2. A-2023-00347 2301-2303 Liberty St. Appeal of 2301 Liberty Street LLC for Lyell Scherline to expand restaurant/catering use to include COOKING, EXERCISE & DANCE CLASSES, CHILDRENS ACTIVITIES/COMMUNITY CENTER, PRIVATE PARTIES, POP-UP RETAIL & GUEST CHEF/RESTAURANTS WITH ON-SITE CONSUMPTION and EXTEND HOURS OF OPERATION TO 8AM-9PM 7 DAYS/WEEK, being a change and expansion of uses granted by the Zoning Hearing Board under Application Nos A-69869 on July 22, 2019 and A-72070 on June 13, 2022: with banquet hall & exercise club not being permitted uses, with retail & community center permitted by special exception; with BYOB not being requested, located in the Medium Density (RM) and Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay (TNDO) district