435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
Budget and Finance Committee  
Wednesday, March 27, 2024  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Roll Call: Chair Napoli, Hendricks, Gerlach  
15-6780 Monthly Financials and other reports  
Attachments: 02 - February  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that on March 18th, they published the third and final  
report for 2023 that was as of December 31, 2023. She stated what she  
would do now is talk about that report and talk about the current month they  
published which was February. As of December 31, they ended the year  
with the General Fund Revenues were stronger by two percent. They had  
budgeted the General Fund Revenue at $142 million. The city came in at  
$144 million. It is stronger by two percent. The expenditures were  
budgeted at $144 million and they spend only $131 million. The city saved  
$9 million in 2023. They closed the year strongly for the General Fund.  
She shared the Public Safety numbers: Public Safety Police Premium  
Pay: they spent $2.5 million; Fire: $3.5 million and EMS (Emergency  
Medical Services: they spent $825,000 in 2023. Investment wise, they  
closed the year and the cash position at the end of the year was $41.9  
million. They closed the ARPA Fund and spent about half of what was  
awarded to them. They close the year with a cash position at the end of the  
year with $33.1 million. She stated that the monies are invested in either  
TD Bank for liquid cash to pay our vendors, or in the Pennsylvania Local  
Government Investment Trust (PLGIT). She walked them through the city's  
cash position. They closed the year with $41.9 million. PLGIT is with 35.6  
and TD Bank has $6.2 million to pay our vendors. She walked the  
committee through the current month. February 29th was the end of the  
month report that they provided. They are still early in the year to project  
any kind of concerns, but the General Fund Revenue came in at 14 percent  
which was $20.1 million. The expenditures came in at 11 percent of the  
budgeted amount. It is at $16.5 million. The total General Fund Budget is  
$142 million for 2024. The Risk Fund, the Solid Waste Fund, the  
Stormwater Fund, the Golf Fund, the Rental Fund all funs, revenues and  
expenditures are at the February expectations. Between one percent and  
six percent of the budgeted amount. Public Safety Premium Pay: Police,  
Fire, EMS are between 12 and 15 percent. She stated that she has no  
concerns at this point as long as they are under 17 percent which is two  
months if you look at the expenditures. The investments cash position at the  
end of February. They are at $45.7 million. She is walking them through  
where the monies are invested available in the TD Bank for liquid cash to  
pay our vendors and make the payroll. It is $4.5 million and $33.7 million is  
in PLGIT. She stated that $30 million of that is invested in the term  
investment, yielding between 5.21 percent and 5.71 percent and maturing  
at different intervals as the payments come due. She has the investment  
maturing so they can make those payments or either debt payments or  
MMO payments. She stated now she wants to walk them through the  
ARPA funding and where they are at with the cash position with the ARPA  
monies. At the end of February, they had $32.7 million remaining in the  
ARPA cash. She stated that $30.8 million is in PLGIT and 25 of that in  
PLGIT is invested in terms and maturing at different intervals. Depending  
on the projection as to when the expenditures will be coming in.  
Approximately, $2 million is in TD Bank and that is yielding us 4.25 percent  
and the other monies are in the Money Market Fund and the PLGIT yielding  
currently at 5.13 percent APY. She stated that she will pause at this point  
to answer any questions you may have on the December 31, 2023 final  
report or February 29, 2024. The second month report and then have a few  
other things she would like to share with the committee.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he will start. It is not a question, it is more of a  
comment. He commended all the departments. The numbers that she gave  
them for December with the belt tightening for expenditures. He stated that  
he believes Ms. Patel stated that it came at $133 million and budgeted for  
$144 million. He stated that is a significant drop. That goes to everyone  
finding places to cut and finding ways to be more efficient and save the city  
some money. He commended all the department heads for making that  
happen. He stated that is it for December and as of now, March looks  
pretty normal and looking good so far. He asked if there were any  
comments or questions from his colleagues, or comments from the dais, or  
questions or comments from the public.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she would like to update the committee on where  
the Finance Department is at. Treasury Bureau has began the audit and  
they closed the year and began the audit for 2023 financials. The auditors  
are saying that they are most likely be able to complete the financials by the  
end of July. She stated that is the update on closing the year end and  
providing the financial report for year 2023. They have also and she has  
shared this with them before that they are migrating from Eden to Munis  
Enterprise System. For the financial modules, the go live date is March of  
2025. By that time, they should have the modules running and should be  
able to move and go live with that. Also, she had a call with the Moody's  
Rating Agency last week and the Rating Agency has released a rating for  
the city and she is happy to share with them that they have upgraded them  
to A2 from A3. What that means is the upgrade to A2 recognizes a much  
improved financial position that the city will likely be able to maintain  
because of solid fiscal management and conscious long-term financial  
planning. Economic growth has driven tax revenues significantly higher  
which combines with the expenditure controls and a property tax in 2019  
helped the city to a achieve structural balance following the long history of  
budget. These are the statements from the Moody's analysis. Now, the  
rating rationale of A2 incorporates the city's solid financial position in good  
budget management and economic and tax revenue following many years  
of structure imbalance, smoothed over with various nonrecurring budget  
maneuvers. The city has strengthened its financial management and now  
has an available fund balance of 31.3 percent of revenue. Although  
Allentown may face politic obstacles to increasing revenues if necessary to  
balance future budgets, sharp financial management will preserve a more  
solid financial position going forward. The rating also reflects two key  
weaknesses. The city's high priority, low income economic base adjusted  
medium household income is just 71.2 percent of US medium income and  
the large Moody's adjusted pension liability. The city's General Obligation  
Bonds are rated at the level of the issuer rating because of the full faith and  
credit pledge supporting the bonds. She stated that she wanted to share  
with them since they are upgraded to A2 from A3. She stated that she will  
pause for any questions that the committee might have for her.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any questions from his committee  
members. He stated regarding the Moody's update, he wants to thank her.  
He knows during budget season there was votes and talk about using the  
General Fund to plug the budget hole. He thanked Ms. Patel for not doing  
that. He stated that they know that would have impacted their score and the  
ability to borrow. He thanked Ms. Patel for good fiscal management stating  
that they appreciate that. He asked if there were any comments from the  
public regarding the updates.  
Bill 23  
Amending Section § 5-21 Contracts, E (2) to read as follows:: The  
selection process shall be based on the objective criteria contained in the  
RFP and shall be conducted by a Selection Committee composed of the  
Director of Finance, Department Head, Bureau Manager, and any other  
staff deemed appropriate except in the case of an investigation authorized  
by ordinance under Section 201 of the Home Rule Charter wherein the  
ordinance shall authorize a selection committee.  
Gerlach, Hendricks and Mr. Zucal  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from his committee  
members, or from the dais. He stated that his quick comment he knows  
that it was a hang up on this Bill, this amendment to include the Finance  
Director. He views it as a compromise and he thinks that if they don't  
include the Finance Director, this investigation never moves forward. He  
stated for him, that is counter-productive. He doesn't see the hang up with  
including the Finance Director to pick a vendor. He stated that he prefers  
that and seeing the investigation move forward that way they can put it  
behind them. He thinks if they are going to follow this Bill, they are going to  
continue to go in circles and they are not going to get anywhere. He asked  
if there were any comments from the public.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that the way she kinds of views this is not  
necessarily retroactive. She doesn't know legally if they could make this be  
retroactive. She sees this as thinking about the future in case if there were  
to ever be another investigation called for by Council. They wouldn't have  
to go through all the challenges that they are currently facing in terms of  
what they can do or what they can't do and have to navigate waters that  
they never navigated. She thinks by amending this, it would set it out clear  
for future investigations, if there are any for future Councilmembers, future  
Mayors, future Finance Directors or future everyone. She didn't really see  
this as a retroactive amendment. She saw it as a forward facing  
amendment. She stated that personally she is separating the fact that they  
called for an investigation right now. She is separating that fact from the  
idea of future investigations maybe happening and that is why she supports  
this. They all know how it's been to try to figure out and how to navigate  
waters that they never navigated. The Charter doesn't quite 100 percent  
apply them and it would really just make it clear for the future.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any other comments from the dais.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he would add that in light of what Ms.  
Gerlach mentioned here, he does believe going forward where this doesn't  
really affect the previous, but going forward it gives them latitude on how to  
conduct these. He stated that he will be supporting this moving this forward  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Hendricks and stated to Mr. Hanlon that the  
analysis that Ms. Gerlach gave about it not being retroactive. He asked if  
that is how he reads this.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated correct.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this is definitely something moving forward.  
He stated that he is reading it that way and wants to make sure that they  
are all on the same page.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that they can ask the Solicitor about it being  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that it feels like they are going to be in the same  
spot hypothetically if they have the same situation four years from now. He  
stated let's say they are not here, but other folks are here. He asked if they  
are going to have the same situation where a mayor and a solicitor don't  
want to sign it because it didn't go through the proper procurement. He  
stated that he knows that this amendment is supposed to solve that. He is  
just trying make sure he understands how this could affect things going  
forward. He asked if there were any comments from the public. He stated  
that they will dig more into this at the City Council meeting. He would want  
to get some background from our solicitor and some other folks to make  
sure, but for now he needs a motion on this bill.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she just has a comment. She asked is it  
possible and stated that there is a word she would like to add as a  
designee and asked if they do this now or during the regular Council  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he is supposed to do it now. He has it written  
down and missed it. The way it reads, they were going to add a word  
which is the third line, the selection committee composed of the Director of  
Finance, the Department Head, Bureau Manager, Designee, and any other  
staff deemed appropriate, except in the case of an investigation authorized  
by ordinance under Section 201. They will add that and make that  
amendment during the City Council meeting. He thanked Ms. Patel for  
pointed that out. He asked if there were any other thoughts.  
A motion was made by Ce-Ce Gerlach, seconded by Daryl Hendricks, that this Bill  
be forwarded to City Council.  
3 - Santo Napoli, Daryl Hendricks and Ce-Ce Gerlach  
Enactment No: 15998  
Council recommends ARPA funds not appropriated be directed to towards  
offsetting any potential tax increase and used for critical infrastructure  
Proposed Amendment: Amend the resolution to take the 1.2M from  
community reinvestment and place it into the general fund to be used for  
recommendations from the housing study.  
Affa, Hendricks and Mr. Zucal  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there are any thoughts from the administration on  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she would like to just point out a couple of things.  
They have until the end of this year to appropriate the funds and the timeline  
is by the end of 2026, but the funds most be appropriated by the end of  
2024. She thinks the funds during the budget process that were assigned  
as a community reinvestment is $1.2 million is not the amount that is  
designated to a specific entity. All of the funds that the city has received  
has been appropriated.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to be clear, it only involves $1.2 million. This bill.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that is correct.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from his committee  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated to make sure that you heard correctly, this would  
have involved taking that $1.2 million from the community reinvestment fund  
which would address issues such as housing, hunger and community  
issues then using that money to offset a tax increase and infrastructure.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated those are the two that are mentioned here.  
Offsetting any potential tax increase and/or use for critical infrastructure  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she is completely against that. Some of the  
questions she would have would be if any organization already applied for  
the money and the community investment funds. She stated that would be  
her first question. Second, one of her next question would be and she has  
been in rooms where there have been conversations about swapping out  
money from one of the recipients: Ripple with other money. She doesn't  
know if the conversation and will leave it at those two. She stated that she  
does have more questions.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked the administration has anyone applied.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated no. She doesn't believe so and stated that she has a  
response to question #2 that Councilperson Gerlach was stating. That  
money for Ripple is coming from CDBG Home ARPA and it is being used  
for providing the chiller for the HVAC problem for city hall and the public  
safety building are facing currently. Ripple will receive the $1 million, it is  
just coming from a different source. CDBG also received ARPA funds like  
the city of Allentown receives ARPA money. She stated that $1 million will  
be given to Ripple from CDBG Home ARPA money and the ARPA money  
is allocated for Ripple from the city of Allentown money would be spent on  
remedying the issues with the HVAC systems.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated the Council is in receipt of that bill.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that is correct.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Ms. Patel for the background.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated since some of this is because potentially there  
has been some infrastructural challenges at some of our pubic safety  
buildings with the HVAC system. Obviously, that is important to fix. She  
stated that she sees that they allocated $4.5 million to the police  
headquarters and the Central Fire Station. She sees that the HVAC  
system will be a critical infrastructure need. She asked if there is a  
rationale on why they wouldn't use some of that $4.5 million to address that  
infrastructure need.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that idea when the Council body allocated that $4.5  
million for each major public safety project was for new construction. This  
HVAC problem occurred much after that and it was more recent within the  
last two months that they are facing the problems with the HVAC system.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she understands. She asked the question  
in another meeting in reference to that where if they were to use ARPA  
money to fix the HVAC system and then they renovate the police  
headquarters, would that mean we would have to tear that out and redo.  
The answer was no. That would be considered and they would be able to  
stay. It would mean that they wouldn't have to do it again. She stated that  
is interesting. She asked if now the appropriate time to ask questions on  
the swap of the money for Ripple or did she hear something about April  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that they received a bill and that bill will be  
introduced on April 3rd.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated to Ms. Gerlach that it would be a little premature to  
be asking questions now. They should wait.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if they should wait until April 3.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated yes.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she is completely against taking the $1.2  
million from the community.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked if there were any comments from his committee  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that it is important to note here there is  
significant portion of the ARPA funds that already been allocated to social  
agencies and community groups. What they are facing here with the  
infrastructure is why he feels it is so important is significant dollars and  
talking probably north of $50 million between a new police station and a  
public safety fire academy or fire house and with Central ambulance which  
will incur significant increase in taxation to the public and the taxpayers of  
the city of Allentown. It is important that any dollars that they can utilize and  
certainly this is appropriate to be used for that purpose and specifically  
how the government has put the ARPA money forward. He stated that he  
would be in favor of moving this forward and it be used for that purpose.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Mr. Hendricks and stated that his main concern  
at this point is the deadline. He just doesn't know if they can get a process  
to the finish line and once they get that process out, get the applications in,  
scored, reviewed, which ones get the funds and he just doesn't know where  
they are. He asked Ms. Patel if she had an idea where they are with that  
process. He thanked Ms. Kistler. He stated that he is just curious where  
they are with.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that they still in sort of a holding pattern. They had  
an original process and it was a very complicated process. It was ARPA  
restricted process with deadlines. She had approached Council to  
consider putting this money in revenue replacement and then reallocating it  
to a fund that would remove ARPA restrictions. They created a simpler  
process, if that would happen. They now created three different processes  
under three different conditions with three different plans. She stated that  
they haven't used any of them. They need a committee if this should be put  
together. They need a scoring committee should this be put together. They  
need an application process which takes a while. That means they need to  
open an application period. They need to have a scoring period, a public  
input period. She stated that she agrees with them that the deadline is  
looming. They can pull that together if they need to pull that together, but  
they need to make some final decision soon about how this money is going  
to be handled even if it is being put into reinvestment. These deadlines are  
very tedious and the reporting is very tedious for these agencies that will be  
taking this money.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated to Ms. Kistler understood and thanked her for that  
background. He stated last year, was his first budget season and talked a  
lot about how folks are struggling out there. They learned about a looming  
garbage hike that they know is coming based on other municipalities near  
the city. They know it is a potential large increase because of that. While  
he doesn't like pulling from this fund, but he does think that if they do use it  
to help folks avoid a high increase, it is doing the same thing. They are  
being helped. The taxpayers are being helped. He stated that they talked  
a lot about them last December about how they have to make ends meet.  
He stated that he thinks if they do use this to help offset those sort of  
increases, they are still doing good with those funds. He stated that he is  
concerned about the deadlines, concerned about the paperwork,  
concerned about all the and he is not against work, he works hard. It  
seems using it towards a potential tax increase would be a lot swifter and a  
lot and would deliver the same results to our residents that need it the most.  
He stated that is just his thoughts. He asked if there were any other  
comments from the dais.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that she would really hate to see a tax increase.  
She stated that they heard from the community. The community is hurting,  
getting back on their feet and she wouldn't like to see a tax increase. If they  
can accept with that money a tax increase or maybe helping buying a new  
system, the air conditioning system, she would really would like to see that  
money to be used for that.  
Mr. Santo Napoli thanked Ms. Mota and asked if there were any comments  
from the public.  
Ms. Sherri Bender stated that this is just to clarify on April 3rd, there will be  
a conversation about the ARPA funds that were originally allocated to  
Ripple. She asked is that a separate conversation. She asked is she  
understanding that.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that the bill will be introduced and sent to  
committee and the conversation will take place.  
Ms. Sherri Binder stated that is separate for what they are talking about.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated no, it is the same thing. It would allocate funds  
for an organization. It will be introduced and sent to a committee. The  
discussion will take place at that committee and that committee will refer  
the bill to Council.  
Ms. Sherri Binder stated that if she has a questions about that she should  
wait until that future time.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated yes.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that before she votes, just looking at this chart in  
terms of money that has been given to the community. From what she  
sees, they have $1 million to CACLV for the youth shelter. The $1 million  
for Ripple that going to be taken and replaced by the funds. The $1 million  
to the HDC Affordable Housing. They are up to $3 million. They have $2  
million for the Strauss and that's it. She asked is she right or is she  
missing something.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he doesn't have that in front of him.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that she is reading it right from the sheet.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it is $1 million, then $2 million so that's $3  
million. She stated that is $4 million if you county Ripple and then $5 million  
- Community Action. Out of $57 million, the city is giving $5 million to  
community organizations, if she is reading it correctly.  
Mr. Santo Napoli apologized that he does not have that sheet. He stated  
that he is missing it. Ms. Bina Patel stated that Da Vinci is $1 million.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she was thinking more so not businesses.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated without having that in front of him, he knows there  
is a lot of infrastructure on that sheet, but he also looks at that as a way to  
avoid future tax increases. If they don't use ARPA to fix our infrastructure  
then they have to lean on the taxpayer. He views it as a way to help the  
community indirectly. He knows it is not and they talk about storm drains  
and stuff like that. It is not exactly something that is glamorous, but it is  
needed and our residents aren't shouldering the burdens of the costs. He  
asked if there were any other comments. He stated that we have a motion  
and a second motion. He asked if there were any other comments from the  
administration or any other updates.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that is all she has.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that you have a lot tonight and thanked her for  
everything and stated that they appreciate it. Thank you for the good news  
regarding Moody's. That is great.  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks, seconded by Santo Napoli, that the funds  
to be used for critical infrastructure projects for the city and could be used for  
offsetting any potential tax increase.  
2 - Santo Napoli and Daryl Hendricks  
1 - Ce-Ce Gerlach  
Enactment No: 30821  
Adjournment: 6:35 PM