing Agent, is available to explain the process. After an explanation,  
comments are taken from the dais and the floor before Council votes.  
Authorization for a change order in the amount of $52,484.86 with Canon  
Solutions America, Inc. to supply printers and multifunction machines along  
with support and maintenance of the equipment. The original contract was  
for $ 89,740, the addition would bring the contract to a new total of  
Ms. Cynthia Moa thanked Mr. Hanlon and asked who do we have on  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that Canon is a previously awarded contract that  
is requesting additional funds in the amount of $52,484.86. This is due to  
the original amount not factoring in the fixed maintenance charges for the  
term of the contract and due to monthly overages that have incurred due to  
monthly mailers and other numerous city documents being printed in color.  
Due to the cost of the Change Order being over 10 percent over the  
contract, the amount is being presented for Council.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Ms. McNeil and asked if there were any  
comments from the dais or comments from the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30773  
Authorization for Contract with Michael Baker International, Inc. in the  
amount of $312,000 to assist with developing a Safe Streets and Roads  
for All Action Plan to prioritize safety enhancements and justify essential  
investments, bid through the RFP process, three bidders, 3 year contract  
with one year optional extension.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that this was done as RFP 2023 - 42 and was  
advertised on October 20, 2023. On November 17, 2023, a public opening  
was held and the city received five proposals. Two proposals were  
rejected. The Evaluation Committee held both technical and cost  
evaluations. The proposals were evaluated on the ability to meet the RFP  
requirements and after all evaluations were conducted, the committee  
decided to hold oral interviews. The committee made the recommendation  
to award based on the firms qualifications and overall score. The  
committee is recommending an award to Michael Baker International Inc.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked exactly what are they going to do for almost $1 million.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that this contract with Michael Baker, the city is  
bringing them onboard and they will develop a Safety Action Plan for the  
city. This contract here is fully funded through SS4A Grant that the city  
received. A series of nine community engagement meetings and surveys  
will be conducted to gather information from residents, public safety  
entities, City Council members, and other stakeholders throughout the city.  
The information that is received will then be utilized, developed and  
incorporated into the Safety Action Plan which will be further developed into  
our Vision Zero Plan.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that his question is what exact does that entail. What's  
the Vision Plan or the actual action that's going to take place.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that is when they will meet with the stakeholders  
and citizens to see what they would like from the city to make the city a  
safer place for bicyclist, pedestrians. They are going to give  
recommendations on enhanced crosswalks, different safety techniques that  
would get implemented in the city to make it safer for everyone.  
Mr. Ed Zucal thanked Ms. Mota.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mr. Zucal.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated just to be clear of the wording is it $312,000 for  
three years or $312,000 annually.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated $312,000 for up to three years. They are thinking  
that the consultant will have his study completed within 12 months.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that his question is after the three years, it will be  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that is correct.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he wants to make sure it is not annual, per  
year. For the one year extension, did they offer an amount or is that up to  
negotiations in three years.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that is up to the negotiations.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mr. Napoli.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked why were the two bids rejected.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that one was rejected because they included  
costs from their Technical Proposal and another was rejected because  
they changes and amended parts of the city's solicitation that they posted.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that this name is familiar and she has seen this  
name come up for a contract before, but this time what he is going to be  
doing is implementing this Vision Zero Policy that Council hasn't voted on  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that is correct. The Vision Zero will work in  
conjunction with the Action Safety Plan that Michael Baker is developing.  
They work hand and hand with one another.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked will they end up once they discuss this Vision  
Zero Policy having to hire another consultant or outside entity to help  
implement that Vision Zero Policy.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated no.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that Michael Baker will be the guy. It won't just  
be vehicles, it will be bikes and what not.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that he will be the guy developing that Safety Plan  
and once that Safety Plan is finalized, then they will be going out looking for  
a grant opportunities for implementation. He stated bikes, pedestrians,  
roundabouts, a different traffic techniques and 10 different conceptual  
designs that they will be able to choose from as far as implementation. It is  
really going to be based off of citizen input. Anything they gather from  
these public meetings, will be considered for implementation.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked about the public meetings that are going to be  
held. Are they going to be random meetings? Will they be with the Crime  
Watch Groups or how would they be?  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that has not been determined yet, but they will be  
in different parts throughout the city.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that it will encompass the entire city.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated yes.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated hopefully a lot of community meetings, right. She  
stated that hopefully at a good time, like 5:00 or 6:00 and even weekends.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated there will be up to nine community meetings. He  
stated absolutely. They can arrange that.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked is this Michael Baker International based out of  
Pittsburgh with 100 offices nationwide.  
Mr. Mark Shahda asked Ms. McNeil if she had that information by chance.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated let me pull up the proposal real fast.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he believes they are an Allentown business.  
They have an office in Center City Allentown.  
Ms. Sarrah McNeil stated that the address they have listed in their proposal  
says 100 Airside Drive, Moon Township, PA is the address they provided  
the city with.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if anybody else had information about this.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that they do have a local office at 6th and Hamilton  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated at least we don't have to pay for transportation  
and food and all the other stuff.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that is correct.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any other comments or comments  
from the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30774  
Minutes of Previous Meeting  
November 15, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
December 20, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
January 2, 2024 City Council Meeting Organizational Meeting Minutes  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he will make a quick comment. Visitors to City  
Council are encouraged to use the government deck next door. Mr. Hanlon  
the Clerk has Chaser tickets that will pay for your parking when you attend  
City Council meetings.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mr. Napoli.  
Old Business: NONE  
Budget and Finance: Chair Napoli, Hendricks, Gerlach  
The Committee met on January 10 and reviewed the finance reports; the next meeting  
is scheduled for January 31st at 5:30 PM.  
Community and Economic Development: Chair Hendricks, Mota, Napoli  
The committee has not met since the last council meeting; the next meeting is  
scheduled for January 31st at 6:30 PM.  
Human Resources, Administration and Appointments: Chair Affa, Napoli, Santos  
The Committee has not met since the last Council meeting; there are no future  
meetings scheduled at this time.  
Parks and Recreation: Chair Santos, Affa, Gerlach  
The Committee has not met since the last Council meeting; there are no future  
meetings scheduled at this time.  
Public Safety: Chair Zucal, Hendricks, Mota  
The committee met this evening; there are no future meetings scheduled at this time.  
Public Works: Chair Gerlach, Affa, Zucal  
The Committee has not met since the last Council meeting; there are no future  
meetings scheduled at this time. Hopefully, soon they will have a meeting talking about  
priorities for the year.  
Rules, Chambers, Intergovernmental Relations, and Strategy: Chair Mota, Napoli,  
The committee has not met since the last Council meeting; there are no future  
meetings scheduled at this time.  
Water and Sewer Compliance Meeting Report: 2023 Chair Zucal stated that he is  
ending his last term and there were notes or questions from the last meeting. The  
notes are available to be viewed and from here on Ms. Gerlach will handle the Water  
and Sewer Compliance meetings.  
Controller's Report (3 minutes)  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that he has a Report this evening on the September P-Card  
Audit. This was released on January 9th. They reviewed 109 Statements. The number  
of documents in that Statement was 661 invoices. The total dollar amount was  
$284,000. He stated that this is for September. They did not get this Report until  
December 27 which is probably two months later than it should have been. What they  
decided to do is take a look at how invoices were entered into Eden by the  
departments and just to refresh everyone's memory, a P-Card purchase can be made  
at anytime and the vendor gets paid immediately. When the P-Card Statement is  
received, the total of the P-Card is immediately paid by the city. For book reporting  
services, the corresponding expenses are not encumbered until the invoices are  
entered into Eden for approval. This is important, especially at the end of the year  
because if that invoice is not entered and the money is not encumbered then when  
they make decisions in this room, they may not be doing it with the most accurate of  
numbers. He pointed out once again, they did not get September until December 27.  
The numbers aren't huge, but they could be. They still don't have October yet. they  
still don't have November yet. December, they won't be getting until sometime in  
January anyway. The encumbered expenses are not posted in the General Ledger  
until all entries for the P-Card Statement are entered into Eden process by AP and  
there is a difference between encumbering the money which happens when you enter  
the invoice and then when everything is entered and complete, it gets posted.  
Encumbrances are pretty good and that gives you a really good idea of what you got.  
Part of the problem is that an invoice is not even being entered in a timely matter.  
Some invoices. Per the Purchasing Handbook, all transactions should be reconciled  
against the monthly statements within three days of the statement received. All the  
original receipts should be attached to the monthly statement and the cardholder  
supervisor should sign the monthly statement. The signed monthly statement with the  
original receipt should be forwarded to the Treasury Department. For September  
2023, the P-Card billing statement came out on 10/2/23. The total of the P-Card  
Statement was as mentioned $284,000 and some change. Due to the delay in the  
P-Card entry into Eden, the P-Card Statement was posted into Eden on 12/26/23. What  
they decided to do was use a seven day measure for timeliness. Cut a little more slack.  
So that meant that they deemed invoices entered after 10/9/23 to be late. Of the 661  
invoices that made up the Statement, 61 of them were entered seven days late, after  
seven days. In 30 days, 37 of them of that 61 that were entered between 31 and 60  
days, 22 and over 60 days there were two still outstanding. And, that is why  
September could not be closed in a timely fashion. This information has been  
communicated numerous times to the administration. And, they have certainly seen  
Purchasing taking additional steps to encourage the departments to report and take  
care of these transactions in a more timely manner. He stated that if you want more  
details you already got this Report. He stated that he submitted it to the Clerk in the  
beginning of December. He would be happy to answer any questions in the future  
going forward. The only other issue was the sales tax was paid on two invoices. The  
department was advised and they got reimbursed for one and it looks like for the  
second one, a refund was not requested. He stated that is his Report for this evening.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked who is in charge of these P-Cards as far as getting them entered  
properly and on-time. He stated we are three months behind. That is insane. That is  
not how you do business as you know.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that he agrees with him. The individual department heads  
are responsible for making sure that things are done in a timely manner. Each of the  
cardholders also signs an agreement that they agree to abide by this. Maybe  
Purchasing needs a bigger stick, but he can tell them over the last six weeks, they  
stepped up their game to encourage people to get things done in a more timely  
manner. He can see Mr. Zucal is frustrated. He stated that the Controller's office is  
frustrated to because you get September at the end of the year. If changes need to be  
made, the window is closing very, very quickly. They understand when January comes  
and the December Statement comes at the end of January, there isn't a whole lot they  
can do if there are errors there, but they certainly don't understand that and really find  
thoroughly unacceptable that September, October, and November are going to be so  
late. Just to reiterate, Purchasing is certainly stepped up to the plate over the last  
four to six weeks and encouraging people to get things done in a more timely manner.  
He is hopeful that this won't be an issue going forward.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any other comments from the dais.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if it isn't, please let Council know at your earliest  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that Council will get the Audit Report.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she is looking at Mr. Glazier's Report and it seems like  
there are two heavy hitters. She is not going to say it. Maybe those are the areas to  
focus on.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that you are correct. While he would hesitate to make  
excuses, the one is dealing with an extraordinary amount of invoices. He stated that  
they used to get on the P-Card Statement 350 - 385 invoices a month. Now, they are  
up to 661. It takes a lot of manpower or woman power or person power to do that.  
That might be the reason for that. They certainly got their act together pretty quickly.  
While it might delay things a day or two, it is certainly as you can see it is really not the  
major reason.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that means they are getting or they need more staff. She  
asked if Mr. Glazier thinks that is the issue.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that the department in question does a lot of things on  
P-Cards and a lot of things in the weekly check run. Over time they will figure out and  
will optimize how they purchase things and one of the benefits that optimization  
should be a better process workflow and how they do invoices.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that it is not like she is offering them to have, but hey.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that if that department thinks they need additional  
manpower, he is sure that the department head will make a request and Council can  
deal with it as you see fit.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the public. She thanked Mr.  
Glazier for his Report.  
Mayor's Report (3 minutes)  
Ms. Genesis Ortega stated that she is here on behalf of Mayor Tuerk to provide a brief  
Mayor's Report. First, the Mayor extends his gratitude for those who attended his  
State of the City Address last week. There is a lot of good energy of what's to come in  
2024. During his address, the Mayor made an important announcement about the city  
of Allentown commitment to becoming a Vision Zero City. This initiative sets a clear  
goal to eliminate traffic fatalities and sever injuries by the Year 2030. The mayor is set  
to deliver the State of the City again next Tuesday, January 23rd at 5:30 PM at Ritter  
Elementary. The event is free and open to the public. They will even have dinner for  
those that attend. Secondly, they want to provide Council with an update regarding a  
transition within the HR department, as per City Ordinance an Interim Director is not  
allowed to serve in that capacity for more than 90 days. She stated that they  
appreciate Garry Ritter for his leadership in HR for the past three months and even  
more appreciative of his willingness to assist Michaela Boyer who will be serving as  
Interim HR Director for the next 90 days. In this capacity, her main objective will  
include facilitating communication and collaboration between HR, Law and Finance  
departments as well as assist with the recruitment process for a permanent HR  
Director. They anticipate this to be a smooth transition. She has been shadowing  
Garry for the past week or so. He will continue to assist as needed for the next 90  
days. Although, they do hope to have an HR Director sooner than that. They extended  
an invitation to Council to attend a Press Conference scheduled for next Wednesday,  
January 24th at 10:00 AM, here in Council Chambers. During this event, they will  
announce details regarding the investments in the Allentown Police Department  
related to Flock Safety and stated that they hope that Council can join them. She  
stated that the city is anticipating another one to three inches of snow. It is expected  
to move into the area as early as tomorrow evening, possibly through Saturday  
morning. It will potentially be another long weekend storm. The third one in the span  
of three weeks. Rest assure that the Public Works team is on it. Prepping as they  
always done salting and brining the roads with overnight and weekend coverage to  
ensure that the city streets are clean as fast as they can possibly get to them. She  
stated that they appreciate all that they have done and what they will continue to do  
this winter season and as always a cautionary note to anyone driving, please be  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Ms. Ortega for her Report. She asked if there were any  
comments from the dais or comments from the public.  
Water and Sewer Compliance Follow-Up  
Controller Reports  
ORDINANCES FOR FINAL PASSAGE (To be Voted On): The Clerk reads the bill.  
Comments are taken from the administration, the dais and the public before a vote is  
Bill 114  
Amending the 2023 Fire Department budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000.00) from  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic  
Development grant for the purchase of new gear and equipment.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the  
administration. She asked if there were any comments from the dais.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that it was in his committee this evening and was sent  
favorably, 3 - 0.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mr. Zucal. She asked if there were any  
comments from the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15976  
There is a request to suspend Council Rules - Rule IV, relating to submitting an agenda  
item, Rule VII, relating to referring to committee and Rule V, relating to the 14 day  
period between introduction and final passage - to introduce and vote on Bill 1, a  
supplemental appropriation of Five Hundred Sixty Nine Thousand Dollars ($ 569,000)  
from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic  
Development Local Share Account grant to the support the construction and  
renovation at the Museum of Indian Culture. The legislation contains a section that  
pursuant to the charter, upon 6 of 7 affirmative votes of City Council, the 14 day period  
between introduction and final passage is waived. Someone will need to make this  
Bill 1  
Amending the 2024 General Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental  
appropriation of Five Hundred Sixty Nine Thousand Dollars ($ 569,000)  
from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and  
Economic Development Local Share Account grant to the support the  
construction and renovation at the Museum of Indian Culture.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mr. Hanlon and asked if there were any  
comments from the dais or any comments from the public.  
Santo Napoli requested to Suspend the Rules, seconded by Ed Zucal for Rule IV,  
relating to submitting an agenda item, Rule VII, relating to referring to committee  
and Rule V, relating to the 14 day period between introduction and final passage  
- to introduce and vote on Bill 1, a supplemental appropriation of Five Hundred  
Sixty Nine Thousand Dollars ($569,000) from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,  
Department of Community and Economic Development Local Share Account  
grant to the support the construction and renovation at the Museum of Indian  
Culture. The legislation contains a section that pursuant to the charter, upon 6 of  
7 affirmative votes of City Council, the 14 day period between introduction and  
final passage is waived.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15977  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15977  
CONSENT AGENDA: The Consent Agenda is for items that are considered ‘no  
brainers’ – the objective is to vote on all the resolutions at one time if there are no  
issues. The President asks if there is any request to remove any item from the  
Consent Agenda. If not, the clerk will read the resolutions. After public comments,  
Council will vote on items.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mr. Hanlon and asked if there were any  
comments from the dais or any comments from the public.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that Sylvester Novak, ACIDA appointment will  
run to 1/1/2025 and it would fill David Olson's vacant seat, not Linda  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Sewage Planning Module at Allentown Metal Works - 606 S 10th Street  
Enactment No: 30775  
David C. Huber, Historical Architectural Review Board, 01-03-2027  
Enactment No: 30776  
Phillip C. Hart, Historical Architectural Review Board, 01-03-2027  
Enactment No: 30777  
Sylvester Novak, ACIDA, 12-20-2028 (Filling the seat of David Olson)  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that Sylvester Novak, ACIDA appointment will  
run to 1/1/2025 and it would fill David Olson's vacant seat, not Linda  
Enactment No: 30778  
Shannon Fugate, Arts Commission. 1-17-2029 (Reappointment)  
Enactment No: 30779  
Al Jacobsen, Arts Commission. 1-17-2029 (Reappointment)  
Enactment No: 30780  
Jose Rivera, Human Relations Commission, 01-17-2027 (Filling Vacancy)  
Enactment No: 30781  
Dr. Jennifer Swann, Human Relations Commission, 01-17-2027 (Filling  
Enactment No: 30782  
RESOLUTIONS FOR FINAL PASSAGE (To be Voted On): The Clerk reads the  
resolution. Comments are taken from the administration, the dais, and the public  
before a vote is taken.  
Approves two transfers: (1) $55,852.78 in Human Resources as a result of  
increases costs fo employee screening for seasonal employees and (2)  
$41,371.86 in Parks and Recreation to current and end Capital  
Improvement Projects at the Golf Course for painting, carpet and new  
HVAC system.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if there were any comments from the dais or any  
comments from the public.  
7 -  
Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Candida  
Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 30783  
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION (To be referred to Committee with public comment  
prior to referral) : There are no bills for introduction.  
RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION (Can be voted on or Referred to Committee): The  
Clerks reads the resolution. Comments are taken from the administration, the dais, the  
public before a referral is made to a council committee where more detailed discussion  
will take place.  
R12 Refer to Public Works  
Authorizes the City of Allentown to adopt a Vision Zero Policy to eliminate  
all traffic fatalities and severe, traffic-related injuries.  
Attachments: R12 Vision  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked Mr. Zucal.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated nothing tonight. Thank you.  
Reference Materials:  
Council Rules  
Procurement Code  
Ethics Code  
Attachments: Council Rules