Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/20/2021 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
15-4652 1  ResolutionR168 Authorizes a contract with Grace Industries, Inc. in the amount of $3,024,202.28 for the Jordan Creek Greenway Trail Project, bid through the state as a result of the PennDOT TASA Grant.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4653 1  ResolutionR169 Authorizes a contract with Easton Architects, LLP for $29,760 for assistance in the administration and enforcement of the Historic District Ordinance, advertised, single quotation.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4651 1  ResolutionR170 Authorizes a contract with Iconic Windows, Inc. for $4,945 for a two (2) day, hands-on historic wood window restoration workshop for city staff, single quote.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4670 1  DiscussionController Report   Action details Not available
15-4622 1  OrdinanceBill 90 CEDC, forwarded favorably An Ordinance providing for the expenditure of Two Hundred Eighty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Twelve Dollars and Ten Cents ($282,512.10) in Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), unspent funds for the January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 grant year, for housing and community development programs pursuant to the approved Consolidated Plan, appropriate Federal Law and United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations. The monies are received by the City of Allentown under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1976, as amended; The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009; and Title II of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended; for the purpose of undertaking programs of housing and community development within the City.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4587 1  OrdinanceBill 91 Public Safety, this evening Amending Article 531 Stopping, Standing, and Parking by adding Article 531.99 N Tampering with Boots and Other Devices Prohibited by creating a penalty for tampering or removing any device used to immobilize a motor vehicle that has been booted or who shall move or attempt to move the vehicle booted before official release of the vehicle.amendedPass Action details Video Video
15-4587 1  OrdinanceBill 91 Public Safety, this evening Amending Article 531 Stopping, Standing, and Parking by adding Article 531.99 N Tampering with Boots and Other Devices Prohibited by creating a penalty for tampering or removing any device used to immobilize a motor vehicle that has been booted or who shall move or attempt to move the vehicle booted before official release of the vehicle.approved as amended  Action details Video Video
15-4628 1  OrdinanceBill 94 Parks and Recreation, forwarded faborably Amending the 2021 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of Five-Hundred Ninety-Nine Dollars and Eighty-Seven Cents ($599.87) from Capital Project 2201 – Pool and Spray Parks to Capital Project 2206 – Jordan Creek Greenway Trail.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4629 1  OrdinanceBill 96 Parks and Recreation, forwarded favorably Amending the 2021 Golf Fund budget by transferring Thirty-Two Thousand ($32,000) from the unappropriated balance of the Golf Fund to Account 50 – Other Service and Charges – to provide for credit card fees.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4624 1  OrdinanceBill 97 CEDC, forwarded favorably An Ordinance providing for the expenditure of Three Million Four Hundred Ninety-Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Nine ($3,496,829.00) Dollars in HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds for the fiscal year 2021 to September 2030, for American Rescue Plan (ARP) program pursuant to the approved Consolidated Plan, appropriate Federal Law and United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations. The monies are received by the City of Allentown under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1976, as amended; The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009; and Title II of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended; for the purpose of undertaking programs of housing and community development within the City. approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4608 1  OrdinanceBill 98 CEDC, forwarded favorably An Ordinance providing for the expenditure of Fifty-Three Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Nine ($53,359.00) Dollars in Emergency Solutions Grants Program (ESG)- COVID CARES funds for the period of July 21, 2021 to July13, 2022, as appropriate by Federal Law and United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations for the Warming Station..approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4650 1  ResolutionR171 Sewage Planning Module at Popeyes Restaurant – 1935 S. 4th Street    Action details Not available
15-4646 1  ResolutionR172 Sewage Planning Module at Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham at 301 Union Boulevard   Action details Not available
15-4640 1  ResolutionR173 Sewage Planning Module at Da Vinci Discovery Center – 18 North 8th Street   Action details Not available
15-4638 1  ResolutionR174 Sewage Planning Module at 1384 S 5th Street   Action details Not available
15-4637 1  ResolutionR175 Approves Sewage Planning Module at 605 N. Wahneta Street, Central Park Apartments   Action details Not available
15-4636 1  ResolutionR176 Sewage Planning Module at401 Auburn Street, Auburn Court Apartments    Action details Not available
15-4645 1  AppointmentR177 Helen LaJean Raymond Hoffman, Human Relations Commission, 02-01-2022 (Replacing Tracie Springer)   Action details Not available
15-4649 1  AppointmentR178 Tino Babayan, Council of Youth, Term Expiration: 10/01/2023    Action details Not available
15-4658 1  AppointmentR179 Attorney Donna - Marie Daday, Ethics Board, 12-15-2021 Fulfilling the unexpired term of Attorney Robert Donatelli)   Action details Not available
15-4665 1  ResolutionR180 Approves Certificates of Appropriateness for work in the Historic Districts: 229 N 10th St., 342-344 N. 9th St., 805 W. Chew and 820 W. Liberty    Action details Not available
15-4625 1  ResolutionR165 Approves the Submission of an amendment to the Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentapprovedPass Action details Video Video
15-4623 1  ResolutionR166 Approves the Submission of an amendment to the 2021 Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4639 1  ResolutionR181 Approves Six Transfers forwarded by the Administration placing funds in the proper account: $80,000 in Emergency Medical Services for Premium Pay; $50,000 in Revenue and Audit for notification of estate tax over payments; $45,000 in Recycling & Solid Waste for notification of overpayment of trash/recyling fees; $31,500 in Streets to purchase salt; $15,000 in Parks for Premium Pay; $10,000 in Fire for turnout gear and log repairs.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4659 1  ResolutionR182 Recommends the Pennsylvania law requiring county boards of election to post plain English statements at polling places so that people can read the statements prior to voting be amended to include such statements for mail-in-ballots. approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4579 1  ResolutionR150 Approves the Acceptance of the 2021 American Rescue Plan funding from the American Rescue Plan Act in the amount of $57,463,557.17.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4644 1  OrdinanceBill 100 Public Hearing, this evening Amending the Zoning Map by rezoning parcel at 1837 W Linden St from Medium Density Residential (R-M Zone) to Highway Business District (B-3 Zone).    Action details Video Video
15-4656 1  OrdinanceBill 101 HR, Admin Appts - forwarded favorably; Mr. Zucal is proposing amendment to apply legislation to ARPA funding only, needs to comply with new code; make this § 36-14 and notch the current 14 and 15 to 15 and 16 (this will impact the other ethics bill). Amending Article 171, Code of Ethics, by prohibiting leaders, members or officials belonging to non-profit organizations that lobby for and receive city funding or receive funds through the city from receiving remuneration from these funds as well as immediate and extended family of such members or officials.    Action details Video Video
15-4655 1  OrdinanceBill 102 HR, Admin, Appts. - forwarded favorably Amending Title One, General Provisions by adding Article 109, Language Requirements, requiring documents to be available in all languages pursuant to Federal Laws.   Action details Video Video
15-4662 1  OrdinanceBill 103 Parks and Recreation, this evening Amending the 2021 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a transfer of Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-Four Dollars ($14,694) as a transfer of funds from Capital Project 2024 – 15th Street Traffic Signal Improvements to Capital Project 2202 – Jordan Creek Greenway Trail to provide pavement markings on the Meadow Street portion of the trail.    Action details Video Video
15-4667 1  OrdinanceBill 104 Public Safety, forwarded favorably Amending the 2021 General Fund budget to create six (6) new Patrolman positions. This will allow the City to submit for reimbursement of salaries under the 2017 Department of Justice COPS Hiring Grant.   Action details Video Video
15-4664 1  OrdinanceBill 105 Parks and Recreation, this evening Amending the 2021 Capital Projects Fund and the 2021 Trexler Fund to provide for a transfer of Ninety-Four Thousand One Hundred One Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($94,101.75) from the Trexler Fund Unappropriated Balance to Capital Project 2207 – Bogert’s Bridge.   Action details Video Video
15-4663 1  OrdinanceBill 106 Parks and Recreation, this evening Amending the 2021 Capital Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental appropriation of Four Hundred Eighty-Six Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-Three ($486,273) Dollars from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation TASA funds for the construction of the Jordan Creek Greenway Trail.   Action details Video Video
15-4666 1  ResolutionR183 Denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness –1503 W Chew Street   Action details Video Video
15-4437 1  DiscussionCouncil Rules Home Rule Charter Contract Procedures   Action details Not available