435 Hamilton Street  
Allentown, Pa. 18101  
Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Thursday, February 15, 2024  
6:00 PM  
Council Chambers  
Roll Call: Gerlach, Hendricks, Zucal, Affa  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that they are here to discuss a Resolution regarding a  
Special Investigation. He asked Mr. Hanlon to call a Roll Call. He stated  
that before they start he would like to read a Statement regarding an  
Executive Session they had. The Special Investigation Committee held an  
executive session on February 7 at 6PM in the Fifth Floor Conference  
Room pursuant to exemptions found in Section 798A of the Sunshine: (4)  
To consult with its attorney or other professional advisor regarding  
information or strategy in connection with litigation or with issues on which  
identifiable complaints are expected to be filed; and (5) To review and  
discuss agency business which, if conducted in public, would violate a  
lawful privilege or lead to the disclosure of information or confidentiality  
protected by law, including matters related to the initiation and conduct of  
investigations of possible or certain violations of the law and quasi-judicial  
deliberations. He stated that the purpose as he said tonight was to discuss  
a Resolution. He asked Mr. Hanlon to read and discuss the components of  
the Resolution. He stated that up to this point they have been conducting  
business as an Ad Hoc Committee. So tonight, they are going to have an  
election, not an election, but an appointment of an actual Chairperson for  
the committee.  
4 - Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, Ce-Ce Gerlach, and Candida Affa  
Election of Chairperson  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated that she nominates Mr. Zucal.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks seconded that nomination.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated from this point forward he will be the official  
Chairperson of the committee. He asked to make note that Ms. Affa has  
A motion was made by Ce-Ce Gerlach, seconded by Daryl Hendricks, to nominate  
Mr. Zucal as Chairperson  
3 - Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, and Ce-Ce Gerlach  
Discussion of Draft Resolution  
City Council hereby determines and concludes that outside the Purchasing  
Agent neither the Director of Finance nor anyone from the Administration  
should participate in scoring or be present during the process to select a  
response to the RFP selecting investigatory services since it is an  
investigation of the Administration.  
Gerlach, Hendricks and Mr. Zucal  
Attachments: R29 RFP  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that he will give the title of the Resolution and  
read City Council hereby determines and concludes that outside the  
Purchasing Agent neither the Director of Finance nor anyone from the  
Administration should participate in scoring or be present during the  
process to select a response to the RFP selecting investigatory services  
since it is an investigation of the Administration.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked Attorney Smith to highlight the components of the  
actual Resolution that the committee plans to introduce.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated yes, sir. He stated that under Home Rule  
Charter, Section 210, its says that in addition to the authority of the City  
Controller conduct audits under Section 403 D of this Home Rule Charter,  
Council shall have the power, by ordinance, to make or cause to be made,  
investigations, audits or studies of the City and the conduct of any City  
department, office or agency, and, for this purpose may retain professional  
and technical assistance, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take  
testimony, require the production of evidence, and provide funds for such  
investigation, audit, or study. He stated that Subsection B, of Section 210  
of the Home Rule Charter states The subjects of such investigation, audit,  
or study shall be specifically stated in the authorizing ordinance. The  
investigation that has been authorized by Ordinance #15948 which was  
passed unanimously on September 20, 2023. It is his belief that falls under  
Section 210 of the Home Rule Charter as an investigation of Council. The  
other issue that arises, City Council investigations are not separately  
addressed in the Code. This was handled as a Professional Service  
Contract because it involves professional services. An RFP was done and  
the Code Section that they are dealing with is Section 5 - 21, Contracts.  
He stated now they are under Section 5 - 21 of the Allentown City Code  
regarding contracts and are under Subsection E and then they are under  
below E, they are under Subsection 2. They are under 5 - 21 E 2 and it  
says the selection process and again, they are talking about professional  
service contracts. The selection process shall be based on the objective  
criteria contained in the RFP and shall be conducted by a Selection  
Committee comprised of the Director of Finance, Department Head,  
Bureau Manager, and any other staffing appropriate. He stated that  
obviously, this is a City Council investigation and it doesn't neatly fit into  
those parameters so for an example: There is no Department Head for  
City Council, there is no Bureau Manager for City Council, but the issue has  
arisen whether the Director of Finance should be included in the selection  
process. He stated that the thought was that the way to handle this with  
trying to get this in front of City Council would be for this committee to  
entertain a Resolution tonight and the Resolution just like any other  
committee you will be forwarding it to Council either with a  
recommendation or unrecommended and then Council will have the  
opportunity to vote on that Resolution. He stated that is the legal  
background. Perhaps the Clerk can talk about the content in terms of what  
the Resolution would propose. Essentially, the Now, Therefore.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated if they would pass this Resolution, you are sort of  
recommending that the Director of Finance nor anyone from the  
administration to participate in scoring or be present during the process to  
select a response. The Purchasing Agent would still be there and as you  
know, the Purchasing Agent attends to the scoring, sets up interviews, sets  
up the questions. It is not like nobody is going to be there. The Purchasing  
Agent will be there. She will guide you through the Technical Evaluation  
and then she will guide you through opening the Cost Proposals which  
comes after the Technical Evaluation and should you want to do interviews,  
the Purchasing Agent would run through the process. The Purchasing  
Agent is very good (inaudible).  
Attorney Charles Smith stated that she would essentially be there and  
present, but she would not be a scorer.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated with that said so the purpose of this Resolution is  
because several parts of the administration are involved in the investigation  
and one of those may or may not be the Finance Director. It is their belief  
by having her or him be part of the scoring system is an inherent conflict of  
interest. It would be no different than if he was in Lehigh County Court  
before a jury of homicide and his Defense Attorney would allow him or  
hope for him to be able to pick his jury. He really doesn't think that the  
District Attorney would probably handle that too kindly. That is how he is  
trying to compare it so that they get a clear understanding on where they  
are. He asked if anybody else on the committee has any questions.  
Mr. Daryl Hendricks stated that he just wants to make a comment. In other  
words, the Purchasing Agent would be the De facto Bureau Head in place  
of any other Bureau Head that would not be there and should not be there.  
It serves in that same purpose, really.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated in reality she is part of the administration, but not part  
of the investigation.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated right and he is just trying to and again, they  
are trying to apply the professional services contract language in the Code  
to a City Council investigation. The point he is making is in terms of who is  
on the Selection Committee which are the scorers. There will be someone  
present from the administration, administering and making sure things go  
according to a protocol, but they would not be scoring.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated that she is required to be there by Code and City  
Charter. It is not even an issue.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated not the Charter. Under the Charter, you are  
investigation comes out of the Charter. You can hire someone. That  
comes out of the Charter. The Charter supersedes the Code, obviously.  
Now, those coming into conflict in some areas. You have investigations  
that have authorizations under the Charter. Not the Code. He stated that  
they have never done this before. He stated that Council has never done  
this before.  
Attorney Charles Smith asked Mr. Hanlon how long has he been with the  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated too long. He stated 34 years.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated when you speak. He stated 34 years and  
this is the first time you are encountering this. He stated that the other thing  
that he just wanted to point out and neglected to mention earlier because it  
is not a Home Rule Charter provision or a Code provision, but his  
understanding in the RFP scoring process is that all persons on a  
Selection Committee are required to sign a Confidentiality Form and that is  
taken very seriously in terms of what can be discussed outside of the  
selection process. He stated to him that goes to the issue of whether it is  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if there was anyone else from the committee.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated that it is not only the Scoring Committee. It is  
everybody that handles those documents.  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach asked is anyone from the administration coming to  
maybe provide their insight. She asked the Solicitor. No one.  
Attorney Charles Smith stated don't forget that this would be a  
recommendation, up or down from the committee. They would have an  
opportunity when this gets brought in front of Council as a whole. They will  
certainly have an opportunity to weigh in at that point with their thoughts and  
Ms. Ce Ce Gerlach stated right. She definitely will be supporting the  
Resolution. Just to avoid the conflict of interest and maintain a level of  
fidelity with the investigation.  
Mr. Ed Zucal asked if there were any comments from anyone else on  
Council or from the public. This will go in front of Council and asked Mr.  
Hanlon at which meeting.  
Mr. Michael Hanlon stated the 21st.  
Mr. Ed Zucal stated the 21st of February.  
A motion was made by Ce-Ce Gerlach, seconded by Daryl Hendricks,to send to  
Council for a favorable recommendation  
3 - Daryl Hendricks, Ed Zucal, and Ce-Ce Gerlach  