435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
Public Works Committee  
Wednesday, August 16, 2023  
6:15 PM  
Council Chambers  
Roll Call: Chair Zucal, Santos, Hendricks  
Bill 75  
Amending the 2023 General Fund budget to allow for a position name  
change in the Department of Public Works, Recycling and Solid Waste, by  
changing the SWEEP Officer position to SWEEP Officer Bilingual.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that there are currently four Sweep Officers with  
only one position being bilingual. That position has recently became  
vacant due to retirement within the Bureau. This change will allow for  
increases customer service to our residents and assist with our outreach  
efforts within the Bureau of Recycling and Solid Waste.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if this involves any monetary changes.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated no, sir. Just a title change.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if there were any questions from his committee.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she is not on the committee.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated then from the dais.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked is it a way that they can be paid more since they  
have an extra skill which is speaking two languages.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that is something they can definitely work with our  
HR team and see how that would be negotiated with SEIU.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that they definitely should.  
Mr. Mark Shahd stated that he does not disagree one way or the other.  
That is something that they can definitely look into.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if there were any comments from the public. He asked  
Mr. Shahda for a Capital Projects update.  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks, seconded by Natalie Santos, that this Bill  
is forwarded to full Council.  
3 - Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos and Daryl Hendricks  
Enactment No: 15936  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that they are delighted to gather around this  
evening and provide them with the Comprehensive Update on the ongoing  
Capital Projects within the Public Works Department. He stated that  
commitment to improving our city's infrastructure and services are at the  
forefront of our efforts. He stated that they are excited to show the progress  
and plans with you all this evening. Presently, the Public Works Department  
is managing 26 Capital Projects. He is happy to report that four of the  
projects are ready for closure due to the successful completion. He stated  
that they are proud of the achievements. It contributes significantly to the  
enhancement of our city. Additionally, our focus remains on the six annual  
projects that they are currently overseeing. These initiatives which include  
the Cost Share Program with UGI and LCA. Curb and sidewalk  
construction, shade tree revitalization in the Streets Program. Constituents  
are the core to our ongoing efforts. Each project is essential in maintaining  
and improving our city's infrastructure on a constant basis. They have in  
place three capital accounts that are earmarked for emergencies. These  
accounts are instrumental in addressing critical needs such as urgent  
bridge repairs, roof maintenance, and essential renovation to city hall.  
Turning our attention to ARPA funds, they are thrilled to inform them about  
the three projects that have been made possible through its funding. First,  
the stormwater lining projects is in full swing and is expected to include this  
summer. Additional funds have been allocated for the Operating Budget  
for 2023 - 2024 ensuring the projects continuity and effectiveness. The  
second and third ARPA funding projects encompass the watermain and  
filter replacement initiatives. These projects are on track for completion in  
the Fall of 2025. The water main replacement project, initially a part of  
Cycle 7 has undergone a strategic shift and now will be combined with  
Cycle 8 instruction in 2024. Meanwhile the water filter replacement project  
is scheduled to commence construction in Spring 2024. Within the diverse  
range of projects, this significant portion falls under Traffic and Planning.  
The School Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project backed by the TASA  
Grant is designed to enhance safety around our schools. It involves an  
installation of new school zone flashers and an RRFB at Fourth and MLK.  
Currently in its final design and bidding phase, this project is set to  
commence construction later this year. The traffic signal modernization  
project funded through the MTF PennDot Grant aims to modernize our  
traffic signal systems. This initiative includes installing a new traffic signal  
at 15th and Highland and upgrading two existing signals to integrate within  
an adaptive system. While still in the preliminary design stage, this project  
holds immense promise for improved traffic management. Diving further  
into their efforts, the American Parkway Traffic Signal Improvement Project  
made possible by a Greenlight Go Grant seeks to revolutionize traffic along  
American Parkway. This involves installing a traffic adaptive system with  
GPA preemption from Auburn Street to Airport Road with pedestrian  
enhancements. They are excited to announce that the RFP for the design  
consultant is now active, moving us closer to bringing this innovative vision  
to life. Stepping into the commitment of well-lit streets, the Mack Boulevard  
lighting project supported by the MTF DCED grant is making strides. This  
endeavor involves the installation of new streetlights along Mack Boulevard  
spanning from Emaus Avenue to the Railroad Bridge. The design process  
is being handled in house and the construction is set to commence later  
this year. Lastly, the Hanover Traffic Signal Improvements Project funded  
by MTFDCED Grant aims to enhance traffic management around Hanover  
Avenue. This initiative includes installation of a traffic adaptive system with  
GPS preemption from Albert Street to Wahneta Street alongside the  
introduction of RFD at the Hanover and Linden intersection. Currently, in  
the design phase this project underscores our commitment to safety and  
efficiency. In conclusion, we are excited to share the progress and plans  
for a diverse range of Capital Projects. These endeavors are a testament  
to our team's dedication to improving our city and infrastructure. He stated  
that they are grateful for their continued support and engagement as they  
work together to create a cleaner and safer Allentown.  
Mr. Ed Zucal thanked Mr. Shahda and asked if there were any questions  
from his committee or he dais.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated to Mr. Zucal that she does not have a question  
concerning this, but would like to ask Mr. Shahda about other things. She  
received a few phone calls from different businesses complaining about  
not receiving a notice or letter about construction on their streets. The main  
complaint is about UGI has been working all over our city. Some of the  
businesses are losing a lot of jobs, especially the restaurants because  
when they are doing construction on their blocks, the people have no way of  
going to get their foods. She asked if it is possible to do something about  
it. Perhaps a letter to them ahead of time to know what has been going on.  
They are losing a lot of money.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated that he understands the situation. They are a part  
of the utility companies process does consist of public outrage. They are  
required to reach out to residents and homeowners, businessowners of the  
work that is going to take place. He will follow up on that to make sure that  
is happening.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that of course they want things to be fixed and all  
know that UGI is all over fixing/working the streets and things like that. They  
are minority owned and they are not making the money. It is important to let  
them know ahead of time so that they can know their options.  
Mr. Mark Shahda stated absolutely, he will definitely follow up and make  
sure it is happening.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if there were any other questions from Council.  
Public Works - Capital Projects Report  
July 26, 2023 Public Works Committee 2024 Budget Priorities Meeting  
3 - Ed Zucal, Natalie Santos and Daryl Hendricks  
Adjournment: 6:24 PM