Approves transfers: (1) $109,300.00 in Human Resources to Cover Parking for Employees and Consultant Services Through December 2023; (2) $30,000.00 in Human Resources for Funds Transferred are to cover contract for HR Consultant – an expense that was not budgeted for in 2023; (3) $27,038.00 in Traffic Planning & Control which is required to retain an engineering firm to provide supplementary construction inspection staff for the TASA Grant Project to Install New School Flashers and an RRFB at 4th and MLK; (4) 23,000.00 in Public Safety/Police for funding to paint police vehicles; (5) $15,000.00 in Fleet Maintenance (Garage) since there was not enough funds put in the Contract with Ross for the Garage Towing Contract for 2023.