| 1 | | | Zoning Commission Case | 1. A-2024-00269 2227 Liberty St Appeal from the enforcement notice issued February 15, 2024 against Relevant Property Group LLC in which the Zoning Officer determined that the property is in violation of Articles 660-8A(1), 660-8B, 660-73F & 660-74 of the Zoning Ordinance for ENCLOSING HALF OF 2 CAR GARAGE, having insuff off-street parking (2 req; 2 prev existing; 1 proposed), located in a Medium Density Residential (R-M), Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay (TNDO) and the Residential Student Overlay (R-SO) District. | | |
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| 1 | | | Zoning Commission Case | 2. A-2023-00630 824 Walnut St Appeal of Home Investment LLC for variance to CONVERT OFFICES TO 10 DWELLING UNITS & CONSTRUCT PARTIAL ADDITION TO 3RD FL, with use being permitted; having insufficient: lot area per dwelling unit (1,500 SF/DU req; 450.77 SF/DU proposed); distance of parking from building (10’ req; 6.5’ proposed); landscape buffer for parking lot, located in a High Density Residential (R-H) & Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay (TNDO) District. | | |
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| 1 | | | Zoning Commission Case | All persons interested or those desiring to protest against the allowance of the above appeals may appear and be heard. The appeals listed above may be reviewed at the Zoning Office, 4th Floor, City Hall, 435 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania.
This meeting will be video recorded and placed on the city website as public record. | | |
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Not available