435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Tuesday, December 12, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Council Chambers  
Roll Call: Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce  
Gerlach, Natalie Santos, and Santo Napoli  
City Council adopted a budget on November 4. The Mayor presented council with a  
budget that included a 6.9% tax increase, Council amended the budget in a 5-2 vote,  
eliminating a number of positions and upgrades and making across the boards cuts  
to eliminate any tax increase. The amendment and Bill 95 are in the file. The Mayor  
vetoed council’s general fund bill - Bill 95 as amended. Council failed to override  
the veto at the November 15th Council meeting; but reconsidered Bill 95 as  
amended. What is in front of city council at this moment in time is Bill 95 with the  
amendment that was adopted – reconsideration means they have the bill before them  
just before the final vote was taken.  
At the November 15th Council Meeting, Mayor Tuerk responded to City Council’s  
adopted budget and offered an amendment with a 2% tax increase. This was not  
acted on at that meeting.  
This evening, there are two proposed Council amendments that if passed would  
replace and supersede Council's initial amendment passed at the November 4  
meeting that reduced the tax increase to zero with the Mayor’s 2% proposal as the  
basis; taking additional funds from the unappropriated balance to take the tax rate  
increase to zero. :  
1. No tax increase: Suggested changes in Administrations 2% proposal - no new  
positions, retaining increases to Police Captains and EMS and reducing the  
unappropriated balance by an amount to have a budget with no tax increase - @  
$762,054. Mota, Hendricks, Affa  
2. Add the Sustainability Position back into the budget - 11N at 66,976 in Parks and  
Recreation, funded from the unappropriated balance (evaluate end of 2024).  
Hendricks, Santo  
Bill 95 2024 BUDGET AND TAX RATE  
An Ordinance of the City of Allentown, County of Lehigh, and  
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing the General Fund,  
Administrative Order Fund, Risk Management Fund, Debt Service Fund,  
Equipment Fund, and Golf Fund Budgets for 2024.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that this is amended. For the record, he wants  
to tell them what the amendment is so there is no confusion. What  
happened is that the budgets were adjusted to include no upgrades to  
added positions and changed titles Pursuant in Memo I, except for the  
Inspectors Certification Program. The Inspectors Certification Program  
included seven positions. It also included a Building Standards Building  
Inspector Trainee to be unfunded at $1 and flip that position into a Building  
Inspector at $73,684. He stated that it was not totally clear, but they dealt  
with that. It also allows the Permit Technician IIs, there are three of them to  
be funded at a $1. He stated that should have been included in the  
amendment. The other items, it moved the Front Desk Receptionist with  
the three percent salary increase to 2023 position and the Equity and  
Inclusion Coordinator at a three percent increase to the 2023 position  
moved from the Mayor's office to the department of Human Resources. It  
transferred $130,000 budgeted for the Human Resources Consultant into  
the 02 Account for the HR Director. In the Mayor's office, it continued the  
2023 positions into the 2024 budget with the appropriate three percent  
increase. That was the Communications Manager, the Special Assistant,  
and the Executive Assistant to the Mayor. It funded the Managing  
Director's position at $1. It also did a 10 percent across the board cut in  
overtime budgets in the General Fund and did the five percent cut in  
Accounts 20 - 68 in the General Fund. He stated that is what was adopted  
at that Council meeting.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Hanlon and stated that he will now give the  
administration an opportunity to address Council. He stated that it is his  
understanding that Ms. Patel is going to speak.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated yes, he asked Ms. Patel to speak on behalf of the  
Ms. Bina Patel thanked Councilpersons and stated that she is going to  
share her thoughts with them regarding the 2024 budget. From the  
Finance perspective what is presented in the city's real estate tax increase  
of $762,000. She reduced the original proposed personnel changes by  
$1.1 million, overtime budget by $255,000, and operating expenditures by  
$637,000. The reasons for the property tax increase of $762,000 are:  
expenditures are increasing at a faster rate than revenues, the cost of  
running the city has increased, departments have to purchase materials  
and supplies to support the city services at a higher cost than last year.  
Personnel contractual increases for bargaining units have been negotiated  
at three percent through 2025. Property tax is uniformed in assessment of  
tax for residential and commercial properties. All properties are taxed on  
land and improvements at their respective current rate of 23.538 and 4.453  
mils. She stated 1/5th of the real estate tax bills that the city mails are for  
commercial properties. However, the assessed value of this commercial  
property account for 47 percent of the real estate tax payments. In dollar  
values, it equates to approximately $19 million. Meanwhile 4.5th of the bills  
are for residential properties. This means, 4 out of 5 bills are for residential  
properties. But, these payments account for only 53 percent of the city real  
estate tax revenue. In dollar values, it equates to approximately $12 million.  
She stated as they can see increasing property tax becomes an equitable  
recurring revenue source for the city to support the services that they  
provide. She stated that properties within the Neighborhood Improvement  
Zone also called NIZ pay city real estate tax to the city and contrary to the  
popular belief, the city keeps that revenue. The city use the money to  
balance the General Fund operating expenditures. Unlike other tax  
revenues generated in the NIZ, the taxes that they remit to the state are  
business privilege tax, earned income tax, and local services tax. These  
are distributed to developers. Property taxes are not. Again, they retain  
city property taxes for operating purposes to balance the General Fund. In  
the initial 2024 budget, if there was no increase in the city tax revenue, the  
proposed incremental General Fund revenue would have been $3.3 million,  
while expenditures would have been $6 million, compared to last year.  
Hence, shortfall in revenues of $2.6 million. To continue to sustain the  
same level of services for the city residents and taxpayers are used to, they  
need to keep the two percent property tax increase. There was another  
proposal from Council to use city cash to balance the budget. She stated  
that her professional recommendation is not to use cash to balance the  
budget. This is not a good management of our finances. Balancing the  
budget using cash from a bank account is a one - time solution. It does not  
address the structural issues causing the deficit. The city will face the  
same issue next year and also in the future years. Expenditures are  
increasing at a faster rate than revenues. If they do not increase the  
property tax now, they are looking at an increase of 14.1 percent for the  
2025 budget. Again, if they are looking at an increase of 14.1 percent for  
the 2025 budget. A better practice is to engage in incremental increases  
yearly or every other year. This tax increase is what the city has done in the  
past. She stated that she does not want to continue this practice in the  
future nor is this kind of increases fair to the taxpayers. The cash used to  
balance the budget could be invested elsewhere. Generating investment  
revenue and increasing the city's financial resources over time. Using the  
cash for the immediate budget needs means forgoing this potential benefit.  
When cash is used to balance the budget, it is no longer for unexpected  
expenses for emergencies. This can leave the city vulnerable to economic  
downturns, natural disasters, or other unforeseen events. The 2008  
financial crisis had a huge impact on the city. It was a major factor in  
leasing the Water and Sewer assets, resources for 50 years. Relying on  
cash reserves to balance the budget is irresponsible and will negatively  
impact the city's credit rating. This can make it more expensive for the city  
to borrow money in the future. Potentially increasing the cost of  
infrastructure projects and essential services. It undermines confidence,  
sending a negative signal to investors, creditors, and residents. It can  
raise concerns about the city's financial management and its ability to meet  
future obligations. A more responsible approach is to reduce expenditures  
which the city has done. An increase revenue which they are proposing by  
increasing the city's real estate tax revenue by $762,000. She stated that  
her final comments: Not increasing the property taxes in the 2024 budget  
means a property tax increase of 14.1 percent in the 2025 budget. Not  
increasing property tax in 2024 and taking cash from the city's bank  
account to balance the budget will impact their bond rating and will  
increase the borrowing costs for future anticipated infrastructure projects.  
Increasing property taxes in 2024 is an equitable way of increasing  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Ms. Patel. He asked if there were comments  
from his colleagues.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked Ms. Patel how did she reach that 14.1 percent tax hike  
for 2025.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that if they are not increasing revenues, so that  
$762,000 will not be available for the 2024 budget, many of the  
expenditures that they are seeing now in the two percent budget and the  
zero percent increase will be postponed for 2025. That is just postponing  
the services or equipment or materials and supplies they need for the future  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated as of October 2023 Financial Report the city showed  
that it only used $3.4 million or $9.4 million from the adjusted budget for  
2023. Where is the other $5.7 million.  
Ms. Bina Patel asked if he is looking at the revenues or expenditures. She  
stated that she is not certain of what numbers they are referring to. She  
stated that she knows what numbers they are seeing, but she is not certain.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked Ms. Patel if she is not certain where they are from.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she is not certain whether he is referring to  
revenue numbers or expenditure numbers.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated it is from the adjusted budget.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked Mr. Zucal what are you talking about.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that Finance Report from October 2023 showed that  
the city only used $3.4 million of $9.4 million of the adjusted budget for  
2023 under Other Contract Services.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that she does not have the exact details for him, but  
she can provide that. She stated that they can email that to him.  
Mr. Ed Zucal state two other things she talked about reducing costs or  
funds. They are going to have to use this money from the adjusted  
appropriated balance. In the budget for the last three years, there have  
been four vacant management positions in IT. Four, in the last three years  
which means that you obviously don't need them. There is a $200,000  
savings there. In the CEDC department for the last three years, there has  
been two project managers vacant positions which is $150,000. That is  
Ms. Bina Patel stated to Mr. Zucal that they have specifically and CED have  
challenges to fill the positions. It was very difficult to find certified officers.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he understands. He talking about the vacant  
positions. He stated to Ms. Kistler that maybe she can answer that a little  
bit better.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that they only have three vacant positions in  
DCED. Those three positions are two Clerk positions and a Community  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked what is the total of that.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated that one is grant funded. It is no cost to the city.  
The other two are two Clerks.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated and what is that.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated they will be filled as soon as the Bid comes in.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked what is the current vacancy funding for those two. What  
is the funding for those two Clerk positions.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated the General Fund.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked how much.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated from the top of her head, she does not know,  
$50,000 each with benefits. They are union positions.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated about $100,000.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he wants to clarify that the inability to fill a  
position is not a reflection of the need for that position. He thinks that  
everyone on Council would agree that we need more Police Officers. They  
are about 20 vacancies. Because the city can't fill those positions,  
sometimes it is a reflection of other conditions.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated but in three years.  
Ms. Vicky Kistler stated to Mayor Tuerk that Mr. Zucal may be thinking of  
the Project Manager that Council to an Enforcement Manager. That  
position is filled.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that then they will disregard that one.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he would point to the City Engineer position  
which is a critically needed position. The market is not such that they can  
easily fill that position.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated if they look at the $200,000 that takes them down to  
$562,045 that they would actually need instead of the 762. Those have not  
been filled in three years. They are not going to come here now and say  
that we need to fill them tomorrow. They haven't been filled in four years,  
three years.  
Mr. Gerry Anthony stated to Mr. Zucal that the IT positions in the beginning  
of 2023 did have four open positions. They filled three of those positions  
in the 2023 term. They have one open position at this point. It was part of  
an upgrade for 2024. They are looking to fill that in early 2024.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that there aren't going to be any upgrades.  
Mr. Gerry Anthony stated understood, but currently they only have one open  
position, not four. The other three were filled.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there was anybody else on Council.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if they were to do the two percent increase  
based on the assessment provided, they would then need to increase  
taxes by 12 percent next year instead of 14 percent. If they were to do two  
percent, they would not have to increase taxes next year or how would they  
have to next year.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that they would postponed until the following year.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that there will be no tax increase next year.  
What is the difference of not doing it this year versus not doing it next year.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that if they do the property tax and if they go with the  
proposal that's in the budget that means they are able to provide the  
services then procure the services.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that means next year if they don't increase taxes  
they won't be able to provide services.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that it is not an addition problem. The revenue  
that they generate with the two percent increase fundamentally change the  
structure of the revenue for the 2025 budget. The hope is to as they build  
the 2025 budget is to avoid any property tax in 2025 on the back of a small  
increase in 2024. He stated that they can be certain that if they don't raise  
property taxes in 2024 that they will have to raise them in 2025. It is not  
meant to be a threat by any stretch of the imagination. He stated multiple  
times to each of them that they believe in a two percent increase to ease  
the burden on taxpayers in future years. Ultimately, it is up to Council. You  
have a choice to make. the choice you make related to a tax increase will  
be borne more heavily on future generations. So the 2025 taxes will have  
to be higher to make good on the lost revenue in 2024.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach thanked Mayor Tuerk and asked is it broken out so if  
they were to do two percent this year there will be nothing next year and  
then the following year, it will be what.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that when they did the five year projection, they are  
anticipating something less than 10 percent in subsequent years.  
Something less than. He stated 2026 is too far out to project at the  
moment. She stated that it still will be a big tax increase.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked how do you define big.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated less than 10 percent which would be 9.9  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they have adjustments that they have to make.  
He doesn't anticipate a 14 percent tax increase for 2026 based on  
adjustments they will make in 2024.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that it looks like no matter what and if they don't  
raise taxes this year in the future there is going to be a significantly larger  
tax increase in the future. If they do raise taxes, either way it is going to be  
a big tax increase.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk referred Ms. Gerlach to the comments that Ms. Patel  
made in regards to the increasing cost of doing business in the city. They  
have three percent increases, contractual increases with the city's  
bargaining units that you can count on in 2025. You can count on increase  
cost of labor in 2026, 2027, and far in the future. Things do get more  
expensive and they in the city has to adjust to increasing cost  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there was anybody else on Council.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he will mention too that he thought about what  
Ms. Gerlach said about this year versus next year. One of the things he  
thinks about is trash. Next year, the city's contract is up. He stated that  
they don't have a crystal ball. He stated that they don't know how much the  
trash is going to go up. He stated that they kind of do. He stated that he is  
reading articles in the local media about neighboring municipalities and  
seeing the trash hikes that they are experiencing. He can tell them that they  
are in for a trash hike next year. A significant one. Based on what they are  
seeing around them. He looked at it and thought about it for months and  
voted for the two percent before and will vote for it again. It is better to put it  
now. It is not coupled with a trash hike next year and that is going to ease  
the burden on residents. He stated that he does not want to see them get  
hit with two hikes, if they can avoid one of them. He stated that is his  
stance and everything has gotten expensive. He is in the business world  
and everything has gone up. The national average has been up eight  
percent for inflation. The administration is proposing two percent. It is  
something that as their costs have gone up, he believes that the two  
percent is manageable. He believes that based upon what he learned  
about the added program for seniors from Harrisburg and the options that  
seniors have to recoup more of that money in a tax hike. It will ease a  
burden on them. He thinks that next year it unfortunately going to be a lot of  
discussion about trash and how expensive it is to dispose of it. He stated  
that is his stance why the two percent that he is favorably to it for this  
budget year to ease the burden for next year.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she is going to echo Mr. Napoli. He almost  
took all the words out of her mouth. To pin the Mayor on are we or are we  
not to have a tax next year is not fair. They don't know what is coming. She  
stated that her concern is the bond issue too. They just become A and  
struggled for that. To pigeon hole the mayor to say that there will be no is  
foolish. It is foolish for him to make that kind of statement because we  
really don't know. She stated what she believes what the Finance Director  
is advising them, what our Controller is advising us is very important.  
These are professionals. This is what they do. This is a business and  
someone you would hire in your business to tell you exactly how to raise  
your prices and what to do. She stated that her fear is next year if they  
don't do this, they could be sitting here and she is not saying 14 or not  
saying 10, but she thinks it would be more than two percent. If they just do  
the two percent and hopefully next year they will have one percent or two  
percent or no percent. As they sit here tonight, they need to take the advice  
of their professionals. They know what they are doing and she will put her  
trust in the Finance Director, the Controller, and the powers that be ad she  
believes that they are all here and want the citizens and everything to be fair  
with them. She stated that they talked to the Mayor and talk to Finance and  
speak with a lot of people. They have knowledge and is educated all the  
time. You can only trust them and believe that Council is believing in them.  
She stated that she too is going to vote for the two percent.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if they vote for the two percent again, how much  
revenue they are going to get.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he will be brief and has this number seared  
into his head. He stated that it is $142.9 million, rounded in revenue.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked how much ahead.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated $142.9 million. He stated that the $762,000 is the  
incremental revenue. The total city revenue would be $142.9 million.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota thanked Mayor Tuerk.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the exact number is on your sheet on the top  
of the page, $762,045.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if now he should make that motion or after pubic  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that as he said from the start, the mayor  
proposed a 6.9 percent increase. He stated that the Mayor did negotiate  
down and they were able to negotiate down to two percent. All new  
positions were removed. He stated that he thinks it is a little difficult for  
them to expect not to have any increase, yet all of the employees they are  
obligated to give them a three percent increase. The average homeowner  
will be paying $17 additional in taxes. That is not overbearing. It is the old  
story here, you can pay me now or you can pay us later. He fears that later,  
next year perhaps in 2025, it's going to cost us a lot more because of the  
increased cost in borrowing, bond funding that they are going to be looking  
for. They are looking at replacing Central Fire. They are looking at  
replacing the Police Station. These are going to be critical components to  
future generations and all of those and all them here tonight. These are the  
things that they can't continue to kick down the road and by not increasing  
this small amount now, again it is going to cost them that much more going  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that when they adopted their amendment and he  
knows he focused on the Inspection Certification Program, but you also put  
in your amendment one new telecom technician in the Police Department,  
12 Firefighters, a Financial Analyst, a Sweep Officer in Solid Waste, you  
move the MWIII to an 11 M, and you allow neutral physical changes. He  
stated what he thinks Mr. Zucal was doing is taking the Mayor's budget and  
allowing everything to float in that, except for the Sustainability position. He  
asked if he is correct on and the Sustainability Position will be adopted  
with a separate motion. He asked Mr. Zucal is that what you are saying.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that is what he is saying.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they shared a document with the City Clerk,  
they shared it with the City Council that had a two percent spending plan.  
This is what they have been referring to it as. The total spending was about  
$142.9 million.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated just to be clear, the Memo II, there is no tax increase.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated correct.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that the $700,000 or so will be taken from the  
unappropriated balance.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated correct. To restate, a zero percent tax increase  
will result in approximately $142.2 million of revenue and they are also  
suggesting a spending plan of $142.9 million which will leave them with  
approximately a $700,000 deficit.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked Mr. Hanlon we are we procedurally. Mr.  
Zucal made the motion and it was seconded.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that Mr. Glazier wanted to.  
Mr. Jeffrey Glazier stated that he has some comments. He echoed what  
Finance, Ms. Patel said. First of all he would like to say according to the  
city Charter, one of his jobs is to review the budget and make nonbinding  
recommendations to the Mayor and Council. Recommendations are also  
like advice. He is going to give them the best advice he can. One of the  
things that they discussed in the city for years is to have a Fund Balance  
Policy. A Fund Balance Policy can cover a fair amount of real estate. It  
can be how much money you want to set aside. It will also discuss how you  
want to use your fund balance. For instance, a good use of Fund Balance  
might be to set it aside for an emergency. Might be to use it for capital.  
Basically, nonrecurring expenses to move this proposal forward, it is  
essentially to borrow money from the Fund Balance to use it for a recurring  
expense. It is going to happen in 2025 as well. You are going to have the  
same expenses, except now instead of having a $700,000 hole that you  
are filling in 2024, you are going to have a $1.5 million hole that you now  
have to fill in 2025. He stated that you can't tell him that makes sense.  
That is and he sat with them and sat and sat across the street and made  
the decisions you are going to make tonight. It is an easy way out. It is not  
a good way out. One of the things they all need to do is to have vision for  
the future. What does it look like a year or two down the road. What does  
it look like five years down the road. To use the Fund Balance for current  
expenses sets a bad precedent going forward. It's not what you want to do.  
It is not a responsible use of that Fund Balance that they all worked so hard  
to attain. Look, in two or three years when they are ready to do some  
building for our Public Safety employees, if they needed a couple of a  
million dollars so they wouldn't have to borrow money, what a great use for  
that kind of money. It is a nonrecurring expense that is that much less you  
need to borrow. It is a win for everybody. Using Fund Balance to pay for  
current expenses is not the way to go. Next year, they will be sitting here  
with whatever hole they are in because of the 2025 expenditures, plus  
another $1.5 million because taking money from the Fund Balance. He  
stated that he understands that they don't want to raise taxes. This isn't a  
way to do it.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Glazier and stated that it is a Motion on  
the floor made by Mr. Zucal, seconded by Ms. Gerlach.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated comments from Council and the public.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were comments from Council.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked if Council had anything to say. He stated that  
he would open it to public comment.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks opened the comments to the floor. He asked would  
anybody else wishing to comment.  
Ms. Betty Cauler asked Council to think about a property tax freeze for  
those that are 65 and older. A property tax freeze and an assessment tax  
freeze. There plenty of other states that do this, other municipalities that do  
this. She stated give us a break. They are on a fixed income. They don't  
get raises every year like the police do. She stated think about that. They  
are on a fixed income. It doesn't go up. Inflation goes up. Inflation keeps  
going up, up, up and their income is not going up. So many people she  
knows are being taxed out of their houses and they just had a 27 percent  
increase in 2019. They are still recovering from that. They are going to  
have at least $100 in the water bills this year. They know the gabage is  
going up next year. They know everything else. She is not asking for them  
to put a property tax freeze on J B Reilly. She is asking for those that are  
over 65 and on Social Security, on fixed incomes. A property tax freeze, a  
property tax assessment freeze. It seems like since Covid, the 2008  
housing crisis, since getting laid off at 53, instead of 66 like she thought  
she would. She had to really tighten her belt. She had to do without a lot of  
things so that she can pay her bills and she just can't see why the city can't  
do the same thing.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated to Mr. Hendricks that she recommends that they don't  
vote on this and raise the property taxes by two percent. She stated that  
this is her request to Council.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that the result of this vote will be hitting the General  
Fund. He stated that so everybody is clear, if you vote on this as an  
amendment without an additional amendment.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any other comments from the  
Mr. Talib Shively stated that this is childish. He stated that they are talking  
.6 percent with the $760,000. He stated that is not a lot of money. In the  
grand scene of things for him, it is 10 years of his salary, but for the city, it is  
nothing. That is going to be more and more money that is spent year after  
year if they don't do it. He stated that actually he thinks they should be  
doing this every year, the two percent. It sucks for some people, but it is  
good for the city as a whole. He stated that they can do more with that as a  
city. You can come up with new ideas and new programs. The Mayor can  
implement new ideas and new programs that can help us city out. He  
requested for Council not to vote the zero percent. It is not going to be  
good for us in the future, now. It is just not going to work. He stated that he  
has a paper that he wants all of them to read that he is doing for a college  
course on the benefits of incremental tax increases. As small as two  
percent a year, one or two percent. Not a lot. That he wants them all to  
read when he is done with his college course. He stated that it will be  
insightful for all of them to see and he wants all of them to kind of think  
about this going forward, if they can do him that kindness as a citizen of this  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there is anybody else.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk asked if they vote yes, is there an opportunity to make an  
additional vote increment a tax.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated no, you can't do that.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that if this Motion passes, that is the budget  
that is passed by Council.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that he was sort of thinking if this passes, you  
need a Motion to adopt that Budget Memo II. He is assuming that there  
could be a Motion to increase the taxes by two percent.  
Ms. Candida Affa stated that she has a question. This two percent and the  
number 2 with no tax increase. She asked would it affect the Police  
Captains, EMS and the unappropriated balance. She stated that means  
they are getting nothing.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated no. It allows the increases for the Captains, for  
the paramedics, and he thinks there were two supervisors. It allows that to  
happen. The only thing that he thinks it takes out in positions is the  
Sustainability position. It takes from the reserves and the unappropriated  
balance. Whatever you want to call it with the $762,000.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that this funds that budget with General Fund  
revenue as opposed to making a slight increase in taxes.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked are you ready to vote.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated yes.  
Mr. Santo Napoli asked Mr. Hanlon if he can make an amendment to  
change it to the two percent.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated to Mr. Napoli that he would ask Mr. Smith.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that you are better off addressing that now  
than after you vote on the zero percent. He would say that if you want to  
make a Motion to the two percent, he thins now is the appropriate time to  
do that. That gets considered. The other way around it would be if this  
zero percent, taking the $762,000 from the unappropriated balance if that  
wasn't passed. He stated that he thinks that they can get to the two  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he thinks that they have to vote on this Motion first.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that if they want to get to the two percent  
first, now is the appropriate time to consider it.  
A motion was made by Ed Zucal, seconded by Ce-Ce Gerlach, to Adopt Budget  
Memo #2 which is a No Tax Increase. The suggested changes of the two percent  
proposal increase. No new positions. Retaining increased to Police Captains  
and EMS and reducing the unappropriated balance by an amount to have a  
budget with no tax increase resulting in $762,054.  
5 - Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Natalie Santos  
2 - Candida Affa, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15964  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that Mr. Napoli is saying that he wants to  
increase the taxes by two percent to capture that $762,000. That what it  
would do.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated and not pull it from the unappropriated  
balance. It is in lieu of pulling it from the unappropriated balance. The  
Motion is to have a two percent tax increase and not pull the $762,054 from  
the unappropriated balance. He stated that is the Motion in front of you and  
it has been seconded. He stated that Motion should be discussed and  
there should be comments on it.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if they could just confirm that Natalie has heard  
everything and is following. She stated that she knows sometimes  
connections get choppy.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that she is here. She thanked Ms. Gerlach and  
stated that she hears everything.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked for comments from his colleagues.  
Ms. Natalie Santos stated that she has a question. She stated that she  
wants to make sure she is understanding clearly. The amendment that is  
being proposed right now with the second amendment does that mean they  
are not able to vote on it to add back the Sustainability position.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that is a whole other and it is still available. It  
sounds like now that Mr. Napoli amendment gives Council the opportunity  
to decide up or down on a two percent tax increase. If they were to pass  
that as a body, then they can move on to the amendment that Mr. Zucal  
presented that would have a change funding mechanism. He asked Mr.  
Zucal is that is correct.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that is correct.  
Ms. Natalie Santos thanked Council.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were comments from the public.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that just so we are clear, a no vote means that they do  
not suggest the two percent. A yes vote means they are against it.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that a no vote means zero percent tax increase.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated before you vote on the budget as amended  
could you adopt Budget Memo II.  
A motion was made by Santo Napoli, seconded by Candida Affa, to Add the two  
percent tax increase to the Bill.  
3 - Candida Affa, Daryl Hendricks, and Santo Napoli  
4 - Cynthia Mota, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Natalie Santos  
Enactment No: 15964  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that this is just to arrange some accounts that  
were wrong in the budget.  
A motion was made by Ed Zucal, seconded by Ce-Ce Gerlach, to Adopt Budget  
Memo II.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15964  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that he guesses Natalie was asking about the  
Sustainability position. He stated that is another possible option you have  
now to add the Sustainability position back into the budget and take the  
money from unappropriated balance. If anybody wants to make that  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he thinks Mr. Hanlon lost them on Number 2.  
He asked Mr. Hanlon how did he describe it.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that all it does is change some accounts. It is a  
Budget Memo from Bina. it just changed some numbers. Some  
accounting numbers. He stated that they just got that recently.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked has anybody made a Motion to add the  
Sustainability position back into the budget. He stated that he does not  
believe that has happened.  
A motion was made by Candida Affa to Adopt Budget Memo #2 which is a No Tax  
Increase. The suggested changes of the two percent proposal increase. No new  
positions. Retaining increased to Police Captains and EMS and reducing the  
unappropriated balance by an amount to have a budget with no tax increase  
resulting in $762,054.  
Enactment No: 15964  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that they got a first and a second. This was add  
a Sustainability position back into the Budget. It would be 11N at $66,976  
in the Parks and Recreation and it would be funded from the  
unappropriated balance. It was a note that they will evaluate this at the end  
of the 2024.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if there were any comments from his  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that this has come up a few times and he did not  
know much about it, but he made some phone calls, did some research,  
and the more he learned, the more he realize that this is a position that is  
going to really benefit our residents. He stated that when they talk about  
environmental justice, they talk about what this Coordinator can do for our  
residents. He made a phone call to the Sustainability Coordinator in  
Harrisburg who has been doing it for a few years. He stated that he filled  
him in and talked about the benefits to this position. For starters, he  
brought in more grant money than what he was paid. His position was  
essentially budget neutral based on the grants that are coming in. What  
really interested him was how they benefited their residents in Harrisburg.  
By having a Sustainability Coordinator, they partnered with PPL and used  
funding from the grants that they received in the city of Harrisburg, the  
Sustainability Coordinator, but also the grants that PPL had and together  
they went into homes, many of them low income and found ways to reduce  
low energy costs for residents. It is one thing that they have been hearing  
for months at the podium how residents are overburdened with costs of of  
everything. The more he looks at the Sustainability Coordinator, he looks  
at it as a way to help the residents to actually get their energy costs  
reduced. There isn't a cost to the city based on grants that are coming in.  
It is a position that he believes that they have to invest in. He stated that he  
is used to that. He recently opened up a new business and paid a lot more  
for mirrors than he should have. The reason why he paid a lot more for  
fitting room mirrors is because these mirrors have lights in them and they  
really look great. He wants to sell more clothing. No doubt about it. Folks  
love them. His point is that they have to invest in a position to get the  
rewards of that position. If they keep looking at it as $66,000, they don't  
want to do it, but they have to look at what it is going to bring in and how it  
is going to impact our residents. He stated that again, he is hearing it  
nonstop, our residents are struggling. Here is an opportunity to help them  
and to him that is something that he has to look at and again, he made the  
calls, he has done the research. He asked them to Google Sustainability  
Coordinator, the first 50 that shows up, 48 of them are cities looking for  
them. He asked are they going to be one of the cities that and is obviously  
something that is important to a lot of other folks. It makes sense from a  
business standpoint and he looks at it as a way and always saying that they  
have to help their residents. This is a great way to do it. He stated that he  
is for it and he hopes his colleagues will be too.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks thanked Mr. Napoli and asked if there were any other  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that the only thing that he is not sold on is Mr. Napoli  
mentioned that they get grants and things like that. He stated that the city  
has a Grant Coordinator already. To him, they are duplicating the service.  
He stated that he is not saying that it is not any good in it. He stated that  
they are duplicating what they already do.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that is his thought process too. He spoke to the  
gentleman and his name is Chris and has been there for a few years,  
recently left, but he said the same thing that the Sustainability Coordinator  
position was to procure grants that were only available if that position was  
there. There are grants out there that they will say ok, we have this much  
grant money and we are going to give it to these cities, but they need to  
ensure that there is someone there that they know it was allocated properly.  
If that position isn't there, that city becomes disqualified.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated to Mr. Napoli that he can speak to a very concrete  
example. The Biden -Harris administration just announced $2 Billion in  
funded through a Notice of funding opportunities for Environmental and  
Climate Justice Community Change grants which will award 150 cities  
around the country grants of up to $10 million for Climate Change  
mitigations. It would include investments in homes and increasing energy  
efficiency in homes. They will have a very compelling application here in  
the city of Allentown. The grant deadline is March of 2024. Should Council  
fund and the administration hires a Sustainability Coordinator that would be  
job one to partner with a nonprofit organization in the city of Allentown to  
apply for funding under that program. There are a host of things and  
smaller grants that are available like that and could be competitive on. As  
they said they would evaluate the position at the end of 2024 and make a  
decision at that time about the ongoing sustainability of the Sustainability  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked about the current Grant Coordinator the city has  
doesn't have that ability to do that.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they can complete the application, but  
typically the application is looking for as Mr. Napoli mentioned, somebody  
who holds a position and who coordinates around that particular works. So  
Grants Coordinator or Grants Manager for the city is managing a host of  
different grants including our Fire Department, our Police Department, but  
they don't have those police skills. They wouldn't be able to receive those  
types of grants if they did not have professionals within the city who could  
act as Grant Liaisons. In a similar vein, if they are applying for grants under  
a Sustainability Program, they are unlikely or unwilling to make awards to  
organizations that don't have somebody with that area of expertise. That is  
where the opportunity is for it.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that it is a great opportunity if it is going to bring  
money to the city. If in 2024, they can take a look at that and see if it is  
bringing revenue and if it is not, they can not fund it anymore. She stated  
that she thinks that is fair.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that her concern is that they just voted to not  
raise taxes and to take money out of the bank account which means that  
this will be another $66,000 and benefits and whatever comes up. She  
stated that she gets the importance of the position, but also takes seriously  
the fact that they are taking money out of their bank account and taking  
more money. She asked is it possible, she was just on the EPA's website  
and asked are there grants to cover such positions since this would be  
more like a Pilot position rather than taking money from our Fund Balance  
and instead getting a grant to cover this.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated possibly unlikely. He stated what he will offer to  
them and he is sure they read the news that the city of Bethlehem just  
received $10 million for the Safe Roads and Streets. That is because they  
did the hard work years ago to make investments in planning to prepare  
them to receive that type of funding. They could apply for a grant for, but he  
doesn't think one is available, but let's just say there is a grant available  
through the EPA. They go through the grants process. It would take  
months to hire the person and that it would then put them in a position to  
apply for additional funding. They have an opportunity to do that. You just  
setting yourself back a significant amount.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated when the EPA stated on the website that they  
offer technical assistance.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated technical assistance is when you call into the EPA  
as a grant writer and they walk you through preparing the grant.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked about implementing a plan.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they are not hiring an employee for you.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked if the mayor thought the first year the $66,000 can  
come back to them.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he was recently at a conference where there  
was funding made available for a Youth Climate Action Program that he  
expressed interest in and will continue to pursue that started off at $50,000  
to activate youth and climate change projects. He is hopeful that they can  
win a grant like that. It is more likely to be awarded if they have somebody  
on staff who has that in-depth knowledge. They have a great Environmental  
Advisory Council. They will speak to the need of this position, but they are  
not full-time staff. They are volunteers. They can only do so much. They  
are funding opportunities through various different philanthropic  
organizations through state government, through the federal government for  
climate change mitigation. It is money that they don't typically have access  
to and don't have a professional staff that is focused on climate change and  
A motion was made by Natalie Santos, seconded by Santo Napoli, to add back  
the Sustainability position into the Budget.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15964  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he would like to suggest a Motion that they  
make this contingent on a one year Pilot Program and at the end of that  
year, let's review it and see how they have done.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that you can do that and he knows that it would  
chill the applicant pool. An applicant may not be interested in taking a job.  
He stated that he believes in the market too.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that for those that are reluctant, that is  
something to certainly look at.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she would possibly look to supporting that  
through a one year. It would be helpful to understand. There are a lot of  
different positions that would be great to have. How the administration  
determined that the Sustainability Coordinator and originally the Equity  
Office was supposed to have a second position. How is it determined that  
this is the position to kind of fight for versus the other positions. It would be  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that they spoke with member of Council to  
express some interest in supporting this position and other members of  
Council who did not express interests in supporting other positions. He  
stated that Ms. Gerlach's own awareness of the potential revenue  
generating ability of a position may increase in Council supporting the  
Ms. Cynthia Mota asked Mayor Tuerk to speak about the benefits again of  
having this position.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that there is a host of grant opportunities that are  
available. At a previous meeting, a member of the public talked about  
finding revenue through federal grants, through state grants. The one that  
he brings up is the one that was forwarded to them by the Environmental  
Advisory Council. The deadline for applications is March of 2024. The  
awards will be in May of 2024 and dollars would start to hit in 2024. That  
was one particular program that offered up to a $2 billion total funding  
across the country. In the Notice of Funding Opportunity, they specifically  
mentioned funding 150 communities at about $10 million for Tract I which is  
kind of a more intensive grant, and then they mentioned funding 20  
communities of about $3 to $4 million for Tract II. That is probably one of  
the larger opportunities available to the city of Allentown. There are a host  
of smaller opportunities in the $50,000 to $500,000 range.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if there is a chance that they can use that vacant IT  
position to fund it.  
Mr. Gerry Anthony stated that they are hopeful to fill that position. He works  
for the city of Allentown and is here to do what's best for the city. That is  
something that they can discuss.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that when the propose a position that Council  
voted on in the Budget, they post those positions because they intend on  
filling them. The 20 police officers that they have on the books, it is his  
intent to fill them. He is hopeful with the support of Council they would be  
able to accomplish that.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated fair enough and asked Ms. Patel are there any other  
place where they can get $66,000.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that it is not that simple.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that bus left. He asked any other accounts. He stated  
that they are talking $66,000.  
Ms. Bina Patel stated that there expenses are so much. When they went  
with the two percent, the Department heads have given back.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated fair enough. He stated that he is good with her answer.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks opened it up to the public for comment. If anybody  
wishes to speak, step forward.  
Ms. Dawn Godshall stated that she agrees with the mayor in that the  
position is a critical position in order to get certain grants that are involved.  
Community Action has told the city that they are interested in partnering  
with the city to get these larger energy sustainability grants and they are  
happy to do so. It is really important. Having that position is a heavy lift to  
write these grants. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of time. They need  
partners to do this. Even the person who is hired. She stated that she can't  
attest to who will be hired and whether or not they will do a good job, but  
you really do need this kind of position in order to get the kind of funding  
that the city is talking about trying to get for energy and sustainability. She  
stated that they are happy to partner with the city in that regard.  
Mr. Dietrich Kretschy stated that he has been a resident for about a couple  
of years. He asked Mr. Napoli a question. What is the guy in Harrisburg  
getting paid? He stated that he does not have to answer. It is jut a thought  
for him. He spent 15 years working at universities and he was at the  
beginning of when a Sustainability Directors were even thought about. He  
worked with 50 - 60 campuses and most of those campuses were 1,500 to  
now 80,000 students down in Florida and they started slowly hiring  
Sustainability Directors. They did that for one reason and one reason only.  
Because there was money to be had. They were wasting money on HVAC,  
on electricity, on gas, on water, on grounds. Nobody was controlling that.  
That had departments that they worked with on Solid Waste, but no one  
was sitting there overseeing what needs to be cut. When do they cut it?  
What companies they can go find? The industry has done an incredible job  
in making sure that the environment is protected. No one is reaching out  
and knowing them. He stated however, Mr. Napoli said that trash is going  
to be a problem next year. The American public spends about 3.4 pounds  
per person in trash per day. That is going up to over five pounds per day.  
The United States use to recycle at about 30 - 32 percent recycling rate.  
That is dropping down to 19 percent and more. He stated to Mr. Napoli to  
his point about trash, it is going to get expensive and not because the  
driver is making more money. Because it costs more. A position like a  
Sustainability Director, and he is not going to talk about his position on the  
EAC in which he is a member. The reason they wanted him on is because  
of his experience on solid waste and working with universities. He stated  
that this position will get money. Does it get it the day after they get hired  
or she gets hired, no. Does it take time, yes. The person has to know how  
to write grants or get someone to write the grants. The grants are specific  
for the position. It is not the other way around. It is specific to the position.  
The person who comes onboard as the Sustainability Director oversees  
and takes a look at all the things that need to be done for the city and where  
is the most critical point. Where is the push button that has to be done in  
order to begin to fix the problem. There is a lot of money out there. He  
asked what is the guy getting paid in Harrisburg. It isn't $60,000. You  
really has to think that through and no pain, no gain. You got to invest to  
make it back.  
Ms. Betty Cauler stated that she just wants to address what Mr. Napoli said  
about the Sustainability person can go into low income homes and tell them  
how to save energy. There are all kinds of programs already that do that.  
She stated that 10 years ago and she thinks it was through PPL working  
with she believes the county. She stated that the next Council meeting she  
is going to try to bring the information. There are people that will do that.  
They went to her house and went through everything. They decided that her  
refrigerator was old and using too much energy. They gave her a new  
refrigerator, all new LED lightbulbs, carbon monoxide and fire detectors.  
They just went through everything. That was a free service and she paid  
nothing for it. Everything that they gave her was free. She stated that there  
are things out there that already do that. If they need this person to do this  
kind of stuff, it is not necessary. She stated maybe $60,000 is a good  
price. She is a tree hugger. An ordinate recycler. She stated that she  
recycles everything. If this person really going to do something that is going  
to help everybody, but the kind of things that Mr. Napoli brought up, there  
are already programs that do that. PPL gives you money back if you  
recycle your refrigerator, your air conditioner, or that kind of thing. They  
give you money back. She wanted to let them know that there are  
programs that do that. She thinks it is through the county.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he wants to make sure that he is not  
interrupting. He stated that he is not sure if he didn't speak clearly about it.  
He did mention to him that they work with PPL and they go into homes and  
do what PPL won't do. For instance, PPL will do exactly what you said. He  
wants to say it is Act 129.  
Ms. Betty Cauler asked what else they could have done.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated gas service, water. He stated that the person told  
him that they work together with PPL.  
Ms. Betty Cauler stated that this group was working with PPL.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that they weren't replacing PPL. They were  
working in tandem.  
Ms. Betty Cauler stated that they would get you insulation if you need  
insulation. PPL doesn't do insulations. She stated that it is already there.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that is something that PPL would not do. It will fill  
the gaps. He stated no, because PPL isn't doing everything. They are  
filling the gaps.  
Ms. Betty Cauler stated that she thinks it was a county group and stated  
please don't hold her to it. They came in with PPL, together and they would  
have done everything. She stated that she will bring the information at the  
next Council meeting.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that it is not all they do. It is just one of the things  
that they do. They do other things, like lowering the cost for the city  
services and city buildings. He mentioned that as something that intrigued  
him. He stated that the residents are struggling. They hear it a lot. He  
stated that it is important and a way to serve the residents and provide  
something to help them.  
Ms. Betty Cauler asked by the next Council meeting if they can get a  
printout of what these people are going to be doing. What there job duties  
are for her information. She knows it is something that is worthwhile that is  
not going to be doubling up on what they already have as Mr. Zucal brought  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that is the job description for the Sustainability  
Coordinator that was provided during a previous Council Agenda.  
Ms. Betty Cauler stated the whole job description, ok.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that she will look for it. Thank you.  
Ms. Maria Ocasio stated that she is a resident of Allentown and the  
chairperson of the Allentown EAC (Environmental Advisory Council). She  
would like to say that the folks are very well aware that the city of Allentown  
is at a pivotal juncture and shape with our energy, our clean energy future.  
The city needs a dedicated Sustainability Manager to do so. She is  
thoroughly impressed that some of them did their due diligence and your  
research as to why. She thinks some clarification and some insight is  
needed. She heard what does this role do and what's the purpose of it.  
She stated that it is a valid question. The role would serve as a crucial link  
between the stakeholders, facilitating the efficient utilization of the federal,  
state, and other available funds to begin programs that would sustainably  
lower energy costs for both the city and its residents. Moreover, the  
position would be instrumental in addressing pressing issues like led  
contamination in the homes, and a formulation of an affective Climate  
Action Plan. For residents grappling with the affordable housing programs  
that reduce energy expenses, this plays a pivotal role in enhancing housing  
affordability. The Allentown Environmental Advisory Council has put forth  
recommendations to the city which you can see online if you guys like to for  
implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency incentives to no  
financial burden to the city. However, the absence of a Sustainability  
Manager is blocking the progress of AEAC's proposal. She stated that  
herself and the other members here are adamant about what they do, but  
they are volunteers essentially. They need a full-time person who is  
committed to this role. It just can't be put together a piecemeal together by  
a volunteer committee. It is just not going to be effective. To fully leverage  
the funding opportunities, Allentown has access to, they need a  
Sustainability Manager to coordinate the execution of led remediation and  
weatherization projects for the benefits of Allentown residents. This role will  
also be pivotal in securing additional funding to sustain and expand these  
projects. To herself and her members, it is concerning that Allentown has  
been lagging significantly behind other cities in accessing funding and  
establishing transformative programs due to the lack of dedicated funds to  
do so. Numerous cities have attested to the value of this role which Mr.  
Santo Napoli has rightly noted. She thanked him. Which not only pays for  
itself through cost-savings, but also generates additional funds through  
strategic incentives. As a citizen of Allentown, she implored them to  
please consider this opportunity. Do your due diligence and research.  
Again, this information has been available for some time.  
Mr. Kyle Ropski, 528 N. Berks Street, stated that he sits on the EAC and  
speaking in support of the Sustainability Coordinator position. He can talk  
about the benefits of sustainability pretty much all day, but he wants to focus  
on the business side of this. He has been watching these meetings and it  
has been a concern of Council and of the public and making sure the  
residents of Allentown are getting the best bang for their buck, making sure  
everything is efficient. The best way to talk about it he wants to also bring  
up the Sewer and Water rates. They have gone double digits. In the last  
few years. Everybody knows that. That is a real financial burden that  
people have to pay. He stated that they asked why are these rates going  
up. You guys know this. It is EPA, Act 537 Administrative Order and he  
doesn't need to speak about it. It is all public. This is transparent. It is on  
the website. We have the Environmental Protection Agency, placing  
regulations on the city and LCA and the taxpayers don't have to pay for this.  
He stated boil it down. That is what is happening. Unfortunately, more of  
these regulations are coming. In a couple of years, you are going to have  
the state and feds breathing down your neck asking you what have you  
done to reduce your Greenhouse Gas Emissions. What have you done to  
make your buildings energy efficient? How much of your fleet have you  
converted to electric vehicles? He stated that right now they may have  
some answers to those questions, but they don't have a point person to  
answer those questions. He stated that they may not personally agree with  
some aspects of Sustainability. They may not ever drive an electric  
vehicle. As a Councilperson, they have to do what's best for the city and  
need to except reality and reality is that these changes are coming and they  
are going to come with a price tag and the residents are going to have to  
pay for it. That is not cool. Right now, they have an opportunity to tap into  
billions of dollars of funds that are associated for Sustainability related  
practices. He stated to Ms. Gerlach that they would love to have the  
position funded off the bat, but unfortunately, they are not doing that. It is  
hard and it is few and far between. That is why Councilperson Napoli said  
if Google it, everyone wants one. Because it is that important. They have  
the money. It is available and an opportunity to do it right now. Even if the  
city wouldn't have that actual manpower to do some of these projects. As  
the mayor said, they can work with community groups and work with the  
people that are already here in the city doing work. Better yet, keep the  
money with them. Keep the money in the city. Stimulate the local economy  
and it is a win/win across the board. The return of investment with this is  
through the roof. If it is not through the roof at the end of the year, get rid of  
it. If it doesn't give back what they are telling it is, you can come and say  
Kyle, at the EAC you were wrong. It did not give us the investment, but  
stated that he is so confident that it will and this will be a good thing for the  
city. He employed them to include this. He stated that he knows it is bad  
that it is coming from the unappropriated balance, but they already kind of  
did that stating let's just roll with it. This is important to get rid of it on the  
basis of it not being cost effective is very fiscally irresponsible and factually  
ignorant. If you do a little bit of research on it, you will see what the rewards  
are. He implored them to please consider this position. It is a win across  
the board.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that he would just say that based on what he said, a  
one year trial is not unreasonable. If it doesn't work out, Council can pull it.  
He stated that is reasonable.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that Council does that through the Budget  
Attorney Charles Smith stated to make an amendment to your Motion.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated to make it a Pilot Program and review it at the  
end of the 2024.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he is fine with that, but his only concern is  
obviously if they don't hire someone until April, it skews that. He stated  
hopefully they can find someone quickly.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated to give them a full year.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that he would just offer.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that they are doing a Budget Amendment. He  
stated that he would just put the position in and they can evaluate anybody.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that is true.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that you can cut it in next year's budget.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that they have to vote on that.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that it might be difficult to hire if people know it is  
only for one year. She stated let's look at it in a year. She stated let's not  
put it in the amendment.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated to that point she means do they have  
Muhlenberg College. Do they have folks that are graduating?  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he is sure they do. He stated that he  
received numerous emails from them. Probably in excess of 100.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that Mr. Ropski is a graduate he believes of  
Muhlenberg College.  
Mr. Ropski asked if he could speak on it briefly. He did graduate from  
Muhlenberg in 2022. He was a part of the first graduating class of the  
Sustainability major. He can speak and the program is growing. They  
have one of the best green buildings in the entire country, actually the world  
on an international level. It actually generates more money through the  
energy saving techniques it does. Now, in the past, Allentown has used  
Muhlenberg interns. There was a program actually developed by a  
Muhlenberg Alum Heidi. It was to help local and small governments  
develop a Climate Action Plan and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. They  
worked with a Muhlenberg Intern. Her name was Hannah and she was  
great to develop the Greenhouse Gas Emissions. That was back in 2019.  
This was pre Covid. Those numbers are not only not correct, but they were  
also done by a Muhlenberg intern. It was done by a college intern. They  
are not accurate. They are not good to reference especially four years  
later. He stated that they can look to Muhlenberg interns. The Allentown  
EAC is utilizing a Muhlenberg intern and they have used Muhlenberg  
interns to provide Reports and presentations. He stated if they recall last  
year, they gave Council a Report on energy efficiency and energy burden in  
the city, if they remember that. They have utilized them before, but having a  
Muhlenberg intern does open you up to the grand opportunities.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated to Mr. Ropski that Ms. Gerlach was asking does  
Muhlenberg have a pool of talent that they can draw from in hiring.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that they got Muhlenberg. She doesn't know if  
Cedar Crest is doing anything in this field now a days. it seems like  
Muhlenberg is the direct connect.  
Mr. Kyle Ropski stated that he can't speak to if there is anybody that is in  
the pipeline right now.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she just Googled and on Salary.com, it is  
says that the average Sustainability Coordinator's salary in Pennsylvania is  
$65,505. She stated that they are a little bit over that.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that was the motivation for it. They are setting it at  
an 11N.  
Ms. Cynthia Mota stated that they are not going to have difficulties in finding  
a pool of people to hire.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that with Lehigh University, there is a  
preponderance of people in the market. He stated that he thinks Mr.  
Ropski is spoken for. There are other candidates out there as soon as they  
post the position, they should have a healthy pool to draw from.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that most folks voted in favor of the rezoning of  
the State Hospital and in the ordinance, there were not any explicit  
statements in terms of what will be done with the buildings to make them  
more energy efficient. Like highly energy efficient. With this Sustainability  
position, would they dive into policy as well to make sure that developers  
and as a city that they are doing right.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that is a huge opportunity for us. The key task to  
the Sustainability Coordinator would be to first assess the policies of the  
city of Allentown and see where those opportunities for improvement.  
Particularly as they are working right now on updating the Zoning Code,  
there is an opportunity for a Sustainability Coordinator to weigh in and  
center our activity around Sustainability in the same way they ask the Equity  
and Inclusion Coordinator to weigh in and center the activities and policies  
around equity and inclusion. The short answer is absolutely yes.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked if it could hold developers accountable.  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that is up to you. As City Council people to pass  
legislation based on the recommendations that are offered to you by a  
coordinator. That is up to you.  
Mr. Santo Napoli stated that he will add a Number 3, to raise awareness. It  
is very important. He stated that he thinks they need someone to really  
raise the awareness of what can be done and how they can do it.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that in light of that, he will drop the amendment  
as leave this open-ended. It is something that they will review and certainly  
put it on the administration. At the end of that year, to see if it is something  
that they should be continuing.  
A motion was made by Daryl Hendricks that they make this contingent on a one  
year Pilot Program and at the end of that year, let's review it and see how they  
have done.  
Enactment No: 15964  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15964  
Mayor Matt Tuerk stated that this is their last chance to suggest to slightly  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks asked if anybody wishes to speak.  
7 -  
Candida Affa, Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Natalie  
Santos, and Santo Napoli  
Enactment No: 15964  
15-6503 Budget Information  
Attachments: BM 1  
Veto Message  
Mayor's second proposed adjustment  
Attachments: Veto Message