| 1 | | | Zoning Commission Case | 1. A-2024-00342 129 W Susquehanna St Appeal of MLG Enterprise LLC for Leslie Gutierrez Uribe for variance to CONVERT PORTION VACANT FF COMMERCIAL TO OFFICE & REFACE 2’X3’ INT-ILLUM PROJ SIGN, with use being prohibited; being a change of use granted by the Zoning Hearing Board under Application No. 30423 on July 19,1973, located in a Medium Density Residential (R-M) District. | | |
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| 1 | | | Zoning Commission Case | 2. A-2024-00347 217-231 N Main St. Appeal of Bruce Sheftel for Scott Voelker for variance to CONSTRUCT A 4600 SF ADDITION TO EXISTING SFD, having insuff rear yard setback (30’ req; 4.81’ proposed), located in the Low Density Residential (R-L) District. | | |
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| 1 | | | Zoning Commission Case | 3. A-2024-00435 1021 Turner St. Appeal of Dairy on Turner LLC / Lucienne Di Biase Dooley to EXTEND EXPIRATION DATE FOR 1 YEAR for Application No. 70671 granted October 23, 2020, to convert building into 6 DWELLING UNITS, WITH ADAPTIVE REUSE PERMITTED by Special Exception under Article 660-49, having the following insufficiencies: on-site parking (9 spaces req; 5 proposed); land area (10,800 req; 4,600 proposed); additional storage (16 sf req; 0 sf proposed), located in the Medium High Density (RMH), Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay (TNDO) District. | | |
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| 1 | | | Zoning Commission Case | All persons interested or those desiring to protest against the allowance of the above appeals may appear and be heard. The appeals listed above may be reviewed at the Zoning Office, 4th Floor, City Hall, 435 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania.
This meeting will be video recorded and placed on the city website as public record. | | |
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Not available