Bill 97
An Ordinance of the City of Allentown establishing and adopting the General Fund, Administrative Order Fund, Risk Management Fund, Debt Service Fund, Equipment Fund, and Golf Fund Budgets for 2025 and adopting a tax for general revenue be levied for the fiscal year, beginning the first Monday of January, A.D., 2025 at the rate of Four and Four Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-Eight Ten-Thousandth (4.4528) mills on improvements and Twenty-Three and Five Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-Six Ten-Thousandth (23.5376) mills on land.
Council acted on proposed amendments that are contained in Budget Memo 2.
An additional proposal related to a position change has been submitted by the Administration - to change the name of the Equity and Inclusion Coordinator to the People and Culture Specialist. There is no change in salary, paygrade, or step. This is simply a title change.